108 resultados para Auschwitz


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Studien behandlar, den av myndigheten Forum för levande historia utgivna boken …om detta må ni berätta…, av Stéphane Bruchfeld och Paul A. Levine. I studien analyseras olika förklaringar till Förintelsen, som mer explicit eller implicit kan skönjas i texten. Det hela relateras till vad några andra författare och förintelseforskare, beskriver, och kommit till för slutsatser angående de olika förklaringarna dessa representerar, i den av mig utvalda litteraturen. Dessa författare är Zygmunt Bauman och hans bok Auschwitz och det moderna samhället (1989). Yehuda Bauer i boken rethinking the holocaust (2001), Harald Welzer, och hans bok Gärningsmän (2007), slutligen Saul Friedländer och hans bokverk, Förföljelsens år 1933-1939, Utrotningens år 1939-1945. Analysens verktyg består av en indelning i sju, olika förklaringsmodeller, som förekommer och som dessa författare också, representerar eller lyfter fram. Resultatet är slutligen att jag fann den ideologiska förklaringsmodellen framträdande i boken …om detta må ni berätta…, men också beskrivningen av en antisemitism, med rötter långt bak i tiden, är framträdande i denna text. Studien utvisar också att det finns inslag även från andra förklaringsmodeller.


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Many Holocaust scholars subscribe to the theory that under the unimaginable stress of Holocaust persecution Jewish victims found that, in extremis, conventional morality did not apply. On the basis of an analysis of a sample of videotestimonies held in the Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia (hereafter the JHMRC), this article argues that such assumptions require revision. Despite observing numerous instances of unconscionable behaviour, in these videotestimonies survivors provide many examples of their own ethical practices and those of others.


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In 1986, Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi’s paradigmatic essay entitled ‘The Grey Zone’ highlighted the complex and sensitive issue of so-called ‘privileged’ Jews, an issue that remains at the margins of popular and academic discourse on the Holocaust. ‘Privileged’ Jews include those prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps and ghettos who held positions that gave them access to material and other benefits whilst compelling them to act in ways that have been judged both self-serving and harmful to fellow inmates. The unprecedented ethical dilemmas that confronted ‘privileged’ Jews may be viewed as exemplifying the ‘limit’ events or experiences that were characteristic of the Holocaust, situating them at the threshold of representation, understanding and judgement. Levi’s essay singles out history and film as particularly predisposed to a simplifying trend he identifies – the ‘Manichean tendency which shuns half-tints and complexities,’ and resorts to the black-and-white binary opposition(s) of ‘friend’ and ‘enemy,’‘good’ and ‘evil.’ In the case of ‘privileged’ Jews in particular, such binary oppositions would appear to be inadequate. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the fields of history, philosophy and literature, this paper analyses representations of ‘privileged’ Jews, particularly those prisoners of the Sonderkommandos who were forced to work in the crematoria. The paper demonstrates how easily the boundary Levi maps out for moral judgement can be crossed. It is shown that while Levi suggests judgement should be suspended when confronted with the experiences of victims in extremis, moral evaluations of ‘privileged’ Jews permeate discussions and representations of the Holocaust. When confronted with such emotionally and morally freighted issues, judgement may itself be seen as a ‘limit of representation.’


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This article analyzes video testimonies recorded at the Jewish Holocaust Museum and Research Centre in Melbourne,Australia, which address the highly complex and sensitive issue of “privileged” Jews. The so-called privileged Jews include prisoners in the Nazi-operated camps and ghettos who held positions that gave them access to material and other benefits, while compelling them to act in ways that have been judged detrimental to fellow inmates. Although the issue of “privileged” Jews has been largely neglected, it relates to a crucial facet of the Holocaust and has vast implications for its aftermath. The ethical dilemmas facing these victims may be closely linked to what Lawrence Langer has termed choiceless choices, which challenge conventional notions of “judgment” and “responsibility.” This problem is also the primary subject of Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi’s essay titled “The Grey Zone,” which is arguably the most influential essay ever written on the Holocaust. Levi argues that one should abstain from judging individuals who confronted such extreme circumstances, positioning prisoners with “privileged” positions at the threshold of representation and understanding. However, moral evaluations of “privileged” Jews have a strong impact on Holocaust testimonies, whether these were constructed during the war or recorded long after the survivors’ experiences. The examples of video testimonies explored in this article reveal that this is particularly the case when interviewees are former “privileged” Jews and interviewers are themselves Holocaust survivors. The article argues that when confronted with such an emotionally and morally fraught issue, judgment may itself be seen as a “limit of representation.”


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This paper explores the problems of judgement and representation in relation to Jewish victims of the Holocaust who occupied so-called privileged positions in the camps and ghettos. Such figures, forced to act in ways that have proven controversial both during and after the war, faced unprecedented ethical dilemmas under Nazi persecution. Taking Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi’s highly influential essay on the ‘grey zone’ as a point of departure, I examine the extreme situations confronted by prisoner doctors, an important – though little discussed – category of ‘privileged’ Jews. Investigating the synergies between history, memory and film, I focus particularly on the case of Gisella Perl, a prisoner doctor whose experiences in Auschwitz-Birkenau are represented in her memoir and a recent fiction film. The emotionally and morally fraught circumstances of prisoner doctors can never be fully understood, yet reflecting on the double binds they faced, and acknowledging the inherent problems involved in representing and judging them, enables a nuanced approach to the moral complexities of the Holocaust.


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Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi’s highly influential essay, “The Grey Zone”, explores the taboo issue of “privileged” Jews, those prisoners who were forced to cooperate with their Nazi captors in order to prolong their lives or the lives of their families. Levi argues that moral evaluations of privileged Jews should be suspended; however, judgements of these liminal figures have permeated representations of victims’ experiences. Taking Levi’s reflections on the “grey zone” as a point of departure, I analyse the ways in which a number of Holocaust documentary narratives construct problematic judgements of privileged Jews; nonetheless, it will be shown that some films engage with the issue in a nuanced manner. While Levi singles out the medium of film as particularly predisposed to simplistic judgements, I argue that documentary film has considerable potential to offer a complex representation of the extreme ethical dilemmas that privileged Jews faced.


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Based on video testimony interviews held in the Shoah FoundationInstitute’s Visual History archive and the Melbourne JewishHolocaust Centre’s archive, this paper examines Holocaust survivortestimony as it relates to their return to the sites of atrocity,particularly Auschwitz-Birkenau. It analyses how survivor’s (re)encounters with material and imaginative landscapes revealsconceptions of, inter alia, agency, community, absence andbelonging in the performance of self. It uses these tensionsbetween landscapes of the past and present to develop thetheoretical relationship between performativity and ideas ofaffect. In doing so, it explores how these ideas can be used toengage students in a critical pedagogy of the Holocaust throughanalysis of survivor video-testimony and in visiting landscapes ofthe Holocaust.


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Adorno que foi um filósofo alemão do século passado propõe uma reflexão dos educadores sobre a possibilidade de uma reincidência de Auschwitz, que foi um dos principais campos de concentração na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Para ele a educação deveria estabelecer práticas que combatessem a possibilidade da volta de um clima cultural favorável aos campos de concentração. É nesse sentido, que para Adorno aquele professor que tem uma posição autoritária de modo que os alunos não se sintam estimulados a intervir sala de aula, cria uma situação em que o aluno pode passar a odiar o professor, ou seja, essa ideia de que os professores precisam ser rígidos para formar o caráter dos alunos é uma posição errada, pois acaba propiciando ao ódio e ao ressentimento. Outro ponto trabalhado por Adorno no livro Educação após Auschwitz é como, cada vez mais, as pessoas tendem a sentir mais afeto pelas coisas do que por outras pessoas, o que ele vai chamar de consciência coisificada.


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Panel 4: Transnational Memory of Mass Violence Anne Waehrens, University of Copenhagen/Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark: “Is There a Shared European memory? Holocaust Remembrance in the European Parliament after 1989" Download paper (login required) Ran Zwigenberg, City University of New York: “The Hiroshima-Auschwitz Peace March and the Globalization of Victimhood” Download paper (login required) Mark Zaurov, University of Hamburg, Germany: "The Current Situation of Human Rights for Deaf People with Respect to the Deaf Holocaust" Download paper (login required) Chair: Natalya Lazar and Jody Manning, Clark UniversityComment: Ken McLean, Clark University


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Die Arbeit untersucht, wie Tätererinnerungen für die Geschichtswissenschaft nutzbar gemacht werden können. Hans Münch, ein ehemaliger SS-Arzt in Auschwitz, hat sein Leben lang zahlreiche Interviews gegeben. Diese werden einer Sprach- und Diskursanalyse unterzogen und aus sozialpsychologischer Perspektive betrachtet. Dabei wird deutlich, wie die Methodenwahl die Ergebnisse mitbestimmt. Strukturelemente und Rahmenbedingungen, die das Denken und Handeln Münchs beeinflusst haben, werden herausgearbeitet. Dadurch werden die soziale Wirklichkeit der SS-Ärzte sowie die Beweggründe für diesen Genozid auf der Täterebene greifbarer gemacht. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie Münch Brüche in seiner Lebensgeschichte mit einem konsistenten Selbstbild, einer Sinnkonstruktion, zu überdecken versuchte.


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Die Arbeit stellt sich in die Reihe von Studien, die den Status des lyrischen Subjekts innerhalb der Dichtung „nach Auschwitz“ untersucht haben, versucht aber selbst einen neuen Weg einzuschlagen, indem sie die Problematik der (historischen, ethischen) Subjektbestimmung aus ihrer rhetorischen und linguistischen Natur herleitet. Durch detaillierte formale Lektüre wird die selbstreflexive Funktion der Personalpronomina in den Sonetten Shakespeares sowie in der Übersetzung Celans analysiert. Die übersetzungstheoretischen Implikationen der Selbstreflexivität werden vor allem in Bezug auf die Werke von Antoine Berman und Henri Meschonnic erklärt. Präzise identifiziert und deutet der Verfasser syntaktische, grammatikalische, rhetorische und metrische Merkmale der untersuchten Gedichte, um Celans Verfahren en détail zu beschreiben: Tempus und Modus, Enjambement und Zäsur, Synkope und Anakoluth, Katapher und Chiasmus, Satz- und Ausführungszeichen, Kursivschrift und graphische Elemente. Theoretisch stützt sich die Arbeit auf bestimmte Hauptbegriffe von Jean Bollack (Virtualität, Poetik der Fremdheit, Trennung von den Mitmenschen, Schreiben auf seiten des Todes) und Gilles Deleuze (Virtualität, Differenz und Repetition, Ordnung der leeren Zeit). Der Begriff von Virtualität fungiert in diesem Zusammenhang als trait d'union zwischen den beiden Autoren, in dem Versuch, ihre unterschiedlichen, teilweise entgegengesetzten Positionen in einem Punkt konvergieren zu lassen: der Neudefinition eines gespaltenen Subjektes und seines subversiven Potentials in einem direkten politischen Sinne. Diese Neudefinition der pronominalen Funktionen und die ihres politischen Widerstands werden darüber hinaus als übersetzungstheoretische Kriterien in der Interpretation der Nationalliteratur und der Rezeptionsgeschichte in Deutschland verwendet. Aus dieser Perspektive wird der theoretische Rahmen dieser Arbeit, nach den Hauptfiguren von Bollack und Deleuze, von Foucault Auffassung der Historizität und des politischen Werts des Subjektbegriffs ergänzt. Die Poetik der Übersetzung wird als Vorgang der “Wiederholung” konzipiert, der letztendlich eine “Differenz” hervorbringt, wie auch eine Neubestimmung der Zeitlichkeit als nicht-lineare Erscheinung.


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This thesis is an examination of the memoirs of three core Holocaust writers, Elie Wiesel (Night and Day), Primo Levi (If This is A Man), and Charlotte Delbo (Auschwitz and After), exploring the ways in which each of the three authors uses his or her memoir to simultaneously document and resist the dehumanizing influence of the concentration camp experience.


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El siglo XX en general y la Segunda Guerra Mundial en particular, marcan una inflexión en relación con los estudios sobre el concepto de memoria. Holocausto o Shoa se constituyen en una matriz, determinando lo que se denominó como "deber de memoria". Así Auschwitz como emblema del nazismo, pone de relevancia los problemas por la apropiación del pasado. A partir de ello, esta comunicación focalizará en dos textos de la literatura del Lager: La mort qu íl faut, de Jorge Semprún e I sommersi e i salvati, de Primo Levi. Ambos ponen de manifiesto situaciones en relación con la apropiación del pasado y la configuración de la memoria. Por un lado, la constitución de memorias en pugna: la del nazismo y la de los sobrevivientes de los campos. Y por otro, y estableciendo la relación de ésta y testimonio, la polémica asordinada que Semprún establece con Levi y algunos historiadores