965 resultados para Androgen Antagonists


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Obesity and metabolic syndrome are associated with several cancers, however, the molecular mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated. Recent studies suggest that hypercholesterolemia increases intratumoral androgen signaling in prostate cancer, but it is unclear whether androgenindependent mechanisms also exist. Since hypercholesterolemia is associated with advanced, castrate-resistant prostate cancer, in this study, we aimed to determine whether and how hypercholesterolemia affects prostate cancer progression in the absence of androgen signaling. We demonstrate that diet-induced hypercholesterolemia promotes orthotopic xenograft PC-3 cell metastasis, concomitant with elevated expression of caveolin-1 and IQGAP1 in xenograft tumor tissues. In vitro cholesterol treatment of PC-3 cells stimulated migration and increased IQGAP1 and caveolin-1 protein level and localization to a detergent-resistant fraction. Down-regulation of caveolin-1 or IQGAP1 in PC-3 cells reduced migration and invasion in vitro, and hypercholesterolemia-induced metastasis in vivo. Double knock-down of caveolin-1 and IQGAP1 showed no additive effect, suggesting that caveolin-1 and IQGAP1 act via the same pathway. Taken together, our data show that hypercholesterolemia promotes prostate cancer metastasis independent of the androgen pathway, in part by increasing IQGAP1 and caveolin-1. These results have broader implications for managing metastasis of cancers in general as IQGAP1 and hypercholesterolemia are implicated in the progression of several cancers.


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Androgens control a variety of developmental processes that create the male phenotype and are important for maintaining male fertility and normal functions of tissues and organs that are not directly involved in procreation. Androgen receptor (AR) that mediates the biological actions of androgens is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-inducible transcription factors. Although AR was cloned over 15 years ago, the mechanisms by which it regulates gene expression are not well understood. A growing body of in vitro experimental evidence suggests that a complex network of proteins is involved in the androgen-dependent transcriptional regulation. However, the process of AR-dependent transcriptional regulation under physiological conditions is largely elusive. In the present study, a series of experiments were performed, including quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, to investigate AR-mediated transcription process using living prostate cancer cells. Our results show that the loading of AR and recruitment of coactivators and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to both the promoter and enhancer of AR target genes are a transient and cyclic event that in addition to hyperacetylation, also involves dynamic changes in methylation, phosphorylation of core histone H3 in androgen-treated LNCaP cells. The dynamics of testosterone (T)-induced loading of AR onto the proximal promoters of the genes clearly differed from that loaded onto the distal enhancers. Significantly, more holo-AR was loaded onto the enhancers than the promoters, but the principal Pol II transcription complex was assembled on the promoters. By contrast, the pure antiandrogen bicalutamide (CDX) complexed to AR elicited occupancy of the PSA promoter, but was unable to load onto the PSA enhancer and was incapable of recruiting Pol II, coactivators and following changes of covalent histone modifications. The partial antagonist cyproterone acetate (CPA) and mifepristone (RU486) were capable of promoting AR loading onto both the PSA promoter and enhancer at a comparable efficiency with androgen in LNCaP cells expressing mutant AR. However, CPA- and RU486-bound AR not only recruited Pol II and coactivator p300 and GRIP1 onto the promoter and enhancer, but also recruited the corepressor NCoR onto the promoter as efficiently as CDX. In addition, we demonstrate that both proteasome and protein kinases are implicated in AR-mediated transcription. Even though proteasome inhibitor MG132 and protein kinase inhibitor DRB (5, 6-Dichlorobenzimidazole riboside) can block ligand-dependent accumulation of PSA mRNA with same efficiency, their use results in different molecular profiles in terms of the formation of AR-mediated transcriptional complex. Collectively, these results indicate that transcriptional activation by AR is a complicated process, which includes transient loading of holo-AR and recruitment of Pol II and coregulators accompanied by a cascade of distinct covalent histone modifications; This process involves both the promoter and enhancer elements, as well as other general components of the cell machineries e.g. proteasome and protein kinase; The pure antiandrogen CDX and the partial antagonist CPA and RU486 exhibit clearly different profiles in terms of their ability to induce the formation of AR-dependent transcriptional complexes and the histone modifications associated with the target genes in human prostate cancer cells. Finally, by using quantitative RT-PCR to compare the expression of sixteen AR co-regulators in prostate cancer cell lines, xenografts, and clinical prostate cancer specimens we suggest that AR co-regulators protein inhibitor of activated STAT1 (PIAS1) and steroid receptor coactivator 1(SRC1) could be involved in the progression of prostate cancer.


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Displacement of the fungus Fusarium pseudograminearum from stubble by antagonists is a potential means of biocontrol of crown rot in cereals. The role of carbon and nitrogen nutrition in interactions between the pathogen and the antagonists Fusarium equiseti, Fusarium nygamai, Trichoderma harzianum and the non-antagonistic straw fungus Alternaria infectoria was investigated. Sole carbon source utilization patterns on Biolog plates were similar among the three Fusarium species, suggesting a possible role for competition. However, carbon niche overlap was unlikely to be important in antagonism by T. harzianum. Straw medium supplemented with sugars generally reduced the inhibitory effect of antagonists on growth of F. pseudograminearum in dual culture, indicating that availability of simple carbon sources does not limit antagonism. Adding nitrogen as urea, nitrate or ammonium to straw medium had little effect on antagonism by F. equiseti and F. nygamai, but ammonium addition removed the inhibitory effect of T. harzianum on growth of F. pseudograminearum. Displacement of F. pseudograminearum from straw by all fungi in a Petri dish assay was greater when urea or nitrate was used as a nitrogen source than with ammonium. All forms of nitrogen significantly increased displacement of F. pseudograminearum from straw under simulated field conditions when straws were either inoculated with T. harzianum or exposed to resident soil microbes. However, in 2 out of 3 experiments urea and nitrate were more effective than ammonium. The results suggest that availability of nitrogen, but not carbon, is limiting the activities of antagonists of F. pseudograminearum in straw, and the way nitrogen is applied can influence the rate of displacement and mortality of the pathogen in host residues.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is necessary for normal male phenotype development and essential for spermatogenesis. AR is a classical steroid receptor mediating actions of male sex steroids testosterone and 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Numerous coregulators interact with the receptor and regulate AR activity on target genes. This study deals with the characterization of androgen receptor-interacting protein 4 (ARIP4). ARIP4 binds DNA, interacts with AR in vitro and in cultured yeast and mammalian cells, and modulates AR-dependent transactivation. ARIP4 is an active DNA-dependent ATPase, and this enzymatic activity is essential for the ability of ARIP4 to modulate AR function. On the basis of sequence homology in its ATPase domain, ARIP4 belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins involved in chromatin remodeling, DNA repair, and homologous recombination. Similar to its closest homologs ATRX and Rad54, ARIP4 does not seem to be a classical chromatin remodeling protein in that it does not appear to form large protein complexes in vivo or remodel mononucleosomes in vitro. However, ARIP4 is able to generate superhelical torsion on linear DNA fragments. ARIP4 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and mutation of six potential SUMO attachment sites abolishes the ability of ARIP4 to bind DNA, hydrolyze ATP, and activate AR function. ARIP4 expression starts in early embryonic development. In mouse embryo ARIP4 is present mainly in the neural tube and limb buds. In adult mouse tissues ARIP4 expression is virtually ubiquitous. In mouse testis ARIP4 is expressed in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in a stage-dependent manner. ARIP4 is also present in the nuclei of Leydig cells, spermatogonia, pachytene and diplotene spermatocytes. Testicular expression pattern of ARIP4 does not differ significantly in wild-type, FSHRKO, and LuRKO mice. In the testis of hpg mice, ARIP4 is found mainly in interstitial cells and has very low, if any, expression in Sertoli and germ cells. Heterozygous Arip4+/ mice are fertile and appear normal; however, they are haploinsufficient with regard to androgen action in Sertoli cells. In contrast, Arip4 / embryos are not viable. They have significantly reduced body size at E9.5 and die by E11.5. Compared to wild-type littermates, Arip4 / embryos possess a higher percentage of apoptotic cells at E9.5 and E10.5. Fibroblasts derived from Arip4 / embryos cease growing after 2-3 passages and exhibit a significantly increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation rate than cells from wild-type embryos. Our findings demonstrate that ARIP4 plays an essential role in mouse embryonic development. In addition, testicular expression and AR coregulatory activity of ARIP4 suggest a role of ARIP4-AR interaction in the somatic cells of the testis.


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The androgen receptor (AR) mediates the effects of the male sex-steroid hormones (androgens), testosterone and 5?-dihydrotestosterone. Androgens are critical in the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics. AR is a member of the steroid receptor ligand-inducible transcription factor family. The steroid receptor family is a subgroup of the nuclear receptor superfamily that also includes receptors for the active forms of vitamin A, vitamin D3, and thyroid hormones. Like all nuclear receptors, AR has a conserved modular structure consisting of a non-conserved amino-terminal domain (NTD), containing the intrinsic activation function 1, a highly conserved DNA-binding domain, and a conserved ligand-binding domain (LBD) that harbors the activation function 2. Each of these domains plays an important role in receptor function and signaling, either via intra- and inter-receptor interactions, interactions with specific DNA sequences, termed hormone response elements, or via functional interactions with domain-specific proteins, termed coregulators (coactivators and corepressors). Upon binding androgens, AR acquires a new conformational state, translocates to the nucleus, binds to androgen response elements, homodimerizes and recruits sequence-specific coregulatory factors and the basal transcription machinery. This set of events is required to activate gene transcription (expression). Gene transcription is a strictly modulated process that governs cell growth, cell homeostasis, cell function and cell death. Disruptions of AR transcriptional activity caused by receptor mutations and/or altered coregulator interactions are linked to a wide spectrum of androgen insensitivity syndromes, and to the pathogenesis of prostate cancer (CaP). The treatment of CaP usually involves androgen depletion therapy (ADT). ADT achieves significant clinical responses during the early stages of the disease. However, under the selective pressure of androgen withdrawal, androgen-dependent CaP can progress to an androgen-independent CaP. Androgen-independent CaP is invariably a more aggressive and untreatable form of the disease. Advancing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind the switch in androgen-dependency would improve our success of treating CaP and other AR related illnesses. This study evaluates how clinically identified AR mutations affect the receptor s transcriptional activity. We reveal that a potential molecular abnormality in androgen insensitivity syndrome and CaP patients is caused by disruptions of the important intra-receptor NTD/LBD interaction. We demonstrate that the same AR LBD mutations can also disrupt the recruitment of the p160 coactivator protein GRIP1. Our investigations reveal that 30% of patients with advanced, untreated local CaP have somatic mutations that may lead to increases in AR activity. We report that somatic mutations that activate AR may lead to early relapse in ADT. Our results demonstrate that the types of ADT a CaP patient receives may cause a clustering of mutations to a particular region of the receptor. Furthermore, the mutations that arise before and during ADT do not always result in a receptor that is more active, indicating that coregulator interactions play a pivotal role in the progression of androgen-independent CaP. To improve CaP therapy, it is necessary to identify critical coregulators of AR. We screened a HeLa cell cDNA library and identified small carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase 2 (SCP2). SCP2 is a protein phosphatase that directly interacts with the AR NTD and represses AR activity. We demonstrated that reducing the endogenous cellular levels of SCP2 causes more AR to load on to the prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene promoter and enhancer regions. Additionally, under the same conditions, more RNA polymerase II was recruited to the PSA promoter region and overall there was an increase in androgen-dependent transcription of the PSA gene, revealing that SCP2 could play a role in the pathogenesis of CaP.


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A few analogues of LHRH have been tested in the adult bonnet monkeys using change in serum testosterone following LHRH injection as a parameter of response to LHRH. Of the four analogues tested in male monkeys, Buserelin was found to be the most potent one in increasing serum testosterone levels. Injection of the LHRH antagonist at 1600 h resulted in the abolition of the characteristic nocturnal surge of testosterone observed in adult bonnet monkeys maintained under regulated light conditions. Following administration of LHRH a/s during early pregnancy, serum chorionic gonadotropin levels decreased though the course of pregnancy was not affected. These results suggest that bonnet monkey can be successfully employed to test LHRH analogues.


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A Caucasian male aged 15 years presented with 2 years accelerated linear growth. He was 202 cm tall at presentation, with calculated mid-parental height of 173 cm. There were no features of hypopituitarism or acral growth. His visual fields and optic discs were normal...


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Androgen deprivation and androgen targeted therapies (ATT) are established treatments for prostate cancer (PCa). Although initially effective, ATT induces an adaptive response that leads to treatment resistance. Increased expression of relaxin-2 (RLN2) is an important alteration in the adaptive response. RLN2 has a well described role in PCa cell proliferation, adhesion and tumour growth. The objectives of this study were to develop cell models for studies of RLN2 signalling and to implement in vitro assays for evaluating the therapeutic properties of the unique RLN2 receptor (RXFP1) antagonist


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Androgens and the androgen receptor (AR) play a crucial role in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer (PCa), regulating the expression of many PCa risk-associated genes. Iroquois Homeobox 4 (IRX4) has been recently identified with PCa risk and overexpressed in PCa. We observed a down-regulation of IRX4 expression in the cells undergoing epithelial to mesenchymal transition, suggesting its potential role in PCa progression and aim to delineate the androgenmediated regulation of IRX4 in PCa.


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Understanding mechanisms associated with the emergence of castration resistant prostate cancer cells (CRPC) after androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is essential to create new therapeutic agents to counteract this aggressive form of prostate cancer (PCa). Because proteases are involved in almost all cancer associated mechanisms such as cell proliferation, invasion and metastasis, we are interested in their modulation in PCa after ADT and their involvement in CRPC.


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The androgen receptor (AR) is the main therapeutic target for advanced prostate cancer (PCa). Current treatments have focused on inhibiting the transcriptional activity of the AR, however androgens can also induce non-genomic effects by facilitating the initiation of kinase signaling cascades in PCa. Cells, including PCa, secrete extracellular vesicles (EV), which are able to mediate communication between cells and can also contribute towards these processes.


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In castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), the prevailing organ for metastasis is bone, where the survival of cancer cells is regulated by the permissive metastatic niche offered by the bone marrow. The tumour microenvironment and cellular interactions with the matrix and bone cells enable metastasis and lead to cancer cells becoming androgen resistant. Hence, 3D models that mimic CRPC in terms of an androgen deprivation state (ADS) are needed to identify the mechanisms for CPRC growth in bone and further develop therapeutic strategies.


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Reactivation of androgen receptor signalling is one of the hallmarks of prostate cancer progression to the terminal castrate resistant stage. A better understanding of mechanisms driving this adaptive response is essential for the development of innovative intervention strategies that effectively delay or halt prostate cancer progression. The Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) has been found to be closely associated with prostate cancer progression. By characterising its role in the adaptive process leading to castrate resistance, we aim to promote YB-1 as a novel therapeutic target in advanced prostate cancer.