980 resultados para Brandão, Raul, 1867-1930
n.s. no.6(1980)
1. Pesquisamos a atividade antibacteriana em 14 amostras de Aspergillus niger da National Collection of Type Cultures. 2. Em meio de Raulin e Mosseray, sete amostras apresentaram atividade total, nunca superior a 1:10, contra Staphylococcus aureus nº 553, sendo que as amostras 1.161 e 2.390 permaneceram ativas por mais de 40 dias. 3. A utilização do meio de Czapek-Dox com 5% de "corn-steep" não melhorou os resultados obtidos com o meio de Raulin e Mosseray. 4. No meio de levedo peptonado, todas as amostras apresentaram-se inativas.
In this paper three species of genus Archytas are studied, the type species A. diaphana (Fabr.), A. shannoni sp. n. and A. willistoni Curran. The definitions of the species are based on the characters of the male and females genitalia.
In the present paper four species of genus Archytas Jaennecke, 1867, are studied and figured in detail: Archytas incertus Macq. (= Pseudoarchytas brasiliensis Towns), Archytas marmoratus Towns. (= Archytas pilifrons Sch.) and Archytas chilensis Curran. A new species Archytas travassosi is described from Angra dos Reis, Brazil. The material studied is deposited in the following collections: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Veterinária, Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo and Departamento de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal, Brasil.
Twelve species of the genus Archytas Jennicke, 1867, eight of which described as new are studied and figured in detail. Definitions of the species are based mainly on characters of male genitalia. The male genital characters are the most significant for separation of the species and most demonstrative of their affinities. By examining a long series of species of this genus we came to the conclusion that the presence of one pair of median marginal bristles on the third abdominal tergite seems to be characteristic of the genus. This caracter apparently so important, is not however considered fundamental. The most significant example is found in Archytas lenkoi sp. n. and Archytas vexor Curran, 1928. In A. lenkoi we can find one or two pairs or thay may, less frquently, be absent. In A. vexor these bristles are lacking. The shape of the male copulatory apparatus of Jurinia nitidiventris Curran, 1928 refered to by CURRAN in his "Revision of Archytas", is not characteristic of any species of the group and so, is not considered in this paper. To help in the identification, the species studied here are divided into groups. The analis group" includes: A. apicifer (Walker, 1894), A. californiae (Walker, 1856), A. nivalis Curran, 1928, a. giacomellii (Blanchard, 1941), A. basifulvus (Walker, 1849), A. incasanus Townsend, 1912 and A. cirphis Curran, 1927. The identification of members of these group is extremely difficult owing both to their similarity in colour pattern and to their variability. They all have black testaceous or dark brown abdomen, the last segment pale or brownish pollinose; second segment without bristles; third with a pair of strong marginals, fourth and fifth with two rows of discals on apical third. The final determination often rests upon the structure of the male copulatory apparatus. Fortunately in this group, many of the forcipes superiores and palpi genitalium are strikingly different from one another. The "zikani group" includes: A. zikani sp. n., A seabrai sp. n., A. duckei sp. n. and A. vernalis Curran, 1928. This group may be characterized as follows: forcipes interiores absent; forcipes superiores strongly chitinized an dilated at anex. Within this group, the forcipes of. A. seabrai sp. n. do not present an aberrant form. The "dissimilis group" will be studied in forthcoming papers. The limits of the genus Archyta Jaen. are not as yet sharply difined, the evaluation of the significance of each character used in the definition remaining as most difficult problem. The distinction between Archytas and other related genera is very difficult, chiefly because it is based on variable characters. In this paper we place the genera Parafabricia Towsend, 1931, Itachytas Blanchard, 1940, Archynemochaeta Blanchard, 1941, Proarchytoides Blanchard, 1941 and Archytodejeania Blanchard, 1941 in the synonymy of Archytas Jaen. The detailed examination of the characters used in their definition, proved them to be fundamentally proposed on basis of chaetotasy, these characters alone being precarious, because of the considerabel intraspecifical variation. The type of the new species are in the Oswaldo Cruz Institute collection. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and paratypes in the collections of the followings institutions: Departamento de Zoologia da Secretaria de Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo; Instituto de Ecologia e Experimemtação Agrícolas; Departamento de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal; Campos Seabra collection; and Barbiellini collection.
The author studies 5 species of Archytas Jaennicke, 1867, belonging to the "dissimilis group": A. seminigra (Wiedemann, 1830) and four species which are considered as new. The species of this group may be characterized as follow: Species of short body, exceptionally large ones. Abdomen yellowish, with a median blackish V-shapedspot. Second antennal segment with 2/3 length of third. Parafacialia with blackish hairs. Propleura pilose. Post alar wall with few hairs. The following key facilitates the identification of the species: 1. Third article of antennae, strongly convex in the anterior margin (fig. 10); posterior margin straight. Parafacialia with a facio-orbital bristle well differentiated . . . . A. arnaudi sp. n. Third article of antennae not so convex in the anterior margin; facio-orbital bristle absent, if present not well differentiated [...] 2; 2. Parafrontalia with golden polen [...] 3; Parafrontalia brownish to shining black with few polen . . . 4; 3. Forcipes superiores slender and sub-truncate apically (figs. 5 and 6)[...] A. seminigra; Forcipes superiores broad apically (fig .20)[...] A, gongalvesi sp. n.; 4. First, second and third sternites yellowish [...] A. angrensis sp. n.; All sternites brownish to black [...] A. sabroskpi sp. n.; The material studied belongs to the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz collections, where is located the types of new species.
No presente trabalho são redescritas as seguintes espécies do gênero Archytas Jaennicke, 1867: Archytas lateralis Macquart, 1842, Archytas metallicus Desvoidy, 1830; Archytas aterrimus Desvoidy, 1830 e Archytas willistoni Curran, 1925. São ainda descritas duas espécies novas, provenientes do Estado do Pará, Brasil: Archytas pearsoni e A. araujoi. O material estudado pertence à coleção do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro.
Three species of protistan and 22 species of metazoan parasites were obtained from a sample of 179 flatfish, (Paralichthys adspersus) taken-off Antofagasta, northern Chile. Prevalence of infection of seven parasites (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 1, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2) was significantly and positively correlated with host size. Host's sex do not seem to affect prevalence of infection, except for Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (prevalence of infection significantly greater in males than females) and Philometra sp. (prevalence higher in females). Mean abundance is correlated with size in nine species (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 3, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2). Host's sex do not affect mean abundance, except for Cainocreadium sp. and Philometra sp.(mean abundance higher in females) and Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (mean abundance higher in males).
The ultrastructure of endogenous stages of Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae was observed in epithelial cells of cecum and colon crypts from a goat experimentally infected with 2.0 x 105 oocysts/kg. The secondary meronts developed above the nucleus of the host cell. The nucleus first divides and merozoites then form on the surface of multinucleated meronts. Free merozoites in the parasitophorous vacuole present a conoid, double membrane, one pair of rhoptries, micronemes, micropore, anterior and posterior polar ring, a nucleus with a nucleolus and peripheral chromatin. The microgamonts are located below the nucleus of the host cell and contain several nuclei at the periphery of the parasite. The microgametes consist of a body, a nucleus, three flagella and mitochondria. The macrogamonts develop below the nucleus of the host cell and have a large nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. The macrogametes contain a nucleus, wall-forming bodies of type I and type II. The young oocysts present a wall containing two layers and a sporont
Quan Miguel Primo de Rivera va pujar al poder l’any 1923, una de les primeres accions que va portar a terme fou la imposició de la censura en la premsa, tant pel que fa a les publicacions periòdiques com als llibres. A la pràctica, però, l’impacte d’aquesta censura en l’edició de llibres va ser força reduït: de fet, durant els anys que va durar el directori el món editorial va viure un creixement considerable, tant pel que fa als volums editats (originals i traduïts) com al nombre de segells editorials. Amb aquest treball em proposo construir una base de dades que inclogui totes les traduccions publicades a Catalunya de 1923 a 1930 a partir de la qual em sigui possible valorar diversos aspectes relacionats amb l’activitat traductora durant la dictadura de Primo de Rivera (per exemple, les matèries i llengües més traduïdes, el perfil dels traductors més actius o les editorials i col•leccions més actives en la traducció).
Aquesta investigació és un primer pas per a una anàlisi del paper de la traducció en la construcció de la imatge de l'Altre japonès. Aquesta tesina consta d'un corpus de literatura japonesa traduïda a Espanya entre el 1930 i el 2005, incloent els gèneres d'assaig i tècnico-científics, i una anàlisi de les dades principalment quantitativa. S'analitza el tipus de traducció (directa o indirecta) de forma diacrònica i per gèneres, i també la selecció temàtica per observar si es tendeix a l'"exotisme", així com la utilitat dels paratextos per a aconseguir informació sobre el procés traductor
RESUME Dalí et le dynamisme des formes. L'élaboration de l'activité « paranoïaque-critique » dans le contexte socioculturel des années 1920-1930 Rendre à nouveau lisibles des textes dont on ne sait plus reconnaître les enjeux historiques et cognitifs, tel est le principal défi que cet ouvrage consacré aux écrits surréalistes de Dalí se propose de relever. La thèse fait ressortir l'image sans doute un peu déroutante d'un créateur stratège qui, assimilant de manière originale les savoirs les plus variés et dialoguant avec les intellectuels de son temps, propose au tournant des années 1930 une théorie du surréalisme novatrice, capable de redynamiser un groupe en pleine crise. L'étude, combinant des perspectives sociologiques et linguistiques, explore tout d'abord les écrits à caractère manifestaire et dessine les traits conceptuels et stylistiques qui font la singularité du projet de Dalí dans le cadre du mouvement surréaliste. S'inspirant des images-devinettes, de la production des fous, de l'interprétation des figures aux formes indéterminées, le Catalan conçoit une méthode créative et cognitive qui se fonde sur une pensée subconsciente active, schématisant et fertilisant automatiquement toute donnée perçue. Dans le domaine de la peinture, ce sont les formes des objets qui sont surdéterminées par les désirs subconscients du créateur et du spectateur et qui acquièrent ainsi des significations inattendues. Dans le domaine de l'écriture, ce sont les formes sonores et graphiques des mots ou encore l'ossature discursive qui, investies par les fantasmes de l'écrivain et du lecteur, génèrent une multitude d'images. A l'aune des modes de connaissance propres à l'époque, l'étude porte ensuite sur deux modèles de pensée - le paradigme photographique et l'imaginaire lié à la notion d'espace-temps développée par Einstein dans le cadre de la théorie de la relativité générale - qui sont en vogue pendant les années 1930 et que le peintre se réapproprie pour signifier la dimension « révélatrice » et « objective » de ses oeuvres. Premièrement, pour penser la méthode « paranoïaque-critique », le Catalan reprend et détourne les phases de production du cliché : loin de reproduire fidèlement le visible, le dispositif photographique dalinien permet de révéler les pensées subconscientes. Deuxièmement, dès 1933-1934, Dalí reformule le modèle de l'espace-temps de la relativité générale d'Einstein pour penser la façon dont une entité invisible (le fantasme) s'objective et se matérialise dans la réalité extérieure. L'étude du dynamisme psychique conféré par Dalí aux formes des objets, aux formes verbales et picturales permet finalement de mettre en lumière le foisonnement mais aussi l'extrême cohérence de l'univers surréaliste du Catalan, et de souligner la valeur de l'approche « paranoïaque-critique » de la réalité tant sur le plan de l'histoire culturelle que sur le plan de la connaissance.
Durant la primera meitat del segle XX, el nivell de vida i les condicions de treball de molts sectors pagesos varen deteriorar-se. La imatge més contundent d'aquest deteriorament es troba en el contlicte que esclatà durant els anys trenta, a recés d'unes condicions polítiques oberturistes i esperonat per una depressió económica mundial