980 resultados para Atas de assembleia - Terminologia


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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The trade fair industry has great relevance in the national and international economic environment and it is constantly expanding. The general objective of this work is to analyze the main linguistic variants found in the trade fair terminological set. Our research is based on the theories of Cabré (1993, 1999), Barros (2004), Krieger & Finatto (2004), Alves (2007), Barbosa (2009), Dubuc (1985), Berber Sardinha (2004), Babini (2006) and Faulstich (1998, 2001). For this work we constitute two corpora of specialized texts, one for English language and another for Portuguese language. Successively we performed a collection of terms using software for corpora processing. These terms were organized into two notional systems, one in English and another in Portuguese. Then we analyzed the main types of variants found in our terminological set. Among them, those who had higher productivity are the lexical variants, followed by graphical, morphological and syntactic variants.


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In this study we analyse a body of documents in sworn translation from and to Portuguese in relation to French and Italian. Our objective has been to check the textual typology most requested for sworn translation in these languages and to outline a profile of the terminology recurrent in these types of text. We also present examples of interlinguistic terminological equivalence which become apparent when one translates some of the types of text in our corpus. The data presented here was obtained by the LexTraJu-O lexical project of sworn translation, of which the research is developed in the São José do Rio Preto campus of UNESP with the objective of obtaining resources for the improvement of the Translation Courses of this institution and of making a contribution to translation studies on the theme of sworn translation.


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This paper is part of a larger project that is being developed at our university, whose goal is to enable students of Literature and Translation to detect and analyze linguistic phenomena based on electronic corpora, consisting of original texts and texts translated, which show the general language, literary language and specialized language. One of its aspects is the analysis of medical abstracts and their translation process. Thus, this undergraduate research project, we seek to observe the technical-scientific English language by performing translations of abstracts of scientific articles of Neurology and Oncology.


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This study aims at investigating the existence of a Greek terminological legacy in the Brazilian grammatical organization, taking into account that the initial Greek grammar is the source of our grammar, through the Latin grammar, and that the field defined by it is a reference point for studying the evolution of Western thought about language. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on Historical Linguistics along the lines that guided the extensive research on the emergence of grammar in the West, which is the source of the information organized here (NEVES, 2005). The reflections focus on the examination of nomenclature, considering that it conceptually maps the set of positions assumed, and in general maintained, that deserve consideration. Among other things, the survey compared both Greek terms inherited in the continuous current of the grammatical thinking with Greek terms introduced later, and terms transliterated from the Greek with terms modeled on the Latin translation. In addition, there have been cases of names that were changed while the concept was kept and cases of concepts that were changed while the name was kept. Anyway, the examination of the nomenclature reveals the undeniable existence of a Greek legacy in the organization of the Portuguese grammar.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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INTRODUÇÃO: Muitos termos da área de Atenção Primária à Saúde não são utilizados adequadamente. É importante resgatar a origem desses termos, a fim de entender porque são usados de maneiras diferentes por trabalhadores da saúde e pela população leiga. OBJETIVO: Pesquisar e discutir os significados e usos de termos ligados àAtenção Primária à Saúde. MÉTODO: Revisão, em diferentes fontes, de significados de termos como Atenção Primária à Saúde, medicina de família, clínica geral, medicina interna, Programa Saúde da Família. RESULTADOS: Referências diferentes geralmente têm o mesmo significado para termos similares. Alguns termos, como, por exemplo, "clínica médica", que na prática significa "medicina interna", não têmorigem clara. DISCUSSÃO: Muitos termos são usados indevidamente por causa de diferentes interesses e motivos históricos. Este trabalho não pretende esgotar a discussão sobre a importância da terminologia na Atenção Primária. É um campo relevante de investigação, porque pode ajudar a comunicação entre pacientes, profissionais da saúde e políticos e, em especial, colaborar para o adequado entendimento pelos estudantes deste cenário de prática.


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This study aims to the elaboration of juridical and administrative terminology in Ladin language, actually on the Ladin idiom spoken in Val Badia. The necessity of this study is strictly connected to the fact that in South Tyrol the Ladin language is not just safeguarded, but the editing of administrative and normative text is guaranteed by law. This means that there is a need for a unique terminology in order to support translators and editors of specialised texts. The starting point of this study are, on one side the need of a unique terminology, and on the other side the translation work done till now from the employees of the public administration in Ladin language. In order to document their efforts a corpus made up of digitalized administrative and normative documents was build. The first two chapters focuses on the state of the art of projects on terminology and corpus linguistics for lesser used languages. The information were collected thanks to the help of institutes, universities and researchers dealing with lesser used languages. The third chapter focuses on the development of administrative language in Ladin language and the fourth chapter focuses on the creation of the trilingual Italian – German – Ladin corpus made up of administrative and normative documents. The last chapter deals with the methodologies applied in order to elaborate the terminology entries in Ladin language though the use of the trilingual corpus. Starting from the terminology entry all steps are described, from term extraction, to the extraction of equivalents, contexts and definitions and of course also of the elaboration of translation proposals for not found equivalences. Finally the problems referring to the elaboration of terminology in Ladin language are illustrated.


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La terminologia informatica e di Internet in spagnolo è caratterizzata da una forte instabilità lessicale e semantica. La grande presenza di anglicismi che si creano con enorme rapidità, impedisce il corretto processo di incorporazione di tali termini nello spagnolo, favorendo così la convivenza di lessico inglese e termini solo parzialmente adattati alla lingua spagnola, dei quali spesso non si conosce l'esatto significato. I traduttori che operano in queste aree linguistiche, così come gli informatici e tutti gli interessati al corretto utilizzo di questa terminologia, per risolvere le problematiche che incontrano, fanno uso oggi soprattutto di risorse online più facilmente aggiornabili ed accessibili rispetto ai classici dizionari cartacei. Tra queste, sono molto importanti gli spazi che permettono la collaborazione diretta tra professionisti del settore, che favoriscono un approccio dinamico e contestuale nella risoluzione di tali dubbi. Il Foro Tic del Centro Virtual Cervantes, dedicato alla discussione su tale linguaggio, raccoglie interessanti dibattiti sull'argomento.