412 resultados para ANALGESICS, Opioids


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BACKGROUND A large cohort study recently reported high pain scores after caesarean section (CS). The aim of this study was to analyse how pain after CS interferes with patients' activities and to identify possible causes of insufficient pain treatment. METHODS We analysed pain scores, pain-related interferences (with movement, deep breathing, mood and sleep), analgesic techniques, analgesic consumption, adverse effects and the wish to have received more analgesics during the first 24 h after surgery. To better evaluate the severity of impairment by pain, the results of CS patients were compared with those of patients undergoing hysterectomy. RESULTS CS patients (n = 811) were compared with patients undergoing abdominal, laparoscopic-assisted vaginal or vaginal hysterectomy (n = 2406, from 54 hospitals). Pain intensity, wish for more analgesics and most interference outcomes were significantly worse after CS compared with hysterectomies. CS patients with spinal or general anaesthesia and without patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) received significantly less opioids on the ward (62% without any opioid) compared with patients with PCA (p < 0.001). Patients with PCA reported pain-related interference with movement and deep breathing between 49% and 52% compared with patients without PCA (between 68% and 73%; p-values between 0.004 and 0.013; not statistically significant after correction for multiple testing). CONCLUSION In daily clinical practice, pain after CS is much higher than previously thought. Pain management was insufficient compared with patients undergoing hysterectomy. Unfavourable outcome was mainly associated with low opioid administration after CS. Contradictory pain treatment guidelines for patients undergoing CS and for breastfeeding mothers might contribute to reluctance of opioid administration in CS patients.


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Antisera were raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the kappa-opioid receptor (KOR1). Specificity of the antisera was verified by staining of COS-7 cells transfected with KOR1 and epitope-tagged KOR1 cDNAs, by recognition by the antisera of proteins on Western blots of both transfected cells and brain tissue, by the absence of staining of both brain tissue and transfected cells after preabsorption of the antisera with the cognate peptide, and on the strong correlation between the distribution of KOR1 immunoreactivity and that of earlier ligand binding and in situ hybridization studies. Results indicate that KOR1 in neurons is targeted into both the axonal and somatodendritic compartments, but the majority of immunostaining was seen in the somatodendritic compartment. In sections from rat and guinea pig brain, prominent KOR1 staining was seen in the ventral forebrain, hypothalamus, thalamus, posterior pituitary, and midbrain. While the staining pattern was similar in both species, distinct differences were also observed. The distribution of preprodynorphin and KOR1 immunoreactivity was complementary in many brain regions, suggesting that KOR1 is poised to mediate the physiological actions of dynorphin. However, the distribution of KOR1 and enkephalin immunoreactivity was complementary in some regions as well. These results suggest that the KOR1 protein is primarily, but not exclusively, deployed to postsynaptic membranes where it mediates the effects of products of preprodynorphin and possibly preproenkephalin.


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Introdução. Apesar das evidências dos efeitos imunomodulatórios da morfina, não há na literatura estudos que tenham comparado a interação entre citocinas, imunidade celular (linfócitos T, B e NK) e a administração prolongada de morfina administrada pelas vias oral ou intratecal em doentes com dor crônica neuropática não relacionada ao câncer. Foram avaliados de forma transversal e comparativa 50 doentes com diagnóstico de dor lombar crônica e com presença de radiculopatia (dor neuropática) previamente operados para tratar hérnia discal lombar (Síndrome Dolorosa Pós- Laminectomia), sendo 18 doentes tratados prolongadamente com infusão de morfina pela via intratecal com uso de sistema implantável no compartimento subaracnóideo (grupo intratecal); 17 doentes tratados prolongadamente com morfina pela via oral (n=17) e 15 doentes tratados com fármacos mas sem opióides (grupo sem opioide). Foram analisadas as concentração das citocinas IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, TNFalfa, IFNy, IL-5, GM-CSF, IL-6, IL-10 e IL-1beta no plasma e no líquido cefalorraquidiano; imunofenotipagem de linfócitos T, B e células NK e avaliados os Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em percentagem de opióide utilizada e em mg), dose cumulativa de morfina (mg), duração do tratamento em meses, dose final de morfina utilizada (em mg), e equivalente de morfina por via oral (em mg). Resultados. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o número de linfócitos T, B e NK nos doentes com morfina administrada pelas vias IT, VO e os não usuários de morfina. Houve correlação positiva entre as concentrações de linfócitos T CD4 e o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg) nos doentes tratados com morfina por via intratecal. Houve correlação negativa entre as concentrações de células NK (CD56+) e o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg) nos doentes tratados com morfina por via intratecal. Houve correlação positiva entre o número de células NK (CD56+) e a dose cumulativa de morfina (em mg) administrada pelas vias intratecal e oral. Houve correlação positiva entre as concentrações de linfócitos T CD8 e a duração do tratamento em meses nos doentes tratados com morfina pela via oral. As concentrações de IL-8 e IL-1beta foram maiores no LCR do que no plasma em todos os doentes da amostra analisada. As concentrações de IFNy no LCR foram maiores nos doentes que utilizavam morfina pela via oral e nos não usuários de morfina do que nos que a utilizavam pela via intratecal. As concentrações de plasmáticas de IL-5 foram maiores nos doentes utilizavam morfina pela via oral ou intratecal do que nos que não a utilizavam. A concentração de IL-5 no LCR correlacionou-se negativamente com a magnitude da dor de acordo com a EVA nos doentes tratados com morfina pelas via oral ou intratecal. Nos doentes tratados com morfina pelas via oral ou intratecal, a concentração de IL-2 no LCR correlacionou-se positivamente com a magnitude da dor de acordo com a EVA e negativamente com o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg) e a dose cumulativa de morfina (em mg). As concentrações plasmáticas de GMCSF foram maiores nos doentes utilizavam morfina pela via oral ou intratecal do que nos não a utilizavam. A concentração de TNFalfa no LCR nos doentes tratados com morfina pela via intratecal correlacionou-se negativamente com o Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em % e mg), a dose cumulativa de morfina (em mg) e dose equivalente por via oral (em mg) de morfina. A concentração plasmática das citocinas IL-6 e IL-10 correlacionou-se negativamente com a duração do tratamento (em meses) nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via oral. O Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em mg e %) correlacionou-se negativamente com as concentrações no LCR de IL-2 e TNFalfa nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via intratecal. O Índice de Escalonamento de Opióide (em mg e %) correlacionou-se negativamente com as concentrações no LCR de IL-2 e IL-5 nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via oral. Houve correlação negativa entre a intensidade da dor de acordo com a EVA e as concentrações de IL-5 e IL-2 no LCR nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pelas vias oral e intratecal. Houve correlação negativa entre a intensidade da dor de acordo com a EVA e as concentrações plasmáticas de IL-4 nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via intratecal. Houve correlação negativa entre a intensidade da dor de acordo com a EVA e as concentrações plasmáticas de IL-1beta nos doentes tratados com morfina administrada pela via intratecal. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem associações entre citocinas e imunidade celular (células T , B e NK) e o tratamento prolongado com morfina administrada pela via oral ou intratecal. Estes resultados podem contribuir para a compreensão da imunomodulação da morfina administrada por diferentes vias em doentes com dor neuropática crônica não oncológica . São necessários mais estudos sobre os efeitos da morfina sobre o sistema imunológico


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Pyramidal neurons in the lateral amygdala discharge trains of action potentials that show marked spike frequency adaptation, which is primarily mediated by activation of a slow calcium-activated potassium current. We show here that these neurons also express an alpha-dendrotoxin- and tityustoxin-Kalpha-sensitive voltage-dependent potassium current that plays a key role in the control of spike discharge frequency. This current is selectively targeted to the primary apical dendrite of these neurons. Activation of mu-opioid receptors by application of morphine or D-Ala(2)-N-Me-Phe(4)-Glycol(5)-enkephalin (DAMGO) potentiates spike frequency adaptation by enhancing the alpha-dendrotoxin-sensitive potassium current. The effects of mu-opioid agonists on spike frequency adaptation were blocked by inhibiting G-proteins with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and by blocking phospholipase A(2). Application of arachidonic acid mimicked the actions of DAMGO or morphine. These results show that mu-opioid receptor activation enhances spike frequency adaptation in lateral amygdala neurons by modulating a voltage-dependent potassium channel containing Kv1.2 subunits, through activation of the phospholipase A(2)-arachidonic acid-lipoxygenases cascade.


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High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are developed for the simultaneous determination of various salicylates, their p-hydroxy isomers and nicotinic acid esters. The method is sensitive enough to detect trace amounts (~µM/L)of the product generated from cross reactivity between the drugs and the vehicle. The developed method also allows analysis of various topical products containing salicylate and nicotinate esters in their formulations. Applying this method, the degradation profiles of salicylates, nicotinates, p-hydroxy benzoate, o-methoxy benzoate and aspirin prodrugs in alkaline media are determined. The profile for alkyl salicylate degradation is found to be first order (A---? B) When the alcoholic radical is similar to that of the ester. In alcohol having a radical different from that of the ester function, the degradation is found to proceed through competitive transesterification and hydrolysis. The intermediates are identified following synthesis and isolation. The rate and extent of transesterification depends on the proportion of alcohol present in the system. Equations are presented to model the time profiles of reactant and product concentration. The reactions are base catalysed and the predominant pathway involves a concerted solvent attack upon the salicylate anion. Competitive hydrolysis of both ester components also follows this mechanism at moderate pH values but rates increase under strongly alkaline conditions as direct hydroxide attack becomes significant. In contrast, transesterification is independent of base concentration once full ionization is accomplished. The competitive hydrolysis is modelled using equations involving the dielectric constant of the medium. A range of other esters are also shown to undergo base-catalysed transesterification. In non-alcoholic solution phenyl salicylate undergoes a concentration-dependent oligomerisation which yields salsalate among the products. Competitive transesterification and hydrolysis also occur in products for topical use which have vehicles based upon alcohol, glycol or glycol polymers. Such reactions may compromise stability assessments, pharmaceutical integrity and delivery profiles.


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BACKGROUND: Distalgesic, the prescription-only analgesic compound of paracetamol (325 mg) and dextropropoxyphene (32.5 mg) known as co-proxamol in the UK, was withdrawn from the Irish market as of January 2006. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the withdrawal of distalgesic in terms of intentional drug overdose (IDO) presentations to hospital emergency departments (EDs) nationally. METHODS: A total of 42,849 IDO presentations to 37 of the 40 hospitals EDs operating in Ireland in 2003-2008 were recorded according to standardised procedures. Data on sales of paracetamol-containing drugs to retail pharmacies for the period 1998-2008 were obtained from IMS Health. RESULTS: The withdrawal of distalgesic from the Irish market resulted in an immediate reduction in sales to retail pharmacies from 40 million tablets in 2005 to 500,000 tablets in 2006 while there was a 48% increase in sales of other prescription compound analgesics. The rate of IDO presentations to hospital involving distalgesic in 2006- 2008 was 84% lower than in the three years before it was withdrawn (10.0 per 100,000). There was a 44% increase in the rate of IDO presentations involving other prescription compound analgesics but the magnitude of this rate increase was five times smaller than the magnitude of the decrease in distalgesic-related IDO presentations. There was a decreasing trend in the rate of presentations involving any paracetamol-containing drug that began in the years before the distalgesic withdrawal. CONCLUSIONS: The withdrawal of distalgesic has had positive benefits in terms of IDO presentations to hospital in Ireland and provides evidence supporting the restriction of availability of means as a prevention strategy for suicidal behaviour.


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Contexto: La eficacia de los cannabinoides en el dolor neuropático es desconocida. El control del dolor es determinante en los pacientes ya que genera un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: El presente trabajo pretende demostrar la evidencia sobre la eficacia de los medicamentos cannabinoides en el control del dolor neuropático oncológico, mediante la evaluación de la literatura disponible. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura incluyendo estudios experimentales, observacionales y revisiones sistemáticas en un periodo de 15 años. Se incluyeron todos los estudios desde el años 2000 con evidencia IB según la escala de evidencia de Oxford. Resultados: Cuatro estudios cumplieron criterios para su inclusión, sin embargo la evidencia es baja y no permite recomendar o descartar los cannabinoides como terapia coadyuvante en control del dolor neuropático oncológico. La combinación de THC/CDB (Sativex®) parece ser un medicamento seguro pues no se reportaron muertes asociadas a su uso, sin embargo la presentación de eventos adversos a nivel gastrointestinal y neurológico podría aumentar el riesgo de interacciones medicamentosas y tener un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes oncológicos. Conclusiones: No hay suficiente literatura y la evidencia no es suficiente para recomendar o descartar el uso de los cannabinoides en dolor neuropático oncológico. Futuros estudios deben realizarse para analizar el beneficio de estos medicamentos. Aunque ética y socialmente hay resistencia para el uso de los cannabinoides, actualmente hay una gran discusión política en el mundo y en Colombia para su aceptación como terapia en el control del dolor.


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• Introducción: El síndrome de abstinencia (SA) es el conjunto de síntomas y signos que se producen al suspender bruscamente la administración de un fármaco una vez se haya establecido dependencia física. • Objetivos: Caracterizar los pacientes que presentan SA secundario a opiodes (OP) y/o benzodiacepinas(BZ) durante la hospitalización en las unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio (CIC) y Hospital del Niño de Panamá (HDN) del 1 de abril al 30 de septiembre del 2016. • Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo. Incluimos 189 pacientes en la CIC y 144 pacientes en el HDN. Se utilizó la escala SOPHIA para el diagnóstico de SA, las escalas COMFORT para evaluar la sedación en pacientes ventilados no relajados y la escala FLACC para evaluar la analgesia. Se utilizó software StataV12® para el análisis estadístico. • Resultados: se reportó una incidencia global de SA de 6.1/100 días personas. La incidencia acumulada de SA fue de 56.08% y 29.86% para la CIC y el HDN respectivamente. En la CIC el 69.81% de los pacientes que requirieron infusión de OP y BZ desarrollaron SA. Se reportó una dosis acumulada de fentanyl de 530.34 ± 276.49 mcg/kg. Con respecto al HDN, de los pacientes que recibieron opioides y benzodiacepinas el 53.49 % desarrollaron SA. • Conclusión: El SA secundario a opioides y/o benzodiacepinas es frecuente en nuestras unidades con una incidencia variable, es mayor la presentación del SA al usar ambos fármacos, mayores dosis acumuladas y más días de infusión continua.


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There is little evidence that workshops alone have a lasting impact on the day-to-day practice of participants. The current paper examined a strategy to increase generalization and maintenance of skills in the natural environment using pseudo-patients and immediate performance feedback to reinforce skills acquisition. A random half of pharmacies (N=30) took part in workshop training aimed at optimizing consumers' use of nonprescription analgesic products. Pharmacies in the training group also received performance feedback on their adherence to the recommended protocol. Feedback occurred immediately after a pseudo-patient visit in which confederates posed as purchasers of analgesics, and combined positive and corrective elements. Trained pharmacists were significantly more accurate at identifying people who misused the medication (P<0.001). The trained pharmacists were more likely than controls to use open-ended questions (P<0.001), assess readiness to change problematic use (P <0.001), and to deliver a brief intervention that was tailored to the person's commitment to alter his/her usage (P <0.001). Participants responded to the feedback positively. Results were consistent with the hypothesis that when workshop is combined with on-site performance feedback, it enhances practitioners' adherence to protocols in the natural setting.


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There is increasing awareness of the potential for any medication that acts on the central nervous system to impair judgement and motor functioning, including driving performance. This paper reports community knowledge, perceptions and experience in relation to driving while taking medications. A community-based survey (n=316) revealed that of those who had taken any type of medication in the last 7 days (n=193), a quarter (24%) had driven while taking a medication that they thought could affect them. Of those who drove for work, a quarter (26%) of the respondents reported that they had changed or stopped their work-related driving because they were taking a medication that displayed a warning label about driving. Outside of work, a third (35%) of the total number of respondents reported that they had done so. Of those who had taken any type of medication in the last 7 days, 62 were taking on a daily basis one or more medications classified as being likely to have a warning label about driving, such as sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants, analgesics and anticonvulsives. This paper will examine community knowledge, perceptions and experience surrounding medications and driving with particular reference to those persons who were taking drugs with a warning label, and the barriers to following such warnings.


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Abstract Background: The current obesity epidemic is thought to be partly driven by over-consumption of sugar-sweetened diets and soft drinks. Loss-of-control over eating and addiction to drugs of abuse share overlapping brain mechanisms including changes in motivational drive, such that stimuli that are often no longer ‘liked’ are still intensely ‘wanted’ [7,8]. The neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor system has been implicated in both learned appetitive behaviors and addiction to alcohol and opioids; however, its role in natural reward seeking remains unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: We sought to determine whether the NK1-receptor system plays a role in the reinforcing properties of sucrose using a novel selective and clinically safe NK1-receptor antagonist, ezlopitant (CJ-11,974), in three animal models of sucrose consumption and seeking. Furthermore, we compared the effect of ezlopitant on ethanol consumption and seeking in rodents. The NK1-receptor antagonist, ezlopitant decreased appetitive responding for sucrose more potently than for ethanol using an operant self-administration protocol without affecting general locomotor activity. To further evaluate the selectivity of the NK1-receptor antagonist in decreasing consumption of sweetened solutions, we compared the effects of ezlopitant on water, saccharin-, and sodium chloride (NaCl) solution consumption. Ezlopitant decreased intake of saccharin but had no effect on water or salty solution consumption. Conclusions/Significance: The present study indicates that the NK1-receptor may be a part of a common pathway regulating the self-administration, motivational and reinforcing aspects of sweetened solutions, regardless of caloric value, and those of substances of abuse. Additionally, these results indicate that the NK1-receptor system may serve as a therapeutic target for obesity induced by over-consumption of natural reinforcers.