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Hemiancistrus cerrado is described from the tributaries of rio Araguaia, rio Tocantins basin. Hemiancistrus cerrado has external similarities with H. megalopteryx and H. punctulatus from coastal streams of southern Brazil, and can be distinguished by having a larger internarial width, 15.9-21.1% of head length (vs. 11.2-14.0% in H. megalopteryx and 11.2-13.9% in H. punctulatus) and, with little overlap, by the larger adipose-fin spine length, 9.4-13.6% of standard length (vs. 7.1-8.7% in H. megalopteryx and 7.4-10.0% in H. punctulatus). Hemiancistrus cerrado further differs from H. megalopteryx by having the pectoral-fin spine reaching maximally to the middle of the pelvic-fin spine when adpressed in adult males (vs. reaching tip). Hemiancistrus cerrado differs from other members of Hemiancistrus by color and numerous morphometric and meristic data.
OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência do diabetes melito (DM) e da hiperglicemia de estresse (HE) em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) admitidos em unidade de emergência cardiológica. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de 2.262 pacientes com IAM, avaliando, além da prevalência de diabetes referido, o diagnosticado e a hiperglicemia de estresse. RESULTADOS: Apesar de referido em 12,1% dos pacientes (H: 10,7%, M: 15,8%), o DM ocorria efetivamente em 24,8% (H: 22,9%, M: 29,7%) e a HE em 13,6% (H: 14,3%, M: 11,7%) dos indivíduos dessa população. Portanto, alterações glicêmicas ocorreram em 37,4% dos indivíduos com IAM (H: 37,2%, M: 41,4%). Nos pacientes com DM, observou-se maior precocidade etária do IAM, maior prevalência de óbitos (DM: 20,7%, ND:13,8%, HE: 13,4%) e de procedimentos cirúrgicos (ND: 33,8%, HE: 18,0%, DM: 21,7%). CONCLUSÃO: A elevada prevalência de DM e hiperglicemia de estresse observada em nosso estudo indica que as alterações glicêmicas constituem um dos mais importantes fatores de risco para o IAM.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da intervenção nutricional na redução do excesso de peso (EP), em pacientes com síndrome do anticorpo antifosfolípide (SAF). MÉTODO: Incluídos 40 pacientes, acima de 18 anos, com diagnóstico de SAF primária ou secundária, acompanhados no Serviço de Reumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) e recrutados no período de outubro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006. Foram coletados dados demográficos e realizados a revisão de prontuários, a mensuração de peso e da altura, o cálculo do índice de massa corpórea (IMC) atual e a adequação da dieta pelo IMC ideal. Foi realizada avaliação na primeira consulta e após intervalo mínimo de dois meses. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 41 anos, sendo 93% de mulheres. Os pacientes com SAF primária perfaziam 25%, com média de dois anos da doença. A trombose venosa ocorreu em 63%, arterial em 48% e manifestações obstétricas em 27%. Na primeira consulta, 68% apresentavam EP, 27% eram eutróficos e 5% estavam com baixo peso (BP). Após três meses de intervenção, os eutróficos mantiveram o peso e os de BP tornaram-se eutróficos, segundo o IMC. Interessantemente, entre os pacientes com EP (n = 27), 82% emagreceram, 14% engordaram e 4% se mantiveram. Especificamente, 11 pacientes apresentaram 1% a 3% de perda ponderal de peso, oito perderam de 4% a 7%, dois reduziram 8% a 9% e um reduziu 13,6% com o acompanhamento nutricional. CONCLUSÃO: Foi demonstrado no presente estudo que a intervenção nutricional conseguiu atingir metas para redução de peso, possibilitando diminuição no risco trombótico num curto período, sendo, portanto, uma modalidade terapêutica inicial e de eleição para corrigir o EP em pacientes com SAF.
Determinar el impacto de las enfermedades crónicas y el número de enfermedades en los diversos aspectos de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (HRQOL) en adultos mayores de São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Se empleó la encuesta de salud SF-36® para evaluar el impacto de las enfermedades crónicas de mayor prevalencia sobre la HRQOL. Se realizó un estudio poblacional transversal con un muestreo por conglomerados estratificado en dos etapas. Se obtuvieron los datos de una encuesta multicéntrica sobre la salud aplicada mediante entrevistas en hogares de varios municipios del estado de São Paulo. Se evaluaron siete enfermedades -artritis, dolor de espalda, depresión/ansiedad, diabetes, hipertensión arterial, osteoporosis y accidentes cerebrovasculares- y sus efectos sobre la calidad de vida. RESULTADOS: De los 1 958 adultos mayores de 60 años o más, 13,6% informaron no padecer ninguna de las enfermedades, mientras 45,7% presentaron tres enfermedades crónicas o más. La presencia de cualquiera de las siete enfermedades crónicas estudiadas influyó significativamente en la puntuación de casi todas las escalas de la SF-36®. La HRQOL alcanzó valores inferiores cuando la persona tenía depresión/ansiedad, osteoporosis o había sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular. A mayor número de enfermedades, mayores eran los efectos negativos en las dimensiones de la SF-36®. La presencia de tres enfermedades o más afectó significativamente la HRQOL en todas las áreas. Las escalas más afectadas por las enfermedades fueron dolor físico, salud general y vitalidad. CONCLUSIONES: Se encontró una alta prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas en la población de adultos mayores; la magnitud del efecto sobre la HRQOL dependió del tipo de enfermedad. Estos resultados destacan la importancia de prevenir y controlar las enfermedades crónicas para reducir la comorbilidad y disminuir su impacto sobre la HRQOL en los adultos mayores
Os acidentes de trânsito no Brasil se constituem em relevante problema para a área da saúde. Nesse sentido, julgou-se importante investigar qual o efeito da lei 11.705 de 19 de junho de 2008, a chamada Lei seca. A metodologia do trabalho constitui analisar os dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS, para o Brasil, em 2008, comparando as internações nos dois semestres do ano, segundo algumas variáveis consideradas importantes. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma queda de 28,3 por cento nas internações do segundo semestre, com reflexos consideráveis em todas as variáveis estudadas. Quanto à qualidade da vítima, a maior queda ocorreu entre os ocupantes de automóvel, principalmente do sexo masculino. Em relação às idades, houve declínio em todas as faixas, destacando-se as de 40 a 59 anos e 20 a 39 anos, pela ordem. O tempo de permanência na instituição foi menor no segundo semestre,quando a mortalidade hospitalar declinou 13,6 por cento em relação ao primeiro semestre, o que significa que deixaram de morrer 917 pessoas (cerca de 5 mortes/dias). O gasto governamental para o atendimento dos feridos no segundo semestre foi 35,5 por cento menor do que no primeiro
OBJETIVOS: identificar a influência do uso da internet na prática e ambiente de trabalho médico e verificar como estas mudanças vêm acorrendo entre médicos ginecologistas e obstetras. MÉTODO: foram enviados 1.120 questionários para médicos ginecologistas e obstetras da cidade de São Paulo, dos quais retornaram 152, o correspondente a 13,6 por cento da amostra ou 6,1 por cento do total dos médicos cadastrados na SOGESP. A análise quantitativa do comportamento do médico quanto ao uso da internet foi realizada por meio de proporções, médias, cálculos de desvios-padrão e do teste de associação de qui-quadrado. Através da técnica de Cluster Analysis, foram determinados 4 grupos segundo o perfil dos profissionais relacionado ao uso desta ferramenta. RESULTADOS: não se observou relação de idade, sexo, locais de trabalho e desenvolvimento de apenas uma das especialidades Ginecologia ou Obstetrícia quanto à utilização da internet na prática médica. Observou-se uma tendência de uso mais freqüente entre médicos com doutorado. Quanto aos serviços médicos prestados por e-mail, receber e devolver exames foram as atividades mais realizadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa. CONCLUSÃO: os ginecologistas obstetras pesquisados utilizam a internet na prática médica para própria atualização, para comunicação com pacientes ou para oferecer serviços às mesmas com diferentes assiduidades. Entretanto, este uso é ainda parcial, talvez relacionado ao receio de interferências negativas na relação com o paciente, além de preocupações quanto à implicações legais, éticas e principalmente econômicas relacionadas à prática profissional
Equatorial podzols are soils characterized by thick sandy horizons overlying more clayey horizons. Organic matter produced in the topsoil is transferred in depth through the sandy horizons and accumulate at the transition, at a depth varying from 1 to more than 3 m, forming deep horizons rich in organic matter (Bh horizons). Although they cover great surfaces in the equatorial zone, these soils are still poorly known. Studying podzols from Amazonia, we found out that the deep Bh horizons in poorly drained podzol areas have a thickness higher than 1m and store unexpected amounts of carbon. The average for the studied area was 66.7 +/- 5.8 kgCm(-2) for the deep Bh and 86.8 +/- 7.1 kgCm(-2) for the whole profile. Extrapolating to the podzol areas of the whole Amazonian basin has been possible thanks to digital maps, giving an order of magnitude around 13.6 +/- 1.1 PgC, at least 12.3 PgC higher than previous estimates. This assessment should be refined by additional investigations, not only in Amazonia but in all equatorial areas where podzols have been identified. Because of the lack of knowledge on the quality and behaviour of the podzol organic matter, the question of the feedback between the climate and the equatorial podzol carbon cycle is open.
The design of a lateral line for drip irrigation requires accurate evaluation of head losses in not only the pipe but in the emitters as well. A procedure was developed to determine localized head losses within the emitters by the formulation of a mathematical model that accounts for the obstruction caused by the insertion point. These localized losses can be significant when compared with tire total head losses within the system due to the large number of emitters typically installed along the lateral line. Air experiment was carried out by altering flow characteristics to create Reynolds numbers (R) from 7,480 to 32,597 to provide turbulent flow and a maximum velocity of 2.0 m s(-1). The geometry of the emitter was determined by an optical projector and sensor An equation was formulated to facilitate the localized head loss calculation using the geometric characteristics of the emitter (emitter length, obstruction ratio, and contraction coefficient). The mathematical model was tested using laboratory measurements on four emitters. The local head loss was accurately estimated for the Uniram (difference of +13.6%) and Drip Net (difference of +7.7%) emitters, while appreciable deviations were found for the Twin Plus (-21.8%) and Tiran (+50%) emitters. The head loss estimated by the model was sensitive to the variations in the obstruction area of the emitter However, the variations in the local head loss did not result in significant variations in the maximum length of the lateral lines. In general, for all the analyzed emitters, a 50% increase in the local head loss for the emitters resulted in less than an 8% reduction in the maximum lateral length.
Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen affecting around 3% of the human population. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are approximately 2 to 3 million HCV chronic carriers. There are few reports of HCV prevalence in Rondonia State (RO), but it was estimated in 9.7% from 1999 to 2005. The aim of this study was to characterize HCV genotypes in 58 chronic HCV infected patients from Porto Velho, Rondonia (RO), Brazil. Methods: A fragment of 380 bp of NS5B region was amplified by nested PCR for genotyping analysis. Viral sequences were characterized by phylogenetic analysis using reference sequences obtained from the GenBank (n = 173). Sequences were aligned using Muscle software and edited in the SE-AL software. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation (MCMC) to obtain the MCC tree using BEAST v. 1.5.3. Results: From 58 anti-HCV positive samples, 22 were positive to the NS5B fragment and successfully sequenced. Genotype 1b was the most prevalent in this population (50%), followed by 1a (27.2%), 2b (13.6%) and 3a (9.0%). Conclusions: This study is the first report of HCV genotypes from Rondonia State and subtype 1b was found to be the most prevalent. This subtype is mostly found among people who have a previous history of blood transfusion but more detailed studies with a larger number of patients are necessary to understand the HCV dynamics in the population of Rondonia State, Brazil.
Purpose: This study was designed to compare the effectiveness of two methods of inducing renal hypothermia through laparoscopy in pigs and humans. Materials and Methods: Twelve pigs were divided into four groups of three animals each. Both kidneys of the animals in Groups A, B, and C were submitted to pelvic irrigation with cold saline (4 degrees C) for 20 minutes, with flow rates of 5 mL/min, 10 mL/min, and 15 mL/min, respectively. In Group D renal hypothermia was induced by intracorporeal ice slush applied to the surface for 20 minutes. All maneuvers were performed laparoscopically and renal cortex temperature was measured by a thermocouple needle. Five human patients also underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy due to renal cell carcinoma. In one case renoprotection was induced by retrograde endoscopic cold saline perfusion at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. In the remaining four patients we induced renal hypothermia via laparoscopic application of ice slush. The renal temperature of the human patients was also monitored using a thermocouple needle. Results: In the pigs, at 20 minutes of renal pelvis perfusion the mean renal temperature, the temperature drop, and saline flow per gram of kidney were: Group A, -29.5 degrees C +/- 1.1 (-6.3 degrees C; 0.10 mL); Group B, -22.8 degrees C +/- 1.1 (-13.1 degrees C; 0.22 mL); and Group C, -21.1 degrees C +/- 0.9 (-14.9 degrees C; 0.31 mL). In Group D the mean renal cortex temperature at 20 minutes was 13.6 degrees C +/- 1.2, a drop of -22.5 degrees C. There were striking differences among the groups (P < 0.0001). The laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was uneventful in all five human patients. The lowest renal cortex temperature was 32.5 degrees C, seen in the patient who submitted to pelvic irrigation with cold saline, and the mean temperature drop was 19.1 degrees C +/- 2.5 degrees C in the patients who submitted to ice slush-induced renal hypothermia. Conclusions: Induction of renal hypothermia using intracorporeal ice slush confers lower kidney temperatures than endoscopically-induced cold saline perfusion.
Context. Star activity makes the mass determination of CoRoT-7b and CoRoT 7c uncertain. Investigators of the CoRoT team proposed several solutions, but all but one of them are larger than the initial determinations of 4.8 +/- 0.8 M(Earth) for CoRoT-7b and 8.4 +/- 0.9 M(Earth) for CoRoT 7c. Aims. This investigation uses the excellent HARPS radial velocity measurements of CoRoT-7 to redetermine the planet masses and to explore techniques for determining mass and orbital elements of planets discovered around active stars when the relative variation in the radial velocity due to the star activity cannot be considered as just noise and can exceed the variation due to the planets. Methods. The main technique used here is a self-consistent version of the high-pass filter used by Queloz et al. (2009, A&A, 506, 303) in the first mass determination of CoRoT-7b and CoRoT-7c. The results are compared to those given by two alternative techniques: (1) the approach proposed by Hatzes et al. (2010, A&A, 520, A93) using only those nights in which two or three observations were done; (2) a pure Fourier analysis. In all cases, the eccentricities are taken equal to zero as indicated by the study of the tidal evolution of the system. The periods are also kept fixed at the values given by Queloz et al. Only the observations done in the time interval BJD 2 454 847-873 are used because they include many nights with multiple observations; otherwise, it is not possible to separate the effects of the rotation fourth harmonic (5.91 d = P(rot)/4) from the alias of the orbital period of CoRoT-7b (0.853585 d). Results. The results of the various approaches are combined to give planet mass values 8.0 +/- 1.2 M(Earth) for CoRoT-7b and 13.6 +/- 1.4 M(Earth) for CoRoT 7c. An estimation of the variation of the radial velocity of the star due to its activity is also given. Conclusions. The results obtained with three different approaches agree to give higher masses than those in previous determinations. From the existing internal structure models they indicate that CoRoT-7b is a much denser super-Earth. The bulk density is 11 +/- 3.5 g cm(-3), so CoRoT-7b may be rocky with a large iron core.
This study assessed the quality of life (QoL) of 124 people with coronary artery disease who had coronary artery bypass surgery in a hospital in Brazil, by using the Modified Flanagan`s QoL instrument as the outcome measure. In addition, we studied the association between QoL and demographic, clinical, and perceived health status (using SF-36 Health Survey) measures. The mean for the Modified Flanagan`s QoL was high (M = 84.8, SD = 13.6) when compared to similar studies in the United States. In a linear regression analysis, the SF-36 subscales of vitality, and general and mental health were statistically significant (p < .01 for all), after adjusting for other demographic and clinical variables. Increasing values of those SF-36 subscales corresponded to increasing Modified Flanagan`s QoL. Despite the limitations of the study, this result suggests that future clinical interventions aimed to improve QoL in this population could focus on the patient`s psychological conditions after the surgery.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different carbon sources and the carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) on the production and main composition of insoluble extracellular polymers (EPS) produced in an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) with immobilized biomass in polyurethane foam. The yield of EPS was 23.6 mg/g carbon, 13.3 mg/g carbon, 9.0 mg/g carbon and 1.4 mg/g carbon when the reactor was fed with glucose, soybean oil. fat acids, and meat extract, respectively. The yield of EPS decreased from 23.6 to 2.6 mg/g carbon as the C/N ratio was decreased from 13.6 to 3.4 gC/gN, using glucose as carbon source. EPS production was not observed under strict anaerobic conditions. The results suggest that the carbon source, microaerophilic conditions and high C/N ratio favor EPS production in the ASBBR used for wastewater treatment. Cellulose was the main exopolysaccharide observed in all experimental conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this investigation was to examine in a systematic manner the influence of plasma protein binding on in vivo pharmacodynamics. Comparative pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic studies with four beta blockers were performed in conscious rats, using heart rate under isoprenaline-induced tachycardia as a pharmacodynamic endpoint. A recently proposed mechanism-based agonist-antagonist interaction model was used to obtain in vivo estimates of receptor affinities (K(B),(vivo)). These values were compared with in vitro affinities (K(B),(vitro)) on the basis of both total and free drug concentrations. For the total drug concentrations, the K(B),(vivo) estimates were 26, 13, 6.5 and 0.89 nM for S(-)-atenolol, S(-)-propranolol, S(-)-metoprolol and timolol. The K(B),(vivo) estimates on the basis of the free concentrations were 25, 2.0, 5.2 and 0.56 nM, respectively. The K(B),(vivo)-K(B),(vitro) correlation for total drug concentrations clearly deviated from the line of identity, especially for the most highly bound drug S(-)-propranolol (ratio K(B),(vivo)/K(B),(vitro) similar to 6.8). For the free drug, the correlation approximated the line of identity. Using this model, for beta-blockers the free plasma concentration appears to be the best predictor of in vivo pharmacodynamics. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:3816-3828, 2009
The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) project utilizes the Two-degree Field (2dF) multi-object spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). Its aim is to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14 000 objects with 16 5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19 7 irrespective of their morphology in a 12 deg(2) area centred on the Fornax cluster. A sample of 24 Fornax cluster members has been identified from the first 2dF field (3.1 deg(2) in area) to be completed. This is the first complete sample of cluster objects of known distance with well-defined selection limits. Nineteen of the galaxies (with -15.8 < M-B < 12.7) appear to be conventional dwarf elliptical (dE) or dwarf S0 (dS0) galaxies. The other five objects (with -13.6 < M-B < 11.3) are those galaxies which were described recently by Drinkwater et al. and labelled 'ultracompact dwarfs' (UCDs). A major result is that the conventional dwarfs all have scale sizes alpha greater than or similar to 3 arcsec (similar or equal to300 pc). This apparent minimum scale size implies an equivalent minimum luminosity for a dwarf of a given surface brightness. This produces a limit on their distribution in the magnitude-surface brightness plane, such that we do not observe dEs with high surface brightnesses but faint absolute magnitudes. Above this observed minimum scale size of 3 arcsec, the dEs and dS0s fill the whole area of the magnitude-surface brightness plane sampled by our selection limits. The observed correlation between magnitude and surface brightness noted by several recent studies of brighter galaxies is not seen with our fainter cluster sample. A comparison of our results with the Fornax Cluster Catalog (FCC) of Ferguson illustrates that attempts to determine cluster membership solely on the basis of observed morphology can produce significant errors. The FCC identified 17 of the 24 FCSS sample (i.e. 71 per cent) as being 'cluster' members, in particular missing all five of the UCDs. The FCC also suffers from significant contamination: within the FCSS's field and selection limits, 23 per cent of those objects described as cluster members by the FCC are shown by the FCSS to be background objects.