888 resultados para Business Plan, Market Research, Entrepreneurship, Jewerly Industry, Marketing Plan
Actualmente en el mercado existe una limitada variedad de productos almibarados, siendo en su gran mayoría duraznos, brevas y algunas cascaras de frutas como el caso de la naranja y la mandarina. La propuesta expuesta a continuación, tiene como objeto recomendar el lanzamiento de frutas en almíbar con bajo contenido calórico presentadas al publico en envase de vidrio, bajo el nombre de Conservas Naturales Dulce Vida “ya que transmite el carácter familiar y tradicional con el que se quiere que sea identificado el producto, además del mensaje positivo que se quiere transmitir”. Los productos almibarados con bajo contenido calórico llenan estos vacíos, al darle la posibilidad al consumidor, de adquirir productos naturales, no perecederos, de excelente calidad, con un sabor agradable al paladar
The term 'big data' has recently emerged to describe a range of technological and commercial trends enabling the storage and analysis of huge amounts of customer data, such as that generated by social networks and mobile devices. Much of the commercial promise of big data is in the ability to generate valuable insights from collecting new types and volumes of data in ways that were not previously economically viable. At the same time a number of questions have been raised about the implications for individual privacy. This paper explores key perspectives underlying the emergence of big data, and considers both the opportunities and ethical challenges raised for market research.
This Viewpoint focuses on the debate in market research around the gap between academia and practitioners. It argues that the debate misses the key role that universities play in the provision of market research skills and that it is this skills gap that needs to be addressed in order to ensure the future of research as a profession.
Each day close to 20,000 people become infected with the HIV virus worldwide; a large portion of whom are infected through unprotected sex with sex workers. While condoms are an effective defense against the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, large numbers of sex workers are not using them with their clients. We argue that some sex workers are willing to take the risk because clients are willing to pay more to avoid using condoms. Using a panel data set from Mexico, we estimate that sex workers received a 23 percent premium for unprotected sex from clients who requested not to use a condom. However, this premium jumped to 46 percent if the sex worker was considered very attractive. These results suggest that the current policies aimed at educating sex workers about risk, empowering them and improving their access to condoms need to be complemented with interventions aimed at teaching clients about the “joy of safe sex” thereby increasing the demand for using condoms.
Mathrix is an e-learning math website that will be launched in March 2016. This master thesis offered a unique chance to interact with experienced supervisors in venture capitalism and project investment. It could serve as guidelines for entrepreneurs who intend to raise funds. Starting with the company’s business plan, the thesis focuses on estimating the company’s value with its return on investment using three scenarios and taking into consideration the risks evolved.
The objective of this paper is to analyse and to discuss the ethical issues in the field of research known as neuromarketing, a tool used to improve innovation in companies. It uses techniques available to neuroscientists, both newer and more sophisticated ones along with traditional ones, but now for new purposes. From the beginning, this new area has evoked discussions about ethical aspects related to the results presented. Despite the unrestricted controversy surrounding the theme, few studies have discussed ethical issues involved in this line of research in a pragmatic manner. In this sense, this paper seeks to analyse and discuss ethical issues in neuromarketing research through a literature review and the proposal for a framework of ethical mapping. This framework revealed the ethical implications that would be most prominent in certain research situations: the purpose of utilising neuromarketing techniques, organisational type, and industrial sector, among others.
Il Business Plan è un importante strumento ai fini della pianificazione strategica delle imprese, siano esse già avviate o in fase di start up. Le varie funzioni che esso svolge, sono di natura sia interna all’impresa, evidenziando all’alta direzione le conseguenze economiche e finanziarie di determinate decisioni, che esterna all’impresa, volta ad illustrare il progetto ai vari stake-holders. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di offrire un contributo a coloro cui compete il compito di redigere un Business Plan, in ordine ai contenuti, ai criteri e agli strumenti logici e tecnici per la sua redazione, avendo comunque ben presente che ogni progetto imprenditoriale si caratterizza con peculiarità proprie. Pertanto, nella prima parte del presente lavoro, dopo un illustrazione delle molteplici funzioni del Business Plan, verranno fornite precise e concrete indicazioni su come deve essere articolato un buon piano d’impresa, soffermandosi in particolare sui contenuti dei vari argomenti che occorre esaminare all’interno dello stesso. Nella seconda parte verrà descritta la nascita e la struttura della Rebernig Supervisioni S.r.l., azienda con la quale ho collaborato per la redazione del presente lavoro. Nella terza parte, verrà invece sviluppato un vero e proprio Business Plan, riferito ad un caso con concreto, quello dell’azienda Rebernig Supervisioni S.r.l., per il lancio di un nuovo prodotto sul mercato dell’illuminazione. Un sentito ringraziamento al management della Rebernig Supervisioni S.r.l. per la collaborazione prestata e per il tempo da loro dedicato, fornendo in tal modo un importante contributo ai fini della redazione del presente lavoro.
In market research, the adoption of interactive virtual reality-techniques could be expected to contain many advantages: artificial lab environments could be designed in a more realistic manner and the consideration of “time to the market”-factors could be improved. On the other hand, with an increasing degree of presence and the notional attendance in a simulated test environment, the market research task could fall prey to the tensing virtual reality adventure. In the following study a 3D-technique is empirically tested for its usability in market research. It will be shown that the interactive 3D-simulation is not biased by the immersion it generates and provides considerably better test results than 2D-stimuli do.
CUIDANDO.COM es una plataforma online o marketplace destinado a mejorar la búsqueda y contratación de servicios de asistencia a la Tercera Edad. Este marketplace online permitirá a las familias encontrar la mejor asistencia y cuidado para sus mayores. A su vez ayudará a cuidadores a encontrar familias para la prestación de sus servicios. Es decir será una plataforma “peer- to-peer” que aprovechando el modelo de economía de comunidades colaborativas, conectará oferta y demanda a la hora de contratar, de forma ágil. Esta plataforma será de acceso consultivo gratuito tanto a clientes (ancianos/familiares) como a proveedores (cuidadores), pero únicamente se podrá ejecutar la contratación de dichos servicios, una vez se hayan registrado y ejecutado la compra a través de dicha plataforma. Únicamente se podrán dar los datos de contactos de oferta y demanda una vez se tramite la operación. CUIDANDO.COM recibirá sus ingresos en una fase inicial del negocio, cobrando a ambas partes una comisión por tramitar la contratación a través de la plataforma: - al cliente final por la posibilidad de buscar, filtrar, comparar y contratar - al cuidador por darle la oportunidad de publicar una oferta de empleo y conseguir trabajo remunerado
Following De-Ba'athification, forming a new leadership class will be critical to the success of creating a strong civil society in modern-day Iraq. Implementation of youth educational exchange programs, specifically promoting leadership skills, is a significant part of the solution to stimulating a new generation of leaders. Using the reign of Saddam Hussein and his toppling as a frame of reference, a brief history of Iraq's civil society reveals a need for a new leadership class through the lens of democratic transition and consolidation. After exploring the leadership challenges of post-war nation building, the proposed business plan focuses on implementing a youth leadership program in Iraq, employing a wider participation model, and a lengthier, more involved learning model from existing programs.
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