988 resultados para ARF excimer laser


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The effects of post-deposited annealing on structure and optical properties of electron-beam evaporated Al2O3 single layers were investigated. The films were annealed in air for 1.5 h at different temperatures from 250 to 400 degrees C. The optical constants and cut-off wavelength were deduced. Microstructure of the samples was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Profile and surface roughness measurement instrument was used to determine the rms surface roughness. It was found that the cut-off wavelength shifted to short wavelength as the annealing temperature increased and the total optical loss decreased. The film structure remained amorphous even after annealing at 400 degrees C temperature and the samples annealed at higher temperature had the higher rms surface roughness. The decreasing total optical loss with annealing temperature was attributed to the reduction of absorption owing to oxidation of the film by annealing. Guidance to reduce the optical loss of excimer laser mirrors was given. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Si-based photonic materials and devices, including SiGe/Si quantum structures, SOI and InGaAs bonded on Si, PL of Si nanocrystals, SOI photonic crystal filter, Si based RCE (Resonant Cavity Enhanced) photodiodes, SOI TO (thermai-optical) switch matrix were investigated in Institute of Serniconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main results in recent years are presented in the paper. The mechanism of PL from Si NCs embedded in SiO2 matrix was studied, a greater contribution of the interface state recombination (PL peak in 850 similar to 900 nm) is associated with larger Si NCs and higher interface state density. Ge dots with density of order of 10(11) cm(-2) were obtained by UHV/CVD growth and 193 nm excimer laser annealing. SOI photonic crystal filter with resonant wavelength of 1598 nm and Q factor of 1140 was designed and made. Si based hybrid InGaAs RCE PD with eta of 34.4% and FWHM of 27 nut were achieved by MOCVD growth and bonding technology between InGaAs epitaxial and Si wafers. A 16x16 SOI optical switch matrix were designed and made. A new current driving circuit was used to improve the response speed of a 4x4 SOI rearrangeable nonblocking TO switch matrix, rising and failing time is 970 and 750 ns, respectively.


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C-axis preferred oriented ZnO thin films were prepared on quartz substrates by RF sputtering. Photoconductive ultraviolet detector with planar interdigital electrodes was fabricated on ZnO thin film by the lift off technique. Linear I-V characteristic was observed under dark or 365 nm UV light illumination and has obvious difference. The photoresponsivity of 365 nm at 5 V bias is 18 A/W. The response time measure set mainly contains KrF excimer laser with the pulse width of 30 ns and the oscillograph with the bandwidth of 200 MHz. The result shows fast photoresponse with a rise time of 100 ns and fall time of 1.5 mu s. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spinnenseide gehört zu den stabilsten bekannten Polymerverbindungen. Spinnfäden können bis auf das Dreifache ihrer ursprünglichen Länge gedehnt werden, bevor sie reißen, und dabei mit rund 160 MJ/m³ mehr als dreimal soviel Energie absorbieren wie die stärkste synthetisch hergestellte Faser Kevlar (50 MJ/m³). Dabei weisen Spinnfäden mit 2 bis 5 Mikrometer nur ein Zehntel des Durchmessers eines menschlichen Haares auf. Das präzise, berührungslose Bearbeiten von Spinnenseide ist für verschiedene technische Anwendungen interessant, insbesondere wenn dabei ihre außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Könnten die von Natur aus dünnen Seidenfäden gezielt in ihrem Durchmesser verringert werden, so wären sie unter anderem in der Mikroelektronik einzusetzen. Hier könnten sie als Trägermaterial für eine dünne, elektrisch leitfähige Schicht fungieren. Man erhielte Nanodrähte, die auch in mechanisch besonders belasteten Mikroelektronikbauteilen (MEMS) Verwendung finden könnten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verwendung der laserinduzierten Ablation zur gezielten Bearbeitung von Haltefäden der Schwarzen Witwe (Latrodectus hesperus) beschrieben. Eingesetzt wurde ein VUV-Excimerlaser vom Typ LPF 205 (Lambda-Physik, Göttingen) mit einer Wellenlänge von 157 nm und einer Pulsdauer von 18 ns. Eine berührungslose Laserbearbeitung bei 157 nm erlaubt einen effizienten und präzisen Abtrag von Material durch Ablation aufgrund der geringen optischen Eindringtiefe von unter 100 nm oberhalb einer Schwellenfluenz (Energie/Fläche) von Φth=29 mJ/cm², ohne dabei das umgebende Material thermisch zu beeinträchtigen. Parallel zur Ablation setzt allerdings eine wellenförmige Oberflächenstrukturierung auf der Faseroberfläche ein, wodurch die mechanische Belastbarkeit der Faser entscheidend geschwächt wird. Die Ursache hierfür liegt im Abbau materialbedingter Spannungsfelder („stress release“) innerhalb einer durch das Laserlicht induzierten dünnen Schmelzschicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es nun gelungen, diese Strukturen durch einen anschließenden Glättungsprozeß zu entfernen. Dabei wird auf der bestrahlten Oberfläche mittels Laserlichts eine glatte Ablation erzielt. Mit feinerer Abstufung dieser Prozeßschritte konnte der Durchmesser des verwendeten Spinnenseidefadens zum Teil um 70 Prozent bis auf ca. 750 nm verringert werden. Durch Zugfestigkeitsexperimente wurde belegt, daß die mechanischen Eigenschaften der so bearbeiteten Spinnenseide weitgehend erhalten bleiben. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angewandte Methode erlaubt somit eine präzise Laserablation von Spinnenseide und ähnlichen hochabsorbierenden Materialien, ohne deren Kernsubstanz in ihrer Beschaffenheit zu verändern.


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A novel process based on the principle of layered photolithography has been proposed and tested for making real three-dimensional micro-structures. An experimental setup was designed and built for doing experiments on this micro-fabrication process. An ultraviolet (UV) excimer laser at the wavelength of 248 nm was used as the light source and a single piece of photo-mask carrying a series of two dimensional (2D) patterns sliced from a three dimensional (3D) micro-part was employed for the photolithography process. The experiments were conducted on the solidification of liquid photopolymer from single layer to multiple layers. The single-layer photolithography experiments showed that certain photopolymers could be applied for the 3D micro-fabrication, and solid layers with sharp shapes could be formed from the liquid polymer identified. By using a unique alignment technique, multiple layers of photolithography was successfully realized for a micro-gear with features at 60 microns. Electroforming was also conducted for converting the photopolymer master to a metal cavity of the micro-gear, which proved that the process is feasible for micro-molding.


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BACKGROUND: We reviewed the research on the prevalence of myopia in the adult population to compare the refractive distribution of patients being treated with excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy to correct myopia, and assess the potential market for excimer laser surgery. METHODS: All published reports of myopia prevalence in adults were reviewed, as well as the prevalence in the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project and the distribution of refractive errors treated by the Melbourne Excimer Laser Group in 1994. RESULTS: A large population-based study of people aged 4 to 74 years in the U.S. showed that 43% had low myopia (less than -5.00 diopters (D)), 3.2% had high myopia (-5.01 to -10.00 D), and 0.2% had extreme myopia (more than -10.00 D). In Asian populations these proportions may be much higher and in African and Pacific island groups, much lower. In the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project, we found the prevalence of low myopia was 21%, high myopia 2%, and extreme myopia 0.3%. A single excimer laser has operated for 3 years in Melbourne. Of those treated, 45% had low myopia, 42% high myopia, and 13% extreme myopia. Compared to low myopes, high myopes were ten times (OR: 9.8; Confidence interval: 6.69 to 12.91) more likely to have excimer laser treatment and extreme myopes were 16 times (OR: 16.40; Confidence interval: 12.53 to 20.27) more likely. CONCLUSIONS: Although there are many more people with lower amounts of myopia in the population and the clinical results have been more predictable after one procedure in this group, the perceived benefits of excimer laser treatment may be greater for those with higher amounts of myopia, thus influencing their decision to undergo excimer laser surgery to correct their myopia. There is clearly a large market potential for excimer laser surgery in people with low myopia.


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PURPOSE: To assess corneal wavefront-guided photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) to correct hyperopia after radial keratotomy (RK). SETTING: Sadalla Amin Ghanem Eye Hospital, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. DESIGN: Case series. METHODS: Excimer laser corneal wavefront-guided PRK with intraoperative mitomycin-C (MMC) 0.02% was performed. Main outcome measures were uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance visual acuities, spherical equivalent (SE), corneal aberrations, and haze. RESULTS: The mean time between RK and PRK in the 61 eyes (39 patients) was 18.8 years +/- 3.8 (SD). Before PRK, the mean SE was +4.17 +/- 1.97 diopters (D); the mean astigmatism, -1.39 +/- 1.04 D; and the mean CDVA, 0.161 +/- 0.137 logMAR. At 24 months, the mean values were 0.14 +/- 0.99 D (P<.001), -1.19 +/- 1.02 D (P=.627), and 0.072 +/- 0.094 logMAR (P<.001), respectively; the mean UDVA was 0.265 +/- 0.196 (P<.001). The UDVA was 20/25 or better in 37.7% of eyes and 20/40 or better in 68.9%. The CDVA improved by 1 or more lines in 62.3% of eyes. Two eyes (3.3%) lost 2 or more lines, 1 due to corneal ectasia. Thirty eyes (49.2%) were within +/- 0.50 D of intended SE and 45 (73.8%) were within +/- 1.00 D. From 6 to 24 months, the mean SE regression was +0.39 D (P<.05). A significant decrease in coma, trefoil, and spherical aberration occurred. Three eyes developed peripheral haze more than grade 1. CONCLUSION: Corneal wavefront-guided PRK with MMC for hyperopia after RK significantly improved UDVA, CDVA, and higher-order corneal aberrations with a low incidence of visually significant corneal haze.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals Laser-Atomspektroskopie an einem Element durchgeführt, für das bisher keine atomaren Niveaus bekannt waren. Die Experimente wurden am Element Fermium mit der Ordnungszahl Z=100 mit der Resonanzionisationsspektroskopie (RIS) in einer Puffergaszelle durchgeführt. Verwendet wurde das Isotop 255Fm mit einer Halbwertszeit von 20.1 h, das im Hochflusskernreaktor des ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA, hergestellt wurde. Die von einem elektrochemischen Filament in das Argon-Puffergas bei einer Temperatur von 960(20)°C abgedampften Fm-Atome wurden mit Lasern in einem Zweistufenprozess resonant ionisiert. Dazu wurde das Licht eines Excimerlaser gepumpten Farbstofflasers für den ersten Anregungsschritt um die Wellenlänge 400 nm durchgestimmt. Ein Teil des Excimer (XeF) Laser Pumplichtes mit den Wellenlänge 351/353 nm wurde für die nicht-resonante Ionisation verwendet. Die Ionen wurden mit Hilfe elektrischer Felder aus der optischen Zelle extrahiert und nach einem Quadrupol Massenfilter mit einem Channeltron-Detektor massenselektiv nachgewiesen. Trotz der geringen Probenmenge von 2.7 x 10^10 eingesetzten Atomen wurden zwei atomare Resonanzen bei Energien von 25099.8(2) cm-1 und 25111.8(2) cm-1 gefunden und das Sättigungsverhalten dieser Linien gemessen. Es wurde ein theoretisches Modell entwickelt, dass sowohl das spektrale Profil der sättigungsverbreiterten Linien als auch die Sättigungskurven beschreibt. Durch Anpassung an die Messdaten konnten die partiellen Übergangsraten in den 3H6 Grundzustand Aki=3.6(7) x 10^6/s und Aki=3.6(6) x 10^6/s bestimmt werden. Der Vergleich der Niveauenergien und Übergangsraten mit Multikonfigurations Dirac-Fock Rechnungen legt die spektroskopische Klassifizierung der beobachteten Niveaus als 5f12 7s7p 5I6 und 5G6 Terme nahe. Weiterhin wurde ein Übergang bei 25740 cm-1 gefunden, der aufgrund der beobachteten Linienbreite von 1000 GHz als Rydbergzustand Zustand mit der Niveauenergie 51480 cm-1 interpretiert wurde und über einen Zweiphotonen Prozess angeregt werden kann. Basierend auf dieser Annahme wurde die Obergrenze für die Ionisationsenergie IP = 52140 cm-1 = 6.5 eV abgeschätzt. In den Messungen wurden Verschiebungen in den Zeitverteilungsspektren zwischen den mono-atomaren Ionen Fm+ und Cf+ und dem Molekül-Ion UO+ festgestellt und auf Driftzeitunterschiede im elektrischen Feld der gasgefüllten optischen Zelle zurückgeführt. Unter einfachen Modellannahmen wurde daraus auf die relativen Unterschiede Delta_r(Fm+,Cf+)/r(Cf+) ˜ -0.2 % und Delta_r(UO+,Cf+)/r(Cf+) ˜ 20 % in den Ionenradien geschlossen. Über die Bestimmung der Abnahme der Fm-a Aktivität des Filamentes auf der einen Seite und die Messung der Resonanzzählrate auf der anderen Seite, wurde die Nachweiseffizienz der Apparatur zu 4.5(3) x 10^-4 bestimmt. Die Nachweisapparatur wurde mit dem Ziel weiterentwickelt, Laserspektroskopie am Isotop 251Fm durchzuführen, das über die Reaktion 249Cf(a,2n)251Fm direkt in der optischen Zelle erzeugt werden soll. Das Verfahren wurde am chemischen Homolog Erbium getestet. Dabei wurde das Isotop 163Er über die Reaktion 161Dy(a,2n)163Er erzeugt und nach Resonanzionisation nachgewiesen. Die Nachweiseffizienz der Methode wurde zu 1 x 10^-4 bestimmt.


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Microsurgical suturing is the standard for cerebral bypass surgery, a technique where temporary occlusion is usually necessary. Non-occlusive techniques such as excimer laser-assisted non-occlusive anastomosis (ELANA) have certainly widened the spectrum of treatment of complex cerebrovascular situations, such as giant cerebral aneurysms, that were otherwise non-treatable. Nevertheless, the reduction of surgical risks while widening the spectrum of indications, such as a prophylactic cerebral bypass, is still a main aim, that we would like to pursue with our sutureless tissue fusion research. The primary concern in sutureless tissue fusion- and especially in tissue fusion of cerebral vessels- is the lack of reproducibility, often caused by variations in the thermal damage of the vessel. This has prevented this novel fusion technique from being applicable in daily surgical use. In this overview, we present three ways to further improve the laser tissue soldering technique.In the first section entitled "Laser Tissue Soldering Using a Biodegradable Polymer," a porous polymer scaffold doped with albumin (BSA) and indocyanine green (ICG) is presented, leading to strong and reproducible tensile strengths in tissue soldering. Histologies and future developments are discussed.In the section "Numerical Simulation for Improvement of Laser Tissue Soldering," a powerful theoretical simulation model is used to calculate temperature distribution during soldering. The goal of this research is to have a tool in hand that allows us to determine laser irradiation parameters that guarantee strong vessel fusion without thermally damaging the inner structures such as the intima and endothelium.In a third section, "Nanoparticles in Laser Tissue Soldering," we demonstrate that nanoparticles can be used to produce a stable and well-defined spatial absorption profile in the scaffold, which is an important step towards increasing the reproducibility. The risks of implanting nanoparticles into a biodegradable scaffold are discussed.Step by step, these developments in sutureless tissue fusion have improved the tensile strength and the reproducibility, and are constantly evolving towards a clinically applicable anastomosis technique.


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Purpose: Optometrists are becoming more integrally involved in the diagnosis of and care for glaucoma patients in the UK. The correlation of apparent change in non contact tonometry (NCT) IOP measurement and change in other ocular parameters such as refractive error, corneal curvature, corneal thickness and treatment zone size (data available to optometrists after LASIK) would facilitate care of these patients. Setting: A UK Laser Eye Clinic. Methods: This is a retrospective study study of 200 sequential eyes with myopia with or without astigmatism which underwent LASIK using a Hansatome and an Alcon LADARvision 4000 excimer laser. Refraction keratometry, pachymetry and NCT IOP mesurements were taken before treatmebnt and agian 3 months after treatment. The relationship between these variables anfd teh treatment zones were studied using stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: There was a mean difference of 5.54mmHg comnparing pre and postoperative NCT IOP. IOP change correlates with refractive error change (P < 0.001), preoperative corneal thickness (P < 0.001) and treatment zone size (P = 0.047). Preoperative corneal thickness correlates with preoperative IOP (P < 0.001) and postoperative IOP (P < 0.001). Using these correlations, the measured difference in NCT IIOP can be predicted preoperatively or postoperatively using derived equations.Conclusion: There is a significant reduction in measured NCT IOP after LASIK. The amount of reduction can be calculated using data acquired by optometrists. This is helpful for opthalmologists and optometrists who co-manage glaucoma patients who have had LASIK or with glaucoma pateints who are consideraing having LASIK.


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Recently introduced surface nanoscale axial photonics (SNAP) makes it possible to fabricate high-Q-factor microresonators and other photonic microdevices by dramatically small deformation of the optical fiber surface. To become a practical and robust technology, the SNAP platform requires methods enabling reproducible modification of the optical fiber radius at nanoscale. In this Letter, we demonstrate superaccurate fabrication of high-Q-factor microresonators by nanoscale modification of the optical fiber radius and refractive index using CO laser and UV excimer laser beam exposures. The achieved fabrication accuracy is better than 2Å in variation of the effective fiber radius. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Recently introduced surface nanoscale axial photonics (SNAP) makes it possible to fabricate high-Q-factor microresonators and other photonic microdevices by dramatically small deformation of the optical fiber surface. To become a practical and robust technology, the SNAP platform requires methods enabling reproducible modification of the optical fiber radius at nanoscale. In this Letter, we demonstrate superaccurate fabrication of high-Q-factor microresonators by nanoscale modification of the optical fiber radius and refractive index using CO laser and UV excimer laser beam exposures. The achieved fabrication accuracy is better than 2Å in variation of the effective fiber radius. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Antecedentes La ectasia corneal post-lasik (ECPL) es una complicación infrecuente, pero devastadora en la cirugía lasik (queratomileusis asistida con éxcimer láser) para el tratamiento de la miopía con o sin astigmatismo. Con base en la tomografía corneal por elevación por imágenes de Scheimpflug (Sistema Pentacam HR, Oculus Wetzlar, Alemania), se propone un novedoso índice acumulativo de riesgo para ser utilizado como prueba diagnóstica de tamizaje y así prevenir esta complicación. Metodología Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, de corte transversal tipo pruebas diagnósticas, con el fin de evaluar las características operativas del índice NICE teniendo como estándar de referencia el módulo de Belin-Ambrosio (Pentacam HR) utilizando un modelo de regresión logística binaria, tablas de contingencia y estimando el área bajo la curva ROC. Resultados Se evaluaron 361 ojos de los cuales el 59,3% provenían de pacientes de sexo femenino, la edad media global fue de 30 años (RIC 11,0). El modelo logístico binario aplicado se construyó con base en cuatro variables independientes cuantitativas (K2, PAQUI, EP e I-S) y una cualitativa (SEXO), y se determinó su relación con la variable dependiente, NICE (puntaje final). Las variables predictoras fueron estadísticamente significativas clasificando adecuadamente el 92,9% de los ojos evaluados según presencia o ausencia de riesgo. El coeficiente de Nagelkerke fue de 74,4%. Conclusiones El índice acumulativo de riesgo NICE es una herramienta diagnóstica novedosa en la evaluación de candidatos a cirugía refractiva lasik para prevenir la ectasia secundaria.


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Direct writing of patterns is being widely attempted in the field of microelectronic circuit/device manufacture. Use of this technique eliminates the need for employing photolithographic process. Laser induced direct writing can be achieved by (i) Photochemical reaction [i] , (ii) Evaporation from target material [2], and (iii) decomposition.Micron size features of palladium and copper through decomposition of palladium acetate and copper formate respectively on quartz and silicon using Argon ion laser have been reported [3,4] .In this commuication we report a technique for both single line and large area depositon of copper through decomposition of copper acetate,(CH3COO)2Cu, on alumina substrates.Nd:YAG laser known for its reliability and low maintenance cost as compared to excimer and other gas lasers is used. This technique offers an attractive and economical alternative for manufacture of thin film microcircuits.