988 resultados para Brachyspira spp
Shoaling with familiar individuals may have many benefits including enhanced escape responses or increased foraging efficiency. This study describes the results of two complimentary experiments. The first utilised a simple binary choice experiment to determine if rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.) preferred to shoal with familiar individuals or with strangers. The second experiment used a free range situation where familiar and unfamiliar individuals were free to intermingle and were then exposed to a predator threat. Like many other small species of fish, rainbowfish were capable of identifying and distinguishing between individuals and choose to preferentially associate with familiar individuals as opposed to strangers. Contrary to expectations. however. rainbowrish did not significantly increase their preference for familiar individuals in the presence of a stationary predator model. Griffiths [J Fish Biol (1997) 51:489-4951 conducted similar studies under semi-natural conditions examining, the shoaling preferences of European minnows and showed similar results. Both the current study and that of Griffiths were conducted using predator wary populations of fish. It is suggested that, in predator sympatric populations, the benefits of shoaling with familiar individuals are such that it always pays to stay close to familiar individuals even when the probability If predator attack is remote.
Objective To identify nematodes seen in histological sections of brains of flying foxes (fruit bats) and describe the associated clinical disease and pathology. Proceedures Gross and histological examination of brains from 86 free-living flying foxes with neurological disease was done as part of an ongoing surveillance program for Australian bat lyssavirus. Worms were recovered, or if seen in histological sections, extracted by maceration of half the brain and identified by microscopic examination. Histological archives were also reviewed. Results There was histological evidence of angiostrongylosis in 16 of 86 recently submitted flying foxes with neurological disease and in one archival case from 1992. In 10 flying foxes, worms were definitively identified as Angiostrongylus cantonensis fifth-stage larvae. A worm fragment and third stage larvae were identified as Angiostrongylus sp, presumably A cantonensis, in a further three cases. The clinical picture was dominated by paresis, particularly of the hind-limbs, and depression, with flying foxes surviving up to 22 days in the care of wildlife volunteers. Brains containing fifth-stage larvae showed a moderate to severe eosinophilic and granulomatous meningoencephalitis (n = 14), whereas there was virtually no inflammation of the brains of bats which died when infected with only smaller, third-stage larvae (n = 3). There was no histological evidence of pulmonary involvement. Conclusion This is the first report of the recovery and identification of A cantonensis from free-living Australian wildlife. While anglostrongylosis is a common cause of paresis in flying foxes, the initial clinical course cannot be differentiated from Australian bat lyssavirus infection, and wildlife carers should be urged not to attempt to rehabilitate flying foxes with neurological disease.
In the reproductive biology of organisms, a continuum exists from "highly reproductive species" at one end to "survivor species" at the other end. Among other factors, the position of a species along this continuum affects its sensitivity to human exploitation and its vulnerability to extinction. Flying foxes are long-lived, seasonal breeders, with a rigid, well-defined breeding season that is largely or wholly genetically determined. Unlike opportunistic, highly reproductive species, such as rabbits or mice, female flying foxes are unable to produce viable young before their second or third year of life, and are then capable of producing just one young per year. Such a breeding strategy will be successful only if flying-foxes are long-lived and suffer naturally low mortality rates. In this paper, we assess the vulnerability of flying foxes to extinction, using basic parameters of reproduction observed in the wild, and in captive breeding colonies of P. poliocephalus, P. alecto and P. scapulatus, and survival rates that are likely to apply to Australian conditions. Our models show explicitly that flying-fox populations have a very low capacity for increase, even under the most ideal conditions. The implications of our models are discussed in reference to the long-term management and conservation needs of Australian flying foxes. We conclude that current death-rates of flying-foxes in NSW and Queensland fruit orchards are putting state populations at serious risk.
The ability to recall the location of a predator and later avoid it was tested in nine populations of rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.), representing three species from a variety of environments. Following the introduction of a model predator into a particular microhabitat, the model was removed, the arena rotated and the distribution of the fish recorded again. In this manner it could be determined what cues the fish relied on in order to recall the previous location of the predator model. Fish from all populations but one (Dirran Creek) were capable of avoiding the predator by remembering either the location and/or the microhabitat in which the predator was recently observed. Reliance on different types of visual cues appears to vary between populations but the reason for this variation remains elusive. Of the ecological variables tested (flow variability, predator density and habitat complexity), only the level of predation appeared to be correlated with the orientation technique employed by each population. There was no effect of species identity, which suggests that the habitat that each population occupies plays a strong role in the development of both predator avoidance responses and the cues used to track predators in the wild.
Much is known about those aspects of tuna health which can be studied in wild populations, e.g. helminth parasites. However, because aquaculture of these species is in its infancy, knowledge of microbial, nutritional and environmental diseases is limited. This review is an attempt to bring together the available information on those diseases of Thunnus spp. which cause significant morbidity, mortality or economic loss. In doing so it has become clear that much more research needs to be undertaken on the physiology of the species (southern, northern and Pacific bluefin tuna) currently used in aquaculture in order for the pathogenesis of some conditions to be properly understood. Attempts at hatchery culture of Pacific bluefin tuna has indicated that Thunnus spp. will be problematic to hatch and propagate.
Paeon asymboli n. sp. ( Copepoda: Sphyriidae) is described and illustrated from two female specimens taken from the gills of a grey spotted catshark Asymbolus analis ( Ogilby) and an orange spotted catshark A. rubiginosus ( Last, Gomon & Gledhill) ( Scyliorhinidae) from off southeastern Queensland, Australia. The key features for identification are: a pear- shaped trunk, longer than it is wide, along with a cephalothorax characterised by two large ventral papillae, projecting laterally and supporting a number of secondary lobes; a single mid- line, subconical papilla located antero- dorsal to the ventral papillae; an anterior surface bearing two prominent stalked papillae; and an absence of posterolateral lobular processes. P. australis Kabata, 1993 is recorded for the first time from the eastern shovelnose ray Aptychotrema rostrata ( Shaw & Nodder) ( Rhinobatidae).
Aims: To quantify Listeria levels on the shell and flesh of artificially contaminated cooked prawns after peeling, and determine the efficacy of Listeria innocua as a model for L. monocytogenes in this system. Methods and Results: A L. monocytogenes and L. innocua strain were inoculated separately onto cooked black tiger prawns using two protocols ( immersion or swabbing with incubation). Prawns were peeled by two methods ( gloved hand or scalpel and forceps) and numbers of Listeria on shells, flesh and whole prawn controls were determined. Prawns were exposed to crystal violet dye to assess the penetration of liquids. Regardless of preparation method or bacterial strain there were ca 1log(10) CFU more Listeria per shell than per peeled prawn. Dye was able to penetrate to the flesh in all cases. Conclusions: Shell-on prawns may be only slightly safer than shell-off prawns. Listeria innocua is an acceptable model for L. monocytogenes in this system. Significance and Impact of the Study: Reduced risk from L. monocytogenes on prawns can only be assured by adequate hygiene or heating.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar doses de lodo de curtume incorporadas ao solo sobre a nodulação e o controle de Meloidogyne spp. em soja. Foram empregadas doses crescentes (0; 5,0; 10,0; 20; 40,0; e 80 Mg ha-1) de lodo no solo. O solo de cada vaso foi infestado com 5.000 ovos de Meloidogyne spp após a semeadura da soja. As plantas foram conduzidas durante 70 dias em casa de vegetação e após esse período foram coletadas para avaliação da nodulação, massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e reprodução dos nematóides nas raízes. O aumento da dose de lodo de curtume aplicada ao solo reduziu de forma quadrática a reprodução do nematóide nas raízes de soja. Entretanto, o aumento da concentração de lodo no solo reduziu exponencialmente a nodulação da cultura e não proporcionou benefícios ao crescimento da planta.
A associação das helicobacterias com doença gástrica em humanos e em alguns animais domésticos e selvagens sugere a participação dessas na patogênese da gastrite em cães. Neste artigo procurou-se verificar a presença de Helicobacter spp. na mucosa gástrica de cães e avaliar sua associação com os achados macro e microscópicos, considerando a idade. Coletaram-se amostras das regiões cárdica, fúndica, do corpo e pilórica dos estômagos de 60 cães para a realização de exame histopatológico, utilizando-se as colorações pela hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e carbolfucsina (CF). Tais exames revelaram Helicobacter spp. em 96,7% dos animais, sendo observados infiltrados inflamatórios, predominantemente mononucleares (100%), hiperplasia de nódulos linfoides (98,3%), erosões/ulcerações (6,7%), hemorragia (5%) e hiperemia (95%) em amostras coradas por HE. Não houve correlação da infecção por helicobacter spp. com a idade do animal e da idade com alterações inflamatórias na presença da bactéria. As amostras das regiões do corpo e pilórica apresentaram maior presença de bactérias a histopatologia (CF) (ambos 95%), em seguida vindo as regiões fúndica (91,7%) e cárdica (56,7%). Houve correlação do número de Helicobacter spp. com o de células inflamatórias e nódulos linfoides nessas regiões, sugerindo que as bactérias encontradas na mucosa gástrica dos cães poderiam ser responsáveis pelas alterações que caracterizam a gastrite.
As orquídeas no ambiente natural sofrem exploração devido a sua importância ornamental, levando algumas espécies à extinção. O cultivo in vitro é uma forma alternativa para a conservação ex-situ. Procurou-se determinar um meio de cultura eficiente para a germinação in vitro de sementes e o crescimento inicial de plântulas de Cattleya forbesii, bem como para o crescimento de plântulas in vitro de Cattleya harrisoniana. No primeiro caso, sementes foram inoculadas em meio de cultura básico de Murashige & Skoog (MS) = T1 e MS básico acrescido de 2,5 g L-1 de carvão ativado (CA) = T2. No segundo, plântulas com 1 ± 0,2 cm de altura foram submetidas aos tratamentos T1, T2, MS com a metade da concentração original de macro-micronutrientes (T3) e MS com a metade da concentração original de macro-micronutrientes suplementado com 1,25 g L-1 de CA (T4). Verificou-se aos 30 dias em C. forbesii uma porcentagem de germinação de 45% em T1 e 90% em T2. A adição de CA ao meio de cultura trouxe aumento na altura de plântulas de C. forbesii de acordo com análises realizadas aos 180 dias de cultivo. Em relação ao crescimento de C. harrisoniana, aos 240 dias observou-se que todos os parâmetros médios avaliados (altura da parte aérea, massa de matéria fresca total, número de raízes e folhas, comprimento da maior raiz e diâmetro do pseudocaule) foram significativamente maiores em T2. Dessa forma, sugere-se o uso do meio MS acrescido de 2,5 g L-1 de CA (T2), uma vez que é significativamente favorável tanto para a germinação de sementes quanto para o crescimento de ambas as espécies.
Apesar de oferecer uma série de vantagens, quanto à qualidade do produto final, a técnica de cultivo in vitro de plantas ainda é considerada dispendiosa, por causa, dentre outros fatores, da utilização de reagentes com alto grau de pureza no preparo de meios nutritivos. Entre as alternativas que podem ser adotadas para a redução dos custos relacionados com a produção de mudas, apresenta potencial a substituição de produtos PA por aqueles de menor custo. Baseado nestas informações, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do melado de cana-de-açúcar sobre o desenvolvimento in vitro de bananeira, cv. Maçã. Para tal propósito, plantas de bananeira foram inoculadas em meios nutritivos, formulados à base de melado de cana-de-açúcar, com quatro concentrações distintas (brix de 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0), e os dados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles das plantas cultivadas em meio MS (controle), perfazendo um total de cinco tratamentos. Apesar de terem-se desenvolvido em todos os tratamentos testados, observou-se que, para as variáveis número médio de folhas e biomassa da matéria fresca, as plantas cultivadas no meio MS (controle) apresentaram valores superiores. Entretanto, para o número médio de raízes, não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos utilizados. O melado de cana-de-açúcar não favorece o desenvolvimento de plântulas de bananeira, mas pode ser utilizado para o enraizamento dessas plantas in vitro.
Objetivando avaliar a densidade populacional de Pratylenchus brachyurus e Pratylenchus zeae, associados à Brachiaria brizantha, B. decumbens e B. humidicola, e sua influência na disponibilidade e na qualidade da forragem, realizou-se este trabalho. O experimento foi conduzido na Agropecuária Hisaeda, em Terenos, MS. Coletaram-se amostras de solo, raízes e parte aérea, em dez repetições ao acaso, de 1 m² cada, dos seguintes tratamentos: Bom, Intermediário e Ruim, caracterizados visualmente, considerando-se a percentagem de material verde das plantas. As densidades de P. brachyurus e P. zeae foram avaliadas nas amostras de solo e raízes. Na parte aérea, avaliou-se a disponibilidade de matéria seca dos materiais verde, morto e da rebrota, estado nutricional das plantas e qualidade da forragem. A fertilidade do solo foi determinada em todas as unidades amostrais. Ambos os nematoides foram identificados em todas as amostras, com maior número nas raízes (entre 87-311 P. brachyurus e 1-61 P. zeae.10 g-1) que no solo (de 0-8 P. brachyurus a 1-39 P. zeae.200 cm-3), no entanto, não houve diferenças significativas, na quantidade de espécimes, entre os tratamentos. Considerando-se que essas forrageiras são perenes e hospedam Pratylenchus spp., há tendência ao aumento da população desses patógenos, ao longo do tempo, podendo se tornar um sério problema fitossanitário.
Morpho-physiological characteristics and chemical composition are directly related to superior competitive ability of crops. This study intended to make a comparative analysis of dry matter production, leaf area and amount of epicuticular wax of three species of Sida spp: S. urens L., S. rhombifolia L. and S. spinosa L. Plants were collected at three growth stages: V1: stage described as up to 10 fully expanded leaves; V2: between 11 leaves and flowering; and R: after flowering. At stages V2 and R, the highest number of leaves was recorded for S. rhombifolia, followed by S. spinosa at V2 and S. urens at R. These results were relatively proportional to leaf area for all species. S. spinosa at the vegetative stage produced the highest values of specific leaf area (SLA), with no significant differences between species at the stage R. The amount of wax per unit of leaf area between species at the same developmental stage was significantly different only at the reproductive stage, where S. spinosa produced 23.18 and 6.23 fold more wax than S. urens and S. rhombifolia respectively. Between the growth stages of each species, there was decrease in the amount of wax with plant age and increase in leaf area (AFE), number of leaves and dry matter. The leaves of the Sida species exhibit different characteristics and this information can be used to optimize the use of herbicides in the control of these weeds.