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Background/Aims: The epidemiology of Chagas disease, until recently confined to areas of continental Latin America, has undergone considerable changes in recent decades due to migration to other parts of the world, including Spain. We studied the prevalence of Chagas disease in Latin American patients treated at a health center in Barcelona and evaluated its clinical phase. We make some recommendations for screening for the disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed an observational, cross-sectional prevalence study by means of an immunochromatographic test screening of all continental Latin American patients over the age of 14 years visiting the health centre from October 2007 to October 2009. The diagnosis was confirmed by serological methods: conventional in-house ELISA (cELISA), a commercial kit (rELISA) and ELISA using T cruzi lysate (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics) (oELISA). Of 766 patients studied, 22 were diagnosed with T. cruzi infection, showing a prevalence of 2.87% (95% CI, 1.6-4.12%). Of the infected patients, 45.45% men and 54.55% women, 21 were from Bolivia, showing a prevalence in the Bolivian subgroup (n = 127) of 16.53% (95% CI, 9.6-23.39%). All the infected patients were in a chronic phase of Chagas disease: 81% with the indeterminate form, 9.5% with the cardiac form and 9.5% with the cardiodigestive form. All patients infected with T. cruzi had heard of Chagas disease in their country of origin, 82% knew someone affected, and 77% had a significant history of living in adobe houses in rural areas. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in immigrants from Bolivia. Detection of T. cruzi¿infected persons by screening programs in non-endemic countries would control non-vectorial transmission and would benefit the persons affected, public health and national health systems.
Este artigo apresenta o resultado de experimentos realizados pelo Laboratório de Biblioteca Digital da PUCRS voltados para a captura e conversão de documentos a partir do formato tradicional (papel) para o formato digital. São apresentadas e avaliadas as principais etapas envolvidas no processo de digitalização utilizando duas sistemáticas diferentes: uma baseada na conversão para HTML; a outra baseada na geração de arquivos PDF usados pelo software Adobe Acrobat Reader. São abordados também fatores essenciais aos trabalhos de digitalização tais como tecnologias de Reconhecimento Óptico dos Caracteres (OCR) e avaliação das características do acervo a ser digitalizado. Por fim, é realizado um comparativo entre as duas sistemática estudadas, apontando pontos positivos e negativos que devem ser considerados na escolha de uma diretriz de trabalho.
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An Adobe (R) animation is presented for use in undergraduate Biochemistry courses, illustrating the mechanism of Na+ and K+ translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis by the (Na, K)-ATPase, a P-2c-type ATPase, or ATP-powered ion pump that actively translocates cations across plasma membranes. The enzyme is also known as an E-1/E-2-ATPase as it undergoes conformational changes between the E-1 and E-2 forms during the pumping cycle, altering the affinity and accessibility of the transmembrane ion-binding sites. The animation is based on Horisberger's scheme that incorporates the most recent significant findings to have improved our understanding of the (Na, K)-ATPase structure function relationship. The movements of the various domains within the (Na, K)-ATPase alpha-subunit illustrate the conformational changes that occur during Na+ and K+ translocation across the membrane and emphasize involvement of the actuator, nucleotide, and phosphorylation domains, that is, the "core engine" of the pump, with respect to ATP binding, cation transport, and ADP and P-i release.
This study examines the correlation between buccal dental microwear and stable isotopes. The buccal surface of post-canine teeth casts from El Collado, the largest Mesolithic site in Spain, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope; photomicrographs were taken from the middle third of the buccal surface with magnification 100X. Only six individuals passed the criteria for buccal dental microwear analysis. The photomicrographs were treated by adobe Photoshop 8.01 to cover an area 0.56 mm² of middle third of buccal surface, the output photomicrographs were digitized using Sigmascan Pro 5 by SPSS. Then the correlation between buccal microwear pattern and stable isotopes of the same individuals, of the previous study of Guixe et al., 2006, was examined using a Pearson test. Statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant correlation between stable isotopes and buccal dental microwear of the people of the Mesolithic site of El Collado. The historical and archaeological documentation suggest that the Mesolithic people tended to consume marine food. Fish-drying techniques were used during the Mesolithic period which allowed the introduction of dust and sand to the fish. These abrasive particles affected the buccal dental microwear pattern, so that no correlation between the isotopes and microwear may be expected. This also suggests that the buccal dental microwear pattern exceeds dietary reconstruction to reconstruct food processing techniques.
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Poques coses han captivat tan poderosament la imaginació humana com la idea de viure eternament. Però tots sabem que els éssers vius, més tard o més d'hora, moren.
This study examines the correlation between buccal dental microwear and stable isotopes. The buccal surface of post-canine teeth casts from El Collado, the largest Mesolithic site in Spain, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope; photomicrographs were taken from the middle third of the buccal surface with magnification 100X. Only six individuals passed the criteria for buccal dental microwear analysis. The photomicrographs were treated by adobe Photoshop 8.01 to cover an area 0.56 mm² of middle third of buccal surface, the output photomicrographs were digitized using Sigmascan Pro 5 by SPSS. Then the correlation between buccal microwear pattern and stable isotopes of the same individuals, of the previous study of Guixe et al., 2006, was examined using a Pearson test. Statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant correlation between stable isotopes and buccal dental microwear of the people of the Mesolithic site of El Collado. The historical and archaeological documentation suggest that the Mesolithic people tended to consume marine food. Fish-drying techniques were used during the Mesolithic period which allowed the introduction of dust and sand to the fish. These abrasive particles affected the buccal dental microwear pattern, so that no correlation between the isotopes and microwear may be expected. This also suggests that the buccal dental microwear pattern exceeds dietary reconstruction to reconstruct food processing techniques.
Tässä insinöörityössä kehitettiin Agilent VEE -ohjelmaan pohjautuva tietokoneohjattu antennimittausjärjestelmä, joka mittaa ja piirtää tutkittavan antennin säteilykuvion. Työ aloitettiin perehtymällä radioaaltojen ja antennien ominaisuuksiin sekä antennien mittauspaikkoihin ja siihen, miten antennien ominaisuuksia mitataan. Näiden lisäksi kartoitettiin markkinoilla olevia valmiita mittausjärjestelmiä, selviteltiin niiden laajuutta, ominaisuuksia ja käyttömahdollisuuksia sekä selviteltiin vielä, minkälaiseen käyttöympäristöön ja tilanteeseen ne soveltuvat. Mittausjärjestelmä tehtiin liittämällä graafiseen Agilent VEE -ohjelmaan mittauksessa käytettävät laitteet ja ohjelmoimalla ne mittaamaan ja piirtämään tutkittavan antennin säteilykuviot. Lopuksi ohjelmaan liitettiin tulosten esittäminen, tulostaminen ja tallentaminen Adobe Acrobat -ohjelman avulla. Työn tuloksena syntyi yksinkertainen, nopea ja helppokäyttöinen antennimittausjärjestelmä, joka soveltuu antennin säteilykuvion mittaamiseen ja graafiseen esittämiseen. Ohjelmien päivityksellä saadaan mittausjärjestelmää kehitetyksi monipuolisemmaksi, etenkin graafisten tulosteiden osalta.
AbstractObjective:The present study was aimed at reviewing the literature to identify solutions for problems observed in radiology services.Materials and Methods:Basic, qualitative, exploratory literature review at Scopus and SciELO databases, utilizing the Mendeley and Illustrator CC Adobe softwares.Results:In the databases, 565 papers – 120 out of them, pdf free – were identified. Problems observed in the radiology sector are related to procedures scheduling, humanization, lack of training, poor knowledge and use of management techniques, and interaction with users. The design management provides the services with interesting solutions such as Benchmarking, CRM, Lean Approach, ServiceBlueprinting, continued education, among others.Conclusion:Literature review is an important tool to identify problems and respective solutions. However, considering the small number of studies approaching management of radiology services, this is a great field of research for the development of deeper studies.
Validação de escala diagramática para estimativa de desfolha provocada pela ferrugemasiática em soja
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a precisão e acurácia de avaliadores com o uso de escala diagramática, em estimativas de desfolha provocada por doenças em soja. A escala apresenta seis níveis de severidade de desfolha (5, 15, 45, 65, 85 e 100%). As imagens utilizadas para avaliação foram obtidas em parcelas atacadas por ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi), apresentando diferentes níveis de desfolha. A validação foi feita por dez avaliadores, utilizando-se como parâmetro de comparação dados reais da área com cobertura foliar, obtidos através de processamento de imagens, nos softwares Paint Shop Pro 4, e Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Quando não foi utilizada a escala, os avaliadores apresentaram tendência de subestimar a severidade de desfolha nos níveis mais baixos e de superestimar em níveis altos. A acurácia e precisão dos avaliadores aumentaram com o auxílio da escala diagramática.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença dos polimorfismos HaeIII e MspI do gene para o receptor de estrogênio alfa, bem como fatores clínicos e suas possíveis associações com a densidade mamográfica em mulheres após a menopausa. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 115 mulheres após a menopausa, não usuárias de terapia hormonal e sem lesão mamária clínica ou mamograficamente identificada. A densidade mamográfica foi determinada por três observadores independentes, tomando-se como base a classificação dos padrões mamográficos do ACR-BIRADS®, 2003 (duas avaliações subjetivas e uma computadorizada - Adobe Photoshop® 7.0). Amostras de raspado bucal foram obtidas para extração de DNA e em seguida foi realizada uma PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reation - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) para análise de polimorfismos presentes no íntron 1 e éxon 1 do gene do REalfa (HaeIII e MspI). RESULTADOS: O polimorfismo HaeIII foi encontrado em 43 (37,4%) das 115 mulheres, ao passo que o MspI estava presente em 96 (83,5%) das mesmas. Houve alto grau de concordância entre os três observadores na determinação da densidade mamográfica. Trinta e quatro (29,6%) mulheres tinham mamas densas, e 81 (70,4%), mamas lipossubstituídas. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve associação entre o polimorfismo HaeIII do gene para o receptor de estrogênio alfa e densidade mamográfica (Fisher = 0,712). Houve associação próxima à significância estatística entre o polimorfismo MspI e densidade (Fisher = 0,098). Idade, paridade e índice de massa corporal mostraram-se associados com densidade mamográfica.