960 resultados para Assessment practices


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Background Undernutrition, weight loss and dehydration are major clinical issues for people with dementia in residential care, with excessive weight loss contributing to increased risk of frailty, immobility, illness and premature morbidity. This paper discusses a nutritional knowledge and attitudes survey conducted as part of a larger project focused on improving nutritional intake of people with dementia within a residential care facility in Brisbane, Australia. Aims The specific aims of the survey were to identify (i) knowledge of the nutritional needs of aged care facility residents; (ii) mealtime practices; and (iii) attitudes towards mealtime practices and organisation. Methods A survey based on those used in other healthcare settings was completed by 76 staff members. The survey included questions about nutritional knowledge, opinions of the food service, frequency of feeding assistance provided and feeding assessment practices. Results Nutritional knowledge scores ranged from 1 to 9 of a possible 10, with a mean score of 4.67. While 76% of respondents correctly identified risk factors associated with malnutrition in nursing home residents, only 38% of participants correctly identified the need for increased protein and energy in residents with pressure ulcers, and just 15% exhibited correct knowledge of fluid requirements. Further, while nutritional assessment was considered an important part of practice by 83% of respondents, just 53% indicated that they actually carried out such assessments. Identified barriers to promoting optimal nutrition included insufficient time to observe residents (56%); being unaware of residents' feeding issues (46%); poor knowledge of nutritional assessments (44%); and unappetising appearance of food served (57%). Conclusion An important step towards improving health and quality of life for residents of aged care facilities would be to enhance staff nutritional awareness and assessment skills. This should be carried out through increased attention to both preservice curricula and on-the-job training. Implications for practice The residential facility staff surveyed demonstrated low levels of nutrition knowledge, which reflects findings from the international literature. This has implications for the provision of responsive care to residents of these facilities and should be explored further.


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The determination of performance standards and assessment practices in regard to student work placements is an essential and important task. Inappropriate, inadequate, or excessively complex assessment tasks can influence levels of student engagement and the quality of learning outcomes. Critical to determining appropriate standards and assessment tasks is an understanding and knowledge of key elements of the learning environment and the extent to which opportunities are provided for students to engage in critical reflection and judgement of their own performance in the contexts of the work environment. This paper focuses on the development of essential skills and knowledge (capabilities) that provide evidence of learning in work placements by describing an approach taken in the science and technology disciplines. Assessment matrices are presented to illustrate a method of assessment for use within the context of the learning environment centred on work placements in science and technology. This study contributes to the debate on the meaning of professional capability, performance standards and assessment practices in work placement programs by providing evidence of an approach that can be adapted by other programs to achieve similar benefits. The approach may also be valuable to other learning contexts where capability and performance are being judged in situations that are outside a controlled teaching and learning environment i.e. in other life-wide learning contexts.


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Governments have recognised that the technological trades rely on knowledge embedded traditionally in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. However, there is substantial evidence that students are turning away from these subjects in schools because the school curriculum is seen as irrelevant, with clear implications for not just vocational education but also higher education. In this paper, we report preliminary findings on the development of two curricula that attempt to integrate science and mathematics with workplace knowledge and practices. We argue that these curricula provide educational opportunities for students to pursue their preferred career pathways. These curricula were co-developed by industry and educational personnel across three industry sectors, namely, mining industry, aerospace and wine tourism. The aim was to provide knowledge appropriate for students moving from school to the workplace as trade apprentices in the respective industries. The analysis of curriculum and associated policy documents reveals that the curricula adopt applied learning orientations through teaching strategies and assessment practices which focus on practical skills. However, although key theoretical science and maths concepts have been well incorporated, the extent to which knowledge deriving from workplace practices is included varies across the curricula. The extent to which applications of concepts are included in the models depends on a number of factors not least the relevant expertise of the teacher as a practitioner in the industry. Our findings highlight the importance of teachers having substantial practical industry experience and the role that whole school policies play in attempts to align the range of learning experiences with the needs of industry.


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Governments have recognised that the technological trades rely on knowledge embedded traditionally in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. In this paper, we report preliminary findings on the development of two curricula that attempt to integrate science and mathematics with workplace knowledge and practices. We argue that these curricula provide educational opportunities for students to pursue their preferred career pathways. These curricula were co-developed by industry and educational personnel across two industry sectors, namely, mining and aerospace. The aim was to provide knowledge appropriate for students moving from school to the workplace in the respective industries. The analysis of curriculum and associated policy documents reveals that the curricula adopt applied learning orientations through teaching strategies and assessment practices which focus on practical skills. However, although key theoretical science and maths concepts have been well incorporated, the extent to which knowledge deriving from workplace practices is included varies across the curricula. Our findings highlight the importance of teachers having substantial practical industry experience and the role that whole school policies play in attempts to align the range of learning experiences with the needs of industry.


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A professional development toolkit was developed with an agenda, work sheets and resources to support a review of assessment practices pertaining to group work in a first year undergraduate course. A main contribution is the Rational for Group Work in Higher Education template that allows academic staff to determine the purpose for group work and identify the rationale behind the assessment tasks.


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Despite the acknowledged importance of assessment in education, there has been minimal research into the preparation of preservice teachers for the important role of involving preservice teachers in marking, grading, moderating and providing feedback on student work. This article reports on a pilot project in which preservice teachers participated in an ongoing peer assessment and social moderation process in a dedicated course on assessment. The purpose of the project was to investigate specific ways in which key assessment processes can be effectively taught to preservice teachers. The research involved 96 preservice teachers who completed a Likert scale survey and free text responses to set questions. The results indicated that while preservice teachers valued the process, continual opportunities to learn the nature and purpose of essential assessment practices related to marking, grading, moderating and providing feedback are necessary to graduate competent and work-ready assessors.


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The implementation of a new national curriculum and standards-referenced assessment in Australia has been an opportunity and a challenge for teacher assessment practices. In this case study of teachers in two Queensland schools, we explore how annotating student or exemplar assessment tasks could support teacher assessment practice. Three learning conversations between the researchers and the teacher teams are interpreted through the lens of Bernstein’s (1999) horizontal and vertical discourses to understand the complexities of coming to know an assessment standard. The study contributes to the literature on the use of annotations by exploring how teachers negotiated the purposes and processes of annotation, how annotating student work or exemplars before teaching commenced supported teachers to experience greater clarity about assessment standards and, finally, some of the tensions experienced by the teachers as they considered this practice within the practicalities of their daily work.


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Curriculum is always in a state of flux and so often the moves to ‘reform’ it are political rather than pedagogical. So often in these days of accountability we focus on the learner. I want to focus on the teacher in this presentation. As English educators we have to ‘fit’ whatever new policy model comes our way. The Australian curriculum seems to have tried to please every stakeholder in its process and as such has been formed without a single, unifying coherent theoretical basis. How do we challenge this paper tiger? We have to find the pedagogical models within the current framework and see what still works in practice. At the chalk-face there are still teaching, learning and assessment practices in English surviving from the last few decades of pedagogical change; and there is also room for accommodating new practices. Embracing and adapting the old and the new may be the key to staying creative and passionately engaged with our subject area.


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Pacific people have their own unique ways of knowing that shape how they learn and this should be taken into account in planning curriculum and in teaching. Pacific people are more likely to want to learn by doing, seeing, collaborating and in a concrete environment whereas for Western students learning becomes formal quickly and depends more on words and theories. This assumed difference in learning preferences could present a problem for formal learning with the need to bridge the gap psychologically and epistemologically between concrete and formal modes of learning. It could be the reason why some students in the Pacific, even at the tertiary level, rely heavily on rote learning. This chapter is a discussion of learning and assessment practices that help to foster understanding as they might apply to teaching at university in the South Pacific.


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English is currently ascendant as the language of globalisation, evident in its mediation of interactions and transactions worldwide. For many international students, completion of a degree in English means significant credentialing and increased job prospects. Australian universities are the third largest English-speaking destination for overseas students behind the United States and the United Kingdom. International students comprise one-fifth of the total Australian university population, with 80% coming from Asian countries (ABS, 2010). In this competitive higher education market, English has been identified as a valued ‘good’. Indeed, universities have been critiqued for relentlessly reproducing the “hegemony and homogeneity of English” (Marginson, 2006, p. 37) in order to sustain their advantage in the education market. For international students, English is the gatekeeper to enrolment, the medium of instruction and the mediator of academic success. For these reasons, English is not benign, yet it remains largely taken-for-granted in the mainstream university context. This paper problematises the naturalness of English and reports on a study of an Australian Master of Education course in which English was a focus. The study investigated representations of English as they were articulated across a chain of texts including the university strategic plan, course assessment criteria, student assignments, lecturer feedback, and interviews. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Foucault’s work on discourse enabled understandings of how a particular English is formed through an apparatus of specifications, exclusionary thresholds, strategies for maintenance (and disruption), and privileged concepts and speaking positions. The findings indicate that English has hegemonic status within the Australian university, with material consequences for students whose proficiency falls outside the thresholds of accepted English practice. Central to the constitution of what counts as English is the relationship of equivalence between standard written English and successful academic writing. International students’ representations of English indicate a discourse that impacts on identities and practices and preoccupies them considerably as they negotiate language and task demands. For the lecturer, there is strategic manoeuvring within the institutional regulative regime to support students’ English language needs using adapted assessment practices, explicit teaching of academic genres and scaffolded classroom interaction. The paper concludes with the implications for university teaching and learning.


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Odour emission rates were measured for seven different anaerobic ponds treating piggery wastes at six to nine discrete locations across the surface of each pond on each sampling occasion over a thirteen month period. Significant variability in emission rates were observed for each pond. Measurement of a number of water quality variables in pond liquor samples collected at the same time and from the same locations as the odour samples indicated that the composition of the pond liquor was also variable. The results indicated that spatial variability was a real phenomenon and could have a significant impact on odour assessment practices. Considerably more odour samples would be required to characterise pond emissions than currently recommended by most practitioners, or regulatory agencies.


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O presente estudo analisa a rede pública de assistência em saúde mental no município de Piraí no estado do Rio de Janeiro. A proposta da reforma psiquiátrica em curso no Brasil, gerou a constituição de uma rede extra hospitalar de cuidados, que têm nos CAPS, os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, os serviços de saúde mental de base territorial, um dos principais representantes deste percurso de mudanças. Utiliza-se o CAPS de Piraí, como referencial, já que esta Unidade é designada como prestadora de assistência direta, através de procedimentos em saúde, bem como referência para as demais ações de saúde mental no município, vinculadas à atenção básica e o hospital geral. O resgate da história da reorientação de ações no município, através da pesquisa documental e o levantamento de dados acerca do perfil de assistência prestada no CAPS permite a análise acerca da demanda e oferta de serviços , em sua relação com a normatização proposta pelo ministério da saúde para as ações nesta área e os paradigmas da integralidade e da desinstitucionalização. O produto desta análise destaca as mudanças significativas ocorridas nos últimos anos no cotidiano da assistência, a potência do CAPS na ruptura de paradigmas em saúde e a necessidade do avanço em práticas avaliativas em saúde mental, como instrumento de qualificação de ações para a área.


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Dentro do contexto da avaliação formativa, as práticas de correção dos textos produzidos devem ser entendidas não como medição da aprendizagem, mas principalmente como uma pesquisa, elas devem avaliar o aluno, o professor, o processo, as práticas enunciativas, a mediação, a escola e mesmo a família. Contudo, apesar de essa abordagem sobre a avaliação ser compatível com a concepção sócio-histórica e cognitiva da linguagem, que por sua vez é consoante com as orientações dos PCN de Língua Portuguesa, ela parece ainda se mostrar distante dos métodos adotados pelos professores. O objetivo geral desta dissertação é identificar as abordagens teóricas que subjazem aos métodos avaliativos de professores do ensino fundamental em relação à produção textual. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se (i) mapear os modelos de correção textual utilizado por esses professores a fim de oferecer um panorama sobre a realidade do ensino-aprendizagem da escrita; e (ii) organizar um material teórico capaz de embasar a prática avaliativa não apenas como um componente do ato pedagógico, mas também como componente simbólico da construção da imagem que o aluno tem sobre si e sobre sua capacidade de escrever. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa constituída por dois corpora, organizados a partir dos seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semiestruturada com sete professores que lecionam no terceiro e quarto ciclos do ensino fundamental em escolas públicas e/ou particulares; e textos escritos por alunos e corrigidos pelos mesmos professores-informantes. Constituindo um total de 35 documentos, cinco de cada professor e 3h48min de gravações transcritas. Para análise dos corpora optou-se pelo paradigma interpretativista, aliado ao paradigma indiciário, que busca olhar para além das recorrências, os dados episódicos, singulares, dados que possam ajudar a levantar hipóteses sobre uma realidade não observável por via direta. Em relação às abordagens teóricas, podem-se perceber três manifestações: (i) as que são focadas no sistema, observável quando o professor privilegia aspectos formais e quando suas marcações, ainda que busquem o aspecto discursivo, não são suficientes para que os alunos efetuem reflexões sobre o uso da língua; (ii) as que flutuam entre o estruturalismo e o sociointeracionismo, quando o professor, embora se utilize de práticas mais interacionais ainda deixa amplo espaço para correções formais; (iii) as que são eminentemente sociointeracionistas, em cujas marcas avaliativas pode-se observar respeito pela autoria, apreciação do texto, interferência significativa e convite à reflexão. Dessas práticas emergem dois papéis sociais dicotômicos assumidos pelo professor: o de revisor, que tem profunda relação com práticas avaliativas de medição, e o de leitor-avaliador, em que se pode perceber, além de métodos ligados ao sociointeracionismo e às práticas avaliativas formativas um outro aspecto singular: a afetividade. Para discorrer sobre cada um desses aspectos propostos, construiu-se uma revisão bibliográfica que buscou incorporar à discussão teórico-metodológica questões de ordem subjetivas, que orientam pensar a escrita não só sob seu aspecto sócio-histórico e cognitivo, mas também afetivo


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This paper reports the results of a study on higher education student perceptions of and preferences for feedback on their performance. The issue of feedback to students is becoming increasingly important in higher education, not only because it is an important element of learning, but also as a significant component of the student experience and its evaluation. Within a mass education context, written feedback on coursework may be an important opportunity available to students for individualised attention. The current research explored perceptions of feedback by participants who were studying in undergraduate business degrees in a UK university (N=175). The survey instrument asked participants to evaluate the feedback they receive at university in terms of its impact and influence, as well as their understanding of feedback received and preferences. Analysis of the data indicates that students generally find feedback provided to them helpful and encouraging in improving their work but they also indicate that they would prefer to discuss their work directly with their tutor instead of receiving written feedback. They comment on the illegibility of some hand written feedback received. They also report that, generally, they act on the feedback received in order to improve their work and say that it helps them to reflect on their learning. Students comment that negative feedback received does not make them angry or demotivate them. The survey found considerable variability in the students' understanding of 'typical' feedback comments. The majority of students (79%) also reported that they prefer a structured feedback matrix to general comments because they consider it more specific and easier to understand. The implications of these findings for feedback and assessment practices are discussed and suggestions for improvements developed.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the assessment procedures and instruments used by teachers of Geography and History of Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The data have been extracted implementing a survey technique proceeded by a descriptive analysis. The results show that teachers generally have a traditional conception of assessment, reflected in the fact that they think that assessment should not change when teaching strategies are changed or when they innovate. On the other hand, although they consider that is necessary to employ a variety of instruments to assess well and to prevent school failure, they still use exams as the most objective and essential instrument in the assessment, while they don’t apply continuous assessment, only tests in a continuous way. The implementation of similar research in other areas or in other subjects shows the existence of contrasts in teacher assessment practices.