989 resultados para ANAEROBIC-BACTERIA


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Im Laufe der Evolution entwickelte sich eine Reihe von Sauerstoff-Sensorsystemen in Bakterien, um die Genexpression der Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit anzupassen. Der Sauerstoffsensor FNR aus Escherichia coli bindet unter anaeroben Bedingungen ein [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum. Unter Sauerstoffeinfluß zerfällt aktives [4Fe4S]2+FNR zu inaktivem [2Fe2S]2+FNR und weiter zu ebenfalls inaktivem apoFNR. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Zustand von FNR in vivo in aeroben und anaeroben Zellen von Escherichia coli aufgeklärt. Durch Alkylierung der Cysteine in FNR und anschließender Analyse im Massenspektrometer konnte gezeigt werden, das FNR in aeroben Zellen hauptsächlich in der apo-Form vorliegt. Nach ca. 6 Minuten war in lebenden E. coli Zellen die Umwandlung von [4Fe4S]2+ FNR zu apoFNR abgeschlossen.rnrnIn dem gram positiven Bakterium Staphylococcus carnosus aktiviert das NreBC System unter anaeroben Wachstumsbedingungen die Gene der Nitratatmung. NreB ist eine cytoplasmatische Sensorhistidinkinase, die ein sauerstofflabiles [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum über eine PAS-Domäne bindet. Das [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum wird von vier Cysteinen gebunden. Der Responsregulator NreC steuert nach Aktivierung durch NreB die Transkription der Zielgene. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde NreB mit Hilfe von Cysteinmarkierungen in vivo charakterisiert. Durch die Änderung der Cystein-Zugänglichkeit für Thiolreagenzien nach Sauerstoffzugabe konnte eine Halbwertszeit von ca. 3 Minuten für das [4Fe4S]2+ Zentrum in vivo bestimmt werden. In anaeroben Bakterien stellt [4Fe4S]2+NreB die Hauptform von NreB dar, während in aeroben Bakterien hauptsächlich apoNreB vorkommt. Dieses Ergebnis konnte durch Massenspektroskopie bestätigt werden. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden das NreA mit NreB und NreC wechselwirkt und Bestandteil des NreABC Drei-Komponentensystems ist. rn


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Marine sediments are the main accumulation reservoir of organic recalcitrant pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In the anoxic conditions typical of these sediments, anaerobic bacteria of the phylum Chloroflexi are able to attack these compounds in a process called microbial reductive dechlorination. Such activity and members of this phylum were detected in PCB-impacted sediments of the Venice Lagoon. The aim of this work was to investigate microbial reductive dechlorination and design bioremediation approaches for marine sediments of the area. Three out of six sediment cultures from different sampling areas exhibited dechlorination activities in the same conditions of the site and two phylotypes (VLD-1 and VLD-2) were detected and correlated to this metabolism. Biostimulation was tested on enriched dechlorinating sediment cultures from the same site using five different electron donors, of which lactate was the best biostimulating agent; complementation of microbial and chemical dechlorination catalyzed by biogenic zerovalent Pd nanoparticles was not effective due to sulfide poisoning of the catalyst. A new biosurfactant-producing strain of Shewanella frigidimarina was concomitantly obtained from hydrocarbon-degrading marine cultures and selected because of the low toxicity of its product. All these findings were then exploited to develop bioremediation lab-scale tests in shaken reactors and static microcosms on real sediments and water of the Venice lagoon, testing i) a bioaugmentation approach, with a selected enriched sediment culture from the same area, ii) a biostimulation approach with lactate as electron donor, iii) a bioavailability enhancement with the supplementation of the newly-discovered biosurfactant, and iv) all possible combinations of the afore-mentioned approaches. The best bioremediation approach resulted to be a combination of bioaugmentation and bioremediation and it could be a starting point to design bioremediation process for actual marine sediments of the Venice Lagoon area.


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Staphylococcus carnosus is a facultative anaerobic bacterium which features the cytoplasmic NreABC system. It is necessary for regulation of nitrate respiration and the nitrate reductase gene narG in response to oxygen and nitrate availability. NreB is a sensor kinase of a two-component system and represents the oxygen sensor of the system. It binds an oxygen labile [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster under anaerobic conditions. NreB autophosphorylates and phosphoryl transfer activates the response regulator NreC which induces narG expression. The third component of the Nre system is the nitrate receptor NreA. In this study the role of the nitrate receptor protein NreA in nitrate regulation and its functional and physiological effect on oxygen regulation and interaction with the NreBC two-component system were detected. In vivo, a reporter gene assay for measuring expression of the NreABC regulated nitrate reductase gene narG was used for quantitative evaluation of NreA function. Maximal narG expression in wild type S. carnosus required anaerobic conditions and the presence of nitrate. Deletion of nreA allowed expression of narG under aerobic conditions, and under anaerobic conditions nitrate was no longer required for maximal induction. This indicates that NreA is a nitrate regulated inhibitor of narG expression. Purified NreA and variant NreA(Y95A) inhibited the autophosphorylation of anaerobic NreB in part and completely, respectively. Neither NreA nor NreA(Y95A) stimulated dephosphorylation of NreB-phosphate, however. Inhibition of phosphorylation was relieved completely when NreA with bound nitrate (NreA•[NO3-]) was used. The same effects of NreA were monitored with aerobically isolated Fe-S-less NreB, which indicates that NreA does not have an influence on the iron-sulfur cluster of NreB. In summary, the data of this study show that NreA interacts with the oxygen sensor NreB and controls its phosphorylation level in a nitrate dependent manner. This modulation of NreB-function by NreA and nitrate results in nitrate/oxygen co-sensing by an NreA/NreB sensory unit. It transmits the regulatory signal from oxygen and nitrate in a joint signal to target promoters. Therefore, nitrate and oxygen regulation of nitrate dissimilation follows a new mode of regulation not present in other facultative anaerobic bacteria.


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Colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract by anaerobic bacteria, protozoa, trematodes, cestodes and/or nematodes and other infectious pathogens, including viruses, represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Africa, South America and southeast Asia, as well as other parts of the world. Nitazoxanide is a member of the thiazolide class of drugs with a documented broad spectrum of activity against parasites and anaerobic bacteria. Moreover, the drug has recently been reported to have a profound activity against hepatitis C virus infection. In addition, nitazoxanide exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which have prompted clinical investigations for its use in Crohn's disease. Studies with nitazoxanide derivatives have determined that there must be significantly different mechanisms of action acting on intracellular versus extracellular pathogens. An impressive number of clinical studies have shown that the drug has an excellent bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract, is fast acting and highly effective against gastrointestinal bacteria, protozoa and helminthes. A recent Phase II study has demonstrated viral response (hepatitis C) to monotherapy, with a low toxicity and an excellent safety profile over 24 weeks of treatment. Pre-clinical studies have indicated that there is a potential for application of this drug against other diseases, not primarily affecting the liver or the gastrointestinal tract.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the lethal activity of photoactivated disinfection (PAD) on Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212) and mixed populations of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria in infected root canals using a diode laser after the application of a photosensitizer (PS). MATERIALS AND METHODS First, the bactericidal activity of a low power diode laser (200 mW) against E. faecalis ATCC 29212 pre-treated with a PS (toluidine blue) for 2 min were examined after different irradiation times (30 s, 60 s and 90 s). The bactericidal activity in the presence of human serum or human serum albumin (HSA) was also examined. Second, root canals were infected with E. faecalis or with mixed aerobic or anaerobic microbial populations for 3 days and then irrigated with 1.5% sodium hypochlorite and exposed to PAD for 60 s. RESULTS Photosensitization followed by laser irradiation for 60 s was sufficient to kill E. faecalis. Bacteria suspended in human serum (25% v/v) were totally eradicated after 30 s of irradiation. The addition of HSA (25 mg/ml or 50 mg/ml) to bacterial suspensions increased the antimicrobial efficacy of PAD after an irradiation time of 30 s, but no longer. The bactericidal effect of sodium hypochlorite was only enhanced by PAD during the early stages of treatment. PAD did not enhance the activity of sodium hypochlorite against a mixture of anaerobic bacteria. CONCLUSIONS The bactericidal activity of PAD appears to be enhanced by serum proteins in vitro, but is limited to bacteria present within the root canal.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate differences in bacterial numbers, identity, and susceptibility in samples obtained from the tympanic cavity on entry (preflush) and after evacuation and lavage (postflush) and assess perioperative and empiric antimicrobial selection in dogs that underwent total ear canal ablation (TECA) with lateral bulla osteotomy (LBO) or reoperation LBO. DESIGN Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS 34 dogs. PROCEDURE TECA with LBO or reoperation LBO was performed on 47 ears. Pre- and postflush aerobic and anaerobic samples were obtained from the tympanic cavity. Isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were compared. RESULTS Different isolates (31/44 [70%] ears) and susceptibility patterns of isolate pairs (6/44 [14%] ears) were detected in pre- and postflush samples from 84% of ears. Evacuation and lavage of the tympanic cavity decreased the number of bacterial isolates by 33%. In 26% of ears, bacteria were isolated from post-flush samples but not preflush samples. Only 26% of isolates tested were susceptible to cefazolin. At least 1 isolate from 53% of dogs that received empirically chosen antimicrobials postoperatively was resistant to the selected drugs. Anaerobic bacteria were recovered from 6 ears. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Accurate microbiologic assessment of the tympanic cavity should be the basis for selection of antimicrobials in dogs undergoing TECA with LBO. Bacteria remain in the tympanic cavity after evacuation and lavage. Cefazolin was a poor choice for dogs that underwent TECA with LBO, as judged on the basis of culture and susceptibility testing results.


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In the collective monograph results of geological and geophysical studies in the Tadjura Rift carried out by conventional outboard instruments and from deep/sea manned submersibles "Pisces" in winter 1983-1984 are reported. Main features of rift tectonics, geology, petrology, and geochemistry of basalts from the rift are under consideration. An emphasis is made on lithology, stratigraphy, and geochemistry of bottom sediments. Roles of terrigenous, edafogenic, biogenic, and hydrothermal components in formation of bottom sediments from the rift zone are shown.


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Phospholipid fatty acids were measured in samples of 60°-130°C sediment taken from three holes at Site 1036 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 169) to determine microbial community structure and possible community replacement at high temperatures. Five of six samples had similar concentrations of phospholipid fatty acids (2-6 pmol/g dry weight of sediment), and biomass estimates from these measurements compare favorably with direct microscopic counts, lending support to previous microscopic measures of deep sedimentary biomass. Very long-chain phospholipid fatty acids (21 to 30 carbons) were detected in the sediment and were up to half the total phospholipid fatty acid measured; they appear to increase in abundance with temperature, but their significance is not known. Community composition from lipid analysis showed that samples contained standard eubacterial membrane lipids but no detectable archaeal lipids, though archaea would be expected to dominate the samples at high temperatures. Cluster analysis of Middle Valley phospholipid fatty acid compositions shows that lipids in Middle Valley sediment samples are similar to each other at all temperatures, with the exception of very long-chain fatty acids. The data neither support nor deny a shift to a high-temperature microbial community in hot cores, so at the present time we cannot draw conclusions about whether the microbes observed in these hot sediments are active.


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Glycerol ether lipids have been detected in the bitumen of DSDP sediments from Sites 467, 440B and 380 and from the Green River Shale. The alkyl side groups of these ethers were determined by conversion into deuteroalkanes. The presence of glycerol ethers produced by methanogenic bacteria was indicated in the DSDP bitumens by the formation of monodeuterated phytane and dideuterated biphytane. Other ethers were found with novel non-isoprenoidal side groups which may belong to sulfate-reducing or other, probably anaerobic, bacteria. Kerogen-bound alkoxy groups were determined using hydrogen iodide cleavage of the ether link followed by conversion of the iodoalkanes into corresponding deuteroalkanes. For this reaction, the kerogen was not isolated from the rock matrix. The structures so produced were found to include alkyl groups which have known bacterial precursors as well as others that are presently unknown in organisms. The Green River ether biomarker profile is interpreted as possibly indicative of bacterial diagenesis exclusive of biomethanogenesis.


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Trichomonads are among the earliest eukaryotes to diverge from the main line of eukaryotic descent. Keeping with their ancient nature, these facultative anaerobic protists lack two "hallmark" organelles found in most eukaryotes: mitochondria and peroxisomes. Trichomonads do, however, contain an unusual organelle involved in carbohydrate metabolism called the hydrogenosome. Like mitochondria, hydrogenosomes are double-membrane bounded organelles that produce ATP using pyruvate as the primary substrate. Hydrogenosomes are, however, markedly different from mitochondria as they lack DNA, cytochromes and the citric acid cycle. Instead, they contain enzymes typically found in anaerobic bacteria and are capable of producing molecular hydrogen. We show here that hydrogenosomes contain heat shock proteins, Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10, with signature sequences that are conserved only in mitochondrial and alpha-Gram-negative purple bacterial Hsps. Biochemical analysis of hydrogenosomal Hsp60 shows that the mature protein isolated from the organelle lacks a short, N-terminal sequence, similar to that observed for most nuclear-encoded mitochondrial matrix proteins. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of hydrogenosomal Hsp70, Hsp60, and Hsp10 show that these proteins branch within a monophyletic group composed exclusively of mitochondrial homologues. These data establish that mitochondria and hydrogenosomes have a common eubacterial ancestor and imply that the earliest-branching eukaryotes contained the endosymbiont that gave rise to mitochondria in higher eukaryotes.


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Biogeochemical reef studies carried out in 1981 and 1984 found low concentration of total natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons in inshore waters. Detection of lignin in marine and bottom sediments indicates that the land has major effect on makeup of organic matter there. Comparison of compositions of organic matter in sea water, suspended matter and bottom sediments indicated that it was altered rapidly by the reef community. Thus, in the inshore zone of the island, runoff from the land is important in supplying nutrients to the reef ecosystem alongside with transport of nutrients by deep waters. Concentrations of nutri¬ents (N, P) in the inshore zone are higher than in waters of the tropical part of the ocean. Nitrogen is the limiting element in development of phytoplankton in the inshore zone.


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One of the objectives of drilling at Site 1179 was to search for microbes or biochemical evidence of microbial activity as part of the ongoing exploration of the depth and extent of the deep biosphere. The existence of living microbes has not been confirmed, but the chemistry of pore waters from the site, such as sulfate and ammonium profiles, is consistent with sulfate reduction and nitrification by anaerobic bacteria. However, chemical profiles are affected by the movement of molecules and ions through porous sediments by diffusion and advection. Permeability is thus an important consideration in the interpretation of pore water chemistry profiles. Moreover, diatomaceous sediments have some unique and, as yet, poorly understood physical properties. The purpose of this research is to measure hydraulic conductivity (permeability) in a suite of sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1179 by the transient-pulse method. The sample set consists of four diatom ooze samples from Unit I, one radiolarian ooze sample from Unit II, and one pelagic clay sample from Unit III. The permeability of the clay is 1.92 µd, whereas the permeabilities of the overlying radiolarian and diatom oozes range from 289 to 1604 µd. Among these samples, permeability increases with porosity and grain size, in keeping with the results of previous studies.


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"Contract number AT(30-1)-2329, Task XII and under Contract number AT(30-1)-3006, Task XII."


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Papers published chiefly at the University of California between 1913-1924.


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"Contract FY 81-8/AE-8."