464 resultados para BRST quantization


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In this paper, a recursive filter algorithm is developed to deal with the state estimation problem for power systems with quantized nonlinear measurements. The measurements from both the remote terminal units and the phasor measurement unit are subject to quantizations described by a logarithmic quantizer. Attention is focused on the design of a recursive filter such that, in the simultaneous presence of nonlinear measurements and quantization effects, an upper bound for the estimation error covariance is guaranteed and subsequently minimized. Instead of using the traditional approximation methods in nonlinear estimation that simply ignore the linearization errors, we treat both the linearization and quantization errors as norm-bounded uncertainties in the algorithm development so as to improve the performance of the estimator. For the power system with such kind of introduced uncertainties, a filter is designed in the framework of robust recursive estimation, and the developed filter algorithm is tested on the IEEE benchmark power system to demonstrate its effectiveness.


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Polyphase IIR structures have recently proven themselves very attractive for very high performance filters that can be designed using very few coefficients. This, combined with their low sensitivity to coefficient quantization in comparison to standard FIR and IIR structures, makes them very applicable for very fast filtering when implemented in fixed-point arithmetic. However, although the mathematical description is very simple, there exist a number of ways to implement such filters. In this paper, we take four of these different implementation structures, analyze the rounding noise originating from the limited arithmetic wordlength of the mathematical operators, and check the internal data growth within the structure. These analyses need to be done to ensure that the performance of the implementation matches the performance of the theoretical design. The theoretical approach that we present has been proven by the results of the fixed-point simulation done in Simulink and verified by an equivalent bit-true implementation in VHDL.


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Present study consists the quantization of specific metals-- Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu observed in the experimental bivalve, Villorita species. Bivalve specimens were collected seasonally from the identified three hot spots of Vembanad Lake. Soft tissue concentrations of metals are very sensitive in reflecting changes in the ambient environment and hence important in assessing the environmental quality. Concentrations of Zn in bivalves were fairly high compared to other metals. All the stations showed a maximum concentration during premonsoon and minimum during the other two seasons. Levels of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd and Cr are between 0-6.17mg/kg, 0-17.224mg/kg, 1.916-255.163mg/kg, 0.325-4.133mg/kg, and 0-15.233mg/kg respectively


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A Fractal Quantizer is proposed that replaces the expensive division operation for the computation of scalar quantization by more modest and available multiplication, addition and shift operations. Although the proposed method is iterative in nature, simulations prove a virtually undetectable distortion to the naked eve for JPEG compressed images using a single iteration. The method requires a change to the usual tables used in JPEG algorithins but of similar size. For practical purposes, performing quantization is reduced to a multiplication plus addition operation easily programmed in either low-end embedded processors and suitable for efficient and very high speed implementation in ASIC or FPGA hardware. FPGA hardware implementation shows up to x15 area-time savingscompared to standars solutions for devices with dedicated multipliers. The method can be also immediately extended to perform adaptive quantization(1).


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We return to the description of the damped harmonic oscillator with an assessment of previous works, in particular the Bateman-Caldirola-Kanai model and a new model proposed by one of the authors. We argue the latter has better high energy behavior and is connected to existing open-systems approaches. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By using a coherent state quantization of paragrassmann variables, operators are constructed in finite Hilbert spaces. We thus obtain in a straightforward way a matrix representation of the paragrassmann algebra. This algebra of finite matrices realizes a deformed Weyl-Heisenberg algebra. The study of mean values in coherent states of some of these operators leads to interesting conclusions.


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Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnors upplevelser av diagnos och förlust av bröst till följd av bröstcancerkirurgi. Vidare var syftet att beskriva vilka copingstrategier kvinnorna använde.Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Litteratur söktes i databasen Cinahl samt i informationstjänsten ELIN. Underlaget för denna studie är 19 artiklar av kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet visade att bröstcancerbeskedet var en chockerande upplevelse för kvinnor. Diagnosen framkallade ångest, rädsla och kom oftast som en överraskning. Bröstförlusten orsakade mycket lidande för kvinnorna i form av förlorad kvinnlighet, kroppsbild, förändrad sexualitet och förändrade relationer. Kvinnorna kände sig fula, vanställda och deformerade. Det framkom också att kvinnorna ville skyla sin bröstförlust för sig själv och andra. De isolerade sig från omgivningen. Kvinnor som genomgått rekonstruktion beskrev en känsla av att åter få känna sig normala. De copingstrategier som kvinnorna använde var att acceptera sin situation, viljan att leva, positivt tänkande, leva som vanligt, stöd av närstående, religion samt vara aktiva i sin behandling av sjukdomen. Genom att sjuksköterskan söker evidens och vetenskapligt beprövad information om sjukdom och hur den påverkar kvinnors liv så kan sjuksköterskan på ett bra sätt hjälpa kvinnor att förstå och acceptera det som sker, ge stöd och lindra lidande.


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This thesis aims to present a color segmentation approach for traffic sign recognition based on LVQ neural networks. The RGB images were converted into HSV color space, and segmented using LVQ depending on the hue and saturation values of each pixel in the HSV color space. LVQ neural network was used to segment red, blue and yellow colors on the road and traffic signs to detect and recognize them. LVQ was effectively applied to 536 sampled images taken from different countries in different conditions with 89% accuracy and the execution time of each image among 31 images was calculated in between 0.726sec to 0.844sec. The method was tested in different environmental conditions and LVQ showed its capacity to reasonably segment color despite remarkable illumination differences. The results showed high robustness.


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It has recently been shown that the ten-dimensional superstring can be quantized using the BRST operator Q = philambda(alpha)d(alpha), where lambda(alpha) is a pure spinor satisfying; lambdagamma(m)lambda = 0 and dalpha is the fermionic supersymmetric derivative. In this paper, the pure spinor version of superstring theory is formulated in a curved supergravity background and it is shown that nilpotency and holomorphicity of the pure spinor BRST operator imply the on-shell superspace constraints of the supergravity background. This is shown to lowest order in alpha' for the heterotic and Type II superstrings, thus providing a compact pure spinor version of the ten-dimensional superspace constraints for N = 1 Type IIA and Type IIB supergravities. Since quantization is straightforward using the pure spinor version of the superstring, it is expected that these methods can also be used to compute higher-order alpha' corrections to the ten-dimensional superspace constraints. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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An algebraic reformulation of the Bohr-Sommerfeld (BS) quantization rule is suggested and applied to the study of bound states in one-dimensional quantum wells. The energies obtained with the present quantization rule are compared to those obtained with the usual BS and WKB quantization rules and with the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation. We find that, in diverse cases of physical interest in molecular physics, the present quantization rule not only yields a good approximation to the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation, but yields more precise energies than those obtained with the usual BS and/or WKB quantization rules. Among the examples considered numerically are the Poeschl-Teller potential and several anharmonic oscillator potentials. which simulate molecular vibrational spectra and the problem of an isolated quantum well structure subject to an external electric field.


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We discuss the Gupta-Bleuler quantization of the free electromagnetic field outside static black holes in the Boulware vacuum. We use a gauge which reduces to the Feynman gauge in Minkowski spacetime. We also discuss its relation with gauges used previously. Then we apply the low-energy sector of this held theory to investigate some low-energy phenomena. First, we discuss the response rate of a static charge outside the Schwarzschild black hole in four dimensions. Next, motivated by string physics, we compute the absorption cross sections of low-energy plane waves for the Schwarzschild and extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in arbitrary dimensions higher than three.


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Sigma model actions are constructed for the type II superstring compactified to four-and six-dimensional curved backgrounds which can contain non-vanishing Ramond-Ramond fields. These actions are N = 2 worldsheet superconformally invariant and can be covariantly quantized preserving manifest spacetime supersymmetry. They are constructed using a hybrid Version of superstring variables which combines features of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz and Green-Schwarz formalisms. For the AdS(2) x S-2 and AdS(3) x S-3 backgrounds, these actions differ from the classical Green-Schwarz actions by a crucial kinetic term for the fermions. Parts of this work have been done in collaborations with M Bershadsky, T Hauer, W Siegel, C Vafa, E Witten, S Zhukov and B Zwiebach.


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In this reply to the comment on 'Quantization rules for bound states in quantum wells' we point out some interesting differences between the supersymmetric Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) quantization rule and a matrix generalization of usual WKB (mWKB) and Bohr-Sommerfeld (mBS) quantization rules suggested by us. There are certain advantages in each of the supersymmetric WKB (SWKB), mWKB and mBS quantization rules. Depending on the quantum well, one of these could be more useful than the other and it is premature to claim unconditional superiority of SWKB over mWKB and mBS quantization rules.


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We investigate some proposals to solve the electric charge quantization puzzle that simultaneously explain the recent measured deviation on the muon anomalous magnetic moment. For this we assess extensions of the electro-weak standard model spanning modifications on the scalar sector only. It is interesting to verify that one can have modest extensions which easily account for the solution for both problems.


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The character of holomorphic functions on the space of pure spinors in 10, 11 and 12 dimensions is calculated. From this character formula, we derive in a manifestly covariant way various central charges which appear in the pure spinor formalism for the superstring. We also derive in a simple way the zero momentum cohomology of the pure spinor BRST operator for the D = 10 and D = 11 superparticle.