994 resultados para Coherent State


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The ultrafast dynamics of in-plane four-state magnetization reversal from compressively strained (Ga,Mn)As film was investigated by magneto-optical Kerr rotation measurement. The magnetization reversal signal was dramatically suppressed upon pumping, and recovered slowly with time evolution. The low switching field H-c1 increased abruptly from 30 to 108 G on the first several picoseconds and recovered back to the value before optical pumping within about 500 ps, whereas the high switching field H-c2 did not change obviously upon pumping, implying a domain-wall nucleation/propagation at low fields and coherent magnetization rotation at high fields in the magnetization reversal process.


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The quantum coherence control of a solid-state charge qubit is studied by using a suboptimal continuous feedback algorithm within the Bayesian feedback scheme. For the coherent Rabi oscillation, the present algorithm suggests a simple bang-bang control protocol, in which the control parameter is modulated between two values. For the coherence protection of the idle state, the present approach is applicable to arbitrary states, including those lying on the equator of the Bloch sphere which are out of control in the previous Markovian feedback scheme.


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The size and shape Evolution of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) influenced by 2.0-ML InAs seed layer has been systematically investigated for 2.0, 2.5, and 2.9-ML deposition on GaAs(1 0 0) substrate. Based on comparisons with the evolution of InAs islands on single layer samples at late growth stage, the bimodal size distribution of InAs islands at 2.5-ML InAs coverage and the formation of larger InAs quantum dots at 2.9-ML deposition have been observed on the second InAs layer. The further cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy measurement indicates the larger InAs QDs: at 2.9-ML deposition on the second layer are free of dislocation. In addition, the interpretations for the size and shape evolution of InAs/GaAs QDs on the second layer will be presented. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All lights reserved.


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In this thesis a novel transmission format, named Coherent Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CoWDM) for use in high information spectral density optical communication networks is proposed and studied. In chapter I a historical view of fibre optic communication systems as well as an overview of state of the art technology is presented to provide an introduction to the subject area. We see that, in general the aim of modern optical communication system designers is to provide high bandwidth services while reducing the overall cost per transmitted bit of information. In the remainder of the thesis a range of investigations, both of a theoretical and experimental nature are carried out using the CoWDM transmission format. These investigations are designed to consider features of CoWDM such as its dispersion tolerance, compatibility with forward error correction and suitability for use in currently installed long haul networks amongst others. A high bit rate optical test bed constructed at the Tyndall National Institute facilitated most of the experimental work outlined in this thesis and a collaboration with France Telecom enabled long haul transmission experiments using the CoWDM format to be carried out. An amount of research was also carried out on ancillary topics such as optical comb generation, forward error correction and phase stabilisation techniques. The aim of these investigations is to verify the suitability of CoWDM as a cost effective solution for use in both current and future high bit rate optical communication networks


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The capability of intense ultrashort laser pulses to initiate, control and image vibrational wavepacket dynamics in the deuterium molecular ion has been simulated with a view to inform and direct future femtosecond pump-control-probe experiments. The intense-field coherent control of the vibrational superposition has been studied as a function of pulse intensity and delay time, to provide an indication of key constraints for experimental studies. For selected cases of the control mechanism, probing of the subsequent vibrational wavepacket dynamics has been simulated via the photodissociation (PD) channel. Such PD probing is shown to elucidate the modified wavepacket dynamics where the position of the quantum revival is sensitive to the control process. Through Fourier transform analysis the PD yield is also shown to provide a characterisation of the vibrational distribution. It has been shown that a simple 'critical R cut-off' approximation can be used to reproduce the effect of a probe pulse interaction, providing a convenient and efficient alternative to intensive computer simulations of the PD mechanism in the deuterium molecular ion.


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We propose an experimentally feasible scheme to generate a superposition of travelling field coherent states using an extremely small Kerr effect and an ancilla which could be a single photon or two entangled twin photons. The scheme contains ingredients which are all within the current state of the art and is robust against the main sources of errors which can be identified in our setups.


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We address the estimation of purity for a quantum oscillator initially prepared in a displaced thermal state and probed by a suitably prepared qubit interacting with the oscillator via Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian without the rotating-wave approximation. We evaluate the quantum Fisher information (QFI) and show that optimal estimation of purity can be achieved by measuring the population of the qubit after a properly chosen interaction time. We also address the estimation of purity at fixed total energy and show that the corresponding precision is independent of the presence of a coherent amplitude.


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The transfer of entanglement from optical fields to qubits provides a viable approach to entangling remote qubits in a quantum network. In cavity quantum electrodynamics, the scheme relies on the interaction between a photonic resource and two stationary intracavity atomic qubits. However, it might be hard in practice to trap two atoms simultaneously and synchronize their coupling to the cavities. To address this point, we propose and study entanglement transfer from cavities driven by an entangled external field to controlled flying qubits. We consider two exemplary non-Gaussian driving fields: NOON and entangled coherent states. We show that in the limit of long coherence time of the cavity fields, when the dynamics is approximately unitary, entanglement is transferred from the driving field to two atomic qubits that cross the cavities. On the other hand, a dissipation-dominated dynamics leads to very weakly quantum-correlated atomic systems, as witnessed by vanishing quantum discord.


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This paper introduces hybrid address spaces as a fundamental design methodology for implementing scalable runtime systems on many-core architectures without hardware support for cache coherence. We use hybrid address spaces for an implementation of MapReduce, a programming model for large-scale data processing, and the implementation of a remote memory access (RMA) model. Both implementations are available on the Intel SCC and are portable to similar architectures. We present the design and implementation of HyMR, a MapReduce runtime system whereby different stages and the synchronization operations between them alternate between a distributed memory address space and a shared memory address space, to improve performance and scalability. We compare HyMR to a reference implementation and we find that HyMR improves performance by a factor of 1.71× over a set of representative MapReduce benchmarks. We also compare HyMR with Phoenix++, a state-of-art implementation for systems with hardware-managed cache coherence in terms of scalability and sustained to peak data processing bandwidth, where HyMR demon- strates improvements of a factor of 3.1× and 3.2× respectively. We further evaluate our hybrid remote memory access (HyRMA) programming model and assess its performance to be superior of that of message passing.


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As the number of processors in distributed-memory multiprocessors grows, efficiently supporting a shared-memory programming model becomes difficult. We have designed the Protocol for Hierarchical Directories (PHD) to allow shared-memory support for systems containing massive numbers of processors. PHD eliminates bandwidth problems by using a scalable network, decreases hot-spots by not relying on a single point to distribute blocks, and uses a scalable amount of space for its directories. PHD provides a shared-memory model by synthesizing a global shared memory from the local memories of processors. PHD supports sequentially consistent read, write, and test- and-set operations. This thesis also introduces a method of describing locality for hierarchical protocols and employs this method in the derivation of an abstract model of the protocol behavior. An embedded model, based on the work of Johnson[ISCA19], describes the protocol behavior when mapped to a k-ary n-cube. The thesis uses these two models to study the average height in the hierarchy that operations reach, the longest path messages travel, the number of messages that operations generate, the inter-transaction issue time, and the protocol overhead for different locality parameters, degrees of multithreading, and machine sizes. We determine that multithreading is only useful for approximately two to four threads; any additional interleaving does not decrease the overall latency. For small machines and high locality applications, this limitation is due mainly to the length of the running threads. For large machines with medium to low locality, this limitation is due mainly to the protocol overhead being too large. Our study using the embedded model shows that in situations where the run length between references to shared memory is at least an order of magnitude longer than the time to process a single state transition in the protocol, applications exhibit good performance. If separate controllers for processing protocol requests are included, the protocol scales to 32k processor machines as long as the application exhibits hierarchical locality: at least 22% of the global references must be able to be satisfied locally; at most 35% of the global references are allowed to reach the top level of the hierarchy.


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Planners in public and private institutions would like coherent forecasts of the components of age-specic mortality, such as causes of death. This has been di cult to achieve because the relative values of the forecast components often fail to behave in a way that is coherent with historical experience. In addition, when the group forecasts are combined the result is often incompatible with an all-groups forecast. It has been shown that cause-specic mortality forecasts are pessimistic when compared with all-cause forecasts (Wilmoth, 1995). This paper abandons the conventional approach of using log mortality rates and forecasts the density of deaths in the life table. Since these values obey a unit sum constraint for both conventional single-decrement life tables (only one absorbing state) and multiple-decrement tables (more than one absorbing state), they are intrinsically relative rather than absolute values across decrements as well as ages. Using the methods of Compositional Data Analysis pioneered by Aitchison (1986), death densities are transformed into the real space so that the full range of multivariate statistics can be applied, then back-transformed to positive values so that the unit sum constraint is honoured. The structure of the best-known, single-decrement mortality-rate forecasting model, devised by Lee and Carter (1992), is expressed in compositional form and the results from the two models are compared. The compositional model is extended to a multiple-decrement form and used to forecast mortality by cause of death for Japan


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The problem of resonant generation of nonground-state condensates is addressed aiming at resolving the seeming paradox that arises when one resorts to the adiabatic representation. In this picture, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Hamiltonian are also functions of time. Since the level energies vary in time, no definite transition frequency can be introduced. Hence no external modulation with a fixed frequency can be made resonant. Thus, the resonant generation of adiabatic coherent modes is impossible. However, this paradox occurs only in the frame of the adiabatic picture. It is shown that no paradox exists in the properly formulated diabatic representation. The resonant generation of diabatic coherent modes is a well defined phenomenon. As an example, the equations are derived, describing the generation of diabatic coherent modes by the combined resonant modulation of the trapping potential and atomic scattering length.


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As a result of the instinctive synthesis approach to sentencing, decisions are often based on the intuitive inclinations and sentiments of sentencers, as opposed to binding rules and principles. In particular, insufficient regard is paid to the purposes and objectives that can be achieved through a state-imposed system of punishment. Momentum is gathering for the High Court to revisit the manner in which the sentencing inquiry is undertaken. We believe that the court should use the opportunity to implement fundamental reform in sentencing and direct the sentencing process down a more transparent and forensic path. We suggest that there are seven basic steps that need to be undertaken to achieve enlightened sentencing reform. Ideally this is a role for the legislature. However, given the populist climate in which we live we have little confidence that the legislature will undertake such an exacting task – one which would almost certainly lead to a less severe sentencing regime. The judiciary offers the strongest hope that at least some of these steps will be taken. This article offers a blueprint for how such reform can be implemented. The first step is simply to assume that the institution of state-imposed punishment is justified – this has already been undertaken. The second is to select the theory which best justifies punishing wrongdoers. Thirdly, public opinion must be ignored in developing sentencing principle. Next it must be determined which objectives (such as deterrence and rehabilitation) can be achieved through sentencing. The fifth step involves matching the punishment to the crime. Step six is to critically analyse the foundation, and reassess the relevance, of the hundreds of aggravating and mitigating considerations that presently affect the sentencing calculus. Finally, sentencing law and practice should be subject to ongoing reform to take into account emerging empirical evidence concerning the positive benefits that can be achieved through sentencing.


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I. The Evolution of International Criminal Law International criminal justice concerns breaches of international rules entailing the personal criminal liability of individuals (as opposed to the State for which the individuals may act as agents or organs), and presently includes acts such as genocide, torture, crimes against humanity, aggression and terrorism. ... A rule stating: any act of armed conflict which directly causes the death of a civilian is a war crime unless it can be shown that the military advantage gained by the attack outweighs the harm. ... Thus, so far as international criminal law is concerned any act during armed conflict which results in the death or injury to a person who does not pose a direct threat to the life of the accused should be a war crime. ... Pursuant to the Rome Statute and as a matter of customary international law torture is a war crime when performed in the context of an armed conflict, and a crime against humanity when it is part of systematic criminal conduct. ... Torture can also constitute an individual international crime, even where it does not satisfy the criteria of a war crime or crime against humanity. ...


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We present a two-colour photocurrent detection method for coherent control of a single InGaAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot. A pulse shaping technique provides a high degree of control over picosecond optical pulses. Rabi rotations on the exciton to biexciton transition are presented, and fine structure beating is detected via time-resolved measurements. (c) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim