1000 resultados para Blimunda Project


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Background: Estimates of the performance of carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) as markers of alcohol consumption have varied widely. Studies have differed in design and subject characteristics. The WHO/ISBRA Collaborative Study allows assessment and comparison of CDT, GGT, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) as markers of drinking in a large, well-characterized, multicenter sample. Methods: A total of 1863 subjects were recruited from five countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, and Japan). Recruitment was stratified by alcohol use, age, and sex. Demographic characteristics, alcohol consumption, and presence of ICD-10 dependence were recorded using an interview schedule based on the AUDADIS, CDT was assayed using CDTect(TM) and GGT and AST by standard methods. Statistical techniques included receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Multiple regression was used to measure the impact of factors other than alcohol on test performance. Results: CDT and GGT had comparable performance on ROC analysis, with AST performing slightly less well. CDT was a slightly but significantly better marker of high-risk consumption in men. All were more effective for detection of high-risk rather than intermediate-risk drinking. CDT and GGT levels were influenced by body mass index, sex, age, and smoking status. Conclusions: CDT was little better than GGT in detecting high- or intermediate-risk alcohol consumption in this large, multicenter, predominantly community-based sample. As the two tests are relatively independent of each other, their combination is likely to provide better performance than either test alone, Test interpretation should take account sex, age. and body mass index.


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Este trabalho discute o papel das estatais nas PPPs, de modo a garantir investimentos em infraestrutura pelo financiamento via project finance. Partindo de um contexto de privatiza????es desse setor, que, no Brasil, efetivou-se na d??cada de 1990, buscou-se mostrar como surgiu espa??o para o estabelecimento de PPPs, advindas de novas institui????es resultantes do processo de reforma do Estado. O project finance ?? colocado como uma forma de garantir o financiamento desses investimentos. Sua estrutura financeira, baseada na cria????o de uma pessoa jur??dica para a gest??o do empreendimento, busca dirimir os riscos pela eleva????o do n??mero de participantes e pela securitiza????o de receitas futuras, tornando-as l??quidas em curto prazo. A discuss??o sobre o papel do project finance revela que essa ?? uma estrat??gia vi??vel para a garantia de investimentos por parte das estatais, em parceria com o governo e com outras empresas, que levem ao desenvolvimento socioecon??mico sustent??vel do Pa??s.


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The article discusses if nationalism is getting in the way of regional integration through a Brazilian prism due to Brazil’s pivotal role in regional integration in Mercosur and South America.


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The success of the digital game industry is spawning several undergraduate degrees aiming at the training of digital game developers. Building adequate new courses curricula is not a trivial task and demands a profound analysis of the scientific areas to introduce as well as the dependencies throughout the entire degree. Another important aspect of every academic educational plan are the satellite projects that promote entrepreneurship and provide practical professional experiences to students. This paper presents the main guidelines adopted in the creation of the first digital game development undergraduate degree created in Portugal.


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The success of the digital game industry is spawning several undergraduate degrees aiming at the training of digital game developers. Building adequate new courses curricula is not a trivial task and demands a profound analysis of the scientific areas to introduce as well as the dependencies throughout the entire degree. Another important aspect of every academic educational plan are the satellite projects that promote entrepreneurship and provide practical professional experiences to students. This paper presents the main guidelines adopted in the creation of the first digital game development undergraduate degree created in Portugal.


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Project LIHE: the Portuguese Case. ESREA Fourth Access Network Conference – “Equity, Access and Participation: Research, Policy and Practice”. Edinburgh (Scotland), 11 – 13 December, 2003.


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This paper summarizes a project that is contributing to a change in the way of teaching and learning Mathematics. Mathematics is a subject of the Accounting and Administration course. In this subject we teach: Functions and Algebra. The aim is that the students understand the basic concepts and is able to apply them in other issues, when possible, establishing a bridge between the issues that they have studied and their application in Accounting. As from this year, the Accounting course falls under in Bologna Process. The teacher and the student roles have changed. The time for theoretical and practical classes has been reduced, so it was necessary to modify the way of teaching and learning. In the theoretical classes we use systems of multimedia projection to present the concepts, and in the practical classes we solve exercises. To supplement our theoretical and practical classes we have developed an active mathematics project called MatActiva based on the Moodle platform offered by PAOL - Projecto de Apoio Online (Online Support Project). In the last versions of Moodle, it is possible use the TeX language to create math questions. Using this tool we created a set of interactive materials. With the creation of this new project we wanted to take advantage already obtained results with the previous experiences, giving to the students opportunities to complement their study in Mathematics. One of the great objectives is to motivate students, encourage them to overcome theirs difficulties through an auto-study, giving them more confidence and the opportunity to seeing others perspectives of the mathematics subjects. In the MatActiva project the students have a big collection of information about the way of the subject works, which includes the objectives, the program, recommended bibliography, evaluation method and summaries. It works as material support for the practical and theoretical classes, the slides of the theoretical classes are available, the sheets with exercises for the students to do in the classroom and complementary exercises, as well as the exams of previous years. Students can also do diagnostic tests and evaluation tests online. Our approach is a reflexive one, based on the professional experience of the teachers that explore and incorporate new tools of Moodle with their students and coordinate the project MatActiva.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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Electrical activity is extremely broad and distinct, requiring by one hand, a deep knowledge on rules, regulations, materials, equipments, technical solutions and technologies and assistance in several areas, as electrical equipment, telecommunications, security and efficiency and rational use of energy, on the other hand, also requires other skills, depending on the specific projects to be implemented, being this knowledge a characteristic that belongs to the professionals with relevant experience, in terms of complexity and specific projects that were made.