1000 resultados para Casca de castanha triturada
Dentre os frutos do Cerrado, destaca-se o pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.), que é constituído por aproximadamente 80% de casca, que é desprezada; no entanto, apresenta potencial de utilização em várias aplicações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência das variáveis concentração de ácido cítrico, temperatura e tempo de extração sobre o rendimento e o grau de esterificação da pectina extraída da casca de pequi e compará-la com a pectina cítrica comercial aplicada na formulação de geleia light. Obtiveram-se rendimentos de pectina entre 14,89 e 55,86 g.100g-1. A pectina obtida da casca de pequi caracterizou-se por apresentar baixo grau de esterificação (11,79-48,87%). A geleia light elaborada a partir da pectina da casca de pequi, extraída à temperatura de 84ºC por 92 minutos, na presença de 2% de ácido cítrico, obteve boa aceitação por parte dos provadores, alcançando escores médios acima de 7,0, diferindo da geleia produzida com pectina cítrica comercial apenas na aparência. Conclui-se que é viável utilizar a pectina da casca de pequi como ingrediente para formulação de geleia light de manga.
Em função da importância da casca do fruto como principal resíduo da cacauicultura e as possibilidades de seu uso, este trabalho teve como objetivos realizar análise de nutrientes do extrato orgânico obtido por lavagem do composto de casca e avaliar seu efeito como fertilizante potássico no solo e no crescimento de mudas de cacaueiro. O ensaio foi realizado em casa de vegetação, com aplicação de doses de extrato via solo, cultivo em tubetes e mudas seminais de cacaueiro. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, e a unidade experimental formada por nove plantas crescidas individualmente em tubetes. Os tratamentos foram 5 doses de K: zero; 125; 250; 500 e 1.000 mg de K dm-3 de solo. Após 120 dias da aplicação do extrato no solo, verificou-se que o pH, a saturação de bases e os teores disponíveis de Ca, Mg, K, Zn e Mn aumentaram, e o teor de Al e Fe diminuíram. Os resultados também evidenciaram que a dose de 1.000 mg K dm-3 de solo desequilibrou as relações K/Mg e K/Ca nas folhas com redução no crescimento das mudas. Mudas de cacaueiro apresentaram crescimento significativo em função de doses de K e, considerando a facilidade de produzir e aplicar o extrato da casca do fruto do cacaueiro, é possível usá-lo como fonte de K na produção de mudas de cacaueiro.
Na busca pela identificação de novas fontes de antioxidantes naturais e de esclarecer lacunas acerca das reais propriedades benéficas atribuídas ao Noni (Morinda citrifolia Linn), este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização química e avaliar a atividade antioxidante da polpa, casca e sementes do noni. Foram determinadas a composição centesimal (umidade, cinzas, proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios); os compostos bioativos (fenólicos totais, carotenoides totais e vitamina C) e a atividade in vitro em extratos aquoso, etanólico e acetônico. Os resultados demonstraram que o Noni possui quantidades significativas de carboidratos (27,21%; 9,70% e 8,37%) e de proteínas (2,64%; 2,23%; e 2,24%) nas sementes, casca e polpa, respectivamente. A polpa apresentou maior teor de vitamina C (23,1 mg/100g) e de carotenoides totais (3,90 mg/100g). No extrato acetônico da polpa, foram quantificados 109,81 mg/100g de fenólicos totais, seguidos pelos extratos acetônicos da casca (76,01 mg/100g), das sementes (28,75 mg/100g) e do extrato etanólico da polpa (20,33 mg/100g). Todos os extratos avaliados apresentaram atividade antioxidante in vitro; os extratos acetônico e etanólico da casca e das sementes do Noni apresentaram maior atividade pelo método β-caroteno/ ácido linoleico, enquanto o extrato etanólico da polpa teve maior atividade antioxidante pelo ensaio DPPH e ABTS, e o extrato acetônico da polpa, pelo método ABTS. O noni é um fruto com significativo teor de compostos fenólicos totais que apresentam atividade antioxidante in vitro.
Frutífera originária do Hemisfério Norte, a castanheira pertence à família das Fagaceae. O gênero Castanea apresenta sete espécies, das quais se destacam C. sativa Miller, C. crenata Siebold & Zucc., C. molissima Blume e C. dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. Tais espécies receberam denominações de acordo com o local de origem e säo conhecidas, respectivamente, por castanha-portuguesa (Portugal), castanhajaponesa (Japäo e Coreia do Sul), castanha-chinesa (China) e castanha-americana (América do Norte). Dada sua relevância como uma das mais importantes espécies frutícolas da antiguidade, as castanhas mantêm a tradição de consumo nas festas natalinas e, por conta de suas qualidades nutritivas e por ser um produto versátil, servem o ano todo, em alguns países, como alimento para pessoas e animais. O Núcleo de Produção de Mudas de Säo Bento do Sapucaí mantém uma coleção com algumas cultivares e seleção e, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), vem estudando essa fruteira, que possui grande potencial para a fruticultura brasileira.
In the present work we reported the study of rice hull enzymatic hydrolysis using a commercial cellulase preparation. The results showed that previous treatment with light and sodium chlorite inhibits the enzymatic process (31.4 and 11.8%, respectively) while hydrogen peroxide and ozone favoured the enzymatic production of reducing sugars (5.9 and 54.9%, respectively). Studies performed by quimiluminescence showed that the chlorite treatment produced the most significant change in the structure of rice hull. Nevertheless, this treatment did not favour the subsequent enzymatic process. Photomicrographs obtained from rice hull hydrolysates showed that pre-treatment changed mainly the inner epidermis and parenchyma cell and that they did not change cellular organization of the hull.
Crude extract of Tibouchina granulosa, Rhododendron simsii and Phaseolus vulgaris L. were prepared and used as alternative indicators in quantitative analysis teaching in standardization of NaOH solutions and in the determination of acetic acid contents in vinegar. Effect of using such natural extracts as indicators was very attractive to the students and the quantitative results were compared with conventional indicators with good agreement. Concepts of data statistics can successfully be discussed using the interest revived by the use of natural indicators.
The characterization of rice husk ash, a deriving by-product of the burning of the rice husk during the rice processing is the object of this study. This by-product, for being rich in silica, can be an important raw material for the production of siliceous ceramics, such as thermal insulators and refractory. A combination of surface analysis, thermal analysis and microscopy analysis techniques was used for the characterization. The characterized by-product presented as main component the silica, under amorphous form, with a maximum content of alkalis around 1%, features that become it potentially interesting for the production of ceramic materials.
Currently, the accumulation of rice husk is a serious environmental problem. The burning of rice husk generates a considerable volume of ash, that falls to the ground and gets into the air and the rivers, causing a disequilibrium in the ecosystem. This motived research into solutions that aim to exploit the husks for energy generation and the ashes for developing diverse technological products. This work presents the possibilities of using rice husks and their ashes after burning.
A comparison between silica by acid leaching of rice husk (RH) and silica obtained from thermal treatment of rice husk ash (RHA) is presented. The best leaching results were obtained using 10% hydrochloric acid followed by washing with water. The alternative method, calcination of RHA at 700 ºC for 6 h followed by grinding for 80 min, was more effective. Silica obtained from RH was about 97% amorphous, had a 17.37 µm mean particle size, and a specific surface area of 296 m²/g. On the other hand, for silica obtained from RHA the values were about 95% amorphous material 0.68 µm, and 81 m²/g.
The phytochemical analysis of the ethanol extract trunk bark of Amburana cearensis allowed the isolation and identification of twelve constituents: coumarin, sucrose, two phenol acids (vanillic acid and protocatechuic acid), five flavonoids (afrormosin, isokaempferide, kaempferol, quercetin and 4'-methoxy-fisetin), a phenol glucoside (amburoside A) and a mixture of glucosilated b-sitosterol and stigmasterol. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods such as IR, MS, ¹H and 13C NMR, including uni and bidimensional techniques, in addition to comparison with literature data.
In order to reduce the total number of experiments for achieving the highest amount of adsorbed Cu2+ (qmax) using pecan nutshells (Carya illinoensis) as biosorbent, a full 2(4) factorial design with two central points was carried out (mass of biosorbent- m, pH, initial metallic ion concentration- C0, time of contact- t). In order to continue the optimization of the system, a central composite surface analysis design with two factors and five central points was carried out. The maximum amount of Cu2+ taken up by the pecan nutshells was 20 mg g-1. These results were confirmed by determining a Cu2+ isotherm using the best conditions attained by the statistical design of experiments.
Green coconut shells were treated with acid, base and hydrogen peroxide solutions for 3, 6, 12 and 24 h for removing toxic metals from synthetic wastewater. The removal of ions by the adsorbent treated with 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH/ 3h was 99.5% for Pb2+ and 97.9% for Cu2+. The removal of Cd2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, using adsorbent treated with 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH/3 h, was 98.5, 90.3 and 95.4%, respectively. Particle size, adsorbent concentration and adsorption kinetics were also studied. An adsorbent size of 60-99 mesh and a concentration of 30-40 g/L for 5 min exposure were satisfactory for maximum uptake of Pb2+, Ni2+, Cd2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ and can be considered as promising parameters for treatment the aqueous effluents contaminated with toxic metals.
This work consists in a study about the chemical activation of charred rice hulls using NaOH as the activation agent. The influence of the naturally-occurring silica was particularly evidenced. X-ray diffraction patterns showed the formation of sodium carbonate and silicates in the activated samples, whereas thermogravimetric curves revealed a strong reduction in the ash content of these samples after washing with water. Nitrogen adsorption data indicated a microporosity development only in the washed samples, with BET surface area values of 450 and 1380 m²/g achieved for the samples activated at 800 °C starting from the precursor with or without silica, respectively.
The new millennium is marked by a growing search for renewable fuels and alternative raw materials from biomass in the petrochemicals industry. However, there are many challenges to overcome regarding technological and human resources aspects. In this scenario, cashew nut oil, which is rich in natural phenols, is considered to be very promising for the development of synthetic and functional products and as a feedstock for production of fine chemicals and a wide variety of new materials.
The rice husk combustion in a bubbling and atmospheric fluidized bed reactor was investigated. This paper presents the rice husk ash characterization employing the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) among others. After combustion, a rice husk ash containing 93% amorphous silica and <3% unburned char was produced. Methods usually applied to fixed bed considering external sources of energy and high reaction times were employed. Thus, the potential of this type of reactors with respect to speed, continuity and self-sufficiency energy of the process was shown.