992 resultados para Captive solvent method
A stability-indication high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of norfloxacin in tablet dosage forms. Optimum separation was achieved in less than 7 minutes using Eclipse Plus Zorbax C18 Agilent, 150 mm×4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm particle size column. The analyte was resolved by using a mobile phase 5% acetic acid aqueous solution and methanol (80:20, v/v) at a flow rate 1.0 ml/min on an isocratic high performance liquid chromatographic system at a wavelength of 277 nm. Linearity, system suitability, precision, sensitivity, selectivity, specific, and robustness were established by International Conference Harmonization guidelines. For stress studies the drug was subjected to photolysis, oxidation, acid, alkaline and neutral conditions. The analytical conditions and the solvent developed provided good resolution within a short analysis time and economic advantages. The proposed method not required sophisticated and expensive instrumentation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper describes the importance of an innovative analytical technique for drugs and pharmaceuticals quantification, using Fouriertransform infrared (FTIR) transmission spectroscopy. This method does not use organic solvents, which is one great advantage over the most common analytical methods. This fact contributes to minimize the generation of organic solvent waste by the industry and thereby reduces the impact of its activities on the environment. The method involved absorbance measurements of the band corresponding to one of the chosen group in the molecule. Obviously, the method should be validated according to ICH guidelines, showing linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness, over a concentration range, using small amounts to prepare the analyte. The validated method is able to quantify drugs and pharmaceuticals and can be used as an environmentally friendly alternative for the routine analysis in pharmaceutical industry quality control.
ABSTRACT: One way to produce high order in a block copolymer thin film is by solution casting a thin film and slowly evaporating the solvent in a sealed vessel. Such a solvent-annealing process is a versatile method to produce a highly ordered thin film of a block copolymer. However, the ordered structure of the film degrades over time when stored under ambient conditions. Remarkably, this aging process occurs in mesoscale thin films of polystyrene-polyisoprene triblock copolymer where the monolayer of vitrified 15 nm diameter polystyrene cylinders sink in a 20 nm thick film at 22 °C. The transformation is studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). We describe the phenomena, characterize the aging process, and propose a semiquantitative model to explain the observations. The residual solvent effects are important but not the primary driving force for the aging process. The study may lead to effective avenue to improve order and make the morphology robust and possibly the solvent-annealing process more effective.
The hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus is a typical organism from intertidal regions being considered as a good bioindicator of tributyltin presence at these environments. Thus this study presents the analytical performance and validation method for TBT quantification in tissues of C. vittatus by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) after extraction with an apolar solvent (toluene) and Grignard derivatization. The limits of detection of the method (LOD) were 2.0 and 2.8 ng g(-1) for TBT and DBT (dibutyltin), respectively, and its limits of quantification (LOQ) were 6.6 and 8.9 ng g(-1) for TBT and DBT, respectively. The method was applied to samples from Santos Estuary, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. TBT and DBT concentrations ranged from 26.7 to 175.0 ng g(-1) and from 46.2 to 156.0 ng g(-1), respectively. These concentrations are worrisome since toxic effects (such as endocrine disruption) have been reported for other organisms even under lower levels of registred at this study.
There is a continuous search for theoretical methods that are able to describe the effects of the liquid environment on molecular systems. Different methods emphasize different aspects, and the treatment of both the local and bulk properties is still a great challenge. In this work, the electronic properties of a water molecule in liquid environment is studied by performing a relaxation of the geometry and electronic distribution using the free energy gradient method. This is made using a series of steps in each of which we run a purely molecular mechanical (MM) Monte Carlo Metropolis simulation of liquid water and subsequently perform a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculation of the ensemble averages of the charge distribution, atomic forces, and second derivatives. The MP2/aug-cc-pV5Z level is used to describe the electronic properties of the QM water. B3LYP with specially designed basis functions are used for the magnetic properties. Very good agreement is found for the local properties of water, such as geometry, vibrational frequencies, dipole moment, dipole polarizability, chemical shift, and spin-spin coupling constants. The very good performance of the free energy method combined with a QM/MM approach along with the possible limitations are briefly discussed.
Electronic polarization induced by the interaction of a reference molecule with a liquid environment is expected to affect the magnetic shielding constants. Understanding this effect using realistic theoretical models is important for proper use of nuclear magnetic resonance in molecular characterization. In this work, we consider the pyridine molecule in water as a model system to briefly investigate this aspect. Thus, Monte Carlo simulations and quantum mechanics calculations based on the B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p) are used to analyze different aspects of the solvent effects on the N-15 magnetic shielding constant of pyridine in water. This includes in special the geometry relaxation and the electronic polarization of the solute by the solvent. The polarization effect is found to be very important, but, as expected for pyridine, the geometry relaxation contribution is essentially negligible. Using an average electrostatic model of the solvent, the magnetic shielding constant is calculated as -58.7 ppm, in good agreement with the experimental value of -56.3 ppm. The explicit inclusion of hydrogen-bonded water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining solvent molecules gives the value of -61.8 ppm.
The hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus is a typical organism from intertidal regions being considered as a good bioindicator of tributyltin presence at these environments. Thus this study presents the analytical performance and validation method for TBT quantification in tissues of C. vittatus by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) after extraction with an apolar solvent (toluene) and Grignard derivatization. The limits of detection of the method (LOD) were 2.0 and 2.8 ng g-1 for TBT and DBT (dibutyltin), respectively, and its limits of quantification (LOQ) were 6.6 and 8.9 ng g-1 for TBT and DBT, respectively. The method was applied to samples from Santos Estuary, São Paulo State, Brazil. TBT and DBT concentrations ranged from 26.7 to 175.0 ng g-1 and from 46.2 to 156.0 ng g-1, respectively. These concentrations are worrisome since toxic effects (such as endocrine disruption) have been reported for other organisms even under lower levels of registred at this study.
We investigated at the molecular level protein/solvent interactions and their relevance in protein function through the use of amorphous matrices at room temperature. As a model protein, we used the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center (RC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, a pigment protein complex which catalyzes the light-induced charge separation initiating the conversion of solar into chemical energy. The thermal fluctuations of the RC and its dielectric conformational relaxation following photoexcitation have been probed by analyzing the recombination kinetics of the primary charge-separated (P+QA-) state, using time resolved optical and EPR spectroscopies. We have shown that the RC dynamics coupled to this electron transfer process can be progressively inhibited at room temperature by decreasing the water content of RC films or of RC-trehalose glassy matrices. Extensive dehydration of the amorphous matrices inhibits RC relaxation and interconversion among conformational substates to an extent comparable to that attained at cryogenic temperatures in water-glycerol samples. An isopiestic method has been developed to finely tune the hydration level of the system. We have combined FTIR spectral analysis of the combination and association bands of residual water with differential light-minus-dark FTIR and high-field EPR spectroscopy to gain information on thermodynamics of water sorption, and on structure/dynamics of the residual water molecules, of protein residues and of RC cofactors. The following main conclusions were reached: (i) the RC dynamics is slaved to that of the hydration shell; (ii) in dehydrated trehalose glasses inhibition of protein dynamics is most likely mediated by residual water molecules simultaneously bound to protein residues and sugar molecules at the protein-matrix interface; (iii) the local environment of cofactors is not involved in the conformational dynamics which stabilizes the P+QA-; (iv) this conformational relaxation appears to be rather delocalized over several aminoacidic residues as well as water molecules weakly hydrogen-bonded to the RC.
The lattice Boltzmann method is a popular approach for simulating hydrodynamic interactions in soft matter and complex fluids. The solvent is represented on a discrete lattice whose nodes are populated by particle distributions that propagate on the discrete links between the nodes and undergo local collisions. On large length and time scales, the microdynamics leads to a hydrodynamic flow field that satisfies the Navier-Stokes equation. In this thesis, several extensions to the lattice Boltzmann method are developed. In complex fluids, for example suspensions, Brownian motion of the solutes is of paramount importance. However, it can not be simulated with the original lattice Boltzmann method because the dynamics is completely deterministic. It is possible, though, to introduce thermal fluctuations in order to reproduce the equations of fluctuating hydrodynamics. In this work, a generalized lattice gas model is used to systematically derive the fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation from statistical mechanics principles. The stochastic part of the dynamics is interpreted as a Monte Carlo process, which is then required to satisfy the condition of detailed balance. This leads to an expression for the thermal fluctuations which implies that it is essential to thermalize all degrees of freedom of the system, including the kinetic modes. The new formalism guarantees that the fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation is simultaneously consistent with both fluctuating hydrodynamics and statistical mechanics. This establishes a foundation for future extensions, such as the treatment of multi-phase and thermal flows. An important range of applications for the lattice Boltzmann method is formed by microfluidics. Fostered by the "lab-on-a-chip" paradigm, there is an increasing need for computer simulations which are able to complement the achievements of theory and experiment. Microfluidic systems are characterized by a large surface-to-volume ratio and, therefore, boundary conditions are of special relevance. On the microscale, the standard no-slip boundary condition used in hydrodynamics has to be replaced by a slip boundary condition. In this work, a boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann is constructed that allows the slip length to be tuned by a single model parameter. Furthermore, a conceptually new approach for constructing boundary conditions is explored, where the reduced symmetry at the boundary is explicitly incorporated into the lattice model. The lattice Boltzmann method is systematically extended to the reduced symmetry model. In the case of a Poiseuille flow in a plane channel, it is shown that a special choice of the collision operator is required to reproduce the correct flow profile. This systematic approach sheds light on the consequences of the reduced symmetry at the boundary and leads to a deeper understanding of boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann method. This can help to develop improved boundary conditions that lead to more accurate simulation results.
This thesis deals with the development of a novel simulation technique for macromolecules in electrolyte solutions, with the aim of a performance improvement over current molecular-dynamics based simulation methods. In solutions containing charged macromolecules and salt ions, it is the complex interplay of electrostatic interactions and hydrodynamics that determines the equilibrium and non-equilibrium behavior. However, the treatment of the solvent and dissolved ions makes up the major part of the computational effort. Thus an efficient modeling of both components is essential for the performance of a method. With the novel method we approach the solvent in a coarse-grained fashion and replace the explicit-ion description by a dynamic mean-field treatment. Hence we combine particle- and field-based descriptions in a hybrid method and thereby effectively solve the electrokinetic equations. The developed algorithm is tested extensively in terms of accuracy and performance, and suitable parameter sets are determined. As a first application we study charged polymer solutions (polyelectrolytes) in shear flow with focus on their viscoelastic properties. Here we also include semidilute solutions, which are computationally demanding. Secondly we study the electro-osmotic flow on superhydrophobic surfaces, where we perform a detailed comparison to theoretical predictions.
In this thesis, different complex colloids were prepared by the process of solvent evaporation from emulsion droplets (SEED). The term “complex” is used to include both an addressable functionality as well as the heterogeneous nature of the colloids.Firstly, as the SEED process was used throughout the thesis, its mechanism especially in regard to coalescence was investigated,. A wide variety of different techniques was employed to study the coalescence of nanodroplets during the evaporation of the solvent. Techniques such as DLS or FCS turned out not to be suitable methods to determine droplet coalescence because of their dependence on dilution. Thus, other methods were developed. TEM measurements were conducted on mixed polymeric emulsions with the results pointing to an absence of coalescence. However, these results were not quantifiable. FRET measurements on mixed polymeric emulsions also indicated an absence of coalescence. Again the results were not quantifiable. The amount of coalescence taking place was then quantified by the application of DC-FCCS. This method also allowed for measuring coalescence in other processes such as the miniemulsion polymerization or the polycondensation reaction on the interface of the droplets. By simulations it was shown that coalescence is not responsible for the usually observed broad size distribution of the produced particles. Therefore, the process itself, especially the emulsification step, needs to be improved to generate monodisperse colloids.rnThe Janus morphology is probably the best known among the different complex morphologies of nanoparticles. With the help of functional polymers, it was possible to marry click-chemistry to Janus particles. A large library of functional polymers was prepared by copolymerization and subsequent post-functionalization or by ATRP. The polymers were then used to generate Janus particles by the SEED process. Both dually functionalized Janus particles and particles with one functionalized face could be obtained. The latter were used for the quantification of functional groups on the surface of the Janus particles. For this, clickable fluorescent dyes were synthesized. The degree of functionality of the polymers was found to be closely mirrored in the degree of functionality of the surface. Thus, the marriage of click-chemistry to Janus particles was successful.Another complex morphology besides Janus particles are nanocapsules. Stimulus-responsive nanocapsules that show triggered release are a highly demanding and interesting system, as nanocapsules have promising applications in drug delivery and in self-healing materials. To achieve heterogeneity in the polymer shell, the stimulus-responsive block copolymer PVFc-b-PMMA was employed for the preparation of the capsules. The phase separation of the two blocks in the shell of the capsules led to a patchy morphology. These patches could then be oxidized resulting in morphology changes. In addition, swelling occurred because of the hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition of the patches induced by the oxidation. Due to the swelling, an encapsulated payload could diffuse out of the capsules, hence release was achieved.The concept of using block copolymers responsive to one stimulus for the preparation of stimulus-responsive capsules was extended to block copolymers responsive to more than one stimulus. Here, a block copolymer responsive to oxidation and a pH change as well as a block copolymer responsive to a pH change and temperature were studied in detail. The release from the nanocapsules could be regulated by tuning the different stimuli. In addition, by encapsulating stimuli-responsive payloads it was possible to selectively release a payload upon one stimulus but not upon the other one.In conclusion, the approaches taken in the course of this thesis demonstrate the broad applicability and usefulness of the SEED process to generate complex colloids. In addition, the experimental techniques established such as DC-FCCS will provide further insight into other research areas as well.
A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) confirmatory method for the simultaneous determination of nine corticosteroids in liver, including the four MRL compounds listed in Council Regulation 37/2010, was developed. After an enzymatic deconjugation and a solvent extraction of the liver tissue, the resulting solution was cleaned up through an SPE Oasis HLB cartridge. The analytes were then detected by liquid chromatography-negative-ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, using deuterium-labelled internal standards. The procedure was validated as a quantitative confirmatory method according to the Commission Decision 2002/657/EC criteria. The results showed that the method was suitable for statutory residue testing regarding the following performance characteristics: instrumental linearity, specificity, precision (repeatability and intra-laboratory reproducibility), recovery, decision limit (CCα), detection capability (CCβ) and ruggedness. All the corticosteroids can be detected at a concentration around 1 μg kg(-1); the recoveries were above 62% for all the analytes. Repeatability and reproducibility (within-laboratory reproducibility) for all the analytes were below 7.65% and 15.5%, respectively.
In this study, the development of a new sensitive method for the analysis of alpha-dicarbonyls glyoxal (G) and methylglyoxal (MG) in environmental ice and snow is presented. Stir bar sorptive extraction with in situ derivatization and liquid desorption (SBSE-LD) was used for sample extraction, enrichment, and derivatization. Measurements were carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). As part of the method development, SBSE-LD parameters such as extraction time, derivatization reagent, desorption time and solvent, and the effect of NaCl addition on the SBSE efficiency as well as measurement parameters of HPLC-ESI-MS/MS were evaluated. Calibration was performed in the range of 1–60 ng/mL using spiked ultrapure water samples, thus incorporating the complete SBSE and derivatization process. 4-Fluorobenzaldehyde was applied as internal standard. Inter-batch precision was <12 % RSD. Recoveries were determined by means of spiked snow samples and were 78.9 ± 5.6 % for G and 82.7 ± 7.5 % for MG, respectively. Instrumental detection limits of 0.242 and 0.213 ng/mL for G and MG were achieved using the multiple reaction monitoring mode. Relative detection limits referred to a sample volume of 15 mL were 0.016 ng/mL for G and 0.014 ng/mL for MG. The optimized method was applied for the analysis of snow samples from Mount Hohenpeissenberg (close to the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg, Germany) and samples from an ice core from Upper Grenzgletscher (Monte Rosa massif, Switzerland). Resulting concentrations were 0.085–16.3 ng/mL for G and 0.126–3.6 ng/mL for MG. Concentrations of G and MG in snow were 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than in ice core samples. The described method represents a simple, green, and sensitive analytical approach to measure G and MG in aqueous environmental samples.