315 resultados para Abscess, Perinephric.
A three-and-a-half-year-old entire male Staffordshire Bull Terrier was presented with a cough and difficulty in swallowing. Two days later the dog was re-presented and a diagnosis of tetanus was made. An abscessed canine tooth was extracted and submitted for culture. Clostridium tetani was cultured from the pulp chamber of the tooth. The dog was treated with tetanus antitoxin, antibiotics and supportive care and made a complete recovery.
Brain abscesses can cause an incapacitating neurological deicit in up to 50% of patients, thus the reduction of these sequelae becomes the main goal of its timely and speciic surgical and medical treatment. With technological advances in bacteriological identiication and diagnostic imaging, the clinical suspicion can be conirmed, and the speciic etiological agent can be identiied in a larger number of cases. New pathogens have emerged through this process, such as Streptococcus porcinus, in which the ability to affect the central nervous system has not been documented. A clinical case is presented of a brain abscess in an immunocompetent patient, and its favorable response to surgical drainage t hrough a skull burr h ole and nee dle aspiration with antibiotic therapy (ceftriaxone, metronidazole and vancomycin) is discussed.
BACKGROUND: Total rectocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis is the choice surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis. In cases of Crohn's disease post-operative diagnosis, it can be followed by pouch failure. AIM: To evaluate ileal pouch-anal anastomosis long-term outcome in patients with Crohn's disease. METHODS: Between February 1983 and March 2007, 151 patients were submitted to ileal pouch-anal anastomosis by Campinas State University Colorectal Unit, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 76 had pre-operative ulcerative colitis diagnosis and 11 had post-operative Crohn's disease diagnosis. Crohn's disease diagnosis was made by histopathological biopsies in nine cases, being one in surgical specimen, two cases in rectal stump, small bowel in two cases, ileal pouch in three and in perianal abscess in one of them. The median age was 30.6 years and eight (72.7%) were female. RESULTS: All patients had previous ulcerative colitis diagnosis and in five cases emergency colectomy was done by toxic megacolon. The mean time until of Crohn's disease diagnosis was 30.6 (6-80) months after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Ileostomy closure was possible in 10 cases except in one that had ileal pouch fistula, perianal disease and small bowel involvement. In the long-term follow-up, three patients had perineal fistulas and one had also a pouch-vaginal fistula. All of them were submitted to a new ileostomy and one had the pouch excised. Another patient presented pouch-vaginal fistula which was successfully treated by mucosal flap. Three patients had small bowel involvement and three others, pouch involvement. All improved with medical treatment. Presently, the mean follow-up is 76.5 months and all patients are in clinical remission, and four have fecal diversion. The remaining patients have good functional results with 6-10 bowel movements/day. CONCLUSION: Crohn's disease diagnosis after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis may be usual and later complications such fistulas and stenosis are common. However, when left in situ ileal pouch is associated with good function.
We studied 271 children under age of 15 with diagnosis of acute bacterial meningencephalitis treated at Medical School in Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, between 1980 and 1990. The patients were divided in two groups: 1) those who had not received previous antibiotics treatment (NTP), with 153 cases; and 2), those who had received previous antibiotics treatment (PT), with 118 cases. The etiological agent was more frequently identified in NPT group, while ventriculitis was more frequent in PT group. Mortality rate accounted for 19,5% of all cases, and 29.7% of children under 12 months of age. Acute meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae was frequently followed by increased mortality. Convulsive disorders and hemiparesis predominante among children under 12 months of age. On the neurosurgical point of view, ventriculitis, subdural hygroma, hydrocephalus, subdural empyema and brain abscess were identified and treated
We report the case of a 73-year-old female who presented facial numbness and pain in the first division of the trigeminal nerve, ptosis, diplopia and visual loss on the right side for the previous four months. The neurological, radiological and histological examination demonstrated a rare case of invasive fungal aspergillosis of the central nervous system, causing orbital apex syndrome, later transformed in temporal brain abscess. She died ten months later due to respiratory and renal failure in spite of specific antimycotic therapy.
The cases of nine pacients with intracranial abscess operated on by aspiration are reported. Only one patient did not survive. One pacient developed postoperative seizures and, another, hemiparesis. In 5 cases it was necessary a relief of increased intracranial pressure by neurosurgical emergency.
A case of central nervous system actinomycosis is reported. A 33-year-old male complained of headache, vomiting and blurred vision lasting for eight days prior to admission. On examination, a right hemiparesis, as well an intracranial hypertension were detected. The cerebrospinal fluid showed mild lymphomononuclear hypercytosis. Necropsy disclosed three abscess in the cerebral hemispheres, in addition to moderate cerebral edema on the left side but without purulent leptomeningitis. Actinomyces filaments and granules were demonstrated in the cerebral and lung abscesses. The Brazilian literature on actinomycosis is reviewed and six published cases with nervous system involvement were found. Relevant clinical and anatomical aspects of the cases and of the present one are discussed.
A case of brain abscess and meningitis due to pigmented fungi is reported. The patient was a 59-year-old white male, who had enjoyed excellent health until October 1977, when he developed headache, later accompanied by paresthesias and weakness in the left-sided extremities. These symptoms worsened progressively and in November of that year he had to quit his job. From February 1978 on he became inactive and anorexic. Intense continuous headache was associated with frequent episodes of vomiting. He gradually became tor-porous, and according to his relatives, suffered from visual and possibly auditory deficiency. On examination, he was malnourished and dehydrated, with decubitus ulcers. Temperature was 38,5°C. A left-sided spastic hemiplegia and prominent meningorradicular signs were noted. The CSF was examined six times between May 17th and June 1st and showed variable hypercytosis (143 to 4,437 leucocytes/ cu mm) with predominance of neutrophils (up tp 95%), low glucose and high protein concentrations. No microorganisms were identified. Electroencephalographic study disclosed a low background activity especially in left temporal areas. Despite supportive care and antibiotic therapy he lapsed into coma. Carotid angiography was normal on June 1st. He remained in deep coma until his death on June 6th, 1978. Necropsy was limited to the brain, which weighed 1,550 g after fixation and showed diffuse intense edema and hyperemia. On coronal sectioning an encapsulated abscess was found in the right basal ganglia, which also involved the internal capsule, and measured 1.5 cm in diameter. Microscopical examination disclosed large numbers of brownish fungi, appearing both as oval yeasts and as septate hyphae in the thick fibrous capsule and in the necrotic content of the abscess. The same organisms were demonstrated in moderate numbers in the leptomeninges of the medulla oblongata and , less frequently, of the hippo-campal region and cerebellum.
OBJETIVO: Relatar caso ilustrativo de doença granulomatosa crônica cujo diagnóstico ocorreu durante o aparecimento do primeiro episódio infeccioso, colaborando com a iniciativa do Brazilian Group for Immunodeficiency para a sensibilização do pediatra geral em relação ao diagnóstico precoce das imunodeficiências primárias, o que está associado a melhor qualidade de vida e maior sobrevida desses indivíduos. DESCRIÇÃO DE CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 39 dias de vida, admitido em pronto-socorro pediátrico por febre alta há cinco dias e irritabilidade. No dia seguinte, observou-se abscesso cervical, isolando-se Staphylococcus aureus comunitário. Durante a internação, ocorreram outros abscessos superficiais e em cadeias ganglionares profundas, além de resposta lenta aos antimicrobianos. Solicitou-se investigação para imunodeficiências, que confirmou a hipótese de doença granulomatosa crônica por quantificação dos ânions superóxido e teste de redução do nitrobluetetrazolio. Paciente foi encaminhado a serviço especializado, no qual identificou-se doador de medula óssea compatível, realizando-se o transplante seis meses após o diagnóstico. Quatro meses após o transplante, ocorreu normalização do burst oxidativo, indicando sucesso. COMENTÁRIOS: O paciente mostrou apresentação típica da doença, o que permitiu seu diagnóstico por pediatras gerais já na primeira infecção, tendo como consequência o acompanhamento por especialistas em imunodeficiências primárias, a introdução da profilaxia antimicrobiana e a procura bem sucedida de doador de medula HLA-compatível.
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome (OWRS) is a rare hereditary, autosomal dominant disease characterized by a local angiodysplasia. Its clinical characteristics are vascular hamartomas of the skin and oral mucosa, arteriovenous malformations in the lungs, liver, kidney and brain, and episodes of epistaxis. The oral lesions, which become apparent through hemorrhagic telangiectasia, may be the first sign of the disease. This is a case report of a 74-year-old woman whose diagnosis of OWRS was established by her dentist based on the presence of telangiectasia in the skin and oral mucosa, reports of frequent nosebleeds of unknown etiology and a family history of telangiectasia. Amputation of a lower limb and comorbidities, such as cardiopathy, nephropathy and rheumatic disorders, completed the profile. OWRS causes major vascular changes that can be diagnosed initially by a dentist. In this article, we describe the skills and knowledge that dentists need to monitor patients with OWRS properly.
Introduction: Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a systemic granulomatous vasculitis rarely described in children, particularly associated with neurological involvement, exceptionally chorea. To our knowledge there are only 35 children and adolescent patients with CSS described in the literature. During a 25-year period 5283 patients were followed up at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of our University Hospital and only one (0.02%) presented CSS. Case report: A 7-year-old boy suffered from severe asthma, eosinophilia, history of allergy, recurrent non-fixed pulmonary infiltrates, several nodular lesions in both lungs and maxillary sinusitis. Transthoracic biopsy of the right lung revealed necrotizing extravascular eosinophilic infiltrates and the diagnosis of CSS was established. During the follow-up he had persistent vasculitis skin lesions and hemichorea. Despite the treatment with immunosuppressive drugs and intravenous immunoglobulin, he died because of pulmonary abscess and sepsis. Discussion: A rare case of CSS with chorea was reported, reinforcing the possibility of this disease in children with asthma, allergic rhinitis, hypereosinophilia and cutaneous vasculitis.
Background Bariatric surgery (BS) was recognized as the only treatment for morbid obesity in adolescents. Classic surgical procedures are based on mechanical restriction and/or malabsorption, resulting in a large number of possible complications and demanding lifelong medical attention. A novel BS design, the Santoro III procedure, relies on modifying secretion of the satiogenic hormones GLP-1 and PYY. This approach avoids common BS complications such as prostheses, narrow anastomoses, excluded segments, and malabsorption. This study describes the 1-year follow-up of the first ten adolescents operated on using the Santoro III technique in a pediatric surgical service. Methods Ten adolescents, mean age 16.1 +/- 1.7 years with body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 kg/m(2) (range 44 to 72 kg/m(2)), refractory to at least 2 years of medical weight loss treatment were selected by a multidisciplinary team to undergo BS. This operation consists of a sleeve gastrectomy with enteroomentectomy and partial gastro-ileal derivation. Results After 1 year, mean body weight decreased from 140.3 to 88.6 kg, and BMI decreased from 52.8 +/- 9.5 kg/m(2) to 33.4 +/- 7.7 kg/m(2), with percent of excess BMI lost as 83.9 +/- 17.1%. Glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels decreased significantly, while HDL-cholesterol, hemoglobin, and albumin levels remained unchanged. There were no mortalities or reoperations. The two complications that presented during the trial (intraperitoneal abscess and polyneuritis) resolved with medical treatment without sequelae. All the patients returned to their normal activities and their BMI began to stabilize approximately 2 years following surgery. Conclusions The Santoro III procedure is an attractive option for adolescent BS, with promising 1-year follow-up results. These initial studies should be monitored for long-term outcomes and confirmed on a larger group of patients.