820 resultados para Carvão : Mineração


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O vídeo aborda conceitos básicos sobre a recuperação de áreas degradadas pela mineração. Os principais impactos causados pela mineração, dentre eles de poluição da água e do ar e visual, foram ressaltados para melhor compreensão do aluno. O objetivo da aula é apresentar algumas das causas da degradação de uma área por mineração e possibilidades de recuperá-la


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O vídeo apresenta medidas de controle da poluição causada pela atividade mineira, destacando algumas medidas de recuperação das áreas lavradas, entre outras. O objetivo da aula é mostrar ao aluno como corrigir os impactos negativos provenientes da atividade mineira, de modo que ele possa agir diante de trabalhos de recuperação de áreas degradadas pela mineração.


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I propose with this paper a reflection on the experiences contained in the creation of the body- in-art (FERRACINI, 2006a, b) that originated the show Rosmaninhos... This process was developed within the coletivo UZUME teatro from João Pessoa PB, through recreations and resignifications of the corporeity and physicality contained in the steps, loas, aboios, songs and choreography observed in the manners that Mestre Zequinha plays in his group of Cavalo Marinho (Sea Horse), resident in the city of Bayeux - PB, and starting from the appropriation of the text Hamlet of William Shakespeare. The body-in-art is understood in this work as a vectorial body that dilates its daily functionality, recognizing a potential learning area capable to generate creative escape lines that destabilize the "subject centered in an individuality and identity" (FOUCAULT apud FERRACINI, 2006b, p.14), being open to the differentiation of itself, indicating the possible existence of an itself-other and of the exchange-in-art space. This process of construction of the body-in-art based on Master Zequinha s ways of playing the Cavalo Marinho was methodically guided by the appropriation of the coletivo UZUME teatro of the stages of Observation, Codification and Theatricalization contained in the technique of corporal mimeses proposed by the LUME Teatro (Campinas - SP). That use resulted in two phases: Active Observation and Composition of the body-in-art. Through the repetition of these aesthetic matrixes of the Cavalo Marinho, the actors discovered actions that when, codified and organized, can configure their body-in-art, which created a vectorial exchange-in-art space to what was found in the Cavalo Marinho party. This search proposed the means of potentiating the actors' work when it comes to a preparation that allowed to dilate the scenic presence and stimulated the production of actions, which culminated in the mounting of the show Rosmaninhos...


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The experiment was carried out in green house with the objective of evaluating the effect of the bauxite mining residue in the rates of macronutrients in sugarcane and soil. Containers of 10 L were used. They received the following rates of bauxite residue: 0; 28; 56; 84; 112 and 140 t ha(-1). The used culture was the sugarcane (SP92 4221). The incorporation of the bauxite residue in the soil provided an increase in the levels of the soil macronutrients, and only for sulphur levels above 83 t ha(-1), it was possible to provide reductions of this nutrient. For rates of determined macronutrients in the leaf, levels above 70, 5; 125; 101; 56 t ha (-1) diminished the rates of nitrogen, phosphorum, potassium and sulphur, respectively. However, for calcium and magnesium the use of the residue provided the reduction of leaf rates. The level of the bauxite residue which had the largest production of dry mass was 64 t ha(-1).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do uso de fino de carvão no substrato e da aplicação de extrato pirolenhoso no substrato e na planta sobre o desenvolvimento de porta-enxertos de limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck) cultivados em ambiente protegido. O experimento foi desenvolvido no delineamento em blocos casualisados, com análise em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 x 3, sendo: 3 proporções de fino de carvão (0, 100 e 200 cm³ dm-3) em mistura com substrato comercial, 2 concentrações de extrato pirolenhoso (0 e 20 cm³ dm-3) misturadas no substrato (240 cm³ por dm³ de substrato) e 3 concentrações de extrato pirolenhoso (0, 5 e 10 cm³ dm-3) pulverizadas na parte aérea, em 4 repetições. Aos 150 e 180 dias após o plantio foram realizadas avaliações do desenvolvimento das plantas. As misturas de fino de carvão e substrato comercial contendo fino de carvão na proporção de 100 cm³ dm-3 não influíram no desenvolvimento de porta-enxertos de limoeiro 'Cravo' , porém, na proporção de 200 cm³ dm-3 prejudica o desenvolvimento dos mesmos. O umedecimento pré-plantio do substrato com solução diluída (20 cm³ dm-3) de extrato pirolenhoso ou pulverização da parte aérea das plantas com soluções a 5 e 10 cm³ dm-3 provoca redução do desenvolvimento de porta-enxertos de limoeiro 'Cravo' .


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Nowadays, telecommunications is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Organizations are always seeking to find new management practices within an ever increasing competitive environment where resources are getting scarce. In this scenario, data obtained from business and corporate processes have even greater importance, although this data is not yet adequately explored. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) appears then, as an option to allow the study of complex problems in different areas of management. This work proposes both a systematization of KDD activities using concepts from different methodologies, such as CRISP-DM, SEMMA and FAYYAD approaches and a study concerning the viability of multivariate regression analysis models to explain corporative telecommunications sales using performance indicators. Thus, statistical methods were outlined to analyze the effects of such indicators on the behavior of business productivity. According to business and standard statistical analysis, equations were defined and fit to their respective determination coefficients. Tests of hypotheses were also conducted on parameters with the purpose of validating the regression models. The results show that there is a relationship between these development indicators and the amount of sales


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Emerald mining is an important area of the economy in Brazil, country which is in second place among the exporting nations of this gem. Due to the process of extraction, a great amount of reject is generated. Since there is no appropriate destination, the reject is abandoned around the mining industries, contributing to environment degradation. Nowadays, some of the most relevant things to an industry in general are: energy conservation, cost reduction, quality and productivity enhancement. The production of isolating, transformed refractory materials achieves the sustainability dimension when protection of the environment is incorporated to such process. This work investigates the use of emerald mining rejects in the ceramic body of refractory materials, aiming at obtaining a product whose characteristics are compatible with commercial products and, at the same time, allow the use of such rejects to solve the environmental issue caused by its disposal in nature. X-ray fluorescence analysis show that the emerald reject obtained after the flotation to extract molybdenum and mica has 70% of silica and alumina (SiO2+Al2O3) and 21% of a basic oxides and alkaline metals and earthy alkaline mixture (Na2O, K2O, CaO e MgO). Because of the significant amount of silica and alumina present in the reject, four refractory ceramic bodies were prepared. Samples with a rectangular shape and dimensions 100x50x10 mm were pressed in a steel mold at 27,5 MPa and sintered at 1200ºC for 40 min. under environment atmosphere in a resistive oven. The sintered samples were characterized in relation to the chemical composition (FRX), mineralogical composition (DRX), microstructure (MEV) and physical and mechanical properties. The results indicate that the mixture with 45% of reject, 45% of alumina and 10% of kaolin presents a refractory quality of 1420ºC, dimensional linear variation below 2.00%, apparent specific mass of 1,56 g/cm3 and porosity of 46,68%, which demonstrates the potential use of the reject as raw material for the industry of isolating transformed refractory materials


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O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol) e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.


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Software Repository Mining (MSR) is a research area that analyses software repositories in order to derive relevant information for the research and practice of software engineering. The main goal of repository mining is to extract static information from repositories (e.g. code repository or change requisition system) into valuable information providing a way to support the decision making of software projects. On the other hand, another research area called Process Mining (PM) aims to find the characteristics of the underlying process of business organizations, supporting the process improvement and documentation. Recent works have been doing several analyses through MSR and PM techniques: (i) to investigate the evolution of software projects; (ii) to understand the real underlying process of a project; and (iii) create defect prediction models. However, few research works have been focusing on analyzing the contributions of software developers by means of MSR and PM techniques. In this context, this dissertation proposes the development of two empirical studies of assessment of the contribution of software developers to an open-source and a commercial project using those techniques. The contributions of developers are assessed through three different perspectives: (i) buggy commits; (ii) the size of commits; and (iii) the most important bugs. For the opensource project 12.827 commits and 8.410 bugs have been analyzed while 4.663 commits and 1.898 bugs have been analyzed for the commercial project. Our results indicate that, for the open source project, the developers classified as core developers have contributed with more buggy commits (although they have contributed with the majority of commits), more code to the project (commit size) and more important bugs solved while the results could not indicate differences with statistical significance between developer groups for the commercial project


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The main goal of Regression Test (RT) is to reuse the test suite of the latest version of a software in its current version, in order to maximize the value of the tests already developed and ensure that old features continue working after the new changes. Even with reuse, it is common that not all tests need to be executed again. Because of that, it is encouraged to use Regression Tests Selection (RTS) techniques, which aims to select from all tests, only those that reveal faults, this reduces costs and makes this an interesting practice for the testing teams. Several recent research works evaluate the quality of the selections performed by RTS techniques, identifying which one presents the best results, measured by metrics such as inclusion and precision. The RTS techniques should seek in the System Under Test (SUT) for tests that reveal faults. However, because this is a problem without a viable solution, they alternatively seek for tests that reveal changes, where faults may occur. Nevertheless, these changes may modify the execution flow of the algorithm itself, leading some tests no longer exercise the same stretch. In this context, this dissertation investigates whether changes performed in a SUT would affect the quality of the selection of tests performed by an RTS, if so, which features the changes present which cause errors, leading the RTS to include or exclude tests wrongly. For this purpose, a tool was developed using the Java language to automate the measurement of inclusion and precision averages achieved by a regression test selection technique for a particular feature of change. In order to validate this tool, an empirical study was conducted to evaluate the RTS technique Pythia, based on textual differencing, on a large web information system, analyzing the feature of types of tasks performed to evolve the SUT


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This work aims to characterize the workers in mineral activities exposed to lung injuries in Parelhas Municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, seeking to relate respiratory diseases to the mining activity. The studied area (Parelhas City), with about 19,700 inhabitants, is located in the Serido region, approximately 232 km far from Natal City. The number of people involved in informal mining activity (garimpo) in the Seridó region reaches about 5,000. These workers generally do not use any kind of individual protection equipments and develop, at early ages of greater productivity, severe forms of diseases, which end up disabling them to professional activities, family and social life. Deceases by respiratory problems (e.g. silicosis) have been reported in very young adults. A descriptive observational study was conducted based on information from the records found in Dr. José Augusto Dantas Hospital, between the years 1996- 2006. The occupational and socio-economic features of the population, which was selected by using the hospital records, were achieved through individually answered forms. The purpose was to link the occupational activities with the respiratory diseases. The next stage of the research was an observational case-control study, in the 1:1 proportion. The achieved data allowed confirming the central hypothesis of the research, which states that the pneumoconiosis cases are due to the mineral-based activities in the studied area. The final step of the investigation tried to assess the knowledge of relatives of students in public and private elementary and high schools from Parelhas City, regarding silicosis. About 15.4% of urban schools were analyzed through application of a structured questionnaire. The results show distinct socio-economic levels and a difference in the perception of the relatives of students in public and private schools, concerning silicosis. It was possible to identify the characteristics of the population economically involved with mineral-based activities and to define the group that deserves preferential attention in preventive actions. The work indicates some environmental problems caused by inadequate mining operations in the region


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The working conditions, occupational health, occupational illness and workers quality of life, usually referring to the artisanal activities and the workers with a poor professional support. Because this reality is still present in locals without good infrastructure of social and economic attention, there is a need for a broad knowledge of problems related to the productive processes that include features of unsanitary and unhealthy. Despite the intense process of industrialization promoted by globalization and the growth of developing nations like Brazil, the activities of artisanal and small-scale mining are still suffering from the marginalization of their production processes and their workers. This dissertation deals with the description of mineral-based activities (MBA), especially the activities related to production processes of extraction and processing of red pottery and minerals in pegmatites in Parelhas city, Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, which are conducted by small mining companies or artisanal miners. The study of the work process was based on direct observation, photographic documentation, ergonomics, health and occupational safety analysis, interviews and structured questionnaire with workers of the two activities. The results indicate the need for improvement in both workplaces (red pottery and pegmatites), adaptation of workers to safety standards specific to the workplace, more attention and care related to ergonomics and occupational safety, greater importance to economic and social relations among performed activities, workers and firms of mineral branch and better and greater integration of social policies, supported by different sectors of society with the intention of transforming the current social, cultural, labor and education situation