989 resultados para Bound states


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We study transport across a line junction lying between two orthogonal topological insulator surfaces and a superconductor which can have either s-wave (spin-singlet) or p-wave (spin-triplet) pairing symmetry. The junction can have three time-reversal invariant barriers on three sides. We compute the charge and the spin conductance across such a junction and study their behaviors as a function of the bias voltage applied across the junction and the three parameters used to characterize the barrier. We find that the presence of topological insulators and a superconductor leads to both Dirac- and Schrodinger-like features in charge and spin conductances. We discuss the effect of bound states on the superconducting side of the barrier on the conductance; in particular, we show that for triplet p-wave superconductors, such a junction may be used to determine the spin state of its Cooper pairs. Our study reveals that there is a nonzero spin conductance for some particular spin states of the triplet Cooper pairs; this is an effect of the topological insulators which break the spin rotation symmetry. Finally, we find an unusual satellite peak (in addition to the usual zero bias peak) in the spin conductance for p-wave symmetry of the superconductor order parameter.


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Recent experiments on fermions in synthetic gauge fields result in systems with a spin-orbit coupling along one spatial axis, a detuning field, and a Zeeman field. We show theoretically that the presence of all three results in interesting and unusual phenomena in a system of interacting fermions (interactions described by a scattering length). For two fermions, bound states appear only over a certain range of the center-of-mass momenta. The deepest bound state appears at a nonzero center-of-mass momentum. For center-of-mass momenta without a bound state, the gauge field induces a resonance-like feature in the scattering continuum resulting in a large scattering phase shift. In the case of many particles, we demonstrate that the system, in a parameter range, shows flow-enhanced pairing, i.e., a Fulde-Farrell-Larkin-Ovchnnikov superfluid state made of robust pairs with a finite center-of-mass momentum. Yet another regime of parameters offers the opportunity to study strongly interacting normal states of spin-orbit-coupled fermionic systems utilizing the resonance-like feature induced by the synthetic gauge field.


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We study the Feshbach resonance of spin-1/2 particles in a uniform synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces spin-orbit coupling and constant spin potentials. We develop a renormalizable quantum field theory including the closed-channel boson which engenders the resonance. We show that the gauge field shifts the Feshbach field where the low-energy scattering length diverges. In addition the Feshbach field is shown to depend on the center-of-mass momentum of the particles. For high-symmetry gauge fields which produce a Rashba spin coupling, we show that the system supports two bound states over a regime of magnetic fields when the background scattering length is negative and the resonance width is comparable to the energy scale of the spin-orbit coupling. We discuss interesting consequences useful for future theoretical and experimental studies, even while our predictions are in agreement with recent experiments.


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We study the effects of extended and localized potentials and a magnetic field on the Dirac electrons residing at the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator like Bi2Se3. We use a lattice model to numerically study the various states; we show how the potentials can be chosen in a way which effectively avoids the problem of fermion doubling on a lattice. We show that extended potentials of different shapes can give rise to states which propagate freely along the potential but decay exponentially away from it. For an infinitely long potential barrier, the dispersion and spin structure of these states are unusual and these can be varied continuously by changing the barrier strength. In the presence of a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the surface, these states become separated from the gapless surface states by a gap, thereby giving rise to a quasi-one-dimensional system. Similarly, a magnetic field along with a localized potential can give rise to exponentially localized states which are separated from the surface states by a gap and thereby form a zero-dimensional system. Finally, we show that a long barrier and an impurity potential can produce bound states which are localized at the impurity, and an ``L''-shaped potential can have both bound states at the corner of the L and extended states which travel along the arms of the potential. Our work opens the way to constructing wave guides for Dirac electrons.


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Quantum emulation property of the cold atoms has generated a lot of interest in studying systems with synthetic gauge fields. In this article, we describe the physics of two component Fermi gas in the presence of synthetic non-Abelian SU(2) gauge fields. Even for the non-interacting system with the gauge fields, there is an interesting change in the topology of the Fermi surface by tuning only the gauge field strength. When a trapping potential is used in conjunction with the gauge fields, the non-interacting system has the ability to produce novel Hamiltonians and show characteristic change in the density profile of the cloud. Without trap, the gauge fields act as an attractive interaction amplifier and for special kinds of gauge field configurations, there are two-body bound states for any attraction even in three dimensions. For a many body system, the gauge fields can induce a crossover from a weak superfluid to a strong superfluid with transition temperature as high as the Fermi temperature. The superfluid state obtained for a very large gauge field strength is a superfluid of new kind of bosons, called ``rashbons'', the properties of which are independent of its constituent two component fermions and are solely determined by the gauge field strength. We also discuss the collective excitations over the superfluid ground states and the experimental relevance of the physics.


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Here, we show the binding results of a leguminosae lectin, winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) to N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (NTFAGalN), methyl-alpha-N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (Me alpha NTFAGalN) and methyl-beta-tifluoroacetylgalactosamine (Me beta NTFAGalN) using (19) F NMR spectroscopy. No chemical shift difference between the free and bound states for NTFAGalN and Me beta NTFAGalN, and 0.01-ppm chemical shift change for Me alpha NTFAGalN, demonstrate that the Me alpha NTFAGalN has a sufficiently long residence time on the protein binding site as compared to Me beta NTFAGalN and the free anomers of NTFAGalN. The sugar anomers were found in slow exchange with the binding site of agglutinin. Consequently, we obtained their binding parameters to the protein using line shape analyses. Aforementioned analyses of the activation parameters for the interactions of these saccharides indicate that the binding of alpha and beta anomers of NTFAGalN and Me alpha NTFAGalN is controlled enthalpically, while that of Me beta NTFAGalN is controlled entropically. This asserts the sterically constrained nature of the interaction of the Me beta NTFAGalN with WBA I. These studies thus highlight a significant role of the conformation of the monosaccharide ligands for their recognition by WBA I.


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The material presented in this thesis concerns the growth and characterization of III-V semiconductor heterostructures. Studies of the interactions between bound states in coupled quantum wells and between well and barrier bound states in AlAs/GaAs heterostructures are presented. We also demonstrate the broad array of novel tunnel structures realizable in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system. Because of the unique broken-gap band alignment of InAs/GaSb these structures involve transport between the conduction- and valence-bands of adjacent layers. These devices possess a wide range of electrical properties and are fundamentally different from conventional AlAs/GaAs tunnel devices. We report on the fabrication of a novel tunnel transistor with the largest reported room temperature current gains. We also present time-resolved studies of the growth fronts of InAs/GainSb strained layer superlattices and investigations of surface anion exchange reactions.

Chapter 2 covers tunneling studies of conventional AlAs/GaAs RTD's. The results of two studies are presented: (i) A test of coherent vs. sequential tunneling in triple barrier heterostructures, (ii) An optical measurement of the effect of barrier X-point states on Γ-point well states. In the first it was found if two quantum wells are separated by a sufficiently thin barrier, then the eigenstates of the system extend coherently across both wells and the central barriers. For thicker barriers between the wells, the electrons become localized in the individual wells and transport is best described by the electrons hopping between the wells. In the second, it was found that Γ-point well states and X-point barrier states interact strongly. The barrier X-point states modify the energies of the well states and increase the escape rate for carriers in the quantum well.

The results of several experimental studies of a novel class of tunnel devices realized in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system are presented in Chapter 3. These interband tunnel structures involve transport between conduction- and valence-band states in adjacent material layers. These devices are compared and contrasted with the conventional AlAs/GaAs structures discussed in Chapter 2 and experimental results are presented for both resonant and nonresonant devices. These results are compared with theoretical simulations and necessary extensions to the theoretical models are discussed.

In chapter 4 experimental results from a novel tunnel transistor are reported. The measured current gains in this transistor exceed 100 at room temperature. This is the highest reported gain at room temperature for any tunnel transistor. The device is analyzed and the current conduction and gain mechanisms are discussed.

Chapters 5 and 6 are studies of the growth of structures involving layers with different anions. Chapter 5 covers the growth of InAs/GainSb superlattices for far infrared detectors and time resolved, in-situ studies of their growth fronts. It was found that the bandgap of superlattices with identical layer thicknesses and compositions varied by as much as 40 meV depending on how their internal interfaces are formed. The absorption lengths in superlattices with identical bandgaps but whose interfaces were formed in different ways varied by as much as a factor of two. First the superlattice is discussed including an explanation of the device and the complications involved in its growth. The experimental technique of reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) is reviewed, and the results of RHEED studies of the growth of these complicated structures are presented. The development of a time resolved, in-situ characterization of the internal interfaces of these superlattices is described. Chapter 6 describes the result of a detailed study of some of the phenomena described in chapter 5. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of anion exchange reactions on the growth fronts of these superlattices are reported. Concurrent RHEED studies of the same physical systems studied with XPS are presented. Using the RHEED and XPS results, a real-time, indirect measurement of surface exchange reactions was developed.


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We present a theoretical study on the electron tunneling through a single barrier created in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and quantum spin Hall (QSH) bar in a HgTe/CdTe quantum well with inverted band structures. For the 2DEG, the transmission shows the Fabry-Perot resonances for the interband tunneling process and is blocked when the incident energy lies in the bulk gap of the barrier region. For the QSH bar, the transmission gap is reduced to the edge gap caused by the finite size effect. Instead, transmission dips appear due to the interference between the edge states and the bound states originated from the bulk states. Such a Fano-like resonance leads to a sharp dip in the transmission which can be observed experimentally.


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We theoretically investigate resonant tunneling through S- and U-shaped nanostructured graphene nanoribbons. A rich structure of resonant tunneling peaks is found emanating from different quasi-bound states in the middle region. The tunneling current can be turned on and off by varying the Fermi energy. Tunability of resonant tunneling is realized by changing the width of the left and/or right leads and without the use of any external gates.


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The theoretical analysis of intersubband optical transitions for InAs/ InGaAs quantum dots-in-a-well ( DWELL ) detectors are performed in the framework of effective-mass envelope- function theory. In contrast to InAs/ GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures, the calculated band structure of DWELL quantitatively confirms that an additional InGaAs quantum well effectively lowers the ground state of InAs QDs relative to the conduction-band edge of GaAs and enhances the confinement of electrons. By changing the doping level, the dominant optical transition can occur either between the bound states in the dots or from the ground state in the dots to bound states in the well, which corresponds to the far-infrared and long-wave infrared (LWIR ) peaks in the absorption spectra, respectively. Our calculated results also show that it is convenient to tailor the operating wavelength in the LWIR atmospheric window ( 8 - 12 mu m ) by adjusting the thickness of the InGaAs layer while keeping the size of the quantum dots fixed. Theoretical predictions agree well with the available experimental data. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We have calculated the photoelectric response in a specially designed double barrier structure. It has been verilied that a transfer of the internal photovoltaic effect in the quantum well to the tunnelling transport through above-barrier quasibound states of the emitter barrier may give rise to a remarkable photocurrent.


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The recombination kinetics of Te isoelectronic centers in ZnS1-xTex (0.0065 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.85) alloys is studied by time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) at low temperature. The measured radiative recombination lifetimes of different Te bound exciton states are quite different, varying from a few nanoseconds to tens of nanosecond. As the bound exciton state evolves from a single Te impurity (Te-1) to larger Te clusters (Te-n, n=2,3,4), the recombination lifetime increases. It reaches maximum (similar to40 ns) for the Te-4 bound states at x=0.155. The increase of the exciton lifetime is attributed to the increasing exciton localization effect caused by larger localization potential. In the large Te composition range (x > 0.155), the exciton recombination lifetime decreases monotonically with Te composition. It is mainly due to the hybridization between the Te localized states and the host valence band states. The composition dependences of the exciton binding energy and the photoluminescence (PL) line width show the similar tendency that further support the localization picture obtained from the TRPL measurement. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoluminescence of a GaAsN alloy with 0.1% nitrogen has been studied under pressures up to 8.5 GPa at 33, 70, and 130 K. At ambient pressure, emissions from both the GaAsN alloy conduction band edge and discrete nitrogen-related bound states are observed. Under applied pressure, these two types of emissions shift with rather different pressure coefficients: about 40 meV/GPa for the nitrogen-related features, and about 80 meV/GPa for the alloy band-edge emission. Beyond 1 GPa, these discrete nitrogen-related peaks broaden and evolve into a broad band. Three new photoluminescence bands emerge on the high-energy side of the broad band, when the pressure is above 2.5, 4.5, and 5.25 GPa, respectively, at 33 K. In view of their relative energy positions and pressure behavior, we have attributed these new emissions to the nitrogen-pair states NN3 and NN4, and the isolated nitrogen state N-x. In addition, we have attributed the high-energy component of the broad band formed above 1 GPa to resonant or near-resonant NN1 and NN2, and its main body to deeper cluster centers involving more than two nitrogen atoms. This study reveals the persistence of all the paired and isolated nitrogen-related impurity states, previously observed only in the dilute doping limit, into a rather high doping level. Additionally, we find that the responses of different N-related states to varying N-doping levels differ significantly and in a nontrivial manner.


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The ballistic transport in the semiconductor, planar, circular quantum dot structures is studied theoretically. The transmission probabilities show apparent resonant tunneling peaks, which correspond to energies of bound states in the dot. By use of structures with different angles between the inject and exit channels, the resonant peaks can be identified very effectively. The perpendicular magnetic field has obvious effect on the energies of bound states in the quantum dot, and thus the resonant peaks. The treatment of the boundary conditions simplifies the problem to the solution of a set of linear algebraic equations. The theoretical results in this paper can be used to design planar resonant tunneling devices, whose resonant peaks are adjustable by the angle between the inject and exit channels and the applied magnetic field. The resonant tunneling in the circular dot structures can also be used to study the bound states in the absence and presence of magnetic field.