983 resultados para Brain Ischemia


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Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a stroke subtype with particularly bad outcome. Recent findings suggest that constrictions of pial arterioles occurring early after hemorrhage may be responsible for cerebral ischemia and - subsequently - unfavorable outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Since we recently hypothesized that the lack of nitric oxide may cause post-hemorrhagic microvasospasms, our aim was to investigate whether inhaled nitric oxide, a treatment paradigm selectively delivering nitric oxide to ischemic microvessels, is able to dilate post-hemorrhagic microvasospasms; thereby improving outcome after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to experimental SAH. Three hours after subarachnoid hemorrhage pial artery spasms were quantified by intravital microscopy, then mice received inhaled nitric oxide or vehicle. For induction of large artery spasms mice received an intracisternal injection of autologous blood. Inhaled nitric oxide significantly reduced number and severity of subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced post-hemorrhage microvasospasms while only having limited effect on large artery spasms. This resulted in less brain-edema-formation, less hippocampal neuronal loss, lack of mortality, and significantly improved neurological outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage. This suggests that spasms of pial arterioles play a major role for the outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage and that lack of nitric oxide is an important mechanism of post-hemorrhagic microvascular dysfunction. Reversing microvascular dysfunction by inhaled nitric oxide might be a promising treatment strategy for subarachnoid hemorrhage.


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The association between increases in cerebral glucose metabolism and the development of acidosis is largely inferential, based on reports linking hyperglycemia with poor neurological outcome, lactate accumulation, and the severity of acidosis. We measured local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (lCMRglc) and an index of brain pH--the acid-base index (ABI)--concurrently and characterized their interaction in a model of focal cerebral ischemia in rats in a double-label autoradiographic study, using ($\sp{14}$C) 2-deoxyglucose and ($\sp{14}$C) dimethyloxazolidinedione. Computer-assisted digitization and analysis permitted the simultaneous quantification of the two variables on a pixel-by-pixel basis in the same brain slices. Hemispheres ipsilateral to tamponade-induced middle cerebral occlusion showed areas of normal, depressed and elevated glucose metabolic rate (as defined by an interhemispheric asymmetry index) after two hours of ischemia. Regions of normal glucose metabolic rate showed normal ABI (pH $\pm$ SD = 6.97 $\pm$ 0.09), regions of depressed lCMRglc showed severe acidosis (6.69 $\pm$ 0.14), and regions of elevated lCMRglc showed moderate acidosis (6.88 $\pm$ 0.10), all significantly different at the.00125 level as shown by analysis of variance. Moderate acidosis in regions of increased lCMRglc suggests that anaerobic glycolysis causes excess protons to be generated by the uncoupling of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis. ^


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Introduction Diffusion weighted Imaging (DWI) techniques are able to measure, in vivo and non-invasively, the diffusivity of water molecules inside the human brain. DWI has been applied on cerebral ischemia, brain maturation, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc. [1]. Nowadays, there is a very high availability of these images. DWI allows the identification of brain tissues, so its accurate segmentation is a common initial step for the referred applications. Materials and Methods We present a validation study on automated segmentation of DWI based on the Gaussian mixture and hidden Markov random field models. This methodology is widely solved with iterative conditional modes algorithm, but some studies suggest [2] that graph-cuts (GC) algorithms improve the results when initialization is not close to the final solution. We implemented a segmentation tool integrating ITK with a GC algorithm [3], and a validation software using fuzzy overlap measures [4]. Results Segmentation accuracy of each tool is tested against a gold-standard segmentation obtained from a T1 MPRAGE magnetic resonance image of the same subject, registered to the DWI space. The proposed software shows meaningful improvements by using the GC energy minimization approach on DTI and DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) data. Conclusions The brain tissues segmentation on DWI is a fundamental step on many applications. Accuracy and robustness improvements are achieved with the proposed software, with high impact on the application’s final result.


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The MEK1 (MAP kinase/ERK kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-responsive kinase) pathway has been implicated in cell growth and differentiation [Seger, R. & Krebs, E. G. (1995) FASEB J. 9, 726–735]. Here we show that the MEK/ERK pathway is activated during focal cerebral ischemia and may play a role in inducing damage. Treatment of mice 30 min before ischemia with the MEK1-specific inhibitor PD98059 [Alessi, D. R., Cuenda, A., Cohen, P., Dudley, D. T. & Saltiel, A. R. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 27489–27494] reduces focal infarct volume at 22 hr after ischemia by 55% after transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. This is accompanied by a reduction in phospho-ERK1/2 immunohistochemical staining. MEK1 inhibition also results in reduced brain damage 72 hr after ischemia, with focal infarct volume reduced by 36%. This study indicates that the MEK1/ERK pathway contributes to brain injury during focal cerebral ischemia and that PD98059, a MEK1-specific antagonist, is a potent neuroprotective agent.


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Immune mechanisms contribute to cerebral ischemic injury. Therapeutic immunosuppressive options are limited due to systemic side effects. We attempted to achieve immunosuppression in the brain through oral tolerance to myelin basic protein (MBP). Lewis rats were fed low-dose bovine MBP or ovalbumin (1 mg, five times) before 3 h of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). A third group of animals was sensitized to MBP but did not survive the post-stroke period. Infarct size at 24 and 96 h after ischemia was significantly less in tolerized animals. Tolerance to MBP was confirmed in vivo by a decrease in delayed-type hypersensitivity to MBP. Systemic immune responses, characterized in vitro by spleen cell proliferation to Con A, lipopolysaccharide, and MBP, again confirmed antigen-specific immunologic tolerance. Immunohistochemistry revealed transforming growth factor β1 production by T cells in the brains of tolerized but not control animals. Systemic transforming growth factor β1 levels were equivalent in both groups. Corticosterone levels 24 h after surgery were elevated in all sham-operated animals and ischemic control animals but not in ischemic tolerized animals. These results demonstrate that antigen-specific modulation of the immune response decreases infarct size after focal cerebral ischemia and that sensitization to the same antigen may actually worsen outcome.


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Transient global ischemia induces selective delayed cell death, primarily of principal neurons in the hippocampal CA1. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying ischemia-induced cell death are as yet unclear. The present study shows that global ischemia triggers a pronounced and cell-specific reduction in GluR2 [the subunit that limits Ca2+ permeability of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors] in vulnerable CA1 neurons, as evidenced by immunofluorescence of brain sections and Western blot analysis of microdissected hippocampal subfields. At 72 h after ischemia (a time before cell death), virtually all CA1 pyramidal neurons exhibited greatly reduced GluR2 immunolabeling throughout their somata and dendritic processes. GluR2 immunolabeling was unchanged in pyramidal cells of the CA3 and granule cells of the dentate gyrus, regions resistant to ischemia-induced damage. Immunolabeling of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was unchanged in CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus. Western analysis indicated that GluR2 subunit abundance was markedly reduced in CA1 at 60 and 72 h after the ischemic insult; GluR1 abundance was unchanged in all subfields at all times examined. These findings, together with the previous observation of enhanced AMPA-elicited Ca2+ influx in postischemic CA1 neurons, show that functional GluR2-lacking, Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors are expressed in vulnerable neurons before cell death. Thus, the present study provides an important link in the postulated causal chain between global ischemia and delayed death of CA1 pyramidal neurons.


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The inducible isoform of the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) is an immediate early gene induced by synaptic activity in the brain. COX2 activity is an important mediator of inflammation, but it is not known whether COX2 activity is pathogenic in brain. To study the role of COX2 activity in ischemic injury in brain, expression of COX2 mRNA and protein and the effect of treatment with a COX2 inhibitor on neuronal survival in a rat model of global ischemia were determined. Expression of both COX2 mRNA and protein was increased after ischemia in CA1 hippocampal neurons before their death. There was increased survival of CA1 neurons in rats treated with the COX2-selective inhibitor SC58125 {1-[(4-methylsulfonyl) phenyl]-3-trifluoro-methyl-5-[(4-fluoro)phenyl] pyrazole} before or after global ischemia compared with vehicle controls. Furthermore, hippocampal prostaglandin E2 concentrations 24 h after global ischemia were decreased in drug-treated animals compared with vehicle-treated controls. These results suggest that COX2 activity contributes to CA1 neuronal death after global ischemia.


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Focal cerebral ischemia is associated with expression of both inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), enzymes whose reaction products contribute to the evolution of ischemic brain injury. We tested the hypothesis that, after cerebral ischemia, nitric oxide (NO) produced by iNOS enhances COX-2 activity, thereby increasing the toxic potential of this enzyme. Cerebral ischemia was produced by middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats or mice. Twenty-four hours after ischemia in rats, iNOS-immunoreactive neutrophils were observed in close proximity (<20 μm) to COX-2-positive cells at the periphery of the infarct. In the olfactory bulb, only COX-2 positive cells were observed. Cerebral ischemia increased the concentration of the COX-2 reaction product prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the ischemic area and in the ipsilateral olfactory bulb. The iNOS inhibitor aminoguanidine reduced PGE2 concentration in the infarct, where both iNOS and COX-2 were expressed, but not in the olfactory bulb, where only COX-2 was expressed. Postischemic PGE2 accumulation was reduced significantly in iNOS null mice compared with wild-type controls (C57BL/6 or SV129). The data provide evidence that NO produced by iNOS influences COX-2 activity after focal cerebral ischemia. Pro-inflammatory prostanoids and reactive oxygen species produced by COX-2 may be a previously unrecognized factor by which NO contributes to ischemic brain injury. The pathogenic effect of the interaction between NO, or a derived specie, and COX-2 is likely to play a role also in other brain diseases associated with inflammation.


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Estradiol protects against brain injury, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline. Our previous work demonstrates that physiological levels of estradiol protect against stroke injury and that this protection may be mediated through receptor-dependent alterations of gene expression. In this report, we tested the hypothesis that estrogen receptors play a pivotal role in mediating neuroprotective actions of estradiol and dissected the potential biological roles of each estrogen receptor (ER) subtype, ERα and ERβ, in the injured brain. To investigate and delineate these mechanisms, we used ERα-knockout (ERαKO) and ERβ-knockout (ERβKO) mice in an animal model of stroke. We performed our studies by using a controlled endocrine paradigm, because endogenous levels of estradiol differ dramatically among ERαKO, ERβKO, and wild-type mice. We ovariectomized ERαKO, ERβKO, and the respective wild-type mice and implanted them with capsules filled with oil (vehicle) or a dose of 17β-estradiol that produces physiological hormone levels in serum. One week later, mice underwent ischemia. Our results demonstrate that deletion of ERα completely abolishes the protective actions of estradiol in all regions of the brain; whereas the ability of estradiol to protect against brain injury is totally preserved in the absence of ERβ. Thus, our results clearly establish that the ERα subtype is a critical mechanistic link in mediating the protective effects of physiological levels of estradiol in brain injury. Our discovery that ERα mediates protection of the brain carries far-reaching implications for the selective targeting of ERs in the treatment and prevention of neural dysfunction associated with normal aging or brain injury.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) promotes neuronal survival after hypoxia and other metabolic insults by largely unknown mechanisms. Apoptosis and necrosis have been proposed as mechanisms of cellular demise, and either could be the target of actions of EPO. This study evaluates whether antiapoptotic mechanisms can account for the neuroprotective actions of EPO. Systemic administration of EPO (5,000 units/kg of body weight, i.p.) after middle-cerebral artery occlusion in rats dramatically reduces the volume of infarction 24 h later, in concert with an almost complete reduction in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling of neurons within the ischemic penumbra. In both pure and mixed neuronal cultures, EPO (0.1–10 units/ml) also inhibits apoptosis induced by serum deprivation or kainic acid exposure. Protection requires pretreatment, consistent with the induction of a gene expression program, and is sustained for 3 days without the continued presence of EPO. EPO (0.3 units/ml) also protects hippocampal neurons against hypoxia-induced neuronal death through activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and protein kinase Akt-1/protein kinase B. The action of EPO is not limited to directly promoting cell survival, as EPO is trophic but not mitogenic in cultured neuronal cells. These data suggest that inhibition of neuronal apoptosis underlies short latency protective effects of EPO after cerebral ischemia and other brain injuries. The neurotrophic actions suggest there may be longer-latency effects as well. Evaluation of EPO, a compound established as clinically safe, as neuroprotective therapy in acute brain injury is further supported.


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Because neurogenesis persists in the adult mammalian brain and can be regulated by physiological and pathological events, we investigated its possible involvement in the brain's response to focal cerebral ischemia. Ischemia was induced by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in the rat for 90 min, and proliferating cells were labeled with 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine-5′-monophosphate (BrdUrd) over 2-day periods before sacrificing animals 1, 2 or 3 weeks after ischemia. Ischemia increased the incorporation of BrdUrd into cells in two neuroproliferative regions—the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus and the rostral subventricular zone. Both effects were bilateral, but that in the subgranular zone was more prominent on the ischemic side. Cells labeled with BrdUrd coexpressed the immature neuronal markers doublecortin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen but did not express the more mature cell markers NeuN and Hu, suggesting that they were nascent neurons. These results support a role for ischemia-induced neurogenesis in what may be adaptive processes that contribute to recovery after stroke.


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The homeostasis of glutamate is critical to normal brain function; deficiencies in the regulation of extracellular glutamate are thought to be a major determinant of damage in hypoxic brains. Extracellular levels of glutamate are regulated mainly by plasmalemmal glutamate transporters. We have evaluated the distribution of the glutamate transporter GLAST and two splice variants of GLT-1 in the hypoxic neonatal pig brain using this as model of neonatal humans. In response to severe hypoxic insults, we observe a rapid loss of two glial glutamate transporters from specific brain regions, such as the CA1 region of the hippocampus, but not the dentate gyrus. The spatial distribution of loss accords with patterns of damage in these brains. Conversely, we demonstrate that hypoxia evokes the expression of a splice variant of GLT-1 in neurons. We suggest that this expression may be induced in response to elevated extracellular glutamate around these neurons, and that this splice variant may represent a useful marker for direct quantification of the extent of likely neuronal damage in hypoxic brains. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We studied the relationship between brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels and viable myocardium and ischemic myocardium, regional scar and regional contractile function. Fifty-nine patients underwent dobutamine echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging and resting BNP levels were determined. By magnetic resonance imaging, total extent of dysfunctional myocardium correlated strongest with BNP (r = 0.60, p < 0.0001). The extent of scar, viability and ischemia also correlated. At dobutamine echocardiography, a composite of dysfunctional and ischemic myocardium was the strongest correlate of BNP (r = 0.48, p < 0.0001), with less strong correlations by global parameters. The extent of dysfunctional myocardium, rather than its nature determines BNP levels.


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Mitochondrial Complex II is a key mitochondrial enzyme connecting the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and the electron transport chain. Studies of complex II are clinically important since new roles for this enzyme have recently emerged in cell signalling, cancer biology, immune response and neurodegeneration. Oxaloacetate (OAA) is an intermediate of the TCA cycle and at the same time is an inhibitor of complex II with high affinity (Kd ~ 10− 8 M). Whether or not OAA inhibition of complex II is a physiologically relevant process is a significant, but still controversial topic. We found that complex II from mouse heart and brain tissue has similar affinity to OAA and that only a fraction of the enzyme in isolated mitochondrial membranes (30.2 ± 6.0% and 56.4 ± 5.6% in the heart and brain, respectively) is in the free, active form. Since OAA could bind to complex II during isolation, we established a novel approach to deplete OAA in the homogenates at the early stages of isolation. In heart, this treatment significantly increased the fraction of free enzyme, indicating that OAA binds to complex II during isolation. In brain the OAA-depleting system did not significantly change the amount of free enzyme, indicating that a large fraction of complex II is already in the OAA-bound inactive form. Furthermore, short-term ischemia resulted in a dramatic decline of OAA in tissues, but it did not change the amount of free complex II. Our data show that in brain OAA is an endogenous effector of complex II, potentially capable of modulating the activity of the enzyme.


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'The Millennial Adolescent' offers contemporary, stimulating insights for those currently teaching as well as those preparing to teach. This book investigates the characteristics of Generation Y, using students own voices, generational theory and case studies. The text is structured around the principle that effective teachers need to know who they are teaching as well as what to teach, how to teach it, and how to assess the outcome. Using generational theory, 'The Millennial Adolescent' investigates the characteristics of Generation Y, or the Millennial Generation, and points out what all teachers need to know about working with this current generation of students who are described in a number of ways digital natives, team oriented, confident, multi-taskers, high achievers, and a generation unlike any other. The book contains well-known frameworks for developing understandings about adolescents, blended and contrasted with a contemporary socio-cultural construction of adolescence, set in our particular time, era and society. This book reflects the uniqueness of Australian contexts, while connecting with international trends and global patterns. Engaging and full of insights, this book is essential reading for all professionals dealing with adolescents.