935 resultados para Campo Magnético


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um método para medição de deslocamentos sem contato, utilizando sensores magnetoresistivos, os quais são sensibilizados pela variação do campo magnético produzido por um imã permanente em deslocamento no espaço. Os sensores magnetoresistivos possuem, internamente, uma ponte de Wheathestone, onde a resistência varia conforme varia o campo magnético, de modo que o circuito mais indicado para este caso é um amplificador e um filtro para cada sensor. O principal objetivo do trabalho é a obtenção de uma técnica para medir deslocamentos sem contato, e estender os resultados para medida de movimentos mandibulares. A montagem consiste de duas placas de celeron, distantes 30mm uma da outra e unidas por parafusos de polietileno. Em cada uma destas placas foram dispostos quatro sensores, num total de oito, sendo que para cada um deles existe um circuito de amplificação e filtragem do sinal de saída. Sob uma chapa de alumínio foi fixado este equipamento e uma mesa de calibração em 3D, a qual, após a obtenção da matriz de calibração, foi substituída por um emulador de movimento mandibular. Os parâmetros do modelo foram estimados através do método dos mínimos quadrados com auxílio do software Matlab, Release 12. Este software também foi utilizado para o sistema de aquisição de dados durante a realização dos experimentos. A imprecisão dos resultados obtidos na determinação dos deslocamentos, está na ordem de décimos de milímetros. O trabalho apresenta, também, o mapeamento do campo magnético do magneto utilizado nos experimentos através do software FEM2000 – Método de elementos finitos aplicado ao eletromagnetismo.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar os efeitos eletromagnéticos e fluido-dinâmicos induzidos no aço, decorrentes do uso de um agitador eletromagnético. Para tal, foi proposta a construção de um modelo numérico que resolva, de forma acoplada, os problemas de eletromagnetismo e fluido-dinâmica. O modelo numérico do problema eletromagnético, em elementos finitos, foi construído utilizando-se o software Opera-3d/Elektra da Vector Fields. O mesmo foi validado com medidas experimentais de densidade de fluxo magnético feitas na usina. O escoamento decorrente da agitação eletromagnética foi resolvido fazendo-se o acoplamento das forças de Lorentz com as equações de Navier-Stokes. Essas últimas foram resolvidas pelo método de volumes finitos, usando-se o software CFX-4 da AEA Technology. O modelo eletromagnético mostrou que existe um torque máximo dependente da freqüência do campo magnético. Também foi observado que a força magnética aumenta em quatro vezes seu valor, quando a corrente é duplicada. O perfil de escoamento produzido no molde, sob agitação eletromagnética, indica, que as situações de lingotamento testadas, não propiciam o arraste da escória. A velocidade crítica de arraste, determinada via modelo físico, não foi atingida para nenhum caso testado. O modelo fluido-dinâmico e térmico apresentou um aumento do fluxo de calor cedido pelo fluido para a casca solidificada com o uso do agitador eletromagnético. Como conseqüência, observou-se uma queda na temperatura do banho. Também foi observado, que o uso do agitador propicia a remoção de inclusões das camadas mais externas do tarugo. Ao mesmo tempo, notou-se que o uso do agitador aumenta o índice de remoção de inclusões para as duas seções de molde analisadas.


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Neste trabalho, estudamos a interação de íons com um conjunto quase-monocromático de ondas eletrostáticas de frequência na faixa das frequências híbridas inferiores, propagando-se perpendicularmente a um campo magnético uniforme. Consideramos que as fases das ondas são aleatoriamente distribuídas (ondas incoerentes), tratando o caso de ondas de fases coerentes (ondas coerentes) como um caso particular. Derivamos o Hamiltoniano adequado a esse sistema, e deduzimos as equações de movimento, cujas soluções são analisadas numericamente, mostrando a ocorrência de difusão estocástica no espaçoo de fase ângulo-ação, para amplitudes de onda suficientemente grandes. Também fazemos estimativas sobre a amplitude mínima (threshold) para o aparecimento de ilhas de primeira ordem no espaço de fase. Estimamos, também, o limiar para as ilhas de segunda ordem e de ordens maiores, bem como o limiar de estocasticidade. A análise mostra que para o caso de várias ondas o comportamento estocástico ocorre antes do limiar de estocasticidade comparado com o caso de uma onda. No caso de ondas coerentes, observa-se que o limiar de estocasticidade diminui com o aumento do número de ondas que comp˜oem o conjunto de ondas, proporcionalmente ao inverso da raiz quadrada deste número, portanto, tendendo a ser nulo no limite em que o número de ondas no pacote tende a infinito. No caso de ondas incoerentes, observa-se também uma diminuição do limiar de estocasticidade com o aumento do número de ondas, mas nesse caso, saturando com valor até um terço do valor do limiar de estocasticidade para o caso de uma onda. Observa-se também que o limite superior da região de estocasticidade no espaço de fase aumenta com o aumento do número de ondas. No caso de ondas coerentes, esse aumento é proporcional à raiz cúbica do número de ondas que compõem o conjunto de ondas. No caso de ondas incoerentes o limite superior da região de estocasticidade têm um aumento de até o dobro em relação ao caso de uma onda. A análise também mostra que o mecanismo da estocasticidade para o caso de várias ondas é diferente do mecanismo atuante no caso de uma onda. No caso de uma onda, a estocasticidade ocorre por superposição de ilhas de ordens maiores do que um, com o aumento da intensidade da onda. No caso de várias ondas, a presençaa de ondas de frequências próximas à frequência de ressonância causa pequenas perturbações na trajetória principal das partículas, causada pela onda central, espalhando-a pelo espaço de fase de forma mais eficiente que o mecanismo de estocasticidade para o caso de uma onda.


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A velocidade de veículos em vias públicas pode ser obtida de diversas formas. A técnica mais usada é de laços magnéticos, onde se instalam sensores sob o asfalto. Entretanto, esta técnica apresenta desvantagens, tais como, a não detecção de motocicletas (o campo magnético gerado por este tipo de veículo é imperceptível ao sistema) e dificuldade de manutenção da via (se o órgão publico tiver que mexer numa rede cloacal que passa perto dos sensores, por exemplo, pode ser necessário reinstalá-los). Nesse contexto, este trabalho propõe-se a discutir uma nova maneira de se calcular a velocidade de veículos, através do processamento de imagens. Para isto, torna-se fundamental conhecer os conceitos que envolvem as técnicas mais utilizadas (além dos laços magnéticos, a captura de dois quadros consecutivos e o sistema Doppler), os equipamentos disponíveis no mercado (Pardais, Lombadas Eletrônicas, Bandeiras, Caetanos e Radares) e a forma como o INMETRO faz a aferição destes equipamentos. O estudo apresenta, igualmente, os principais fundamentos relacionados ao processamento digital de imagens, com especial atenção para detecção de bordas, de forma que seja possível avaliar a nova técnica proposta, que calcula a velocidade a partir de um único quadro. O presente trabalho objetiva apresentar o Pardalzito como alternativa técnica inovadora para aplicação de um, sistema que implementa esta idéia na prática.


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A β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase extracted and partially isolated from crustacean Artemia franciscana by ammonium sulfate precipitation and filtration gel chromatography Bio Gel A 1.5m. the enzyme was immobilized on ferromagnetic Dacron yielding a insoluble active derivative with 5.0 units/mg protein and 10.35% of the soluble enzyme activity. β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase-ferromagnetic Dacron was easily removed from the reaction mixture by a magnetic field, it was reused for ten times without loss in its activity. The ferromagnetic Dacron was better activated at pH 5.0. The particles visualized at scanning electron microscope (SEM) had presented different sizes, varying between 721nm and 100µm. Infra red confirmed immobilization on support, as showed by primary amino peaks at 1640 and 1560 cm-1 . The immobilize enzyme presented Km of 2.32 ± 0.48 mM and optimum temperature of 50°C. Bought presented the same thermal stable of the soluble enzyme and larger enzymatic activity at pH 5.5. β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase-Dacron ferromagnético showed sensible for some íons as the silver (AgNO3), with loss of activity. The β-D-N acetilglucosaminidase activity for mercury chloride (HgCl2), whom is one of the most toxic substance joined in nature, it was presented activity already diminished at 0,01mM and lost total activity at 4mM, indicating sensitivity for this type of metal. β-D-N-acetilglucosaminidase-ferromagnetic Dacron showed degradative capacity on heparan sulfate, the enzyme still demonstrated degradative capacity on heparan sulphate, suggesting a possible application to produce fractions of this glycosaminoglycan


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This work aimed to develop a suitable magnetic system for administration by the oral route. In addition to that, it was intended to review the current uses of magnetic systems and the safety related to magnetic field exposure. Methods: Coprecipitation and emulsification/crosslinking were carried out in order to synthesize magnetite particles and to coat them, respectively. Results: According to literature review, it was found that magnetic particles present several properties such as magnetophoresis in magnetic field gradient, production of a surrounding magnetic field, and heat generation in alternated magnetic field. When the human organism is exposed to magnetic fields, several interaction mechanisms come into play. However, biological tissues present low magnetic susceptibility. As a result, the effects are not so remarkable. Concerning the development of a magnetic system for oral route, uncoated magnetite particles did undergo significant dissolution at gastric pH. On the other hand, such process was inhibited in the xylan-coated particles. Conclusions: Due to their different properties, magnetic systems have been widely used in biosciences. However, the consequent increased human exposure to magnetic fields has been considered relatively safe. Concerning the experimental work, it was developed a polymer-coated magnetic system. It may be very promising for administration by the oral route for therapy and diagnostic applications as dissolution at gastric pH hardly took place


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Magnetic targeting is being investigated as a means of local delivery of drugs, combining precision, minimal surgical intervention, and satisfactory concentration of the drug in the target region. In view of these advantages, it is a promising strategy for improving the pharmacological response. Magnetic particles are attracted by a magnetic field gradient, and drugs bound to them can be driven to their site of action by means of the selective application of magnetic field on the desired area. Helicobacter pylori is the commonest chronic bacterial infection. The treatment of choice has commonly been based upon a triple therapy combining two antibiotics and an anti-secretory agent. Furthermore, an extended-release profile is of utmost importance for these formulations. The aim of this work was to develop a magnetic system containing the antibiotic amoxicillin for oral magnetic drug targeting. First, magnetic particles were produced by coprecipitation of iron salts in alkaline medium. The second step was coating the particles and amoxicillin with Eudragit® S-100 by spray-drying technique. The system obtained demonstrated through the characterization studies carried out a possible oral drug delivery system, consisting in magnetite microparticles and amoxicillin, coated with a polymer acid resistant. This system can be used to deliver drugs to the stomach for treatment of infections in this organ. Another important finding in this work is that it opens new prospects to coat magnetic microparticles by the technique of spray-drying.


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The main goal of the present work is related to the dynamics of the steady state, incompressible, laminar flow with heat transfer, of an electrically conducting and Newtonian fluid inside a flat parallel-plate channel under the action of an external and uniform magnetic field. For solution of the governing equations, written in the parabolic boundary layer and stream-function formulation, it was employed the hybrid, numericalanalytical, approach known as Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT). The flow is sustained by a pressure gradient and the magnetic field is applied in the direction normal to the flow and is assumed that normal magnetic field is kept uniform, remaining larger than any other fields generated in other directions. In order to evaluate the influence of the applied magnetic field on both entrance regions, thermal and hydrodynamic, for this forced convection problem, as well as for validating purposes of the adopted solution methodology, two kinds of channel entry conditions for the velocity field were used: an uniform and an non-MHD parabolic profile. On the other hand, for the thermal problem only an uniform temperature profile at the channel inlet was employed as boundary condition. Along the channel wall, plates are maintained at constant temperature, either equal to or different from each other. Results for the velocity and temperature fields as well as for the main related potentials are produced and compared, for validation purposes, to results reported on literature as function of the main dimensionless governing parameters as Reynolds and Hartman numbers, for typical situations. Finally, in order to illustrate the consistency of the integral transform method, convergence analyses are also effectuated and presented


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O Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) transmite seus sinais em duas freqüências, o que permite eliminar matematicamente os efeitos de primeira ordem da ionosfera através da combinação linear ionosphere free. Porém, restam os efeitos de segunda e terceira ordem, os quais podem provocar erros da ordem de centímetros nas medidas GPS. Esses efeitos, geralmente, são negligenciados no processamento dos dados GPS. Os efeitos ionosféricos de primeira, segunda e terceira ordem são diretamente proporcionais ao TEC presente na ionosfera, porém, no caso dos efeitos de segunda e terceira ordem, comparecem também o campo magnético da Terra e a máxima densidade de elétrons, respectivamente. Nesse artigo, os efeitos de segunda e terceira ordem da ionosfera são investigados, sendo que foram levados em consideração no processamento de dados GPS na região brasileira para fins de posicionamento. Serão apresentados os modelos matemáticos associados a esses efeitos, as transformações envolvendo o campo magnético da Terra e a utilização do TEC advindo dos Mapas Globais da Ionosfera ou calculados a partir das observações GPS de pseudodistância. O processamento dos dados GPS foi realizado considerando o método relativo estático e cinemático e o posicionamento por ponto preciso (PPP). Os efeitos de segunda e terceira ordem foram analisados considerando períodos de alta e baixa atividade ionosférica. Os resultados mostraram que a não consideração desses efeitos no posicionamento por ponto preciso e no posicionamento relativo para linhas de base longas pode introduzir variações da ordem de poucos milímetros nas coordenadas das estações, além de variações diurnas em altitude da ordem de centímetros.


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We use a finite diference eulerian numerical code, called ZEUS 3D, to do simulations involving the collision between two magnetized molecular clouds, aiming to evaluate the rate of star formation triggered by the collision and to analyse how that rate varies depending on the relative orientations between the cloud magnetic fields before the shock. The ZEUS 3D code is not an easy code to handle. We had to create two subroutines, one to study the cloud-cloud collision and the other for the data output. ZEUS is a modular code. Its hierarchical way of working is explained as well as the way our subroutines work. We adopt two sets of different initial values for density, temperature and magnetic field of the clouds and of the external medium in order to study the collision between two molecular clouds. For each set, we analyse in detail six cases with different directions and orientations of the cloud magnetic field relative to direction of motion of the clouds. The analysis of these twelve cases allowed us to conform analytical-theoretical proposals found in the literature, and to obtain several original results. Previous works indicate that, if the cloud magnetic fields before the collision are orthogonal to the direction of motion, then a strong inhibition of star formation will occur during a cloud-cloud shock, whereas if those magnetic fields are parallel to the direction of motion, star formation will be stimulated. Our treatment of the problem confirmed numerically those results, and further allowed us to quantify the relative star forming efficiencies in each case. Moreover, we propose and analyse an intermediate case where the field of one of the clouds is orthogonal to the motion and the field of the other one is parallel to the motion. We conclude that, in this case, the rate at which the star formation occurs has a value also intermediate between the two extreme cases we mentioned above. Besides that we study the case in which the fields are orthogonal to the direction of the motion but, instead of being parallel to each other, they are anti-parallel, and we obtained for this case the corresponding variation of the star formation rate due to this alteration of the field configuration. This last case has not been studied in the literature before. Our study allows us to obtain, from the simulations, the rate of star formation in each case, as well as the temporal dependence of that rate as each collision evolves, what we do in detail for one of the cases in particular. The values we obtain for the rate of star formation are in accordance with those expected from the presently existing observational data


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In the present work we study the processes of heating in the high stellar atmosphere, with base in an analysis of behavior of the cromospheric and coronal emission for a sample of single stars classified as giant in the literature. The evolutionary status of the stars of the sample was determined from HIPPARCOS satellite trigonometric parallax measurements and from the Toulouse Genéve code. In this study we show the form of behavior of the CaII emission flux in spectral lines H and K F(CaII) and the X-ray emission flux in function of the rotation, number of Rossby Ro and depth in mass of the convective envelope. In this analysis we show that while the cromospheric activity is dominated clearly by a physical process of heating associated with the rotation, like a magnetic field produced by dynamo effect, the coronal activity seems to be influenced for a mechanism independent of the rotation. We show also that the effective role of the depth in massa of the convective envelope on the stellar activity has an important effect in the responsible physical process for the behavior of the activity in the atmosphere of the stars.


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There is presently a worldwide interest in artificial magnetic systems which guide research activities in universities and companies. Thin films and multilayers have a central role, revealing new magnetic phases which often lead to breakthroughs and new technology standards, never thought otherwise. Surface and confinement effects cause large impact in the magnetic phases of magnetic materials with bulk spatially periodic patterns. New magnetic phases are expected to form in thin film thicknesses comparable to the length of the intrinsic bulk magnetic unit cell. Helimagnetic materials are prototypes in this respect, since the bulk magnetic phases consist in periodic patterns with the length of the helical pitch. In this thesis we study the magnetic phases of thin rare-earth films, with surfaces oriented along the (002) direction. The thesis includes the investigation of the magnetic phases of thin Dy and Ho films, as well as the thermal hysteresis cycles of Dy thin films. The investigation of the thermal hysteresis cycles of thin Dy films has been done in collaboration with the Laboratory of Magnetic Materials of the University of Texas, at Arlington. The theoretical modeling is based on a self-consistent theory developed by the Group of Magnetism of UFRN. Contributions from the first and second neighbors exchange energy, from the anisotropy energy and the Zeeman energy are calculated in a set of nonequivalent magnetic ions, and the equilibrium magnetic phases, from the Curie temperature up to the Nèel temperature, are determined in a self-consistent manner, resulting in a vanishing torque in the magnetic ions at all planes across the thin film. Our results reproduce the known isothermal and iso-field curves of bulk Dy and Ho, and the known spin-slip phases of Ho, and indicate that: (i) the confinement in thin films leads to a new magnetic phase, with alternate helicity, which leads to the measured thermal hysteresis of Dy ultrathin films, with thicknesses ranging from 4 nm to 16 nm; (ii) thin Dy films have anisotropy dominated surface lock-in phases, with alignment of surface spins along the anisotropy easy axis directions, similar to the known spin-slip phases of Ho ( which form in the bulk and are commensurate to the crystal lattice); and (iii) the confinement in thin films change considerably the spin-slip patterns of Ho.


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Ising and m-vector spin-glass models are studied, in the limit of infinite-range in-teractions, through the replica method. First, the m-vector spin glass, in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field, as well as of uniaxial anisotropy fields, is consi-dered. The effects of the anisotropics on the phase diagrams, and in particular, on the Gabay-Toulouse line, which signals the transverse spin-glass ordering, are investigated. The changes in the Gabay-Toulouse line, due to the presence of anisotropy fields which favor spin orientations along the Cartesian axes (m = 2: planar anisotropy; m = 3: cubic anisotropy), are also studied. The antiferromagnetic Ising spin glass, in the presence of uniform and Gaussian random magnetic fields, is investigated through a two-sublattice generalization of the Sherrington-Kirpaktrick model. The effects of the magnetic-field randomness on the phase diagrams of the model are analysed. Some confrontations of the present results with experimental observations available in the literature are discussed


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In this work we have studied, by Monte Carlo computer simulation, several properties that characterize the damage spreading in the Ising model, defined in Bravais lattices (the square and the triangular lattices) and in the Sierpinski Gasket. First, we investigated the antiferromagnetic model in the triangular lattice with uniform magnetic field, by Glauber dynamics; The chaotic-frozen critical frontier that we obtained coincides , within error bars, with the paramegnetic-ferromagnetic frontier of the static transition. Using heat-bath dynamics, we have studied the ferromagnetic model in the Sierpinski Gasket: We have shown that there are two times that characterize the relaxation of the damage: One of them satisfy the generalized scaling theory proposed by Henley (critical exponent z~A/T for low temperatures). On the other hand, the other time does not obey any of the known scaling theories. Finally, we have used methods of time series analysis to study in Glauber dynamics, the damage in the ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice. We have obtained a Hurst exponent with value 0.5 in high temperatures and that grows to 1, close to the temperature TD, that separates the chaotic and the frozen phases


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico