929 resultados para Atlantic Coast (S.C.)--Environmental aspects


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Environmental aspects have been acknowledged as an important issue in decision making at any field during the last two decades. There are several available methodologies able to assess the environmental burden, among which the Ecological Footprint has been widely used due to its easy-to-understand final indicator. However, its theoretical base has been target of some criticisms about the inadequate representation of the sustainability concept by its final indicator. In a parallel way, efforts have been made to use the theoretical strength of the Emergy Accounting to obtain an index similar to that supplied by the Ecological Footprint. Focusing on these aspects, this work assesses the support area (SA) index for Brazilian sugarcane and American corn crop through four different approaches: Embodied Energy Analysis (SA(EE)), Ecological Footprint (SA(EF)), Renewable Empower Density (SA(R)), and Emergy Net Primary Productivity (SA(NPP)). Results indicate that the load on environment varies accordingly to the methodology considered for its calculation, in which emergy approach showed the higher values. Focusing on crops comparison, the load by producing both crops are similar with an average of 0.04 ha obtained by SA(EE), 1.86 ha by SA(EF), 4.24 ha by SA(R), and 4.32 ha by SA(NPP). Discussion indicates that support area calculated using Emergy Accounting is more eligible to represent the load on the environment due to its global scale view. Nevertheless, each methodology has its contribution depending of the study objectives, but it is important to consider the real meaning and the scope of each one. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Octopus vulgaris is a cephalopod species in several oceans and commonly caught by artisanal and industrial fisheries. In Brazil, O. vulgaris populations are mainly distributed along the southern coast and have been subjected to intensive fishing during recent years. Despite the importance of this marine resource, no genetic study has been carried out to examine genetic differences among populations along the coast of Brazil. In this study, 343 individuals collected by commercial vessels were genotyped at six microsatellite loci to investigate the genetic differences in O. vulgaris populations along the southern coast of Brazil. Genetic structure and levels of differentiation among sampling sites were estimated via a genotype assignment test and F-statistics. Our results indicate that the O. vulgaris stock consists of four genetic populations with an overall significant analogous F(ST). (phi(CT) = 0.10710, P<0.05) value. The genetic diversity was high with an observed heterozygosity of Ho = 0.987. The negative values of F(IS) found for most of the loci examined suggested a possible bottleneck process. These findings are important for further steps toward more sustainable octopus fisheries, so that this marine resource can be preserved for long-term utilization. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Analysis of Brazilian fishers` classifications of 24 marine (Atlantic coast) and 24 freshwater (Amazon) fish species reveals that fishers from the Atlantic coast identify fish mainly through generic names (primary lexemes), while riverine Amazonian fishers typically identify them through binomials. The similarity of Amazonian fish species seems to contribute to the detailed folk taxonomy used by riverine fishers. High-ranking groups called ""relatives"" or ""cousins"" are sorted by fishers in terms of similarities of habitat, diet, and morphology and, secondarily, behavior. The general correspondence between the folk and scientific taxonomies reinforces the reality of both the supracategories used by these fishers and the biological groups as discontinuities in nature. Given the urgency of biological inventories and the lack of knowledge of high-biodiversity environments such as the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon, these results suggest that fisher knowledge and experience could contribute to scientific research.


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With fast growth rates and clonal reproduction, bamboos can rapidly invade forest areas, drastically changing their original structure. In the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, where recent mapping efforts have shown that woody bamboos dominate large areas, the present study assessed the differences in soil and vegetation between plots dominated (>90% of bamboo coverage) and not dominated (<10% of coverage) by the native Guadua tagoara. Surface soil was physically and chemically analyzed, and trees at three size classes (seedling, sapling, and adult) were counted, identified and measured. New inventories were conducted to assess recruitment, mortality, and damage rates. Bamboo plots had more fertile soils (higher bases saturation and lower potential acidity) due to the preferential occurrence of G. tagoara on more clayey soils. Bamboo-dominated plots had lower density of adult trees (diameter >5 cm) and lower species density. In addition, overall tree diameter distribution was very different between environments, with bamboo plots having greater concentration of small-sized trees. Such differences are probably related to the general tendency of higher mortality, recruitment, and damage rates in bamboo plots. Greater physical (wind and bamboo-induced damages) and physiological stress (heat and light) in bamboo plots are probable causes of bamboo-dominated plots being more dynamic. Finally, we discuss the differences between Atlantic and Amazonian Guadua-dominated forests, causes, and possible consequences of bamboo overabundance to the Atlantic Forest conservation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seit Anbeginn der Menschheitsgeschichte beeinflussen die Menschen ihre Umwelt. Durch anthropogene Emissionen ändert sich die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre, was einen zunehmenden Einfluss unter anderem auf die Atmosphärenchemie, die Gesundheit von Mensch, Flora und Fauna und das Klima hat. Die steigende Anzahl riesiger, wachsender Metropolen geht einher mit einer räumlichen Konzentration der Emission von Luftschadstoffen, was vor allem einen Einfluss auf die Luftqualität der windabwärts gelegenen ruralen Regionen hat. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde im Rahmen des MEGAPOLI-Projektes die Abluftfahne der Megastadt Paris unter Anwendung des mobilen Aerosolforschungslabors MoLa untersucht. Dieses ist mit modernen, zeitlich hochauflösenden Instrumenten zur Messung der chemischen Zusammensetzung und Größenverteilung der Aerosolpartikel sowie einiger Spurengase ausgestattet. Es wurden mobile Messstrategien entwickelt und angewendet, die besonders geeignet zur Charakterisierung urbaner Emissionen sind. Querschnittsmessfahrten durch die Abluftfahne und atmosphärische Hintergrundluftmassen erlaubten sowohl die Bestimmung der Struktur und Homogenität der Abluftfahne als auch die Berechnung des Beitrags der urbanen Emissionen zur Gesamtbelastung der Atmosphäre. Quasi-Lagrange’sche Radialmessfahrten dienten der Erkundung der räumlichen Erstreckung der Abluftfahne sowie auftretender Transformationsprozesse der advehierten Luftschadstoffe. In Kombination mit Modellierungen konnte die Struktur der Abluftfahne vertieft untersucht werden. Flexible stationäre Messungen ergänzten den Datensatz und ließen zudem Vergleichsmessungen mit anderen Messstationen zu. Die Daten einer ortsfesten Messstation wurden zusätzlich verwendet, um die Alterung des organischen Partikelanteils zu beschreiben. Die Analyse der mobilen Messdaten erforderte die Entwicklung einer neuen Methode zur Bereinigung des Datensatzes von lokalen Störeinflüssen. Des Weiteren wurden die Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Fehler bei der Anwendung komplexer Analyseprogramme zur Berechnung des O/C-Verhältnisses der Partikel sowie der Klassifizierung der Aerosolorganik untersucht. Eine Validierung verschiedener Methoden zur Bestimmung der Luftmassenherkunft war für die Auswertung ebenfalls notwendig. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der Abluftfahne von Paris ergab, dass diese sich anhand der Erhöhung der Konzentrationen von Indikatoren für unprozessierte Luftverschmutzung im Vergleich zu Hintergrundwerten identifizieren lässt. Ihre eher homogene Struktur kann zumeist durch eine Gauß-Form im Querschnitt mit einem exponentiellen Abfall der unprozessierten Schadstoffkonzentrationen mit zunehmender Distanz zur Stadt beschrieben werden. Hierfür ist hauptsächlich die turbulente Vermischung mit Umgebungsluftmassen verantwortlich. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in der advehierten Abluftfahne eine deutliche Oxidation der Aerosolorganik im Sommer stattfindet; im Winter hingegen ließ sich dieser Prozess während der durchgeführten Messungen nicht beobachten. In beiden Jahreszeiten setzt sich die Abluftfahne hauptsächlich aus Ruß und organischen Partikelkomponenten im PM1-Größenbereich zusammen, wobei die Quellen Verkehr und Kochen sowie zusätzlich Heizen in der kalten Jahreszeit dominieren. Die PM1-Partikelmasse erhöhte sich durch die urbanen Emissionen im Vergleich zum Hintergrundwert im Sommer in der Abluftfahne im Mittel um 30% und im Winter um 10%. Besonders starke Erhöhungen ließen sich für Polyaromaten beobachten, wo im Sommer eine mittlere Zunahme von 194% und im Winter von 131% vorlag. Jahreszeitliche Unterschiede waren ebenso in der Größenverteilung der Partikel der Abluftfahne zu finden, wo im Winter im Gegensatz zum Sommer keine zusätzlichen nukleierten kleinen Partikel, sondern nur durch Kondensation und Koagulation angewachsene Partikel zwischen etwa 10nm und 200nm auftraten. Die Spurengaskonzentrationen unterschieden sich ebenfalls, da chemische Reaktionen temperatur- und mitunter strahlungsabhängig sind. Weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des MoLa wurden bei einer Überführungsfahrt von Deutschland an die spanische Atlantikküste demonstriert, woraus eine Kartierung der Luftqualität entlang der Fahrtroute resultierte. Es zeigte sich, dass hauptsächlich urbane Ballungszentren von unprozessierten Luftschadstoffen betroffen sind, advehierte gealterte Substanzen jedoch jede Region beeinflussen können. Die Untersuchung der Luftqualität an Standorten mit unterschiedlicher Exposition bezüglich anthropogener Quellen erweiterte diese Aussage um einen Einblick in die Variation der Luftqualität, abhängig unter anderem von der Wetterlage und der Nähe zu Emissionsquellen. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die entwickelten Messstrategien und Analysemethoden nicht nur zur Untersuchung der Abluftfahne einer Großstadt, sondern auch auf verschiedene andere wissenschaftliche und umweltmesstechnische Fragestellungen anwenden lassen.


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Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records for the past 11 Myr from a recently drilled site in the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic (Site 1088, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177, 41°S, 15°E, 2082 m water depth) provide, for the first time, a continuous long-term perspective on deep water distribution patterns and Southern Ocean climate change from the late Miocene through the early Pliocene. I have compiled published late Miocene through Pliocene stable isotope records to place the new South Atlantic record in a global framework. Carbon isotope gradients between the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Pacific indicate that a nutrient-depleted watermass, probably of North Atlantic origin, reached the sub-Antarctic South Atlantic after 6.6 Ma. By 6.0 Ma the relative proportion of the northern-provenance watermass was similar to today and by the early Pliocene it had increased to greater than the modern proportion suggesting that thermohaline overturn in the Atlantic was relatively strong prior to the early Pliocene interval of inferred climatic warmth. Site 1088 oxygen isotope values display a two-step increase between ~7.4 Ma and 6.9 Ma, a trend that parallels a published delta18O record of a site on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. This is perhaps best explained by a gradual cooling of watermasses that were sinking in the Southern Ocean. I speculate that relatively strong thermohaline overturn at rates comparable to the present day interglacial interval during the latest Miocene may have provided the initial conditions for early Pliocene climatic warmth. The impact of an emerging Central American Seaway on Atlantic-Pacific Ocean upper water exchange may have been felt in the North Atlantic beginning in the latest Miocene between 6.6 and 6.0 Ma, which would be ~1.5 Myr earlier than previously thought.


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The majority of global ocean production and total export production is attributed to oligotrophic oceanic regions due to their vast regional expanse. However, energy transfers, food-web structures and trophic relationships in these areas remain largely unknown. Regional and vertical inter- and intra-specific differences in trophic interactions and dietary preferences of calanoid copepods were investigated in four different regions in the open eastern Atlantic Ocean (38°N to 21°S) in October/November 2012 using a combination of fatty acid (FA) and stable isotope (SI) analyses. Mean carnivory indices (CI) based on FA trophic markers generally agreed with trophic positions (TP) derived from d15N analysis. Most copepods were classified as omnivorous (CI ~0.5, TP 1.8 to ~2.5) or carnivorous (CI >=0.7, TP >=2.9). Herbivorous copepods showed typical CIs of <=0.3. Geographical differences in d15N values of epi- (200-0 m) to mesopelagic (1000-200 m) copepods reflected corresponding spatial differences in baseline d15N of particulate organic matter from the upper 100 m. In contrast, species restricted to lower meso- and bathypelagic (2000-1000 m) layers did not show this regional trend. FA compositions were species-specific without distinct intra-specific vertical or spatial variations. Differences were only observed in the southernmost region influenced by the highly productive Benguela Current. Apparently, food availability and dietary composition were widely homogeneous throughout the oligotrophic oceanic regions of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic. Four major species clusters were identified by principal component analysis based on FA compositions. Vertically migrating species clustered with epi- to mesopelagic, non-migrating species, of which only Neocalanus gracilis was moderately enriched in lipids with 16% of dry mass (DM) and stored wax esters (WE) with 37% of total lipid (TL). All other species of this cluster had low lipid contents (< 10% DM) without WE. Of these, the tropical epipelagic Undinula vulgaris showed highest portions of bacterial markers. Rhincalanus cornutus, R. nasutus and Calanoides carinatus formed three separate clusters with species-specific lipid profiles, high lipid contents (>=41% DM), mainly accumulated as WE (>=79% TL). C. carinatus and R. nasutus were primarily herbivorous with almost no bacterial input. Despite deviating feeding strategies, R. nasutus clustered with deep-dwelling, carnivorous species, which had high amounts of lipids (>=37% DM) and WE (>=54% TL). Tropical and subtropical calanoid copepods exhibited a wide variety of life strategies, characterized by specialized feeding. This allows them, together with vertical habitat partitioning, to maintain high abundance and diversity in tropical oligotrophic open oceans, where they play an essential role in the energy flux and carbon cycling.


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Current EU Directives force the Member States to assure by 2020 that 70% of the Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste is recovered instead of landfilled. While some countries have largely achieved this target, others still have a long way to go. For better understanding the differences arising from local disparities, six factors related to technical, economic, legislative and environmental aspects have been identified as crucial influences in the market share of C&D waste recycling solutions. These factors are able to identify the causes that limit the recycling rate of a certain region. Moreover, progress towards an efficient waste management can vary through the improvement of a single factor. This study provides the background for further fine-tuning the factors and their combination into a mathematical model for assessing the market share of C&D recycling solutions.


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Coastal erosion is an important and constant issue facing coastal areas all over the world today. The rate of coastal development over the years has increased, in turn requiring that action be taken to protect structures from the threat of erosion. A review of the causes of coastal erosion and the methods implemented to control it was conducted in order to determine the best course of action in response to coastal erosion issues. The potential positive and negative economic and environmental impacts are key concerns in determining whether or not to restore an eroding beach and which erosion control method(s) to implement. Results focus on providing a comparison of these concerns as well as recommendations for addressing coastal erosion issues.


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Presented at EPA Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Fuel Conversion Technology, May 14, 1974.