972 resultados para Body movement
A lo largo de la entrevista Rubiela Arboleda Gómez aborda la noción de cuerpo y la de movimiento, poniendo en tensión el concepto de Expresiones Motrices, concepto elaborado y desarrollado por ella, con el de Educación Corporal. Además analiza el lugar del cuerpo como traductor de cultura tomando como eje la investigación de los desplazados de Urabá a Medellín
El desarrollo de la música electrónica en los últimos 20 años revela ambigüedades y tensiones del proceso cultural vivido por la sociedad argentina. El caso de la música electrónica, en tanto construcción de un espacio eminentemente multisensorial que modula una experiencia en la que dialogan articulaciones técnicas, sonoras y quími¬cas, junto ala centralidad del movimiento corporal, permite el encuentro, desarrollo y mutua redefinición de sexualidad y religión. Caracterizaremos ese encuentro posibilitado por la música electrónica como parte de la constitución renovada de las culturas juveniles. Por un lado describimos cómo el dispositivo de la música electrónica, dada la relevancia y trascendencia del baile, y dada la postulación de la unidad indisoluble entre cuerpo y mente, se articula con el sedimento cultural en el que opera la religiosidad de la Nueva Era. Por otro lado, pero en paralelo con lo anterior, mostra¬mos que el de la música electrónica es un espacio de interrogación y construcción de comportamientos sexuales en que el repertorio sexual se vuelve más plural que el definido por otras escenas musicales
El desarrollo de la música electrónica en los últimos 20 años revela ambigüedades y tensiones del proceso cultural vivido por la sociedad argentina. El caso de la música electrónica, en tanto construcción de un espacio eminentemente multisensorial que modula una experiencia en la que dialogan articulaciones técnicas, sonoras y quími¬cas, junto ala centralidad del movimiento corporal, permite el encuentro, desarrollo y mutua redefinición de sexualidad y religión. Caracterizaremos ese encuentro posibilitado por la música electrónica como parte de la constitución renovada de las culturas juveniles. Por un lado describimos cómo el dispositivo de la música electrónica, dada la relevancia y trascendencia del baile, y dada la postulación de la unidad indisoluble entre cuerpo y mente, se articula con el sedimento cultural en el que opera la religiosidad de la Nueva Era. Por otro lado, pero en paralelo con lo anterior, mostra¬mos que el de la música electrónica es un espacio de interrogación y construcción de comportamientos sexuales en que el repertorio sexual se vuelve más plural que el definido por otras escenas musicales
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la implementación de un sistema capaz de analizar el movimiento corporal a partir de unos puntos cinemáticos. Estos puntos cinemáticos se obtienen con un programa previo y se captan con la cámara kinect. Para ello el primer paso es realizar un estudio sobre las técnicas y conocimientos existentes relacionados con el movimiento de las personas. Se sabe que Rudolph Laban fue uno de sus mayores exponentes y gracias a sus observaciones se establece una relación entre la personalidad, el estado anímico y la forma de moverse de un individuo. Laban acuñó el término esfuerzo, que hace referencia al modo en que se administra la energía que genera el movimiento y de qué manera se modula en las secuencias, es una manera de describir la intención de las expresiones internas. El esfuerzo se divide en 4 categorías: peso, espacio, tiempo y flujo, y cada una de estas categorías tiene una polaridad denominada elemento de esfuerzo. Con estos 8 elementos de esfuerzo un movimiento queda caracterizado. Para poder cuantificar los citados elementos de esfuerzo se buscan movimientos que representen a alguno de ellos. Los movimientos se graban con la cámara kinect y se guardan sus valores en un archivo csv. Para el procesado de estos datos se establece que el sistema más adecuado es una red neuronal debido a su flexibilidad y capacidad a la hora de procesar entradas no lineales. Para la implementación de la misma se requiere un amplio estudio que incluye: topologías, funciones de activación, tipos de aprendizaje, algoritmos de entrenamiento entre otros. Se decide que la red tenga dos capas ocultas, para mejor procesado de los datos, que sea estática, siga un proceso de cálculo hacia delante (Feedforward) y el algoritmo por el que se rija su aprendizaje sea el de retropropagación (Backpropagation) En una red estática las entradas han de ser valores fijos, es decir, no pueden variar en el tiempo por lo que habrá que implementar un programa intermedio que haga una media aritmética de los valores. Una segunda prueba con la misma red trata de comprobar si sería capaz de reconocer movimientos que estuvieran caracterizados por más de un elemento de esfuerzo. Para ello se vuelven a grabar los movimientos, esta vez en parejas de dos, y el resto del proceso es igual. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is the implementation of a system able to analyze body movement from cinematic data. This cinematic data was obtained with a previous program. The first step is carrying out a study about the techniques and knowledge existing nowadays related to people movement. It is known that Rudolf Laban was one the greatest exponents of this field and thanks to his observations a relation between personality, mood and the way the person moves was made. Laban coined the term effort, that refers to the way energy generated from a movement is managed and how it is modulated in the sequence, this is a method of describing the inner intention of the person. The effort is divided into 4 categories: weight, space, time and flow, and each of these categories have 2 polarities named elements of effort. These 8 elements typify a movement. We look for movements that are made of these elements so we can quantify them. The movements are recorded with the kinect camera and saved in a csv file. In order to process this data a neural network is chosen owe to its flexibility and capability of processing non-linear inputs. For its implementation it is required a wide study regarding: topology, activation functions, different types of learning methods and training algorithms among others. The neural network for this project will have 2 hidden layers, it will be static and follow a feedforward process ruled by backpropagation. In a static net the inputs must be fixed, this means they cannot vary in time, so we will have to implement an intermediate program to calculate the average of our data. A second test for our net will be checking its ability to recognize more than one effort element in just one movement. In order to do this all the movements are recorded again but this time in pairs, the rest of the process remains the same.
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la búsqueda de metodologías, herramientas, y procesos en las artes escénicas y las artes plásticas, que podrían ser aplicadas tanto en el análisis arquitectónico, como en los procesos proyectuales, para la construcción de una investigación en torno al movimiento en el espacio arquitectónico. Rudolf Laban, Anne Bogart, Adolphe Appia, Cedric Price, Joan Littlewood, y Hélio Oiticica, son autores que han trabajado en sus diferentes áreas desde las relaciones existentes entre cuerpo, espacio y movimiento. Los trabajos y propuestas de cada uno de ellos, nos posibilitan acercarnos al espacio desde cinco escalas, tomando el cuerpo como unidad básica: (1) cuerpo y envolvente (Rudolf Laban) (2) cuerpo y geometría (Anne Boggart) (3) cuerpo y espacio escénico (Adolphe Appia) (4) cuerpo y programa (Joan Littlewood/ Cedric Price) (5) cuerpo y paisaje (Hélio Oiticica) A partir de este soporte teórico, se plantean y se desarrollan varios ensayos, todos ellos vinculados a las escalas mencionadas, que permiten explorar de forma empírica algunas de las problemáticas propuestas. Algunos de ellos – Kinesferas Virtuales, Envolventes y Microacciones en Grecia – exploran la presencia del cuerpo en el espacio. En Kinetography I y II , se utiliza la cinetografía para la realización de estas cartografías dinámicas. La serie Cartografías Dinámicas (I, II y III), analiza el movimiento en espacios controlados geométricamente, a través de la técnica de los Viewpoints, de Anne Bogart. Finalmente, Kinetography III, propone el análisis de un espacio público urbano, a través de la transcripción del movimiento. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the search for methodologies, tools, and processes in the performance arts and visual arts, that could be applied both to architectural analysis and project processes, in order to construct an investigation of movement in the architectural space. Rudolf Laban, Anne Bogart, Adolphe Appia, Cedric Price, Joan Littlewood, and Hélio Oiticica, are practitioners who have worked within different areas of enquiry from the existing relations between body, space and movement. The works and proposals by each of these practitioners, enables us to approach the space from five scales, having the body as the basic unit: (1) body and surrounding space (Rudolf Laban) (2) body and geometry (Anne Bogart) (3) Body and scenic space (Adolphe Appia) (4) Body and program (Joan Littlewood/ Cedric Price) (5) Body and landscape (Hélio Oiticica) The work of these practitioners is essential in informing further investigation into spatial experience. The theories proposed within this thesis are linked to the scales detailed within their work, which allows for an empirical exploration of some notably problematic areas. Some of them --‐ Kinesferas Virtuales, Envolventes and Microacciones in Greece --‐ explore the presence of the body in the space. In Kinetography I and II, kinetography is used to create these dynamic cartographies. The series CartografíasDinámicas (I, II and III), analyses movement in geometrically controlled spaces, through the Viewpoints techniques, by Anne Bogart. Finally, Kinetography III, proposes the analysis of an urban public space, through the transcription of the body movement.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The human accommodation system has been extensively examined for over a century, with a particular focus on trying to understand the mechanisms that lead to the loss of accommodative ability with age (Presbyopia). The accommodative process, along with the potential causes of presbyopia, are disputed; hindering efforts to develop methods of restoring accommodation in the presbyopic eye. One method that can be used to provide insight into this complex area is Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The effectiveness of FEA in modelling the accommodative process has been illustrated by a number of accommodative FEA models developed to date. However, there have been limitations to these previous models; principally due to the variation in data on the geometry of the accommodative components, combined with sparse measurements of their material properties. Despite advances in available data, continued oversimplification has occurred in the modelling of the crystalline lens structure and the zonular fibres that surround the lens. A new accommodation model was proposed by the author that aims to eliminate these limitations. A novel representation of the zonular structure was developed, combined with updated lens and capsule modelling methods. The model has been designed to be adaptable so that a range of different age accommodation systems can be modelled, allowing the age related changes that occur to be simulated. The new modelling methods were validated by comparing the changes induced within the model to available in vivo data, leading to the definition of three different age models. These were used in an extended sensitivity study on age related changes, where individual parameters were altered to investigate their effect on the accommodative process. The material properties were found to have the largest impact on the decline in accommodative ability, in particular compared to changes in ciliary body movement or zonular structure. Novel data on the importance of the capsule stiffness and thickness was also established. The new model detailed within this thesis provides further insight into the accommodation mechanism, as well as a foundation for future, more detailed investigations into accommodation, presbyopia and accommodative restoration techniques.
Humans are able to mentally adopt the spatial perspective of others and understand the world from their point of view. We propose that spatial perspective taking (SPT) could have developed from the physical alignment of perspectives. This would support the notion that others have put forward claiming that SPT is an embodied cognitive process. We investigated this issue by contrasting several accounts in terms of the assumed processes and the nature of the embodiment. In a series of four experiments we found substantial evidence that the transformations during SPT comprise large parts of the body schema, which we did not observe for object rotation. We further conclude that the embodiment of SPT is best conceptualised as the self-initiated emulation of a body movement, supporting the notion of endogenous motoric embodiment. Overall our results are much more in agreement with an ‘embodied’ transformation account than with the notion of sensorimotor interference. Finally we discuss our findings in terms of SPT as a possible evolutionary stepping stone towards more complex alignments of socio-cognitive perspectives.
This dissertation seeks to reflect about the relations between danced movement and body space (Kinesphere), and their contributions to the expansion of the expressive possibilities of the subject on dancing. According to Rudolf Laban there is no space that is empty, because it is always being modified and signified at every moment by the movement. Space exists because we interact with it, at the same time movement occours configuring a signifcant space that is incessantly transformed. In this sense, space, body and movement appear in this research as interconnected and interdependent. For this discussion we have as main interlocutor the studies of Rudolf Laban. The nature of this research is qualitative and descriptive. This is a context that embraces the phenomenon of dance and as such it is based on a dimension that doesn't deal with mensurability, but with the art scene, fruitful in its infinite openness to the creation of multiple significances for what has been lived. We also propose to present a report about the practical study developed in the discipline Coreologia in the licentiate course of Dance in UFRN, as well as the analysis of the interviews applied to students of this curricular component. The questions were developed in a way that lead to a reflection about the experience of those interviewed in this discipline, thus generating material for us to discuss how the students perceive dance based on the relational study between space and movement. We realize that this study may favor an understanding of the relations that the experienced movement in the act of the dance weaves along the spatiality that receives and fills our bodies, resignifying the vision of a space which is restrict to the mere place were the body moves and occupies. It also favors the reflections concerning the body that moves and creates spatiality when dancing, thereby bringing to the Performing Arts a chance to think and to experience on the expansion of the expressive gesture in dance and beyond it, led by the recognition of the principles that organize human movement pointed by Laban. It also contributes on the formation of the students in licentiate courses of Dance by questioning the ways to appropriate the contents worked in a graduation discipline as regards to the availability of the body for dance. This dissertation is divided in three parts, called Impulsos. In the First Impulso: “Primeiros Gestos Textuais”, we find an introduction to concepts and ideas of body, movement and space that permeates all the work. In the Second Impulso: "Nós", the triad body-space-motion is discussed using the metaphorical image of a knot that binds these three concepts. The third and final Impulso: "Enlaces" deal with impressions and discoveries lived during the experimentation of the principles of inter-actions studied here, in the lessons of the already mentioned discipline
Based on the concept of the triple basic structure of human communication by Poyatos (1994a, 1994b) and on the analytical and theoretical implications that derive from this, the present paper conceives the human communication as an indivisible whole in which verbal communication can not be separated from body behavior. This paper analyzes nonverbal categories used in oral communication. The corpus consists of an oral narration in Galician from which we highlighted certain kinemes (minimum units of body movement with meaning) by using the model proposed by Bouvet (2001), in order to explain the non-verbal categories with examples taken from said recordings.
Dynamique des ambiances lumineuses - approche basée sur la photométrie vidéo d’espaces de transition
Les variations de la lumière naturelle lors du passage d’un espace à un autre caractérisent de manière complexe, mais importante le design d’un bâtiment. Cette adaptation visuelle s’inscrit dans un processus spatiotemporel et influe sur le confort et le bien-être de ses occupants. La littérature fait état du peu de connaissances de la relation lumière espace-temps. Cette recherche propose donc d’étudier cette relation spatio-temporelle existant entre la lumière et l’espace, afin de qualifier un parcours architectural au moyen d’une expérimentation in situ et de segments filmiques. La recherche combine l’utilisation d’un luminance-mètre, d’une caméra vidéo et d’une méthode d’analyse d’images numériques afin de permettre l’évaluation des qualités spatio-temporelles de la lumière. Le parcours architectural est analysé selon la diversité et l’intensité des ambiances lumineuses en fonction du temps permettant de décrire les perceptions visuelles d’espaces transitions. Cette méthode dynamique offre un potentiel d’analyse et de création aux concepteurs désireux d’enrichir le design de séquences spatiales en favorisant la diversité lumineuse dans l’expérience architecturale. Mots clefs: adaptation visuelle, analyse d’images, ambiance lumineuse, contraste, éclairage naturel, espaces transitions, lumière perception visuelle, vidéo, spatio-temporel.
The production and perception of music is a multimodal activity involving auditory, visual and conceptual processing, integrating these with prior knowledge and environmental experience. Musicians utilise expressive physical nuances to highlight salient features of the score. The question arises within the literature as to whether performers’ non-technical, non-sound-producing movements may be communicatively meaningful and convey important structural information to audience members and co-performers. In the light of previous performance research (Vines et al., 2006, Wanderley, 2002, Davidson, 1993), and considering findings within co-speech gestural research and auditory and audio-visual neuroscience, this thesis examines the nature of those movements not directly necessary for the production of sound, and their particular influence on audience perception. Within the current research 3D performance analysis is conducted using the Vicon 12- camera system and Nexus data-processing software. Performance gestures are identified as repeated patterns of motion relating to music structure, which not only express phrasing and structural hierarchy but are consistently and accurately interpreted as such by a perceiving audience. Gestural characteristics are analysed across performers and performance style using two Chopin preludes selected for their diverse yet comparable structures (Opus 28:7 and 6). Effects on perceptual judgements of presentation modes (visual-only, auditory-only, audiovisual, full- and point-light) and viewing conditions are explored. This thesis argues that while performance style is highly idiosyncratic, piano performers reliably generate structural gestures through repeated patterns of upper-body movement. The shapes and locations of phrasing motions are identified particular to the sample of performers investigated. Findings demonstrate that despite the personalised nature of the gestures, performers use increased velocity of movements to emphasise musical structure and that observers accurately and consistently locate phrasing junctures where these patterns and variation in motion magnitude, shape and velocity occur. By viewing performance motions in polar (spherical) rather than cartesian coordinate space it is possible to get mathematically closer to the movement generated by each of the nine performers, revealing distinct patterns of motion relating to phrasing structures, regardless of intended performance style. These patterns are highly individualised both to each performer and performed piece. Instantaneous velocity analysis indicates a right-directed bias of performance motion variation at salient structural features within individual performances. Perceptual analyses demonstrate that audience members are able to accurately and effectively detect phrasing structure from performance motion alone. This ability persists even for degraded point-light performances, where all extraneous environmental information has been removed. The relative contributions of audio, visual and audiovisual judgements demonstrate that the visual component of a performance does positively impact on the over- all accuracy of phrasing judgements, indicating that receivers are most effective in their recognition of structural segmentations when they can both see and hear a performance. Observers appear to make use of a rapid online judgement heuristics, adjusting response processes quickly to adapt and perform accurately across multiple modes of presentation and performance style. In line with existent theories within the literature, it is proposed that this processing ability may be related to cognitive and perceptual interpretation of syntax within gestural communication during social interaction and speech. Findings of this research may have future impact on performance pedagogy, computational analysis and performance research, as well as potentially influencing future investigations of the cognitive aspects of musical and gestural understanding.
The coding of body part location may depend upon both visual and proprioceptive information, and allows targets to be localized with respect to the body. The present study investigates the interaction between visual and proprioceptive localization systems under conditions of multisensory conflict induced by optokinetic stimulation (OKS). Healthy subjects were asked to estimate the apparent motion speed of a visual target (LED) that could be located either in the extrapersonal space (visual encoding only, V), or at the same distance, but stuck on the subject's right index finger-tip (visual and proprioceptive encoding, V-P). Additionally, the multisensory condition was performed with the index finger kept in position both passively (V-P passive) and actively (V-P active). Results showed that the visual stimulus was always perceived to move, irrespective of its out- or on-the-body location. Moreover, this apparent motion speed varied consistently with the speed of the moving OKS background in all conditions. Surprisingly, no differences were found between V-P active and V-P passive conditions in the speed of apparent motion. The persistence of the visual illusion during the active posture maintenance reveals a novel condition in which vision totally dominates over proprioceptive information, suggesting that the hand-held visual stimulus was perceived as a purely visual, external object despite its contact with the hand.
Background: Several studies in Drosophila have shown excessive movement of retrogenes from the X chromosome to autosomes, and that these genes are frequently expressed in the testis. This phenomenon has led to several hypotheses invoking natural selection as the process driving male-biased genes to the autosomes. Metta and Schlotterer (BMC Evol Biol 2010, 10:114) analyzed a set of retrogenes where the parental gene has been subsequently lost. They assumed that this class of retrogenes replaced the ancestral functions of the parental gene, and reported that these retrogenes, although mostly originating from movement out of the X chromosome, showed female-biased or unbiased expression. These observations led the authors to suggest that selective forces (such as meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and sexual antagonism) were not responsible for the observed pattern of retrogene movement out of the X chromosome. Results: We reanalyzed the dataset published by Metta and Schlotterer and found several issues that led us to a different conclusion. In particular, Metta and Schlotterer used a dataset combined with expression data in which significant sex-biased expression is not detectable. First, the authors used a segmental dataset where the genes selected for analysis were less testis-biased in expression than those that were excluded from the study. Second, sex-biased expression was defined by comparing male and female whole-body data and not the expression of these genes in gonadal tissues. This approach significantly reduces the probability of detecting sex-biased expressed genes, which explains why the vast majority of the genes analyzed (parental and retrogenes) were equally expressed in both males and females. Third, the female-biased expression observed by Metta and Schltterer is mostly found for parental genes located on the X chromosome, which is known to be enriched with genes with female-biased expression. Fourth, using additional gonad expression data, we found that autosomal genes analyzed by Metta and Schlotterer are less up regulated in ovaries and have higher chance to be expressed in meiotic cells of spermatogenesis when compared to X-linked genes. Conclusions: The criteria used to select retrogenes and the sex-biased expression data based on whole adult flies generated a segmental dataset of female-biased and unbiased expressed genes that was unable to detect the higher propensity of autosomal retrogenes to be expressed in males. Thus, there is no support for the authors' view that the movement of new retrogenes, which originated from X-linked parental genes, was not driven by selection. Therefore, selection-based genetic models remain the most parsimonious explanations for the observed chromosomal distribution of retrogenes.