135 resultados para Circus pygargus
Este trabalho objetivou analisar como três projetos de circo social, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, afetaram a vida de jovens que deles participaram. Tentou-se analisar, utilizando-se a metodologia da História Oral, suas mudanças de comportamento, atitudes e hábitos, assim como seus aprendizados e sucessos. Como resultados, percebemos que o circo social representa uma importante ferramenta pedagógica de transformação e realização de objetivos, devido as suas características peculiares.
O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar que dimensões institucionais do circo preservadas nas organizações, podem ter sido responsáveis por sua. sobrevivência e capacidade de adaptação diante das inúmeras dificuldades e adversidades enfrentadas ao longo de sua existência secular. Dedicada ao entretenimento e à diversão, esta instituição de origem pré- industrial, resguarda características corporativas e familiares. No entanto, sua estrutura organizacional e suas praticas administrativas aproximam-se das características hoje consideradas tendências das organizações do próximo século. Os resultados do estudo mostram que as organizações circenses guardam características pré e pós industriais. Soube preservar valores e identidade enquanto utilizou-se de todos os beneficios da contemporaneidade. Dessa forma, chega ao século XXI, sobrevivente, como uma organização sui generis e um dos mais bem sucedidos empreendimentos em sua categoria. Mostra também que num século onde a ocupação do tempo livre com atividades culturais, de lazer e entretenimento será objetivo de muitas organizações, o circo pode vir a fornecer bom material de análise.
Todos nós conhecemos vários tipos de atores: os de cinema, os de televisão, os de teatro, os de circo... porém há um outro tipo de ator a quem as pessoas não se referem: o ser humano. Este ator em especial representa vários papéis ao longo de sua vida. Um deles, para muitos de nós, é o de professor. O professor-ator representa para uma platéia específica - os alunos - com um objetivo também específico -seduzi-los para que haja êxito no processo ensino-aprendizagem. O presente estudo aponta para as contribuições deste processo ator no processo educativo. Da mesma forma, ressalta o tipo de relação estabelecida com os alunos, a partir do ponto de vista, tanto do professor, como do aluno. Trata-se de uma abordagem fenomenológica sobre a relação professor-aluno e suas consequências para o processo ensino-aprendizagem.
This dissertaion reflects about life's trajectory of a specific clown: Roger Avanzi, who gives animus to the clown Picolino II. The main objective is to promove reflections about the insertion of the clowns in the universe of the circus, to make us comprehend the process of formation of a clown formed in a traditional circus family. In this research, we begin of the conjecture that, through the individual memory we can think about rebuild the process of a professional's integral formation.Then, we trace the itinerary of Roger Avanzi, the clown Picolino II, think that it has possibilities, in this case, to discuss about what is a clown's formation when it come from a traditional circus family. To walk on this universe, a huge numer of authors that deeply studyed about the circus ans the clowns, like: Avanzi; Tamaoki (2004), Bolognesi (2003), Castro (2005), Pantano (2007), Ruiz (1987), Silva (1997) e Torres (1998). We bring then, a theoric base that certainly, fortifies and corroborates our thoughts and reflections about the universe of circus and the trajectory of clown's formation, with special atention to Roger Avanzi, fundamentals i studies about it and with memories like Halbwachs's (2004) and Bosi's (1994). The reflections enabled to conclude that a clown doesn't born done; it becomes in the cultural trajectory, in which all the human are inserted
This article explains Alegria Project (Happiness Project) carried by State University Paulista in the Technology and Science Faculty (FCT/UNESP). The aim was to show many positives aspects of Circus art to public school students in Presidente Prudente city. The first part is the characterization and issues of Alegria Project. The second part is dedicated to define a theoretical and practical basis of circus art proposal at public school linked to physical education. Finally, there are a description of main aims and results obtained and conclusion of Alegria Project.
The use of increasingly complex software applications is demanding greater investment in the development of such systems to ensure applications with better quality. Therefore, new techniques are being used in Software Engineering, thus making the development process more effective. Among these new approaches, we highlight Formal Methods, which use formal languages that are strongly based on mathematics and have a well-defined semantics and syntax. One of these languages is Circus, which can be used to model concurrent systems. It was developed from the union of concepts from two other specification languages: Z, which specifies systems with complex data, and CSP, which is normally used to model concurrent systems. Circus has an associated refinement calculus, which can be used to develop software in a precise and stepwise fashion. Each step is justified by the application of a refinement law (possibly with the discharge of proof obligations). Sometimes, the same laws can be applied in the same manner in different developments or even in different parts of a single development. A strategy to optimize this calculus is to formalise these application as a refinement tactic, which can then be used as a single transformation rule. CRefine was developed to support the Circus refinement calculus. However, before the work presented here, it did not provide support for refinement tactics. The aim of this work is to provide tool support for refinement tactics. For that, we develop a new module in CRefine, which automates the process of defining and applying refinement tactics that are formalised in the tactic language ArcAngelC. Finally, we validate the extension by applying the new module in a case study, which used the refinement tactics in a refinement strategy for verification of SPARK Ada implementations of control systems. In this work, we apply our module in the first two phases of this strategy
The Amazonian brown brocket Mazama nemorivaga (Cuvier, 1817) is a small to medium-sized deer from the Amazon rainforest and ecotones. The first karyotype described was 2n=67 to 69 + 2-7 B and FN= 69-72, in which all chromosomes were acrocentric and the X chromosome was the only submetacentric chromosome. However, important aspects of the species chromosome evolution were not resolved because of the lack of information on chromosome banding. The G-banding pattern of M. nemorivaga karyotype showedthe presence of an XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system as a product of an X-autosome tandem fusion, which results in a basic 2n=68, FN=70 in females and 2n= 69, FN=70 in males. The fact that this karyotype only differs from that of Capreolus capreolus pygargus (Pallas, 1771; 2n=70, FN=72+B) by X-autosome tandem fusion may corroborate the basal condition of M. nemorivaga and its proximity to the ancestral karyotype of the American Odocoileini. A derived karyotype 2n=67, XY1Y2, FN=70 + 3B from the Brazilianstate of Mato Grosso (the western Amazon) may be evidence of differentiation between western and eastern populations. © Bruno Ferreto Fiorillo et al.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA