982 resultados para Alien confinement


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We demonstrate the on-chip nanoscale focusing of surface plasmons in metallic nanotip coupled to the silicon waveguide. Strong field enhancement is observed at the apex of the tip. Enhancing light matter interactions is discussed. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate self-aligned approach for fabricating hybrid silicon plasmonic waveguide. The demonstrated structure provides nanoscale confinement together with propagation length of 100 microns on chip. Near-field measurements of propagation and coupling loss are presented. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate self-aligned approach for fabricating hybrid silicon plasmonic waveguide. The demonstrated structure provides nanoscale confinement together with propagation length of 100 microns on chip. Near-field measurements of propagation and coupling loss are presented. ©2011 Optical Society of America.


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We describe our work on tight confinement of light using plasmonic structures. Polarization and modal degrees of freedom are shown to have a crucial effect on the nanoscale focusing properties of the optical field. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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Invasive alien species have become one of the most serious environmental issues in the world. Data of taxon, origin, pathway, and environmental impacts of invasive alien microorganisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, herbs, trees, and, marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems of China were analyzed during 2001 and 2003, based on literature retrieval and field survey. There were 283 invasive alien species in China, and the number of species of invasive alien microorganisms, aquatic plants, terrestrial plants, aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, and mammals were 19, 18, 170, 25, 33, 3, 10, and 5, respectively. The proportion of invasive alien species originated from America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania were 55.1, 21.7, 9.9, 8.1, and 0.6%, respectively. Methods for estimation of direct economic losses to agriculture, forestry, stockbreeding, fishery, road and water transportation, storage, water conservancy, environment and public facilities, and human health were established. Methods for estimation of indirect economic losses caused by invasive alien species to service functions of forest ecosystems, agricultural ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, and wetland ecosystems were also established. The total economic losses caused by invasive alien species to China were to the time of USD 14.45 billion, with direct and indirect economic losses accounting for 16.59% and 83.41% of total economic losses, respectively.


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Data of classification, origin, pathway and environmental impacts of invasive alien micro-organisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, weeds, trees, and marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of China, were analyzed, based on literature retrieval, field survey and consultation. Some 283 invasive alien species were recorded in China, including 19 invasive alien micro-organisms, 18 aquatic plants, 170 terrestrial plants, 25 aquatic invertebrates, 33 terrestrial invertebrates, 3 amphibians and reptiles, 10 fish, and 5 mammals. Of the invasive alien species, 55.1% originated from North and South America, 21.7% from Europe, 9.9% from Asia, 8.1% from Africa and 0.6% from Oceania. Many institutions and individuals in China lack adequate knowledge of ecological and environmental consequences caused by invasive alien species, with some ignorance of the dangerous invasion in the introduction of alien species. For instance, 50.0% of invasive alien plants were intentionally introduced as pasture, feedingstuff, ornamental plants, textile plants, medicinal plants, vegetables, or lawn plants, 25% of alien invasive animals were intentionally introduced for cultivation, ornament, or biological control, In addition, more efforts are being made in the introduction of alien species, and little attention is paid on the management of introduced alien species, which may cause their escape into natural environment and potential threats to the environment. There were also gaps in quarantine system in China. All microorganisms were unintentionally introduced, through timber, seedling, flowerpot, or soil; 76.3% of alien invasive animals invaded through commodity or transportation facility because of the failure of quarantine. Therefore, quarantine measures should be strictly implemented; and meanwhile the intentional introduction of alien species should be strictly managed and a system of risk assessment should be implemented.


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On the basis of the density functional theory (DFT) within local density approximations (LDA) approach, we calculate the band gaps for different size SnO2 quantum wire (QWs) and quantum dots (QDs). A model is proposed to passivate the surface atoms of SnO2 QWs and QDs. We find that the band gap increases between QWs and bulk evolve as Delta E-g(wire) = 1.74/d(1.20) as the effective diameter d decreases, while being Delta E-g(dot) = 2.84/d(1.26) for the QDs. Though the similar to d(1.2) scale is significantly different from similar to d(2) of the effective mass result, the ratio of band gap increases between SnO2 QWs and QDs is 0.609, very close to the effective mass prediction. We also confirm, although the LDS calculations underestimate the band gap, that they give the trend of band gap shift as much as that obtained by the hybrid functional (PBE0) with a rational mixing of 25% Fock exchange and 75% of the conventional Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange functional for the SnO2 QWs and QDs. The relative deviation of the LDA calculated band gap difference Lambda E-g compared with the corresponding PBE0 results is only within 5%. Additionally, it is found the states of valence band maximum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM) of SnO2 QWs or QDs have a mostly p- and s-like envelope function symmetry, respectively, from both LDA and PBE0 calculations.


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Microsquare resonators laterally confined by SiO2/Au/air multilayer structure are investigated by light ray method with reflection phase-shift of the multiple layers and two-dimensional (2-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. The reflectivity and phase shift of the mode light ray on the sides of the square resonator with the semiconductor/SiO2/Au/air multilayer structure are calculated for TE and TM modes by transfer matrix method. Based on the reflection phase shift and the reflectivity, the mode wavelength and factor are calculated by the resonant condition and the mirror loss, which are in agreement well with that obtained by the FDTD simulation. We find that the mode factor increases greatly with the increase of the SiO2 layer thickness, especially as d < 0.3 mu m. For the square resonator with side length 2 mu m and refractive index 3.2, anticrossing mode couplings are found for confined TE modes at wavelength about 1.6 mu m at d = 0.11 mu m, and confined TM modes at d = 0.71 mu m, respectively.


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Confinement factor and absorption loss of AlInGaN based multiquantum well laser diodes (LDs) were investigated by numerical simulation based on a two-dimensional waveguide model. The simulation results indicate that an increased ridge height of the waveguide structure can enhance the lateral optical confinement and reduce the threshold current. For 405 nm violet LDs, the effects of p-AlGaN cladding layer composition and thickness on confinement factor and absorption loss were analyzed. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation analysis. Compared to violet LD, the confinement factors of 450 nm blue LD and 530 nm green LD were much lower. Using InGaN as waveguide layers that has higher refractive index than GaN will effectively enhance the optical confinement for blue and green LDs. The LDs based on nonpolar substrate allow for thick well layers and will increase the confinement factor several times. Furthermore, the confinement factor is less sensitive to alloys composition of waveguide and cladding layers, being an advantage especially important for ultraviolet and green LDs.


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The quantum confinement effect, electronic properties, and optical properties of TiO2 nanowires in rutile structure are investigated via first-principles calculations. We calculate the size- and shape-dependent band gap of the nanowires and fit the results with the function E-g = E-g(bulk) + beta/d(alpha). We find that the quantum confinement effect becomes significant for d < 25 angstrom, and a notable anisotropy exists that arises from the anisotropy of the effective masses. We also evaluate the imaginary part of the frequency-dependent dielectric function [epsilon(2)(omega)] within the electric-dipole approximation, for both the polarization parallel [epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega)] and the perpendicular [epsilon 1/2(omega)] to the axial (c) direction. The band structure of the nanowires is calculated, with which the fine structure of epsilon(parallel to)(2)(omega) has been analyzed.


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Mode characteristics are analyzed for electrically injected equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) semiconductor microlasers, which are laterally confined by insulating barrier SiO2 and electrode metals Ti-Au. For the ETR without metal layers, the totally confined mode field patterns are derived based on the reflection phase shifts, and the Q-factors are calculated from the far-field emission of the analytical near field distribution, which are agreement very well with the numerical results of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. The polarization dependence reflections for light rays incident on semiconductor-SiO2 -Ti-Au multi-layer structures are accounted in considering the confinement of TE and TM modes in the ETR with the metal layers. The reflectivity will greatly reduce with a Ti layer between SiO2 and Au for light rays with incident angle less than 30 especially for the TE mode, even the thickness of the Ti layer is only 10 nm. If the ETR is laterally confined by SiO2-Au layers without the Ti layer, the Fabry-Perot type modes with an incident angle of zero on one side of the ETR can also have high Q-factor. The FDTD simulation for the ETR confined by metal layers verifies the above analysis based on multi-layer reflections. The output spectra with mode intervals of whispering-gallery modes and Fabry-Perot type modes are observed from different ETR lasers with side length of 10 m, respectively.


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We calculate the binding energy of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a rectangular parallelepiped-shaped quantum dot (QD) in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory using the plane wave basis. The variation of the binding energy with edge length, position of the impurity, and external electric field is studied in detail. A finite potential model is adopted in our calculations. Compared with the infinite potential model [C. I. Mendoza , Phys. Rev. B 71, 075330 (2005)], the following results are found: (1) if the impurity is located in the interior of the QD, our results give a smaller binding energy than the infinite potential model; (2) the binding energies are more sensitively dependent on the applied electric field in the finite potential model; (3) the infinite potential model cannot give correct results for a small QD edge length for any location of the impurity in the QD; (4) some degeneracy is lifted when the dot is no longer cubic. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of the geometrical shape on two electrons confined in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot and subjected to an external uniform magnetic field have been calculated using a variational-perturbation method based on a direct construction of trial wave functions. The calculations show that both the energy levels and the spin transition of two electrons in elliptical quantum dots are dramatically influenced by the shape of the dots. The ground states with total spin S=0 and S=1 are affected greatly by changing the magnetic field and the geometrical confinement. The quantum behavior of elliptical quantum dots show some relation to that of laterally coupled quantum dots. For a special geometric configuration of the confinement omega(y)/omega(x)=2.0, we encounter a characteristic magnetic field at which spin singlet-triplet crossover occurs. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the electronic structures of the inhomogeneous quantum dots within the framework of the effective mass theory. The results show that the energies of electron and hole states depend sensitively on the relative magnitude 77 of the core radius to the capped quantum dot radius. The spatial distribution of the electrons and holes vary significantly when the ratio eta changes. A quantum-confinement-driven type-II-type-I transition is found in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs-capped quantum dot structures. The phase diagram is obtained for different capped quantum dot radii. The ground-state exciton binding energy shows a highly nonlinear dependence on the innner structures of inhomogeneous quantum dots, which originates from the redistribution of the electron and hole wave functions.


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Phonon modes in spherical GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with up to 11,855 atoms (8 nm in size) are calculated by using an empirical microscopic model. The group theory is employed to reduce the computational intensity, which further allows us to investigate the quantum confinement of phonon modes with different symmetries and reveals a phenomenon that phonon modes with different symmetries have different quantum confinement effect. For zinc-blende structure, the modes with the A(1) symmetry has the strongest quantum confinement effect and the T-1 modes the weakest. This could cause a crossover of symmetries of the highest frequency from A(1) to T-2 when the size of QDs decreases. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.