1000 resultados para Black Holes, Laws of Black Hole dynamics, Global methods, Hawking radiation, Nonsingular Black Holes, Entanglement Entropy


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Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from the upper Pleistocene part of Hole 1087A (0 to 12.1 meters below seafloor) are investigated to assess the role of global and local climate changes on surface circulation in the southern Benguela region. The benthic stable isotope record indicates that the studied interval is representative of the last four climatic cycles, that is, down to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 12. The species assemblages bear a clear transitional to subpolar character, with Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (d), Globorotalia inflata, and Globigerina bulloides, in order of decreasing abundance, as the dominant taxa. This species association presently characterizes the mixing domain of old upwelled and open ocean waters, seaward of the Benguela upwelling cells. Abundance variation of the dominant foraminiferal species roughly follows a glacial-interglacial pattern down to MIS 8, suggesting an alternation of upwelling strength and associated seaward extension of the belt of upwelled water as a response to global climate changes. This pattern is interrupted from ~250 ka down to MIS 12, where the phase relationship with global climate is ill defined and might be interpreted as a local response of the southern Benguela region to the mid-Brunhes event. Of particular interest is a single pulse of newly upwelled waters at the location of Site 1087 during early MIS 9 as indicated by a peak abundance of sinistral N. pachyderma (s). Variable input of warm, salty Indian Ocean thermocline waters into the southeast Atlantic, a key component of the Atlantic heat conveyor, is indicated by abundance changes of the tropical taxon Globorotalia menardii. From this tracer, we suggest that interocean exchange was hardly interrupted throughout the last 460 k.y., but was most effective at glacial terminations, particularly during Terminations I and II, as well as during the upper part of MIS 12. This maximum input of Indian Ocean waters around the southern tip of Africa is associated with the reseeding of G. menardii in the tropical Atlantic.


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Geochemical analyses of sediments from the top 24.5 m of Deep Sea Drilling Project hole 596 (23°51.20'S, 169°39.27'W) show great variability in the composition of pelagic clays accumulated in the South Pacific since the late Cretaceous. Elemental associations indicate that most of this variability can be attributed to variations in abundances of six sediment end-member components: detrital (eolian), andesitic (volcanic), hydrothermal, hydrogenous, phosphate (fish debris), and biogenic silica. We develop a sedimentation model which is used to infer processes that might have influenced the accumulation rates of these components over the last 85 million years. The accumulation of eolian detritus in the South Pacific shows some similarities to that observed in the North Pacific and has been largely controlled by global climate trends in the Cenozoic. Much of the variation in the accumulation of other sediment components likely reflects the paleoceanographic evolution of the South Pacific. The most notable change in the sedimentary environment occurred at about the Paleogene/Neogene boundary. At that time, significant changes in the color, mineralogy, and chemistry of the sediment probably reflect major shifts in climate mode as well as oceanic circulation in the central South Pacific region.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of constructing an oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy for the late Pleistocene succession from Hole 1127B drilled on the Great Australian Bight. Stable isotope analyses were performed on bulk- and fine-fraction (<38 µm) sediment samples. The oxygen isotope variations are generally smaller in magnitude than expected from global pelagic records. This is most likely due to the neriticly dominated sediment composition. Correlation of the oxygen isotope data with carbonate mineralogy and downhole logging data shows simultaneous variations and trends, which are particularly evident in the mid-Pleistocene sediments. Correlation of the oxygen isotope data with the classic SPECMAP curve is used to evaluate the stratigraphic potential of the Site 1127 sediments. This study indicates that an isotope stratigraphy based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers is needed to fully evaluate the response of cool-water carbonates deposited in a margin setting to global ice-volume fluctuations and, hence, the associated sea level variations.


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Attempts to place Palaeolithic finds within a precise climatic framework are complicated by both uncertainty over the radiocarbon calibration beyond about 21,500 14C years bp (Reimer et al., 2004) and the absence of a master calendar chronology for climate events from reference archives such as Greenland ice cores or speleothems (Svensson et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.08.003). Here we present an alternative approach, in which 14C dates of interest are mapped directly onto the palaeoclimate record of the Cariaco Basin by means of its 14C series (Hughen et al., 2004, doi:10.1126/science.1090300), circumventing calendar age model and correlation uncertainties, and placing dated events in the millennial-scale climate context of the last glacial period. This is applied to different sets of dates from levels with Mousterian artefacts, presumably produced by late Neanderthals, from Gorham's Cave in Gibraltar: first, generally accepted estimates of about 32,000 14C years bp for the uppermost Mousterian levels (Pettitt and Bailey, 2000; Bronk Ramsey et al., 2002, doi:10.1111/1475-4754.00040); second, a possible extended Middle Palaeolithic occupation until about 28,000 14C years bp (Finlayson et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature05195); and third, more contentious evidence for persistence until about 24,000 14C years bp (Finlayson et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature05195). This study shows that the three sets translate to different scenarios on the role of climate in Neanderthal extinction. The first two correspond to intervals of general climatic instability between stadials and interstadials that characterized most of the Middle Pleniglacial and are not coeval with Heinrich Events. In contrast, if accepted, the youngest date indicates that late Neanderthals may have persisted up to the onset of a major environmental shift, which included an expansion in global ice volume and an increased latitudinal temperature gradient. More generally, our radiocarbon climatostratigraphic approach can be applied to any 'snapshot' date from discontinuous records in a variety of deposits and can become a powerful tool in evaluating the climatic signature of critical intervals in Late Pleistocene human evolution.


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Sequence boundary ages determined in shallow-water sediments obtained from ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 189 Site 1171 (South Tasman Rise) compare well with other stratigraphic records (New Jersey, United States, and northwestern Europe) and d18O increases from deep-sea records, indicating that significant (>10 m) eustatic changes occurred during the early to middle Eocene (51-42 Ma). Sequence boundaries were identified and dated using lithology, bio- and magnetostratigraphy, water-depth changes, CaCO3 content, and physical properties (e.g., photospectrometry). They are characterized by a sharp bioturbated surface, low CaCO3 content, and an abrupt increase in glauconite above the surface. Foraminiferal biofacies and planktonic/benthic foraminiferal ratios were used to estimate water-depth changes. Ages of six sequence boundaries (50.9, 49.2, 48.5-47.8, 47.1, 44.5, and 42.6 Ma) from Site 1171 correlate well to the timings of d18O increases and sequence boundaries identified from other Eocene studies. The synchronous nature of sequence boundary development from globally distal sites and d18O increases indicates a global control and that glacioeustasy was operating in this supposedly ice-free world. This is supported by previous modeling studies and atmospheric pCO2 estimates showing that the first time pCO2 levels decreased below a threshold that would support the development of an Antarctic ice sheet occurred at ca. 51 Ma. Estimates of sea-level amplitudes range from ~20 m for the early Eocene (51-49 Ma) and ~25 m to ~45 m for the middle Eocene (48-42 Ma) using constraints established for Oligocene d18O records.


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Primary chemical heterogeneity in the sheeted dike complex in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B makes these rocks unsuitable for conventional mass balance calculations in determining element mobility associated with hydrothermal alteration. Due to the original heterogeneity and variable degrees of fractionation in the dikes, an appropriate reference sample on which calculations can be based is difficult to find. Therefore, the use of incompatible element ratios is developed to evaluate geochemical changes during alteration(s). For example, on a Zr/Yb-La/Yb plot, scatter along a straight line suggests tapping of a variably depleted mantle source and deviation from the line suggests element mobility (gain or loss). Using this method, our data indicates that the hydrothermal evolution of the sheeted dike complex was accompanied by significant loss of Cu, Zn, and Ti and some loss of La. The sheeted dike complex has low platinum group element (PGE) concentrations and steep PGE patterns, typical of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) on the global scale. We propose that the unusual PGE patterns of MORBs cannot be entirely generated by a partial melting and sulfide segregation model; instead, these patterns in part must have been inherited from their mantle source. The Au data show no evidence for mobilization during hydrothermal alteration of the dikes.


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Late Eocene to Pleistocene planktonic foraminifers from Leg 120 Holes 747A and 749B on the Kerguelen Plateau were quantitatively analyzed. Microperforate tenuitellid forms dominate the Oligocene to middle Miocene, and 17 species (including the new species Tenuitella jamesi and Tenuitellinata selleyi) are recorded. A lineage zonation of tenuitellid foraminifers is proposed as an alternative scheme for refinement of the Oligocene-Miocene biostratigraphy in high latitudes. Progressive or abrupt alterations in morphological characters within this lineage, producing different morphotypes or species, coincided with prolonged or sudden changes in paleoclimate. These microperforate planktonic foraminifers thus appear to have potential as indicators of cold-water masses and temperature fluctuations in post-Eocene oceans.


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Evidence for the Chesapeake Bay Crater as the source for New Jersey continental margin ejecta is provided by fine-grained tektites and coarse-grained unmelted ejecta. The Upper Eocene ejecta deposit, now demonstrated to be part of the North American strewn field, occurs on the New Jersey continental margin at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 904 and 903. The mineralogy, major oxide composition of the ejecta materials, and biostratigraphic age of the enclosing sediments link the origin of these ejecta to the recently recognized Chesapeake Bay impact crater, located only 330 km away. Sediments associated with the ejecta provide information about the dynamics of impact events. The 35-cm-thick ejecta-bearing layer can be subdivided into three subunits that indicate a sequence of events. Bottom subunit III documents sediment failure and deposition of gravel-sized fragments, middle subunit II records deposition of abundant sand-sized ejecta by gravity settling, and upper subunit I contains a 12-cm-thick sedimentary deposit containing rare silt-sized tektites and evidence of waning currents. These events are interpreted by linking sediment deposition to seismic ground motion and subsequent tsunami waves triggered by both the Chesapeake Bay impact and slope failures.