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Sulautettujen järjestelmien projekti voidaan toteuttaa monella tavalla. Projektiin liittyy aina ohjelmiston, sekä laitteiston kehittäminen. Ohjelmiston suunnittelulla on suuri painoarvo ja tämä näkyy erityisesti varsinkin kulutuselektroniikassa. Kannettavien laitteiden räjähdysmäisesti lisääntynyt myynti ja käyttö ovat tuoneet markkinoille lisää rahaa ja mielenkiintoa. Tästä johtuen markkinoille tulee joka vuosi entistä kehittyneempiä laitteita. Laitteiston kehittymisen sekä asiakkaiden vaatimusten lisääntyessä ohjelmistojen koko on kasvanut. Tämä on luonut tarpeen myös sulautettujen järjestelmien projekteille ottaa käyttöön jokin tietty metodi ohjelmistojen tuotannossa. Ongelmana on kuitenkin se, että sulautettujen järjestelmien projekteihin on sovellettu metodeita, joita ei ole alun perin suunniteltu laitteiston ja ohjelmiston yhteissuunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen. Miten voidaan valita oikea metodi sulautettujen järjestelmien projektiin? Tässä työssä esitellään perinteisiä ohjelmistotuotannon metodeita, sekä keskitytään eri ketterien metodien tutkimiseen. Tämä työ selvittää mikä vaikuttaa metodin valintaan sulautetun järjestelmän projektille. Tässä tutkimuksessa päädytään siihen johtopäätökseen, että sulautetuin järjestelmän suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa ketterien menetelmien käyttö parantaa projektin mahdollisuutta onnistua täyttämään asiakkaan vaatimukset. Ketterien menetelmien käyttö ei poista tarvetta kehittää menetelmää, joka lähtökohtaisesti ottaa huomioon laitteiston ja ohjelmiston yhteissuunnittelun.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Tämän pro gradu -tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia osaamisen johtamisen käytäntöjä ja kehittämistarpeita kohdeorganisaatiossa henkilöstön näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tehtyjä henkilöstötutkimuksia on hyödynnetty kohdeorganisaatiossa ja näkyykö tämä hyödyntäminen käytännön johtamisessa henkilöstön mielestä. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena ja empiirinen aineisto kerättiin kuudella teemahaastattelulla, jotka analysoitiin sisällönanalyysimenetelmällä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin, millaisia osaamisen johtamisen käytäntöjä kohdeorganisaatiossa on. Tutkimuksen tuloksien perusteella osaamisen johtamisen peruselementit ovat olemassa: säännölliset palaverit koettiin tärkeiksi, mutta koulutuksien ja kehityskeskusteluiden järjestämisessä sekä jälkiseurannassa henkilöstö näki parannettavaa. Myös hiljaisen tiedon siirtäminen ja hyödyntäminen koettiin merkittäväksi tekijäksi organisaation onnistuneen toiminnan ja jatkuvuuden kannalta. Tutkimuksessa todettiin osaamisen johtamisen kehittämisen ja osaamisen kehittämisen menetelmien linkittyvän vahvasti toisiinsa ja tutkimuksen tuloksena esitettiin konkreettisia toimenpide-ehdotuksia osaamisen johtamisen kehittämisestä kohdeorganisaation johdolle. Tutkimuksen mukaan osaamisen johtaminen ja henkilöstöjohtaminen sulautuvat toisiinsa, eikä niitä voida tarkastella erikseen. Johdon ja henkilöstön välisellä vuorovaikutuksella on suuri merkitys onnistuneelle osaamisen johtamiselle. Keskeistä on kytkeä osaamisen johtaminen organisaation käytäntöihin ja varata sen implementointiin riittävästi resursseja.
Developmental variations in the peripheral erythrocytic system of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri
The peripheral circulating erythrocytic system of the rainbow trout, l3 almo gairdner , was examined in vitro in relation differences in the morphology and multiple hemoglobin system organization of adult and juvenile red cells. Cells were separated by velocity sedimentation under unit gravity, a procedure requiring red cell exposure to an incubation medium for periods of at least three hours. Therefore , this must provide an environment in which red cells remain in a condition approximaing normalcy. Previous studies having demonstrated commonly employed media to be ineffective in this regard , a medium was developed through modification of Cortl and saline. One of the principal additions to this me dium , norepinephrine, altered cell regulation of intracellular calcium, magnesium and chloride concentrations. Catecholamine involvement was also suggeste d in the synthes is of hemoglobin . The procedure was found to separtate cells primarily by density and, to a lesser extent, by shape. Characterization of red cells revealed two subpopulations to exist . The first comprised the bulk of the cell population, and were of greater l ength, width, volume and major:minor axis ratio than the smaller population; these were adult cells. The later, juvenile cells were of smaller overall size and were more spherical in shape . Juvenile cells also possessed fewer electrophore tpically distinguishable isomorphs than did adults with only eight of eleven hemoglobin component s typically found With maturation,hemoglobin complement with the development of three more bands. The total complement of the adult cell contained 7 cathodal bands and four anodal hemoglobin isomorphs. Bands acquired with maturation comprised the smallest percentage of the cells hemoglobin. each averaging less than one-percent of the total. Whether these additional bands are derived through degradation and reaggregation of existing components or are the product of pe gQy2 synthesis is not yet known.
Le respect de la vie privée est garanti dans presque tous les pays du monde, dont la République Démocratique du Congo. Les textes juridiques internes et internationaux qui assurent la protection de la vie privée ont généralement été édictés à une époque où l'on ne pouvait tenir compte de l’avènement des inforoutes. Cet article tend à rechercher, autant que faire se peut, les divers formes de violations de la vie privée pouvant être commises sur les réseaux numériques et les mécanismes de protection y relatifs. Sont abordées, en premier lieu, les violations effectuées par les pouvoirs publics. Nombreuses sont les atteintes à la vie privée autorisées par les normes juridiques étatiques pour raison de sécurité publique. Il en est ainsi des perquisitions électroniques, des visites de lieux et des saisies opérées par des agents des services étatiques porteurs des titres réguliers et dans le strict respect tant de la procédure que des lois. Toutefois, il arrive que les agents d'État débordent le cadre de l’objet de leur mission ou agissent sans titre régulier. Du côté des atteinte perpétrées par les personnes privées, l'on pourra citer, à titre indicatif, la commission des délits de presse et la violation du secret professionnel, la prise de connaissance ou la soustraction frauduleuse des données à caractère personnel. Ces atteintes procèdent de divers fondements, parmi lesquels on retrouvera les conceptions libertaires, les intérêts égoïstes, l’ignorance des législations étrangères, le principe de la liberté de l’information, les raisons scientifiques ou celles d’ordre public. Un certain nombre de mécanismes juridiques permet néanmoins de combattre ou de réfréner les violations de la vie privée. Tout semble graviter autour de la mise en œuvre d’une procédure pouvant enclencher des sanctions pénales, civiles, disciplinaires ou administratives, hormis l’existence de certains mécanismes de protection particuliers tel que le droit de réponse.
L'écotourisme est souvent perçu comme une panacée capable de concilier le développement économique, la protection de l'environnement et le bien-être des communautés autour des aires protégées des pays en développement. La réalité sur le terrain est cependant tout autre, car son caractère complexe, politique et transcalaire est trop souvent négligé lors de la mise en œuvre des interventions. Le but de ce projet de recherche est de jeter un nouvel éclairage sur le développement de l'écotourisme dans les aires protégées des pays du Sud à travers une analyse critique des pratiques et des discours qui lui sont associés. Adoptant un cadre conceptuel dérivé de l'écologie politique, nous avons cherché à comprendre comment l'écotourisme affecte l'accès aux ressources naturelles pour différents acteurs sociaux. L'approche méthodologique s'appuie sur une étude de cas essentiellement qualitative qui s'attarde à un projet spécifique amorcé à Chi Phat, dans une forêt protégée des Cardamomes, au sud-ouest du Cambodge. Elle fait appel à l'analyse documentaire et discursive, à l'observation participante ainsi qu'à plus de 80 entretiens semi-directifs auprès d'acteurs clés. Nos résultats montrent d'abord qu'en matière d'écotourisme au Cambodge, il y a absence de lignes directrices claires et on observe très peu de collaboration, et ce, à tous les niveaux. Cela n'est pas étranger au fait que le gouvernement actuel accorde en général la priorité au développement devant la conservation. Ensuite, le projet d'écotourisme permet à Wildlife Alliance de justifier le maintien de la forêt protégée. Cette ONG se démarque par ailleurs des autres organisations au pays par son approche plus musclée. Le pouvoir dont elle jouit et les résultats qu'elle obtient sur le terrain tiennent en sa capacité à mobiliser, en temps opportun, l'ensemble des moyens disponibles pour contrôler l'accès. Globalement, nous pouvons affirmer que les principaux acteurs qui voient leur accès aux ressources naturelles touché négativement sont les paysans. Finalement, nous proposons deux ajouts au cadre conceptuel, soit la considération de l'aspect géographique de l'exclusion et l'introduction de modalités d'exclusion, qui permettent à notre avis une analyse plus juste de la situation.
In recent years, pollution in general and sea water pollution in particular, has become an important topic for national and international considerations. Because of its impact on society, marine pollution has attracted great attention from politicians, administrators, natural scientists and technologists all over the world. To save our environment from further deterioration, it is essential to have an assessment of this problem This thesis involves investigation of the lethal and sub lethal effects of four pesticides and two petroleum oil, individually and in combinations on two commercially important bivalves. Among the four pesticides used two are organophosphates and the other two are organochlorines. Synthetic Pesticides, especially organophosphates and organochlorines have become increasingly important additions to chemical wastes polluting natural aquatic Communities special attention is given in the present investigation to delineate the combined toxic effect of oil and pesticides. The results are presented under different sections to make the presentation meaningful.
The previous faunistic studies were concentrated.on the taxonomical and zoogeo— graphical aspects. These studies contributed to many new additions to the fish fauna of Kerala meanwhile many species described earlier are reported missing in recent years. Many fish species were collected only once or twice by scientists. Detailed information on distribution, habitat, feeding habits, reproduction, population size, etc. are available only with regard to a very few fish species. A meaningful assessment on the biodiversity status of the majority of freshwater fishes cannot be done for want of sufficient data base and therefore, no suitable conservation and management programmes are forthcoming for the protection and preservation of the unique fish germplasm resources of Kerala. The present study was conceptualised and undertaken mostly aiming at bridging these gaps by generating an authentic data base on the distribution, resource characteristics and bionomics of the threatened fishes inhabiting the rivers of Kerala. Osteobrama bakeri (Day) is an endemic fish having a very highly restricted and fragmented distribution in Periyar, Chalakudy, Kabini, Kallada and Meenachil rivers of Kerala. This belongs to vulnerable category and is locally known as Mullanpaval which is valued as food fish. Besides, due to its vibrant and attractive colouration and easiness for domestication, it has great potential for being propagated as an ornamental fish. Hitherto, no information is available on the bionomics and resource characteristics of this species. Studies on detailed life history traits are indispensable for fishery management, development of captive breeding technique and implementation of various conservation programmes. In the present study, a pioneer attempt is also made to investigate the life history traits, resource characteristics, proximate composition, etc. of O.baken'.
This video provides a preview of the biosafety and operational/skills training video intended for researchers working with tissue and cell cultures at Containment Level 1 and 2. It is in AVI format which will require a free media player such as Windows Media Player or VLC Media Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) to watch. Should you wish to reserve the full training DVD (35 minutes), please contact the Biosafety Officer.
Adsorption of arsenic onto soil was investigated as a means of understanding arsenic-induced release of phosphate. In batch adsorption experiments As adsorption was accompanied by P desorption. At low As additions, the ratio As adsorbed: P desorbed remained constant. At higher As additions, P desorption reached a maximum while As adsorption continued to increase. The P desorption maximum coincided with an increase in pH. Barley plants were grown on soils spiked with arsenate (0-360 mg As kg(-1)) to investigate the effect on plant growth and P uptake. As arsenic concentration increased, above ground plant yield decreased and the plants showed symptoms typical of As toxicity and P deficiency. At low As additions to the soil, uptake of As and P by barley increased. At higher As additions P uptake decreased. It is argued that this was due to the change in As:P ratio in the soil solution. It is concluded that input of arsenic to the soil could mobilise phosphate. Crop yield is likely to be affected, either due to reduced phosphate availability at low arsenic additions or arsenic toxicity at higher additions.
We present some additions to a fuzzy variable radius niche technique called Dynamic Niche Clustering (DNC) (Gan and Warwick, 1999; 2000; 2001) that enable the identification and creation of niches of arbitrary shape through a mechanism called Niche Linkage. We show that by using this mechanism it is possible to attain better feature extraction from the underlying population.
Dialysis was performed to examine some of the properties of the soluble phase of calcium (Ca) fortified soymilk at high temperatures. Dialysates were obtained while heating soymilk at temperatures of 80 and 100 °C for 1 h and 121 °C for 15 min. It was found that the pH, total Ca, and ionic Ca of dialysates obtained at high temperature were all lower than in their corresponding nonheated Ca-fortified soymilk. Increasing temperature from 80 to 100 °C hardly affected Ca ion concentration ([Ca2+]) of dialysate obtained from Ca chloride-fortified soymilk, but it increased [Ca2+] in dialysates of Ca gluconate-fortified soymilk and Ca lactate-fortified soymilk fortified with 5 to 6 mM Ca. Dialysates obtained at 100 °C had lower pH than dialysate prepared at 80 °C. Higher Ca additions to soymilk caused a significant (P≤ 0.05) reduction in pH and an increase in [Ca2+] of these dialysates. When soymilk was dialyzed at 121 °C, pH, total Ca, and ionic Ca were further reduced. Freezing point depression (FPD) of dialysates increased as temperature increased but were lower than corresponding soymilk samples. This approach provides a means of estimating pH and ionic Ca in soymilks at high temperatures, in order to better understand their combined role on soymilk coagulation.
It has been observed recently that a consistent LO BFKL gluon evolution leads to a steep growth of F2(x, Q2) for x → 0 almost independently of Q2. We show that current data from the DESY HERA collider are precise enough to finally rule out a pure BFKL behaviour in the accessible small x region. Several attempts have been made by other groups to treat the BFKL type small x resummations instead as additions to the conventional anomalous dimensions of the successful renormalization group “Altarelli-Parisi” equations. We demonstrate that all presently available F2 data, in particular at lower values of Q2, can not be described using the presently known NLO (two-loop consistent) small x resummations. Finally we comment on the common reason for the failure of these BFKL inspired methods which result, in general, in too steep >x-dependencies as x → 0.
Clubroot disease and the causal microbe Plasmodiophora brassicae offer abundant challenges to agriculturists and biological scientists. This microbe is well fitted for the environments which it inhabits. Plasmodiophora brassicae exists in soil as microscopic well protected resting spores and then grows actively and reproduces while shielded inside the roots of host plants. The pathogen is active outside the host for only short periods. Consequently, scientific studies are made challenging by the biological context of the host and pathogen and the technology required to investigate and understand that relationship. Controlling clubroot disease is a challenge for farmers, crop consultants and plant pathology practitioners because of the limited options which are available. Full symptom expression happens solely in members of the Brassicaceae family. Currently, only a few genes expressing strong resistance to P. brassicae are known and readily available. Agrochemical control is similarly limited by difficulties in molecule formulation which combines efficacy with environmental acceptability. Manipulation of husbandry encouraging improvements in soil structure, texture, nutrient composition and moisture content can reduce populations of P. brassicae. Integrating such strategies with rotation and crop management will reduce but not eliminate this disease. There are indications that forms of biological competition may be mobilised as additions to integrated control strategies. The aim of this review is to chart key themes in the development of scientific biological understanding of this host-pathogen relationship by offering signposts to grapple with clubroot disease which devastates crops and their profitability. Particular attention is given to the link between soil and nutrient chemistry and activity of this microbe.
We present a modelling study of processes controlling the summer melt of the Arctic sea ice cover. We perform a sensitivity study and focus our interest on the thermodynamics at the ice–atmosphere and ice–ocean interfaces. We use the Los Alamos community sea ice model CICE, and additionally implement and test three new parametrization schemes: (i) a prognostic mixed layer; (ii) a three equation boundary condition for the salt and heat flux at the ice–ocean interface; and (iii) a new lateral melt parametrization. Recent additions to the CICE model are also tested, including explicit melt ponds, a form drag parametrization and a halodynamic brine drainage scheme. The various sea ice parametrizations tested in this sensitivity study introduce a wide spread in the simulated sea ice characteristics. For each simulation, the total melt is decomposed into its surface, bottom and lateral melt components to assess the processes driving melt and how this varies regionally and temporally. Because this study quantifies the relative importance of several processes in driving the summer melt of sea ice, this work can serve as a guide for future research priorities.