367 resultados para Chrosomus eos


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The nuclear symmetry energy E-sym(rho) is the most uncertain part of the Equation of State (EOS) of dense neutron-rich nuclear matter. In this talk, we discuss the underlying physics responsible for the uncertain E-sym(rho) especially at supra-saturation densities, the circumstantial evidence for a super-soft E-sym(rho) from analyzing pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and its impacts on astrophysics and cosmology.


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Microscopic three-nucleon force consistent with the Bonn B two-nucleon potential is constructed, which includes Delta(1232), Roper, and nucleon-antinucleon excitation contributions. Recent results for the choice of the meson parameters are discussed. The forces are used in Brueckner calculations and the saturation properties of nuclear matter are determined. At the high densities,the nuclear equation of state and the symmetry energy are calculated. The corresponding neutron star mass-radius relations are presented.


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分析了从0.4至1.2GeV/u 的Ni+Ni和Pb+Pb重离子碰撞过程中的径向流,核穿透等动力学现象及其对碎片形成的影响,得出如下结果: 实验结果发现,从出射粒子的快度分布可以看出,越重的粒子产额越小,且较容易出现在弹靶核快度区域,并且系统越重越有利于碎片的形成。不同快度区间的出射粒子的平均质量数可以说明,碎片不仅来自于弹靶核的碎裂,同时“火球”区域的轻核子凝聚也是一重要来源,对于不同的系统和不同的入射能量,两者的贡献不同。在某一入射能量的某一碰撞系统,不同质量数的粒子的产额随质量数满足很好的指数下降的关系,其斜率随快度绝对值的变化与系统质量相关,……,说明重碎片可能来自弹靶核的碎裂,而随着系统质量的增加,“火球”区域的轻核子凝聚变得越来越重要。 根据冲击波模型假设的出射粒子的平均动能随粒子的质量数的线性变化关系,提取出径向流,发现径向流随入射能量的增高而增高,并且系统越重,径向流越明显。并且发现出射粒子的横向快度分布比纵向快度分布窄,说明碰撞过程中存在部分穿透,并且穿透对系统的大小和入射能量有很强的依赖关系,经“Vartl”定量的描述,发现随着入射能量升高系统的变轻,穿透现象越明显,并且发现径向流与核阻止有很明显的关联关系。 经过理论结果与实验结果的对比,可以发现例如径向流、核穿透等动力学因素对碎片的形成有很明显的影响。同时为提取核物质状态方程(EOS)提供了有用的数据


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直接流是研究重离子碰撞动力学演变和压缩形成的高密核物质性质很好的探针,本论文系统地研究了0.4、0.8和1.16A GeV的Ni+Ni和Pb+Pb碰撞中的直接流。实验是在德国重离子研究中心(GSI)的FOPI探测装置上完成的。论文中,简单总结了中高能区重离子碰撞的现状和描述集体流的主要理论模型,介绍了FOPI探测系统,给出了详细的实验数据分析过程,对所得到的物理结果进行了讨论。本论文工作的重点如下:基于FOPI系统的实验数据,发展了一套质量相关(Z=1离子)的直接流的提取方法。提取了各碰撞系统出射P、D和T粒子在不同碰撞中心度下的微分直接流和积分直接流。研究了P、D和T的直接流对碰撞中心度、系统尺寸和碰撞能量的依赖性,以及对核物质状态方程的敏感性。结果表明:直接流敏感地依赖于碰撞中心度,近中心碰撞具有更强直接流信号;对于轻重两种系统,用常用的AP1/3+AT1/3系数对积分直接流进行了标度,观察到一定的标度性,但不能完全标度;通过研究直接流对碰撞能量的依赖性发现,在0.4-1.2A GeV能区内,随能量升高,直接流在已经达到了饱和,并开始下降,并且P、D和T的变化趋势相同。实验数据与输运模型IQMD计算比较发现,直接流的变化趋势和最大密度变化趋势相同,说明直接流是核物质压缩程度的一个良好探针。计算得到的P、D和T微分和积分的V1值表明,与质量相关的直接流,无论是微分值还是积分值都敏感依赖于模型中EoS参数。比较发现,不同碰撞能量下,重的Pb+Pb系统的数据和软的EoS符合很好,说明核物质不可压缩系数在210 MeV附近,这与文献中的结果相吻合,说明与质量相关的直接流是EoS的敏感探针。对于轻Ni+Ni系统,目前的IQMD还不能重现数据,但其趋向于硬的EoS,需要发展描述碰撞过程更为精细的理论模型。数据整体趋势表明,随者系统变重,中子比例的增加,EoS变软,难以给出同一组IQMD参数来同时解释全部的实验数据。对于所研究的碰撞系统,比较中心快度区斜率行为时发现,P、D和T的直接流与出射粒子质量数呈线性关系,并且出射粒子的积分直接流可以很好的用常数(A+1)/2进行标度。如果出射粒子的直接流用IQMD计算的核阻止进行归一,归一后的直接流与碰撞能量成正比。这证明核阻止与直接流有线性关联,反映了核阻止对于碰撞中核物质达到的最高密度起决定性的作用。论文工作的另一部分是完成了FOPI探测装置中飞行时间探测器的升级工作。研制了新型的玻璃MMRPC,完成了性能的批量测试,并研究了该探测器的高计数率行为。测量结果显示,在实验计数率(0.1 kHz/cm2)条件下,MMRPC时间分辨达到75 ps,探测效率达到98%。当计数率达到3-5 kHz/cm2时,时间分辨和探测效率降至约110 ps和75%。高计数率探测效率变差的幅度可以用DC模型进行解释,然而时间分辨的变化幅度用DC模型难以解释


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The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM) project, part of the Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, developed an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor, and assess environmental disasters, degradation, and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific region. The system primarily employs data from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) sensor on the Earth Observation System- (EOS-) Terra/Aqua satellite,as well as those from ground observations at five sites in different ecological systems in China. From the preliminary data analysis on both annual and daily variations of water, heat and CO2 fluxes, we can confirm that this system basically has been working well. The results show that both latent flux and CO2 flux are much greater in the crop field than those in the grassland and the saline desert, whereas the sensible heat flux shows the opposite trend. Different data products from MODIS have very different correspondence, e.g. MODIS-derived land surface temperature has a close correlation with measured ones, but LAI and NPP are quite different from ground measurements, which suggests that the algorithms used to process MODIS data need to be revised by using the local dataset. We are now using the APEIS-FLUX data to develop an integrated model, which can simulate the regional water,heat, and carbon fluxes. Finally, we are expected to use this model to develop more precise high-order MODIS products in Asia-Pacific region.


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Geological fluids are important components in the earth system. To study thephysical chemistry properties and the evolution of fluid system turns out to be one of the most challenging issues in geosciences. Besides the conventional experimental approaches and theoretical or semi-theoretical modeling, molecular level computer simulation(MLCS) emerges as an alternative tool to quantificationally study the physico-chemical properties of fluid under extreme conditions in order to find out the characteristics and interaction of geological fluids in and around earth. Based on our previous study of the intermolecular potential for pure H2O and thestrict evaluation of the competitive potential models for pure CH4 and the ab initio fitting potential surface across H2O-CH4 molecules in this study, we carried out more than two thousand molecular dynamics simulations for the PVTx properties of pure CH4 and the H2O-CH4 mixtures. Comparison of 1941 simulations with experimental PVT data for pure CH4 shows an average deviation of 0.96% and a maximum deviation of 2.82%. The comparison of the results of 519 simulations of the mixtures with the experimental measurements reveals that the PVTx properties of the H2O-CH4 mixtures generally agree with the extensive experimental data with an average deviation of 0.83% and 4% in maximum, which is equivalent to the experimental uncertainty. Moreover, the maximum deviation between the experimental data and the simulation results decreases to about 2% as temperature and pressure increase,indicating that the high accuracy of the simulation is well retained in the high temperature and pressure region. After the validation of the simulation method and the intermolecular potential models, we systematically simulated the PVTx properties of this binary system from 673 K and 0.05 GPa to 2573 K and 10 GPa. In order to integrate all the simulation results and the experimental data for the calculation of thermodynamic properties, an equation of state (EOS) is developed for the H2O-CH4 system covering 673 to 2573 K and 0.01 to 10 GPa. Isochores for compositions < 4 mol% CH4 up to 773 K and 600 MPa are also determined in this thesis.


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By first principle methods based on density functional theory (DFT),the equation of state(EOS) and elastic constants of both periclase and ferropericlase are calculated. The pressure and iron doping effects on the elastic constants of ferropericlase are investigated systematically. Firstly, we calculate the elastic constants of periclase and compare the obtained results with experimental data and other theoretical calculations, which shows a encouraging consistence and demonstrates the practicability of first-principle methods. Secondly, by adding iron into periclase crystal model, we build up ferropericlase with iron contents ranging from 0% to 25% mole percent. The corresponding elastic constants are calculated in a large pressure range(0~120GPa). Emphatically, the strong correlation of 3d electrons in transitional elements, such as iron, is difficult to treat in first-principle methods for a long time. The current solution is to make additional correction. During the initial stage of this study, the strong correlation of 3d electrons in iron is not considered, and we observed that addition of iron decreases the volume of ferropericlase, which is totally contradictory to the experimental data. By applying LDA+U approximation in order to solve the strongly correlated 3d electron of iron, we observed the expansion of volume by iron as expected. On the basis of the LDA+U approximation, the elastic constants of ferropericlase are calculated. After a detailed analysis of data obtained from theoretical calculations, we have reached the following conclusions:(1)pressure imposes positive effects on all elastic constants, and the degree of effects is C11>C12>C44. (2) Iron has no distinctive effects on C11 and C12, although some fluctuations are observed around 60GPa. However, iron has obvious softening effects on C44 The softening effects on C44 are intensified as pressure increases. Above the 100GPa, the effects increase greatly, even surpasses the pressure's positive effects in ferropericlase crystal models with iron mole percent of having 12.5%, 18.75% and 25% iron content. (3)As to the modulus deprived from elastic constants, iron has no effect on the adiabatic bulk module BS, only a little fluctuation around 60GPa. We find iron's softening effects on shear modulus G. (4)We find out that, compared with low iron content, elastic constants with iron content approaching 25mole% is consistently fluctuated,which may be caused by the limitations of the LDA+U approximation method itself. (5)We investigate the pressure and Fe doping effects on elastic anisotropy factor(A=(2C44+C12-C11)/C11) of ferropericlase and find out that iron contents will lower the critical isotropic pressure. At the same pressure, when the pressure is below the isotropic pressure, iron softens the anisotropy factor ; when pressure surpasses the isotropic pressure, iron increases the anisotropy factor.


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The introduction of new degrees in the Faculty of Education and the relevance of educational guidance comes to them, as a compulsory subject in all four grades started from 2009-2010, gives the opportunity to return and boost the University Guidance Service (UGS) as a means of consistency with the profile of their education and professional development of its students. The aim of the paper focuses on the evaluation of the results after the first year of implementing a peer mentoring project, SOU-estuTUtor Project, developed from UGS with all degree students of the Faculty of Education for Students new entrants. Program has been evaluated through the perception and satisfaction of the mentors on the organization, training, skills developed and adapted to the needs of students. After one academic year of implementation, the results show, on the one hand, the satisfaction and commitment of those involved and the partial response to the needs of the students served, as well as the optimization of the personal resources of the university but also some limitations that make it necessary to review the mentoring program in terms of control and duration of the process.


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Taking into account the huge repercussion and influence that J.J. Rousseau has had on modern pedagogy, the recent tercentenary of his birth is a good opportunity to think about his outstanding relevance nowadays. This paper is a theoretical and educative research developed with an analytic and comparative hermeneutical method. The main objective is to show how some concepts of his philosophy of education have a great similarity with certain changes that the present competency based teaching is demanding, so it could be considered its methodological background. In order to achieve this objective this exposure has been divided in three parts. The first part is an analysis of Rousseau's educational theory as developed in the first three books of the Emilio, in which one of the main themes is self experience-based learning, fostering self-sufficiency, curiosity and the motivation for learning. Rousseau proposed as a method the negative education, which requires, among other conditions, a constant monitoring of the learner by the tutor. In the second part, a brief summary of the most relevant changes and characteristics of competency-based teaching is developed, as well as its purpose. The student’s participation and activity are highlighted within their own learning process through the carrying out of tasks. The new educational model involves a radical change in the curriculum, in which it is highlighted the transformation of the methodology used in the classroom as well as the role of the teacher. Finally, the aim of the third part is to offer a comparative synthesis of both proposals grouping the parallelisms found in 4 topics: origin of the two models, its aims, methodology, and change in the teaching roles.