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Las relaciones bilaterales en materia política y económica entre Irán y Turquía, se han visto influenciadas por un sin número de acontecimientos que le han cambiado el rumbo a las mismas. Es por ello, que la siguiente monografía pretende determinar cómo las relaciones políticas y económicas entre Irán y Turquía, han incidido en el cambio de interés y percepción de Turquía frente a las relaciones con Irán, en el periodo comprendido entre el 2000 y el 2010.


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El propósito de este trabajo es analizar cuál ha sido la incidencia del White Paper, como herramienta de política exterior china, en las relaciones económicas y comerciales sino-colombianas entre los años 2008 y 2012. La mayoría del análisis se enfoca en los intercambios comerciales reflejados en la balanza comercial de ambos países y la incidencia que ha tenido el White Paper para la estabilización de una relación de acuerdo a los principios de su política exterior. Este trabajo busca describir los orígenes y la evolución de la relación económica y comercial bilateral y otros aspectos como los sectores que dinamizan tal relación de acuerdo a los intereses de China. Este trabajo describe las razones por las que, aunque la relación se ha fortalecido, hecho evidenciado en el incremento del flujo comercial, ésta sigue siendo desequilibrada y de dependencia.


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El desarrollo de esta monografía busca establecer que el cambio de gobierno colombiano en 2010 fue determinante para el fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales sino-colombianas especialmente en materia económica, dando lugar a la firma del Plan Maestro de Aprovechamiento del Rio Magdalena que al incidir en la infraestructura a lo largo del rio, generará una mayor competitividad, afectando de esta manera las relaciones comerciales no solo con la República Popular China sino con el resto del mundo ya que se reducirían las negociaciones asimétricas, dentro de las cuales se encuentran el valor de los bienes ofertados en el exterior.


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El Proyecto Actualización perfil de mercado unión europea, abarca el estudio de los perfiles de mercado de los 28 países (tras la adición de Croacia el 1 de julio del 2013) miembros de la unión europea (EU), que permita desarrollar una guía de análisis de mercado, por producto y por demanda; ayudando a empresarios colombianos e investigadores de mercados a mejorar la toma de decisiones dentro del intercambio comercial bilateral y crear un valor agregado y mayor desarrollo en la industria. Los empresarios colombianos, independientemente de su tamaño (grandes o PYMES) se pueden valer de la información recogida para evaluar su situación actual y la de los países miembros de la UE y formular estrategias de re-diseño o de incursión de mercado, haciendo posible identificar si sus decisiones son correctas y en caso contrario identificar soluciones y posibles cambios. A raíz del aumento de las relaciones comerciales entre Colombia y los diferentes bloques comerciales, es de vital importancia crear herramientas que aumenten las posibilidades de éxito a los empresarios nacionales y mejoren la relación entre ambas partes; en muchos casos los exportadores colombianos cuentan con bastante información acerca de los procesos necesarios para realizar una exportación e inclusive de cuales países son probablemente los más adecuados para llevar el producto; pero no tienen información detallada, por país, región, producto, y el comportamiento comercial de cada uno; objetivo final es eliminar esa incertidumbre y generar un mayor número de procesos de exportación exitosos y sostenibles.


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El interés de esta monografía es evaluar la influencia del conflicto armado nepalí sobre las relaciones de Nepal con India y China. Se analiza y se explica como un conflicto armado interno puede influir desde sus causas, desarrollo y desenlace en las relaciones regionales y bilaterales de un país con sus vecinos. El presente texto pretende probar que la guerra civil de Nepal influyo positivamente en sus relaciones con India y China, planteando al país nepalí como un escenario en disputa entre estas dos potencias emergentes. Mediante el Realismo Estructural de Keneth Watlz se evaluaran las lógicas y los patrones de cambio que puedan modificar el sistema conformado por Nepal, China e India, para posteriormente examinar los cambios reales o parciales que sufrieron las relaciones de estos países al termino del conflicto armado.


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The causality between international trade and industrialization is still ambiguous. We consider a model of international trade with the Home Market Effect - with differences in income and productivity between sectors and between countries - in order to identify additional channels for determining the effects of international trade on industrialization. Introducing non-homothetic preferences and differences in productivity aids in the interpretation of any apparent paradoxes within international trade, such as the commercial relations between more populated countries like China and India and large economies such as the U.S. Population size, demand composition and productivity levels constitute the three main channels for determining the effects of international trade. Interactions among these channels define the results obtained in terms of industrialization, while welfare levels are always higher in relation to autarky.


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El artículo señala que una relación comercial entre Corea y Ecuador sería viable si los dos países concilian sus potencialidades, en búsqueda de una complementación económica. El autor señala que el país sudamericano, con una alta tasa de crecimiento, puede aprovechar el interés que tiene un país asiático competitivo y eficiente de socializar su experiencia en desarrollo para pasar de una economía agrícola a una globalizada. Hace una revisión de las relaciones diplomáticas entre los dos Estados y se concentra en establecer el alcance y efectos que una relación comercial podría generar. Se concluye, finalmente, en que existe una serie abierta de oportunidades de cooperación económica que deben ser exploradas por coreanos y ecuatorianos.


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The European Union (EU) is embedded in a pluralistic legal context because of the EU and its Member States’ treaty memberships and domestic laws. Where EU conduct has implications for both the EU’s international trade relations and the legal position of individual traders, it possibly affects EU and its Member States’ obligations under the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO law) as well as the Union’s own multi-layered constitutional legal order. The present paper analyses the way in which the European Court of Justice (ECJ) accommodates WTO and EU law in the context of international trade disputes triggered by the EU. Given the ECJ’s denial of direct effect of WTO law in principle, the paper focuses on the protection of rights and remedies conferred by EU law. It assesses the implications of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) – which tolerates the acceptance of retaliatory measures constraining traders’ activities in sectors different from those subject to the original trade dispute (Bananas and Hormones cases) – for the protection of ‘retaliation victims’. The paper concludes that governmental discretion conferred by WTO law has not affected the applicability of EU constitutional law but possibly shapes the actual scope of EU rights and remedies where such discretion is exercised in the EU’s general interest.


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This paper examines the impact of major disasters on import and export flows using a gravity model (170 countries, 1962–2004). As a conservative estimate, an additional disaster reduces imports on average by 0.2% and exports by 0.1%. Despite the apparent persistence of bilateral trade volumes, we find that the driving forces determining the impact of disastrous events are the level of democracy and the geographical size of the affected country. The less democratic and the smaller a country the greater is its loss due to a catastrophe. In autocracies, exports and imports are significantly reduced. Had Togo been struck by a major disaster in 2000, it would have lost 6.2% of its imports and 3.7% of its exports. While democratic countries' exports suffer identical decreases, imports increase.


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This thesis examines the bilateral trade between Vietnam and twenty three European countries based on a gravity model and panel data for years 1993 to 2004. Estimates indicate that economic size, market size and real exchange rate of Vietnam and twenty three European countries play major role in bilateral trade between Vietnam and these countries. Distance and history, however, do not seem to drive the bilateral trade. The results of gravity model are also applied to calculate the trade potential between Vietnam and twenty three European countries. It shows that Vietnam’s trade with twenty three European countries has considerable room for growth.


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This paper examines whether European Monetary Union (EMU) countries share fairly the effect of their membership in Eurozone (EZ) or whether are winners and losers in this ''Euro-game''. By using panel data of 27 European Union (EU) Member States for the period 2001-2012 in the context of a gravity model, we focus on estimating the Euro’s effect on bilateral trade and we detect whether this effect differs across the Member States of EZ. Two estimation methods are applied: Pooled OLS estimator and Fixed Effects estimator. The empirical results come to the conclusion that the individual country effects differ and are statistically significant, indicating that EMU’s effect on trade differs across the Member States of EZ. The overall effect of the Euro is statistically insignificant, regardless the estimation method, demonstrating that the common European currency may have no effect on bilateral trade.


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This paper presents evidence on the key role of infrastructure in the Andean Community trade patterns. Three distinct but related gravity models of bilateral trade are used. The first model aims at identifying the importance of the Preferential Trade Agreement and adjacency on intra-regional trade, while also checking the traditional roles of economic size and distance. The second and third models also assess the evolution of the Trade Agreement and the importance of sharing a common border, but their main goal is to analyze the relevance of including infrastructure in the augmented gravity equation, testing the theoretical assumption that infrastructure endowments, by reducing trade and transport costs, reduce “distance” between bilateral partners. Indeed, if one accepts distance as a proxy for transportation costs, infrastructure development and improvement drastically modify it. Trade liberalization eliminates most of the distortions that a protectionist tariff system imposes on international business; hence transportation costs represent nowadays a considerably larger barrier to trade than in past decades. As new trade pacts are being negotiated in the Americas, borders and old agreements will lose significance; trade among countries will be nearly without restrictions, and bilateral flows will be defined in terms of costs and competitiveness. Competitiveness, however, will only be achieved by an improvement in infrastructure services at all points in the production-distribution chain.


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This work presents a fully operational interstate CGE model implemented for the Brazilian economy that tries to quantify both the role of barriers to trade on economic growth and foreign trade performance and how the distribution of the economic activity may change as the country opens up to foreign trade. Among the distinctive features embedded in the model, modeling of external scale economies, port efficiency and land-maritime transport costs provides an innovative way of dealing explicitly with theoretical issues related to integrated regional systems. In order to illustrate the role played by the quality of infrastructure and geography on the country‟s foreign and interregional trade performance, a set of simulations is presented where barriers to trade are significantly reduced. The relative importance of trade policy, port efficiency and land-maritime transport costs for the country trade relations and regional growth is then detailed and quantified, considering both short run as well as long run scenarios. A final set of simulations shed some light on the effects of liberal trade policies on regional inequality, where the manufacturing sector in the state of São Paulo, taken as the core of industrial activity in the country, is subjected to different levels of external economies of scale. Short-run core-periphery effects are then traced out suggesting the prevalence of agglomeration forces over diversion forces could rather exacerbate regional inequality as import barriers are removed up to a certain level. Further removals can reverse this balance in favor of diversion forces, implying de-concentration of economic activity. In the long run, factor mobility allows a better characterization of the balance between agglomeration and diversion forces among regions. Regional dispersion effects are then clearly traced-out, suggesting horizontal liberal trade policies to benefit both the poorest regions in the country as well as the state of São Paulo. This long run dispersion pattern, on one hand seems to unravel the fragility of simple theoretical results from recent New Economic Geography models, once they get confronted with more complex spatially heterogeneous (real) systems. On the other hand, it seems to capture the literature‟s main insight: the possible role of horizontal liberal trade policies as diversion forces leading to a more homogeneous pattern of interregional economic growth.


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How to deal with the impacts of the exchange rate on the trade balance of Brazil? There is not a single answer to such question. In order to find out some legal approaches for this matter, this paper aims to describe and analyze the role of the IMF, WTO and the governments of Brazil and the United States on the currency misalignments, especially the extraterritorial effects of such misalignment on the Brazil’s bilateral trade with the United States. The article concludes that the Currency Swap Agreements and other bilateral solutions may minimize the distortions that the Brazilian balance of payment against the USA is carrying, due to the lack of legal solutions for the problem of the exchange rate misalignments that Brazil is facing.


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The research topic of this paper is focused on the analysis of how trade associations perceive lobbying in Brussels and in Brasília. The analysis will be centered on business associations located in Brasília and Brussels as the two core centers of decision-making and as an attraction for the lobbying practice. The underlying principles behind the comparison between Brussels and Brasilia are two. Firstof all because the European Union and Brazil have maintained diplomatic relations since 1960. Through these relations they have built up close historical, cultural, economic and political ties. Their bilateral political relations culminated in 2007 with the establishment of a Strategic Partnership (EEAS website,n.d.). Over the years, Brazil has become a key interlocutor for the EU and it is the most important market for the EU in Latin America (European Commission, 2007). Taking into account the relations between EU and Brazil, this research could contribute to the reciprocal knowledge about the perception of lobby in the respective systems and the importance of the non-market strategy when conducting business. Second both EU and Brazilian systems have a multi-level governance structure: 28 Member States in the EU and 26 Member States in Brazil; in both systems there are three main institutions targeted by lobbying practice. The objective is to compare how differences in the institutional environments affect the perception and practice of lobbying, where institutions are defined as ‘‘regulative, normative, and cognitive structures and activities that provide stability and meaning to social behavior’’ (Peng et al., 2009). Brussels, the self-proclaimed "Capital of Europe”, is the headquarters of the European Union and has one of the highest concentrations of political power in the world. Four of the seven Institutions of the European Union are based in Brussels: the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council and the European Commission (EU website, n.d.). As the power of the EU institutions has grown, Brussels has become a magnet for lobbyists, with the latest estimates ranging from between 15,000 and 30,000 professionals representing companies, industry sectors, farmers, civil society groups, unions etc. (Burson Marsteller, 2013). Brasília is the capital of Brazil and the seat of government of the Federal District and the three branches of the federal government of Brazilian legislative, executive and judiciary. The 4 city also hosts 124 foreign embassies. The presence of the formal representations of companies and trade associations in Brasília is very limited, but the governmental interests remain there and the professionals dealing with government affairs commute there. In the European Union, Brussels has established a Transparency Register that allows the interactions between the European institutions and citizen’s associations, NGOs, businesses, trade and professional organizations, trade unions and think tanks. The register provides citizens with a direct and single access to information about who is engaged in This process is important for the quality of democracy, and for its capacity to deliver adequate policies, matching activities aimed at influencing the EU decision-making process, which interests are being pursued and what level of resources are invested in these activities (Celgene, n.d). It offers a single code of conduct, binding all organizations and self-employed individuals who accept to “play by the rules” in full respect of ethical principles (EC website, n.d). A complaints and sanctions mechanism ensures the enforcement of the rules and addresses suspected breaches of the code. In Brazil, there is no specific legislation regulating lobbying. The National Congress is currently discussing dozens of bills that address regulation of lobbying and the action of interest groups (De Aragão, 2012), but none of them has been enacted for the moment. This work will focus on class lobbying (Oliveira, 2004), which refers to the performance of the federation of national labour or industrial unions, like CNI (National Industry Confederation) in Brazil and the European Banking Federation (EBF) in Brussels. Their performance aims to influence the Executive and Legislative branches in order to defend the interests of their affiliates. When representing unions and federations, class entities cover a wide range of different and, more often than not, conflicting interests. That is why they are limited to defending the consensual and majority interest of their affiliates (Oliveira, 2004). The basic assumption of this work is that institutions matter (Peng et al, 2009) and that the trade associations and their affiliates, when doing business, have to take into account the institutional and regulatory framework where they do business.