958 resultados para Chipless RFID tag


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The threat that malware poses to RFID systems was identified only recently. Fortunately, all currently known RFID malware is based on SQLIA. Therefore, in this chapter we propose a dual pronged, tag based SQLIA detection and prevention method optimized for RFID systems. The first technique is a SQL query matching approach that uses simple string comparisons and provides strong security against a majority of the SQLIA types possible on RFID systems. To provide security against second order SQLIA, which is a major gap in the current literature, we also propose a tag data validation and sanitization technique. The preliminary evaluation of our query matching technique is very promising, showing 100% detection rates and 0% false positives for all attacks other than second order injection.


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Several grouping proof protocols have been proposed over the years but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with EPC Class-1 Gen-2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Also, synchronization of keys, forward security, proving simultaneity, creating dependence, detecting illegitimate tags, eliminating unwanted tag processing and denial-of-proof (DoP) attacks have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important gaps and is based on Quadratic Residues property where the tags are only required to use XOR, 128-bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG) and Modulo (MOD) operations which can be easily implemented on low-cost passive tags and hence achieves EPC C1G2 compliance.


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Several grouping proof protocols have been proposed over the years but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with EPC Class-1 Gen-2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Among other requirements, synchronization of keys, forward security, dependence, detecting illegitimate tags, eliminating unwanted tag processing and denial-of-proof (DoP) attacks have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important gaps and is based on simple XOR encryption and 128-bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG), operations that are easily implemented on low-cost passive tags and hence achieves EPC C1G2 compliance.


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Several grouping proof protocols for RFID systems have been proposed over the years but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with the EPC class-1 gen-2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Among other requirements, synchronization of keys, simultaneity, dependence, detecting illegitimate tags, eliminating unwanted tag processing, and denial-of-proof attacks have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important gaps by taking a holistic approach to grouping proofs and provides forward security, which is an open research issue. The protocol is based on simple (XOR) encryption and 128-bit pseudorandom number generators, operations that can be easily implemented on low-cost passive tags. Thus, our protocol enables large-scale implementations and achieves EPC C1G2 compliance while meeting the security requirements.


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Networked systems have adapted Radio Frequency identification technology (RFID) to automate their business process. The Networked RFID Systems (NRS) has some unique characteristics which raise new privacy and security concerns for organizations and their NRS systems. The businesses are always having new realization of business needs using NRS. One of the most recent business realization of NRS implementation on large scale distributed systems (such as Internet of Things (IoT), supply chain) is to ensure visibility and traceability of the object throughout the chain. However, this requires assurance of security and privacy to ensure lawful business operation. In this paper, we are proposing a secure tracker protocol that will ensure not only visibility and traceability of the object but also genuineness of the object and its travel path on-site. The proposed protocol is using Physically Unclonable Function (PUF), Diffie-Hellman algorithm and simple cryptographic primitives to protect privacy of the partners, injection of fake objects, non-repudiation, and unclonability. The tag only performs a simple mathematical computation (such as combination, PUF and division) that makes the proposed protocol suitable to passive tags. To verify our security claims, we performed experiment on Security Protocol Description Language (SPDL) model of the proposed protocol using automated claim verification tool Scyther. Our experiment not only verified our claims but also helped us to eliminate possible attacks identified by Scyther.


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In this paper, we propose a novel zero knowledge grouping proof protocol for RFID Systems. Over the years, several protocols have been proposed in this area but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with the EPC Class 1 Gen 2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Also, the unique design requirements of grouping proofs have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important security and design gaps in grouping proofs. We present a novel approach based on pseudo random squares and quadratic residuosity to realize a zero knowledge system. Tag operations are limited to functions such as modulo (MOD), exclusive-or (XOR) and 128 bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG). These can be easily implemented on passive tags and hence achieves compliance with the EPC Global standard while meeting the security requirements.


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In recent years, the radio frequency identification technology (RFID) has gained great interest both industrial communities as scientific communities. Its ability to locate and monitor objects, animals and persons with active or passive tags allows easy development, with good cost-benefice and still presents undeniable benefits in applications ranging from logistics to healthcare, robotics, security, among others. Within this aspect what else comes excelling are RFID tags and the antennas used in RFID readers. Most tags have antennas omnidirectional and are usually manufactured as dipoles modified printed. The primary purpose of a project of antenna for tag is to achieve the required input impedance to perform a good marriage impedance with the load impedance of the chip. Already the objective principal in project of antennas for readers is to achieve reduced sizes and structures with good data transmission capacity. This work brings the numerical characterization of antennas for RFID applications, being these divided into tags RFID and antennas for RFID readers. Three tags RFID and two antennas for RFID readers, found in literature, are analyzed. The analysis of these structures is made using the Method of Waves - WCIP. Initial results found in the literature are compared with those obtained through simulations in WCIP with objective to show that the Method of Waves is able to analyze such structures. To illustrate the results obtained in simulations is presented the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. It also performed a literature review on the characteristics and principles of RFID technology. Suggestions for continuity to this work are presented


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Due to the need of more agility, dynamism and reliability in stock management, the market has turned its attention to RFID, which offers a practical solution and live up to the big corporations' expectations. The search for continuous improvement establishes a direct link with RFID, for its technology offers accurate real time information in any monitored given place. RFID is a radio frequency communication technology. A reader communicates to a tag through waves. This tag can be active, with a battery, or passive, in which its power is supplied by currents induced by the field variation it is exposed to. The RFID technology has a well defined basic principle, but there are many constructive ways of implementing it. The adaptability as well as the flexibility regard to the several kinds of stock in industry, reaching their particular needs. RFID can lower maintenance costs in stock by collecting data more accurately, lowering human error and optimizing the item handling at its reception, exit and while it is inside the company. This paper presents an example of RFID technology applied in a company's stock management. It is possible to prove that there are, in fact, great advantages in implementing this technology, as it creates the opportunity for continuous improvement in stock management, with better application of material, labour and quality tools, since the data collected through an automatized process using RFID are more reliable and dynamic


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The recent widespread diffusion of radio-frequency identification (RFID) applications operating in the UHF band has been supported by both the request for greater interrogation ranges and greater and faster data exchange. UHF-RFID systems, exploiting a physical interaction based on Electromagnetic propagation, introduce many problems that have not been fully explored for the previous generations of RFID systems (e.g. HF). Therefore, the availability of reliable tools for modeling and evaluating the radio-communication between Reader and Tag within an RFID radio-link are needed. The first part of the thesis discuss the impact of real environment on system performance. In particular an analytical closed form formulation for the back-scattered field from the Tag antenna and the formulation for the lower bound of the BER achievable at the Reader side will be presented, considering different possible electromagnetic impairments. By means of the previous formulations, of the analysis of the RFID link operating in near filed conditions and of some electromagnetic/system-level co-simulations, an in-depth study of the dimensioning parameters and the actual performance of the systems will be discussed and analyzed, showing some relevant properties and trade-offs in transponder and reader design. Moreover a new low cost approach to extend the read range of the RFID UHF passive systems will be discussed. Within the scope to check the reliability of the analysis approaches and of innovative proposals, some reference transponder antennas have been designed and extensive measurement campaign has been carried out with satisfactory results. Finally, some commercial ad-hoc transponder for industrial application have been designed within the cooperation with Datalogic s.p.a., some guidelines and results will be briefly presented.


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Questo lavoro si è occupato della ricerca e progettazione di un'antenna UWB per la realizzazione di un tag RFID e si colloca all'interno del progetto GRETA (GREen TAgs), finanziato dal MIUR. Le principali caratteristiche richieste al green tag sono: dimensioni complessive di massimo 4-5 cm, assenza di batterie e compatibilità con l'ambiente. L'eco-compatibilità viene garantita tramite la realizzazione dell'antenna al di sopra di un substrato di carta; i limiti derivanti dall'assenza di batterie vengono invece sopperiti tramite realizzazione di energy harvesting, al fine di raggiungere una completa autonomia energetica. Viene sfruttata la tecnica UWB per la comunicazione nella banda (3.1-4.8 GHz); l'energy harvesting si effettua invece a 868 MHz. Sono infine stati ricavati alcuni primi risultati relativi alla potenza rettificabile con la soluzione proposta, tramite realizzazione di un opportuno circuito rettificatore.


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Mit der zunehmenden Komplexität der Logistikketten ist auch der Anspruch an die Informationstransparenz gestiegen. Hier ergibt sich durch den Einsatz intelligenter RFID -Technologie eine weitere Möglichkeit zur Op-timierung und Steuerung der eingesetzten Kapazitäten, denn so ist eine Identifikation und Verfolgung von Waren und Gütern entlang der gesamten Supply Chain möglich. Jedes Produkt ist zu jeder Zeit genau lokalisierbar und kann eine Fülle an aktuellen und historischen Daten liefern. Durch den Einsatz der RFID-Technologie kann das Zusammenspiel von Materialfluss und Informationsfluss zwischen den einzelnen Prozessschritten optimiert werden. Damit ist gewährleistet, dass alle erforderlichen Daten zum richtigen Zeitpunkt am richtigen Ort sind. Die dezentrale Bereitstellung und Veränderung von Daten ermöglicht eine flexible, dezentrale Steuerung logistischer Systeme. Weitere Vorteile der RFID - Komponenten sind beispielsweise, dass sie individuell beschreibbar sind und ihre Identifikation selbst über begrenzte Entfernungen und ohne Sichtkontakt zwischen Tag und Lesegerät möglich ist. Durch den Einsatz von RFID-Transpondern eröffnen sich Potentiale in Richtung Prozesssicherheit, Reduzierung der Logistikkosten oder auch Verfügbarkeit der Produkte. Diese Vorteile hängen jedoch nicht zuletzt von der Zuverlässigkeit der Identifikationsvorgänge ab. Die unbestrittenen Potentiale, die durch Einsatz von RFID-Elementen erschlossen werden können, sind nur dann nutzbar, wenn die nun dezentral an den Waren oder Ladeeinheiten zugeordneten Informationen an den benötigten Stellen zuverlässig abgerufen werden können. Die Kommunikation zwischen Transponder und Lese- /Schreibeinrichtung wird durch unterschiedliche Materialen, wie z.B. Metall, die die Funkverbindung beeinflussen erschwert. Die Zuverlässigkeit dieser Kommunikation wird anhand von Versuchen, mit unterschiedlichen Füllmaterialien und unterschiedlichen Anordnungen der Transponder an den Ladeeinheiten, ermittelt.


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Along with the growing complexity of logistic chains the demand for transparency of informations has increased. The use of intelligent RFID-Technology offers the possibility to optimize and control all capacities in use, since it enables the identification and tracking of goods alongside the entire supply chain. Every single product can be located at any given time and a multitude of current and historical data can be transferred. The interaction of the flow of material and the flow of information between the various process steps can be optimized by using RFID-Technology since it guarantees that all required data is available at the right time and at the right place. The local accessibility and convertibility of data allows a flexible, decentralised control of logistic systems. As additional advantages of RFID-Components can be considered that they are individually writable and that their identification can be achieved over considerable distances even if there is no intervisibility between tag and reader. The use of RFID-Transponder opens up new potentials regarding process security, reduction of logistic costs or availability of products. These advantages depend on reliability of the identification processes. The undisputed potentials that are made accessible by the use of RFID-Elements can only be beneficial when the informations that are decentralised and attached to goods and loading equipment can be reliably retrieved at the required points. The communication between tag and reader can be influenced by different materials such as metal, that can disturbed or complicate the radio contact. The communications reliability is subject of various tests and experiments that analyse the effects of different filling materials as well as different alignments of tags on the loading equipment.


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A notorious advantage of wireless transmission is a significant reduction and simplification in wiring and harness. There are a lot of applications of wireless systems, but in many occasions sensor nodes require a specific housing to protect the electronics from hush environmental conditions. Nowadays the information is scarce and nonspecific on the dynamic behaviour of WSN and RFID. Therefore the purpose of this study is to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of the sensors. A series of trials were designed and performed covering temperature steps between cold room (5 °C), room temperature (23 °C) and heated environment (35 °C). As sensor nodes: three Crossbow motes, a surface mounted Nlaza module (with sensor Sensirion located on the motherboard), an aerial mounted Nlaza where the Sensirion sensor stayed at the end of a cable), and four tags RFID Turbo Tag (T700 model with and without housing), and 702-B (with and without housing). To assess the dynamic behaviour a first order response approach is used and fitted with dedicated optimization tools programmed in Matlab that allow extracting the time response (?) and corresponding determination coefficient (r2) with regard to experimental data. The shorter response time (20.9 s) is found for the uncoated T 700 tag which encapsulated version provides a significantly higher response (107.2 s). The highest ? corresponds to the Crossbow modules (144.4 s), followed by the surface mounted Nlaza module (288.1 s), while the module with aerial mounted sensor gives a response certainly close above to the T700 without coating (42.8 s). As a conclusion, the dynamic response of temperature sensors within wireless and RFID nodes is dramatically influenced by the way they are housed (to protect them from the environment) as well as by the heat released by the node electronics itself; its characterization is basic to allow monitoring of high rate temperature changes and to certify the cold chain. Besides the time to rise and to recover is significantly different being mostly higher for the latter than for the former.


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We present a new method to accurately locate persons indoors by fusing inertial navigation system (INS) techniques with active RFID technology. A foot-mounted inertial measuring units (IMUs)-based position estimation method, is aided by the received signal strengths (RSSs) obtained from several active RFID tags placed at known locations in a building. In contrast to other authors that integrate IMUs and RSS with a loose Kalman filter (KF)-based coupling (by using the residuals of inertial- and RSS-calculated positions), we present a tight KF-based INS/RFID integration, using the residuals between the INS-predicted reader-to-tag ranges and the ranges derived from a generic RSS path-loss model. Our approach also includes other drift reduction methods such as zero velocity updates (ZUPTs) at foot stance detections, zero angular-rate updates (ZARUs) when the user is motionless, and heading corrections using magnetometers. A complementary extended Kalman filter (EKF), throughout its 15-element error state vector, compensates the position, velocity and attitude errors of the INS solution, as well as IMU biases. This methodology is valid for any kind of motion (forward, lateral or backward walk, at different speeds), and does not require an offline calibration for the user gait. The integrated INS+RFID methodology eliminates the typical drift of IMU-alone solutions (approximately 1% of the total traveled distance), resulting in typical positioning errors along the walking path (no matter its length) of approximately 1.5 m.


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Unknown RFID tags appear when the unread tagged objects are moved in or tagged objects are misplaced. This paper studies the practically important problem of unknown tag detection while taking both time-efficiency and energy-efficiency of battery-powered active tags into consideration. We first propose a Sampling Bloom Filter which generalizes the standard Bloom Filter. Using the new filtering technique, we propose the Sampling Bloom Filter-based Unknown tag Detection Protocol (SBF-UDP), whose detection accuracy is tunable by the end users. We present the theoretical analysis to minimize the time and energy costs. SBF-UDP can be tuned to either the time-saving mode or the energy-saving mode, according to the specific requirements. Extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol. The experimental results show that SBF-UDP considerably outperforms the previous related protocols in terms of both time-efficiency and energy-efficiency. For example, when 3 or more unknown tags appear in the RFID system with 30 000 known tags, the proposed SBF-UDP is able to successfully report the existence of unknown tags with a confidence more than 99%. While our protocol runs 9 times faster than the fastest existing scheme and reducing the energy consumption by more than 80%.