982 resultados para California Rehabilitation Center


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Ostomy is an open surgical origin, when it is necessary to deviate temporarily or permanently, the normal transit of food and / or deletions. The patient with ostomy disposal is faced with changes in their physiology, also emerging on the need to care collection bag. This study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of people living with ostomy Intestinal (EI), who attended the Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CRI / CRA-RN). It is an analytical study with cross-sectional design and quantitative approach, accomplished with 89 people who had EI. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), CAAE: 19866413.3.0000.5537. Held data collection in the period January-March 2015 using two instruments: an adapted general questionnaire covering socio-demographic, clinical and self-care and a specific instrument for assessing QOL of people with stoma titled as City of Hope Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-Q), validated and adapted to Portuguese in 2010, composed of four areas, namely: Welfare Body (BEF), Welfare Psychological (BEP), Welfare (BES ) and Spiritual Well-Being (BEE). The collected data were entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet application and processed in computerized software for descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that 83.1% had a colostomy and ileostomy 16.9%. Sociodemographic characteristics prevailed in males (57.3%), over 50 (57.3%), mulatto (46.1%), with presence of companion / a (57.3%), retired / beneficiaries (50.5%), monthly income above the minimum wage (68.5%) and who have studied up to elementary school (67.4%). Regarding clinical aspects, it was observed that the main cause that led to the making of the stoma was the neoplasm (59.6%) followed by trauma (21.3%). The sample showed people with stoma for more than six months (79.8%) of permanently (57.3%), in use sink equipment piece drainable (68.5%) of flat base (82.0%). With respect to self-care, 93.3% emptied and washed the bag alone (care related to hygiene) and 75.3% fixed the new exchange on the skin during the exchange (care related to the stock). Patients with more than six months of ostomy and had no partner (a) had higher averages of self-care related hygiene and purse. The average of respondents QoL scores was 68.90% for General QOL; 68.03% for the BEF; 68.38% for the BEP; 66.46% for BES and 75.41% for BEE. Among the aspects that influenced QOL included: physical strength, pain, suffering and gases (physical domain); appearance, care of the stoma and adaptation to new condition (psychological domain); isolation, interference in personal relationships and social activities (social domain) and going to church or synagogue, spiritual activities and positive change after ostomy (spiritual realm). Based on these results, it is concluded that this was a predominantly adult sample / elderly (between 50 and 70 years), with low education and the cause motivating the stoma, neoplasms. However, such findings did not pass at low percentage levels on the self-care capacity to deliver even at low QOL scores.


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Ostomy is an open surgical origin, when it is necessary to deviate temporarily or permanently, the normal transit of food and / or deletions. The patient with ostomy disposal is faced with changes in their physiology, also emerging on the need to care collection bag. This study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of people living with ostomy Intestinal (EI), who attended the Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CRI / CRA-RN). It is an analytical study with cross-sectional design and quantitative approach, accomplished with 89 people who had EI. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), CAAE: 19866413.3.0000.5537. Held data collection in the period January-March 2015 using two instruments: an adapted general questionnaire covering socio-demographic, clinical and self-care and a specific instrument for assessing QOL of people with stoma titled as City of Hope Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-Q), validated and adapted to Portuguese in 2010, composed of four areas, namely: Welfare Body (BEF), Welfare Psychological (BEP), Welfare (BES ) and Spiritual Well-Being (BEE). The collected data were entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet application and processed in computerized software for descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that 83.1% had a colostomy and ileostomy 16.9%. Sociodemographic characteristics prevailed in males (57.3%), over 50 (57.3%), mulatto (46.1%), with presence of companion / a (57.3%), retired / beneficiaries (50.5%), monthly income above the minimum wage (68.5%) and who have studied up to elementary school (67.4%). Regarding clinical aspects, it was observed that the main cause that led to the making of the stoma was the neoplasm (59.6%) followed by trauma (21.3%). The sample showed people with stoma for more than six months (79.8%) of permanently (57.3%), in use sink equipment piece drainable (68.5%) of flat base (82.0%). With respect to self-care, 93.3% emptied and washed the bag alone (care related to hygiene) and 75.3% fixed the new exchange on the skin during the exchange (care related to the stock). Patients with more than six months of ostomy and had no partner (a) had higher averages of self-care related hygiene and purse. The average of respondents QoL scores was 68.90% for General QOL; 68.03% for the BEF; 68.38% for the BEP; 66.46% for BES and 75.41% for BEE. Among the aspects that influenced QOL included: physical strength, pain, suffering and gases (physical domain); appearance, care of the stoma and adaptation to new condition (psychological domain); isolation, interference in personal relationships and social activities (social domain) and going to church or synagogue, spiritual activities and positive change after ostomy (spiritual realm). Based on these results, it is concluded that this was a predominantly adult sample / elderly (between 50 and 70 years), with low education and the cause motivating the stoma, neoplasms. However, such findings did not pass at low percentage levels on the self-care capacity to deliver even at low QOL scores.


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Objective: To evaluate the nutritional counseling offered to children and adolescents with disabilities in the municipality of Santa Cruz, RN, Brazil. Methods: Observational, crosssectional, population-based study, developed from May to December 2013, with 102 children and adolescents attending a Children’s Rehabilitation Center. We conducted socioeconomic, demographic, health and lifestyle assessments, and evaluated the received nutritional assistance (whether they had received nutritional counseling from any health professional in relation to food and nutrition, how often it occurred and which professional conducted such counseling). Results: Only 37% (n=37) of parents had received some nutritional guidance. Regarding the frequency of counseling, only 11.8% (n=4) of the youngsters received it 7 or more times/year; 23.5% (n=8) received it 2 to 6 times/year; and most (64.7 %, n=22) received it 1 time/year or less. The length of the nutritional counseling was short: the majority (64.7%, n=22) received only one guidance session throughout the whole period attending the institution, and less than 15% (n=5) received counseling for more than six consecutive months. For the majority (73.5%, n=25), the amount of time receiving nutritional guidance has not reached half of the monitoring period. Nutritional counseling was carried out mainly by nutritionists (89.2%, n=33). Conclusion: There was a low frequency of nutritional counseling directed specifically to the disabilities presented by the participants. When such activity was conducted, it occurred irregularly during the participant´s follow-up, only during a short period of time, and lacking connection with the monitoring by the multidisciplinary team.


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O presente documento, criado no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Atividade de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais, do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido no Centro de Reabilitação Psicossocial, das Irmãs Hospitaleiras em Maputo – Moçambique. O processo de intervenção psicomotora foi desenvolvido com jovens/adultos com Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais e crianças com Paralisia Cerebral ou Atraso Global do Desenvolvimento, durante 8 meses. A intervenção concretizou-se em sessões de grupo e individuais em contexto de atividade motora, terapias expressivas, desenvolvimento pessoal e social com os jovens/adultos e em contexto de promoção do desenvolvimento psicomotor, atividades psicopedagógicas e terapias expressivas com as crianças, com objetivo de promoção de bem-estar, qualidade de vida, funcionalidade e autonomia dos utentes, tendo em conta o contexto cultural, familiar e as potencialidades, dificuldades e interesses. No processo de intervenção estiveram presentes as fases próprias da prática terapêutica, observação, conhecimento e criação de relação empática com os utentes, avaliação inicial, processo de intervenção planeado, avaliação final e comparação dos resultados com avaliação inicial e reflexão sobre o mesmo. É ainda apresentado um projeto de investigação centrado no estudo das atitudes da comunidade do Bairro das Mahotas perante a população com Dificuldade Intelectual e Desenvolvimental.


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option sécurité intérieure


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Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option sécurité intérieure


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El objetivo de esta investigación diagnóstica es evaluar las acciones de la Comunidad Internacional en materia de resocialización de niños soldados desvinculados del Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (ERS) en Uganda durante el periodo de 2002 a 2013. Para ello, se hace un análisis de las causas de la existencia de niños soldados, donde se tiene en cuenta la evolución del concepto de la infancia y las particularidades que éste representa en el contexto africano. Así mismo, son analizados los alcances y limitaciones del modelo de asistencia humanitaria para la protección de la niñez enfatizando en los procesos de resocialización brindados a los niños desvinculados del ERS. Esto con el fin de evidenciar las limitaciones de la actuación de la Comunidad Internacional, y brindar una serie de recomendaciones para la implementación de programas de resocialización enfocados en la infancia.