706 resultados para Breach of trust
Allocation procedures, have attracted considerable interest among higher education institutions in recent years. Relevant previous research indicates that several universities adopt different approaches to the resource allocation problem, employing models and procedures that reflect their organisational arrangements and their internal socio – political dynamics. We argue that while studying accounting processes in their organisational context, the role of trust should also be considered carefully. In particular, it is very important to consider the attitudes of the individuals involved and interacting within organisational processes, and especially the trust between them, which plays an important role to the overall good governance of these processes. In our study, the role of interpersonal trust in an old Scottish University resource allocation process is examined. The study indicates that trust is a very necessary insight to the facilitation of social structures of accountability that enhance a better governance of the resource allocation process.
This practical book deals solely with those damages arising as a breach of contract, where the aim of the damages is to place the plaintiff in the same position as if the contract had been performed. The book is split into three main parts: general principles such as limitations, causation, remoteness, mitigation and contributory negligence; specific breaches, such as sale of goods, supply of services, travel contracts and sale of land; and general issues and procedures. The only authoritative practitioner work focusing on this area, it provides a high-level, comprehensive and practical text.
E-business adoption rates in the agri-food sector are rather low, despite the fact that technical barriers have been mostly overcome during the last years and a large number of sophisticated offers are available. However, concerns about trust seem to impede the development of electronic relationships in the agri-food chains as trust is of particular importance in any exchange of agri-food products along the value chain. Drawing on existing research, characteristics and dimensions of trust are initially identified both in traditional and in electronic B2B relationships and a typology of trust is proposed. The aim of the paper is to provide an overview of the implementation and use of trust elements that e-commerce offers dedicated to agri-food sector. This assessment will show the current situation and discuss gaps for further improvement with the objective to facilitate the uptake of e-commerce in agri-food chains. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The following research project investigated the mediating effects of individual trust in the relationships between eight leadership dimensions and follower motivation and efficacy. The research comprised of a total of three studies of which two are individual level analyses investigating the above relationship for individual followers, while the final study established the relationship between the eight dimensions and collective efficacy and group cohesion. A new measure of trust — collective vertical trust — was developed and tested and formed the mediator for the final study. The findings showed that leadership is indeed mediated through trust on both individual and collective level in the majority of relationships. In addition it was shown that individual and collective vertical trust are significantly related. Finally, the final study showed an absence of a significant relationship between trust on both the individual and collective level and organizational performance. The findings contributed to existing research in various ways: 1) the mediating effect of individual trust was established for eight separate leadership dimensions; 2) the studies established that while the indirect effects of leadership on follower motivation are similar amongst all age groups and levels of work experience, more work experienced individuals draw their beliefs in their abilities (i.e., self-efficacy) from alternative sources than leadership or trust in the leader; 3) a new measure of collective trust —collective vertical trust was established; 4) the mediating effect of collective trust was shown to be crucial in leadership effects on collective efficacy and group cohesion; and finally 5) a leadership measure initially designed for executive leaders was refined and tested for non-executive leaders.
Objective - To develop understandings of the nature and influence of trust in the safe management of medication within mental health services. Setting - Mental health services in the UK. Method - Qualitative methods were applied through focus groups across three different categories of service user—older adult, adults living in the community and forensic services. An inductive thematic analysis was carried out, using the method of constant comparison derived from grounded theory. Main Outcome - Measure Participants’ views on the key factors influencing trust and the role of trust in safe medication management. Results - The salient factors impacting trust were: the therapeutic relationship; uncertainty and vulnerability; and social control. Users of mental health services may be particularly vulnerable to adverse events and these can damage trust. Conclusion - Safe management of medication is facilitated by trust. However, this trust may be difficult to develop and maintain, exposing service users to adverse events and worsening adherence. Practice and policy should be oriented towards developing trust.
Trust is a critical component of business to consumer (B2C) e-Commerce success. In the absence of typical environmental cues that consumers use to assess vendor trustworthiness in the offline retail context, online consumers often rely on trust triggers embedded within e-Commerce websites to contribute to the establishment of sufficient trust to make an online purchase. This paper presents and discusses the results of a study which took an initial look at the extent to which the context or manner in which trust triggers are evaluated may exert influence on the importance attributed to individual triggers.
Trust is a critical component of business to consumer (B2C) e-Commerce success. In the absence of typical environmental cues that consumers use to assess vendor trustworthiness in the offline retail context, online consumers often rely on trust triggers embedded within e-Commerce websites to contribute to the establishment of sufficient trust to make an online purchase. This paper presents and discusses the results of a study which took an initial look at the extent to which the context or manner in which trust triggers are evaluated may exert influence on the importance attributed to individual triggers.
A fogyasztói lojalitás kritikus versenyelőnynek számít a szolgáltatóknak a telekommunikációs szektorban, ahol a piac növekedésének lassulásával és az erősödő piaci verseny folytán a vállalatoknak inkább a fogyasztók megtartására kell fókuszálniuk. Egyre fontosabbá vált és válik a piaci részesedés, illetve a már meglévő ügyfelek megtartása, mivel az új ügyfelek megszerzésének költsége és nehézsége is megnőtt. Az ügyfelek megtartásához ki kell vívni a hosszú távú kapcsolat fenntartását, vagyis a fogyasztók lojalitását. A korábbi marketing-irodalomban a fogyasztók elégedettségének szerepe a lojalitás kialakításában vitathatatlan, azonban felmerül a kérdés, hogy mennyire közvetlen ez a hatás. Így érdemes megvizsgálni, mint közvetítő változónak az elégedettség és lojalitás között, a fogyasztói bizalom szerepét is a fogyasztói lojalitás formálódásában. A szerző empirikus kutatásának eredményei azt támasztják alá, hogy a fogyasztói elégedettség hatása a fogyasztói lojalitásra nem feltétlenül közvetlen, hanem a fogyasztói bizalom játszik közvetítő szerepet, és a bizalom a fogyasztói lojalitás erősebb indikátorának bizonyult, mint egyedül az elégedettség. / === / The consumer loyalty is a crucial competitive advantage in the telecommunication sector, which has a decreasing growth rate and increasing market competition, so the companies should focus on the consumer retention. The market share and the retention of present consumers become more and more important, because both the cost and the difficulty of the acquisition of new consumers are increased. The previous marketing literature states that the role of satisfaction in loyalty is evident, but the effect is not necessary a direct one. Worth to examine the role of consumer trust in loyalty creation, where trust is a mediator variable between satisfaction and loyalty. The author’s empirical results suggest the direct effect of satisfaction on loyalty is not necessary direct, but indirect, where the consumer trust is the link. The effect of trust on loyalty is higher than the satisfaction alone.
Using trust-in-the-brand appeals in advertising has been a very common practice However, research has yet to examine the effectiveness of such appeals. Can the use of trust appeals in advertising enhance a product's trustworthiness and help the advertiser gain consumers' trust? Might such appeals lead to more favorable attitudes toward the advertised brand? Given the absence of research that speaks to these questions, this dissertation attempts to fill this void by exploring persuasion outcomes of using trust appeals. Specifically, this research aims to assess whether the use of trust appeals affects persuasion; explicate how such appeals may work; anticipate when an ad containing trust appeals may be more or less effective; and finally conduct and report the results of preliminary empirical tests. ^ A conceptual model is offered in the dissertation describing how trust appeals may affect persuasion outcomes. It is proposed that using trust advertising appeals will result in more trust-related thinking, enhance the perceived trustworthiness of the advertised brand, and finally lead to more favorable brand attitudes and trial intentions. This dissertation also examines the differential effectiveness of alternative trust appeals. Elaborate trust appeals that provide substantiation for trust are expected to perform better than simple trust appeals. An implicit elaborate trust appeal is anticipated to outperform an explicit elaborate appeal. ^ Two experiments were conducted. Including a trust appeal in an ad enhanced the perceived trustworthiness of the advertised brand which, in turn, led to more favorable brand attitudes and greater trial intentions compared to a similar ad without the trust appeal. The results also support the proposed mediating role of perceived trust. The empirical test speaking to the hypothesized differential effect of alternative trust appeals provides support for marketing practitioners' efforts in seeking the most effective use of such appeals. Evidence was obtained in the second study demonstrating that an elaborate trust appeal worked more effectively than a simple trust appeal. Contrary to the expectation, this persuasion advantage held regardless of whether the elaborate appeal was in an explicit form or an implicit form. ^