830 resultados para Compostos fenólicos
In Portugal, it was estimated that around 1.95 Mton/year of wood is used in residential wood burning for heating and cooking. Additionally, in the last decades, burnt forest area has also been increasing. These combustions result in high levels of toxic air pollutants and a large perturbation of atmospheric chemistry, interfere with climate and have adverse effects on health. Accurate quantification of the amounts of trace gases and particulate matter emitted from residential wood burning, agriculture and garden waste burning and forest fires on a regional and global basis is essential for various purposes, including: the investigation of several atmospheric processes, the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and quantification of the air pollution sources that affect human health at regional scales. In Southern Europe, data on detailed emission factors from biomass burning are rather inexistent. Emission inventories and source apportionment, photochemical and climate change models use default values obtained for US and Northern Europe biofuels. Thus, it is desirable to use more specific locally available data. The objective of this study is to characterise and quantify the contribution of biomass combustion sources to atmospheric trace gases and aerosol concentrations more representative of the national reality. Laboratory (residential wood combustion) and field (agriculture/garden waste burning and experimental wildland fires) sampling experiments were carried out. In the laboratory, after the selection of the most representative wood species and combustion equipment in Portugal, a sampling program to determine gaseous and particulate matter emission rates was set up, including organic and inorganic aerosol composition. In the field, the smoke plumes from agriculture/garden waste and experimental wildland fires were sampled. The results of this study show that the combustion equipment and biofuel type used have an important role in the emission levels and composition. Significant differences between the use of traditional combustion equipment versus modern equipments were also observed. These differences are due to higher combustion efficiency of modern equipment, reflecting the smallest amount of particulate matter, organic carbon and carbon monoxide released. With regard to experimental wildland fires in shrub dominated areas, it was observed that the largest organic fraction in the samples studied was mainly composed by vegetation pyrolysis products. The major organic components in the smoke samples were pyrolysates of vegetation cuticles, mainly comprising steradienes and sterol derivatives, carbohydrates from the breakdown of cellulose, aliphatic lipids from vegetation waxes and methoxyphenols from the lignin thermal degradation. Despite being a banned practice in our country, agriculture/garden waste burning is actually quite common. To assess the particulate matter composition, the smoke from three different agriculture/garden residues have been sampled into 3 different size fractions (PM2.5, PM2.5-10 and PM>10). Despite distribution patterns of organic compounds in particulate matter varied among residues, the amounts of phenolics (polyphenol and guaiacyl derivatives) and organic acids were always predominant over other organic compounds in the organosoluble fraction of smoke. Among biomarkers, levoglucosan, β-sitosterol and phytol were detected in appreciable amounts in the smoke of all agriculture/garden residues. In addition, inositol may be considered as an eventual tracer for the smoke from potato haulm burning. It was shown that the prevailing ambient conditions (such as high humidity in the atmosphere) likely contributed to atmospheric processes (e.g. coagulation and hygroscopic growth), which influenced the particle size characteristics of the smoke tracers, shifting their distribution to larger diameters. An assessment of household biomass consumption was also made through a national scale survey. The information obtained with the survey combined with the databases on emission factors from the laboratory and field tests allowed us to estimate the pollutant amounts emitted in each Portuguese district. In addition to a likely contribution to the improvement of emission inventories, emission factors obtained for tracer compounds in this study can be applied in receptor models to assess the contribution of biomass burning to the levels of atmospheric aerosols and their constituents obtained in monitoring campaigns in Mediterranean Europe.
O vinho tinto é uma importante fonte de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante e que estão relacionados com a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e cancro. Estes compostos são um sub-produto do processo de destilação vínica utilizado para produzir aguardente necessária para a produção de Vinho do Porto. Esta tese tem como objetivo valorizar os compostos fenólicos resultantes das destilarias de vinho, através do estudo da sua composição, das interações com o material polimérico do vinho, da sua estabilidade durante o armazenamento e avaliação dos seus potenciais efeitos biológicos in vitro. Isto irá permitir definir aplicações para estes compostos como ingredientes alimentares com propriedades funcionais. Dois vinhos tintos (RW1 e RW2) foram utilizados como fonte de compostos fenólicos. A fim de estudar estes compostos, cada vinho foi evaporado à pressão atmosférica, permitindo obter o respetivo vinho desalcolizado (DW1 e DW2). Os polissacarídeos e compostos fenólicos presentes nos vinhos desalcolizados foram fracionados por extração em fase sólida utilizando cartuchos C18 sep-pak. A fração hidrofóbica, rica em compostos fenólicos, foi separada em frações ricas em ácidos fenólicos, em procianidinas e em antocianinas, as quais foram usadas para avaliar a sua contribuição para a atividade antioxidante total e caracterização fenólica detalhada dos DW. Foram obtidas quantidades comparáveis de compostos fenólicos totais (1.3 g/L para RW1 e DW1, e 3.1 para RW2 e DW2), de taninos (1.2 g/L para RW1 e DW1 e 1.6 para RW2 e DW2) e de antocianinas (0.24 g/L para RW1 e DW1 e 0.41 para RW2 e DW2) para os vinhos e para os respetivos vinhos desalcolizados. A determinação da atividade antioxidante de RW e DW pelos métodos do DPPH e ABTS também originou valores semelhantes, permitindo inferir que o processo de destilação realizado não promoveu uma perda relevante de compostos fenólicos. A atividade antioxidante total de vinho deveu-se essencialmente à fração rica em antocianinas. Os dois DW foram dialisados para se obter o material polimérico dos vinhos (WPM1 e WPM2). O WPM1 e WPM2 apresentavam 1.1 e 1.3 g/L de material sólido, respetivamente. O WPM (WPM1 e WPM2) era composto por polissacarídeos (31 e 36%), proteínas (10 e 12%) e também por compostos fenólicos (32 e 43%). A análise de açúcares mostrou que as manoproteínas e as arabinogalactanas eram os principais polissacarídeos presentes. A extração do WPM com metanol deu origem a um material insolúvel em metanol (PMi) e a uma fração solúvel em metanol, que continuava a conter hidratos de carbono e compostos fenólicos, mostrando uma forte interação entre estes compostos. Para determinar a energia de ativação (Ea) da libertação dos compostos fenólicos de fracções de material polimérico do vinho, foram realizadas diálises do DW, WPM e PMi, utilizando-se quatro concentrações diferentes, a cinco temperaturas (5-40 °C). O valor da Ea foi 25 para o WPM e 61 kJ/mol para o PMi, mostrando que os compostos fenólicos do vinho podem estar associados de forma diferente à matriz polimérica e que uma fração pode estar, ainda, fortemente associada a esta matriz. A fim de avaliar a possível existência de interações seletivas com os compostos fenólicos, o WPM foi fracionado, permitindo a obtenção de uma fração rica em manoproteínas (MP), através de uma cromatografia de afinidade com concanavalina A e 3 frações ricas em arabinogalactanas (AG0, AG1 e AG2) obtidas por cromatografia de troca aniónica. Foi avaliada a difusão de nove antocianinas monoméricas através de uma membrana de diálise, em presença do WPM, e das frações ricas em MP e em AG. A diálise dos compostos fenólicos livres do vinho foi realizada como ensaio em branco. Todas as frações poliméricas mostraram capacidade para reter as antocianinas, embora em diferente extensão. Foi observada uma capacidade de retenção maior para as antocianinas acilglucosiladas do que para as antocianinas glucosiladas. A fração rica em AG teve uma maior contribuição para a capacidade de retenção das antocianinas pelo material polimérico vinho do que a fração rica em MP, principalmente quando as antocianinas estavam acetiladas. Com o objetivo de estudar formas para preservar, a longo prazo, as propriedades antioxidantes dos compostos fenólicos, o extrato de compostos fenólicos (PCE), em pó, foi armazenado em diferentes condições de luz e atmosfera, à temperatura ambiente durante 1 ano. Observou-se que o PCE armazenado no escuro, dentro de um exsicador sob atmosfera de azoto, preservou 95% da atividade antioxidante inicial. Também foram avaliadas as melhores condições para preservar as antocianinas quando em solução, armazenadas a duas temperaturas (5 e 30 ºC) durante 3 meses. A adição de 0.5 g/L de uma fração rica em polissacarídeos a um vinho armazenado a 30 ºC promoveu a proteção das antocianinas, especialmente das antocianinas cumaroiladas. Os potenciais efeitos biológicos dos compostos fenólicos foram avaliados em diferentes sistemas celulares in vitro utilizando as seguintes frações: WPM, WPS (polissacarídeos do vinho), WPC (compostos fenólicos do vinho), PA-E (fração rica em ácidos fenólicos), PR-E (fração rica em procianidinas) e APP-E (fração rica em antocianinas e procianidinas poliméricas). Foi observada uma maior viabilidade celular quando as células do carcinoma do cólon HT-29 foram expostas a dois agentes oxidantes (radiação UV e H2O2) em presença das frações PR-E e APP-E. Além disso, os extratos WPS, WPC, PR-E e APP-E mostraram propriedades anti-inflamatórias, avaliadas pela inibição da produção de NO por células de macrófagos RAW264.7, sendo o extrato APP-E (0.19 mg/mL) o que exibiu a maior capacidade anti-inflamatória. A fim de elucidar as propriedades antioxidantes dos extratos do vinho em células humanas, os glóbulos vermelhos (RBC) foram selecionados como um modelo metabolicamente simples. Os extratos WPM, WPS, WPC, PR-E, e APP-E mostraram efeito anti-hemolítico para a hemólise dos RBC provocada pelo peróxido de hidrogénio (H2O2) e pelo di-hidrocloreto de 2,2'-azo-bis(2-diaminopropano) (AAPH). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o processo de desalcoolização dos vinhos à pressão atmosférica, preservou as principais características antioxidantes dos compostos fenólicos. Estes compostos podem contribuir para a defesa das células contra agentes oxidantes, nomeadamente por terem um potencial de atividades anti-inflamatória e anti-hemolítica, promovendo a viabilidade celular. A interação dos compostos fenólicos do vinho com o material polimérico permite inferir uma dosagem contínua e gradual das antocianinas vinho tinto após a sua ingestão, contribuindo para um período mais longo da sua exposição e, como consequência, dos seus potenciais benefícios para a saúde.
Em Portugal, as indústrias corticeira e de pasta de papel constituem um importante sector económico, contudo, gerando elevadas quantidades de subprodutos. Estes subprodutos poderiam ser explorados em aplicações de alto valor acrescentado, como fonte de compostos fenólicos, por exemplo, em vez de serem apenas queimados para produção de energia. Estes compostos são conhecidos pelas suas inúmeras propriedades, entre as quais, antioxidante, anti-inflamatória e anti-trombótica. Neste estudo as frações fenólicas da maior parte dos subprodutos gerados nas indústrias corticeira e de pasta de papel foram caracterizados em detalhe, com vista à sua valorização. A fração fenólica das cascas de Eucalyptus globulus, E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii, bem como da cortiça de Quercus suber e resíduos provenientes da sua exploração, nomeadamente, o pó de cortiça e os condensados negros, foi obtida por processos convencionais de extração sólido-líquido. No caso da casca de E. globulus, foi ainda avaliado o potencial de metodologias “verdes” no processo de extração de compostos fenólicos, usando extração com CO2 supercrítico. Esta técnica foi otimizada com recurso a metodologias de superfície de resposta. Na identificação e quantificação dos compostos fenólicos foi usada cromatografia líquida de alta resolução aliada a técnicas de espectrometria de massa. O teor de fenólicos totais foi ainda determinado pelo método de Folin- Ciocalteu, essencialmente para efeitos comparativos. A caracterização da fração fenólica de cada extrato foi ainda complementada com a análise da atividade antioxidante, usando o radical 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH). Foram identificados trinta compostos fenólicos na casca de E. globulus, 17 deles referenciados pela primeira vez como seus constituintes, nomeadamente os ácidos quínico, di-hidroxifenilacétic, cafeico e metil-elágico, bis-hexahidroxidifenoil( HHDP)-glucose, galoil- bis-HHDP-glucose, galoil-HHDPglucose, isoramnetina—hexosídeo, quercetina-hexosídeo, ácido metil-elágicopentosídeo, miricetina-ramnosídeo, isoramnetina-ramnosídeo, mearnsetina, floridzina, mearnsetina-hexosídeo, luteolina e uma proantocianidina B. Neste trabalho, foi estudada pela primeira vez a composição fenólica das cascas de E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii. Treze, doze e vinte e quatro compostos fenólicos foram identificados nas cascas de E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii, respetivamente. Entre estes compostos encontram-se os ácidos quínico, gálico, metilgálico, protocatequínico, clorogénico e elágico, catequina, galoil-bis-HHDP-glucose, digaloilglucose, epicatequina, quercetina-glucoronídeo, di-hidroxiisopropilcromona- hexosídeo, isoramnetina-hexosídeo, ácido elágicoramnosídeo, taxifolina, quercetina-hexosídeo, di-hidroxi- (metilpropil)isopropilcromona-hexosídeo, ácido metil-elágico-pentosídeo, miricetina-ramnosídeo, isoramnetina-ramnosídeo, aromadendrina-ramnosídeo, mearnsetina, mearnsetina-hexosídeo, eriodictiol, quercetina, isoramnetina e naringenina. A análise da fração fenólica da cortiça permitiu identificar vinte e dois compostos fenólicos, dez deles referenciados pela primeira vez como seus constituintes, nomeadamente, os ácidos quínico, salicílico, p-hidroxifenillático e metilgálico, ácido carboxílico da brevifolina, eriodictiol, naringenina, um éster isoprenílico do ácido cafeico, isoramnetina-ramnosídeo e isoramnetina. No pó de cortiça industrial foram identificados dezasseis compostos fenólicos, nomeadamente os ácidos quínico, gálico, protocatequínico, cafeico, ferúlico, elágico e metilgálico, esculetina, ácido carboxílico da brevifolina, coniferaldeído, um éster isoprenílico do ácido cafeico, uma dilactona do ácido valoneico, ácido elágico-pentosídeo, ácido elágico-ramnosídeo, isoramnetinaramnosídeo e isoramnetina. Destes, apenas o ácido elágico foi previamente referenciado como componente do pó de cortiça. Do mesmo modo, treze compostos fenólicos foram identificados no condensado negro, doze deles referenciados pela primeira vez como seus constituintes. São eles os ácidos quínico, gálico, p-hidroxifenil-láctico, protocatequínico, p-coumarico, cafeico e elágico, vanilina, esculetina, coniferaldeído, um éster isoprenílico do ácido cafeico e o eriodictiol. A extração supercrítica de compostos fenólicos da casca de eucalipto permitiu não só verificar os parâmetros que afetam a qualidade e quantidade finais dos extratos, como também obter os valores ótimos para estes parâmetros. Esta extração mostrou ainda ser bastante seletiva para determinados grupos de compostos fenólicos, como as flavanonas eriodictiol e naringenina e para o flavonol O-metilado isoramnetina. Este é também o primeiro estudo envolvendo a determinação da atividade antioxidante de extratos da cortiça e dos resíduos da sua exploração, bem como da casca de E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii. A vasta gama de compostos fenólicos identificados em cada extrato analisado, assim como as prominentes atividades antioxidantes, todas na mesma gama de valores do bem conhecido antioxidante comercial, ácido ascórbico, são claramente um grande contributo para a valorização destes subprodutos industriais.
This study aimed to analyse the Brazilian savanna forest from a Legal Reserve (LR) area from a perspective of conservation, reservoir of organic carbon and medicinal biomass for a prospective use of native medicinal plants. An ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological survey was carried out close to a community settled in the rural area in the south of Tocantins, being selected 9 of the most cited species (cajuí- Anacardium othonianum; inharé-Brosimum gaudichaudii; jatobá-Hymenaeae courbaril; jenipapo-Genipa americana, aroeira-Myracrodruon urundeuva; negramina-Siparuna guianensis; barbatimão- Stryphnodendron obovatum; assa peixe-Vernonia brasiliana, embaúba-Cecropia pachystachya). Crude foliar extracts were subjected to a preliminary phytochemical prospection and triage of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity of potential interest in health and familiar agriculture. Phenolic compounds, terpenes and flavonoids were detected in the extracts of most species, which suggests the presence of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-insect activities. It was evident the need to better know the LR as a reservoir of medicinal biomass in an area under ecological tension where 35% (610ha) of the property is LR and should be protected by law. Therefore, a forest inventory of live woody species was performed using the allometric or indirect method. This identified a rare remnant of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest amidst the largest world savannah, the Cerrado biome. An analysis of the forest average productivity per basal area (m².ha), aerial live biomass (ton.ha-1) and carbon stock was carried out. The forest fragment was considered relatively rich in species and diversity, although showing signs of disturbance and dominance by a few species. Its horizontal structure suggests biotic regeneration conditions. It is an important reservoir of medicinal plants. Of the families (57.5%) presenting medicinal species, 19 from a total of 33 are represented in the area and contain 44% (27) of the total species (61) and 63% (432) of the total individuals catalogued. Medicinal species have ecological importance for the equilibrium of the local flora and represent 80% of the 10 species with higher Importance Value Index (IVI): Tetragastris altissima, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Oenocarpus distichus, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Simarouba versicolor, Alibertia macrophylla, Siparuna guianensis, Maprounea guianensis, Licania parvifolia e Physocalymma scaberrimum. Medicinal productivity was high for this type of phytophysionomy: 183,2 ton. ha-1 of biomass and 91,51 ton. ha-1 of carbon representing 66% of the total biomass and carbon of this Cerrado forest. From this stage S. guianensis (Siparunaceae) was selected for performing bioassays in order to verify its biological activity against microorganisms of health and agricultural relevance. This is a native aromatic medicinal plant recommended as priority for conservation, with local popular medicinal validation and availability of medicinal feedstock (3300 Kg.ha-1), with the foliar fraction giving 38Kg/ha of crude extract and 5L/ha of essential oil. Foliar crude extracts and essential oil were obtained and tested in vitro using a disk diffusion bioassay. Different concentrations of these natural products were tested against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and ATCC 35218; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145) and fungi (Candida albicans ATCC 6258 e Fusarium oxysporum). The essential oil inhibited the growth of S. aureus in its crude concentration (380μg.mL-1), as well as diluted to half (190μg.mL-1) and a quarter strength (95μg.mL-1). It’s likely that such action is due to sesquiterpenes major components, such as bisabolol and bisabolene (10.35%), measured by gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID). Extracts did not exhibit any antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms tested. The native medicinal plants prospective market is an alternative that favours the conservation of biodiversity while generating benefits for the development of sustainable family productive activities within local ecosystems instead of the current inappropriate uses. This strengthens conservation policies of Legal Reserve in rural settlements and is in agreement with public policy on global warming and climate changes.
The sustainable viticulture of a region passes, among other aspects, for maximizing the varieties potential minimizing subsequent interventions during winemaking, which should contribute to the production of quality wines maintaining their typicity and rationalizing costs. The detailed knowledge of each Appellation specificities, namely vineyard parcel (soil type and topographical peculiarities) and harvest climatic conditions is crucial for sustainability in this sector. Thus, in line with this current trend, the starting point for the development of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the oenological potential of different varieties cultivated throughout Bairrada Appellation (Portugal). During maturation several changes in grape varieties occur, namely berries become sweeter, less acidic, and they develop flavour, aroma and colour properties. The development of these characteristics is essential to define grapes oenological potential, i.e. to estimate the possibility of their usage to produce specific wines. A three years sampling plan was designed to evaluate the effect of harvest year and parcel characteristics on V. vinifera cv. Arinto, Bical, Sauvignon Blanc, Baga, Castelão, Touriga Nacional, and Sousão grapes composition. For each variety, 3 parcels with different characteristics were selected. Several physicochemical parameters were evaluated, during maturation: berry weight, pH, titratable acidity, sugar and phenolic contents, antiradical activity, and volatile composition (free fraction). Special attention was devoted to grapes at technologic maturity, since, besides these parameters, glycosidically-linked fraction was also considered. By using the results obtained at technologic maturity, a comprehensive approach was applied to identify the significance of harvest and parcel characteristics effects on each variety composition. Considering all the parameters under study, it may be highlighted some significant differences. According to the obtained results determined during maturation, it was possible to conclude that Arinto, Bical and Sauvignon Blanc grapes from parcels with clay-sandy and clay-calcareous soils have higher phenolic content and antiradical activity. Otherwise, Sauvignon Blanc presented similar volatile composition for grapes cultivated in the 3 parcels, while Arinto and Bical exhibited higher volatile content in grapes from claysandy and clay-calcareous soils. For Baga, Castelão and Touriga Nacional red varieties, grapes with higher phenolic content, antiradical activity, and volatile content were obtained from clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Furthermore, for Touriga Nacional, parcels altitude seems also to modulate grapes composition. Beyond parcel effect, harvest year conditions also influence grapes composition: 2011 harvest was related with lower phenolic and volatile contents, as well as lower antiradical activity.For grapes collected at technologic maturity, analysis of variance-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) was applied combining all the parameters under study, in order to assess the influence of harvest and parcel characteristics on each variety oenological potential. The results obtained using this comprehensive approach is closely related with those observed during maturation and revealed that harvest was the main factor that influenced grapes composition (53% to 68% of the total data set variance) followed by parcel characteristics, explaining ca. 15-19% of the total data set variance. The oenological potential of each variety may be different from one parcel to another, i.e., clay-sandy and clay-calcareous related-environments seem to favour Arinto and Bical white grapes composition, but for the red varieties, grapes composition was favoured by clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Besides, also higher altitude seems to favour Touriga Nacional grapes composition. Sauvignon Blanc seems to be a variety well adapted to the different parcel characteristics. In order to go forward in the valuation of these varieties, the aroma properties of 6 monovarietal wines were studied based on an aroma network-approach, linking molecular data related to volatile composition and aroma data about the key odor active molecules. This approach allowed to identify different wine aroma properties and to infer about the consumer’s sensory perception. It was found that aroma properties differ from one wine variety to another: while Arinto and Sauvignon Blanc wine exhibited higher tree fruity, sweety and flowery aromas, related essentially with ester compounds and C13 norisoprenoids, the opposite was obtained for Bical wine, corroborating the aroma sensory perceptions of the trained panel. Sauvignon Blanc also exhibited higher toasted aromas (related with thiols, mainly with 2-methyl-3-furanthiol). Touriga Nacional red wine exhibited higher tree, tropical, and berry fruits notes (sensory described as sweet fruits), toasted and flowery aromas, while these are similar for the other red wines under study. Besides Portuguese Bairrada wines, this aroma network approach is a tool that can be used to explain the aroma properties of wines worldwide. The grape and wine data generated under the present PhD thesis, in the context of Bairrada Appellation, shows the unique character of each variety, and may be used by growers and wine producers as a support for decisionmaking based on objective criteria, increasing the sustainability in this sector. For instance, it is possible to take advantage of the natural resources and produce products with different characteristics obtained from the same variety, minimizing costs during the winemaking process.
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential of ionic liquids (ILs) as a new class of extractive solvents for added-value products from biomass. These include phenolic compounds (vanillin, gallic, syringic and vanillic acids), alkaloids (caffeine) and aminoacids (L-tryptophan). The interest on these natural compounds relies on the wide variety of relevant properties shown by those families and further application in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Aiming at developping more benign and effective extraction/purification techniques than those used, a comprehensive study was conducted using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ILs and inorganic/organic salts. In addition, ILs were characterized by a polarity scale, using solvatochromic probes, aiming at providing prior indications on the ILs affinity for particular added-value products. Solid-liquid (S-L) extractions from biomass and using aqueous solution of ILs were also investigated. In particular, and applying and experimental factorial design to optimize the operational conditions, caffeine was extracted from guaraná seeds and spent coffee. With both types of extractions it was found that it is possible to recover the high-value compounds and to recycle the IL and salt solutions. Finally, aiming at exploring the recovery of added-value compounds from biomass using a simpler and more suistainable technique, the solubility of gallic acid, vanillin and caffeine was studied in aqueous solutions of several ILs and common salts. With the gathered results it was possible to demonstrate that ILs act as hydrotropes and that water can be used as an adequate antisolvent. This thesis describes the use of ILs towards the development of more effective and sustainable processes.
The use of plants with medicinal purposes is an ancient practice still very common in developing regions, and is rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. This fact is evidenced by the large number of ethnobotanical studies found in the literature referring that these plants are often used as decoctions and infusions. In most studies the reported biological activities are attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds, due to their antioxidant properties, and to polysaccharides, with its anti-tumoral properties. In “Trás-os-Montes” region, some of the most popular infusions used by the popular medicine are prepared with the dried leaves of Fraxinus angustifolia, the dried shoots of Mentha suaveolens, and the dried inflorescences of Pterospartum tridentatum. However, there are no studies about the polysaccharides present in these infusions. Thus, through the structural characterization of the polysaccharides present in the infusions of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, the present PhD thesis intends to evaluate the possible relation between polysaccharides and the immunostimulatory activity that these infusions might present. In a preliminary phase, infusions of F. angustifolia were prepared according to the popular tradition, and it was observed that the obtained water soluble material contained approximately 85% of material non-retained in C18 cartridges, with hydrophilic characteristics, with the remaining 15% comprising retained-material with hydrophobic characteristics. It was also shown that the infusions only contained between 2 and 4% of high molecular weight material (HMWM), which comprised approximately 30% of carbohydrate material. Sugar and methylation analysis of the HMWM suggested the presence of pectic polysaccharides, together with type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. However, the amount of material obtained is to low for the fractionation, and structural analysis of the polysaccharides present. The 4 h decoction, divided in two periods of 2 h, with water renewal, allowed to increase the HMWM yield, relatively to the infusions traditional infusions. It was also observed that the decoction also allowed to increase the HMWM proportion of carbohydrate material, due to an increase in the proportion of uronic acid present, although the neutral sugar residues seemed to be detected in similar proportions. Therefore, in all the experiments subsequently performed, the HMWM used was obtained through the decoction of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences. x After the fractionation, through ethanol precipitation, and anion exchange chromatography, of the polysaccharides from the HMWM obtained by the decoction of the vegetable material of the distinct studied plants, it was observed the presence of high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, containing type I arabinogalactans, together with minor proportions of type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. The presence of pectic polysaccharides in the extracts from F. angustifolia was also evidenced through endo-polygalacturonase treatment, and ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS experiments. The detection of linked pentose and uronic acid residues, also seemed to suggest the presence of xylogalacturonan domains in the pectic polysaccharides from F. angustifolia. The extracts from F. angustifolia dried leaves also contained type II arabinogalactans that exhibited a higher structural diversity than those detected in the M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum extracts, particularly in the substitution degree of the galactan backbone, and in the extension of the (1→5)-Araf side chains. Moreover, for all the plants studied, it was also observed that the type II arabinogalactans, extracted during the 2nd 2h of the extraction process, exhibited a substitution degree of the galactan backbone higher than those extracted during the 1st 2h. The extracts from P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained higher proportions of mannans, and also of xyloglucans, both presenting a substitution degree higher than those, which were detected in lower proportion in the extracts of F. angustifolia and M. suaveolens. Through ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS it was possible to evidence that the mannans present in the extracts of P. tridentatum presented acetyl groups on the O-2 of the mannosyl residues. It was also evidenced that the P. tridentatum mannans were more extensively acetylated than the mannans detected in the coffee infusion, LBG, and other non-conventional mannan sources. Moreover, it was detected the presence of oligosaccharides comprising hexose residues linked to non acetylated pentose residues, suggesting the possible presence of arabinose residues in the mannans from P. tridentatum extracts. The immunostimulatory activity of three fractions isolated from the extracts of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, was tested and an increase in the NO production by macrophages, without compromising their cellular viability, was observed. The type I, and type II arabinogalactans detected in the extracts from F. angustifolia, and M. suaveolens seem to have contributed for the observed immunostimulatory activity. For the fraction from P. tridentatum, the mannans acetylation, and the presence of type I, and type II arabinogalactans seemed to contribute for the macrophage immunostimulatory activity observed. The possible presence of storage xyloglucans from the inflorescences seeds, also seems to have contributed for the immunostimulatory activity registered when the macrophages were stimulated with higher extract concentrations. The results obtained allow to conclude that the extracts of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, exhibiting type I arabinogalactans, together with other polysaccharides, such as type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. This polysaccharide mixture seems to have contributed to the immunostimulatory activity of fractions isolated from the extracts of the studied plants. Therefore, as the same type of polysaccharides seem to be present in the decoctions and in the infusions, it seems possible that the polysaccharides might contribute for the therapeutic properties frequently associated by the popular tradition to the infusions of these plants.
Dissertação mest., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Disssertação de mest., Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
Dissertação de mest., Tecnologia dos Alimentos , Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Univ. do Algarve, 2013
O sorgo é uma potencial cultura energética com especial interesse para os climas mediterrânicos. Quer o seu suco quer a sua fracção lenhocelulósica podem ser utilizados no âmbito das biorrefinarias. O objectivo deste trabalho consistiu na optimização da hidrólise com ácido diluído da hemicelulose do sorgo e sua posterior bioconversão a xilitol. Dada a dificuldade de trabalhar o sorgo verde e a quantidade potencial de açúcares ainda presentes no sorgo seco foi feita uma pré-extracção aquosa (PEA) do sorgo biomassa, cujas condições foram optimizadas (100ºC, 45 min, razão líquido/sólido 7 g/g). Para além disso, foram também caracterizados três tipos de sorgo verde (doce, forrageiro e biomassa) relativamente ao teor e tipo de açúcares presentes no suco e licor da PEA, anteriormente optimizada. O material seco pré-tratado foi submetido a uma hidrólise com ácido diluído, tendo-se estudado a influência do tempo de operação e concentração de catalisador (H2SO4) na hidrólise da hemicelulose, a 130ºC. Os resultados foram interpretados através do factor de severidade combinado (CS), num intervalo entre 1,17-2,31. As condições óptimas correspondem a um CS de 1,98, (1,4% H2SO4 e 75 min), tendo-se recuperado na fase líquida 80% da hemiceluloses sob a forma de pentoses livres, juntamente com baixas concentrações de inibidores. O hidrolisado obtido nas condições optimizadas foi utilizado como meio de crescimento e, após concentração, como meio de cultura para a produção de xilitol pela levedura Debaryomyces hansenii CCMI 941. Como meios de inóculo foram testados o hidrolisado ácido e o licor da PEA, ambos suplementados. O último permitiu o crescimento mais rápido da levedura e a obtenção de concentrações celulares adequadas. No entanto, dado que a fase de latência no meio de produção de xilitol foi superior e, consequentemente a produtividade em xilitol inferior, optou-se pelo crescimento do inóculo em meio contendo hidrolisado. A remoção de compostos inibidores foi avaliada através da destoxificação do hidrolisado com carvão activado que permitiu uma remoção significativa de furfural, compostos fenólicos e ácido acético. No entanto, os melhores resultados da produção de xilitol foram obtidos em hidrolisado não-destoxificado e correspondem a um rendimento em xilitol e produtividade volumétrica de 0,64 g.g-1 e 0,56 g.L-1.h-1, respectivamente. Estes resultados encontram-se entre os melhores descritos na literatura para hidrolisados nãodestoxificados, mostrando assim as potencialidades deste material, da levedura e do processo desenvolvido.
Cancer is a multistage process characterized by three stages: initiation, promotion and progression; and is one of the major killers worldwide. Oxidative stress acts as initiator in tumorigenesis; chronic inflammation promotes cancer; and apoptosis inactivation is an issue in cancer progression. In this study, it was investigated the antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antitumor properties of hexane, ether, chloroform, methanol and water extracts of five species of halophytes: A. macrostachyum, P. coronopus, J. acutus, C. edulis and A. halimus. Antioxidant activity was assessed by DPPH• and ABTS•+ methods, and the total phenolics content (TPC) was evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteau method. The anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts was determined by the Griess method, and by evaluating the inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW- 264.7 macrophages. The cytotoxic activity of the extracts against HepG2 and THP1 cell lines was estimated by the MTT assay, and the results obtained were further compared with the S17 non-tumor cell line. The induction of apoptosis of J. acutus ether extract was assessed by DAPI staining. The highest antioxidant activities was observed in C. edulis methanol and the J. acutus ether extracts against the DPPH• radical; and J. acutus ether and A. halimus ether extracts against the ABTS•+ radical. The methanol extracts of C. edulis and P. coronopus, and the ether extract of J. acutus revealed a high TPC. Generally the antioxidant activity had no correlation with the TPC. The A. halimus chloroform and P. coronopus hexane extracts demonstrated ability to reduce NO production in macrophages (> 50%), revealing their anti-inflammatory capacity. The ether extract of J. acutus showed high cytotoxicity against HepG2 cancer cells, with reduced cellular viability even at the lowest concentrations. This outcome was significantly lower than the obtained with the non-tumor cells (S17). This result was complemented by the induction of apoptosis.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Alimentar), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de mestrado, Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2013
Dissertação de Mestrado, Tecnologia dos Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016