941 resultados para AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Proces


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Trabalho de projecto apresentado como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Thesis submitted to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Geographic information systems give us the possibility to analyze, produce, and edit geographic information. Furthermore, these systems fall short on the analysis and support of complex spatial problems. Therefore, when a spatial problem, like land use management, requires a multi-criteria perspective, multi-criteria decision analysis is placed into spatial decision support systems. The analytic hierarchy process is one of many multi-criteria decision analysis methods that can be used to support these complex problems. Using its capabilities we try to develop a spatial decision support system, to help land use management. Land use management can undertake a broad spectrum of spatial decision problems. The developed decision support system had to accept as input, various formats and types of data, raster or vector format, and the vector could be polygon line or point type. The support system was designed to perform its analysis for the Zambezi river Valley in Mozambique, the study area. The possible solutions for the emerging problems had to cover the entire region. This required the system to process large sets of data, and constantly adjust to new problemsâ needs. The developed decision support system, is able to process thousands of alternatives using the analytical hierarchy process, and produce an output suitability map for the problems faced.


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A presente dissertação, tem como foco principal a aplicação dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) ao estudo das energias renováveis, tendo como caso avaliar o potencial solar na ilha de São Vicente do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. A energia do sol é a principal fonte de energia renovável, e está disponível em quase todas as regiões do planeta. Quantificar o potencial energético solar de um lugar ou região é indispensável, para avaliar as potencialidades de produção de energia fotovoltaica. Outro fator importante prende-se com ordenamento territorial associado à exploração desses recursos energéticos, pelo que devem ser avaliadas as condições técnicas, ambientais e económicas, quando se pretende instalar parques para a produção de energia fotovoltaica. Assim, neste trabalho foram aplicadas as ferramentas SIG, para quantificar a radiação solar mensal e anual da ilha de São Vicente, arquipélago de Cabo Verde, através do modelo Solar Analyst. Numa segunda fase, aplicou-se a técnica de análise multicritério em combinação com os SIGs para definir as áreas mais favoráveis para a instalação de parques de produção de energia elétrica a partir da energia solar. Para o cálculo da radiação solar na ilha de São de Vicente, utilizou-se o modelo digital de terreno (MDT) e a latitude da ilha como parâmetros de entrada ao modelo. Para a análise multicritério definiram-se um conjunto de critérios que devem ser considerados na implementação de parques solares, nomeadamente, a disponibilidade de radiação solar existente na área, a distância à rede de transporte de energia elétrica e à rede viária, o declive do terreno, o uso e ocupação do solo e a proximidade às linhas de água. Para auxiliar na atribuição dos pesos aos critérios utilizados na análise aplicou-se a método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). As áreas resultantes do processo da análise multicritério, foram confrontadas com a Carta de Condicionantes do esquema regional de ordenamento da ilha de São Vicente, aferindo a conformidade das propostas e reajustes subsequentes, de modo a obter os resultados finais.


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Tämä tutkimus on osa TRAKET-hanketta, jossa keskitytään Luoteis-Venäjälle vievien transitoreittien kilpailukyvyn selvittämiseen. Tässä tutkimusraportissa käsitellään transitoliikenteen reittien valintaan liittyviä päätÃksentekokriteereitä ja verrataan niitä keskenään. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään transitoreitin valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät auto-, arvoelektroniikka- ja kosmetiikkatoimialoilla. Raportissa analysoidaan Suomen transitoreitin kilpailutekijät ja verrataan niitä vaihtoehtoisiin Baltian maiden, Saksan¿Puolan ja Venäjän omien satamien reitteihin.


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TyÃn tavoitteena oli antaa tietoa tehdasalueiden turvallisuuteen vaikuttavista tekijÃistä ja luoda malli tehdasalueen liikenteen turvallisuuden parantamiseen päätÃksenteon tukivälineitä apuna käyttäen. Tyà sai alkunsa todellisen turvallisuutta parantavan investoinnin analysointi-tarpeesta. Aluksi tyÃssä perehdytään yleisesti tehdasalueiden turvallisuuteen tarkastelemalla tyÃturvallisuuden, riskienhallinnan ja turvallisuusjohtamisen asemaa, mittaamista ja taloudellisia vaikutuksia yrityksen toiminnalle. Yleiskatsaus tehdasalueiden turvallisuuteen antaa kuvan, millaiseen toimintaympäristÃÃn turvallisuutta parantavaa mallia ollaan kehittämässä. Malli koostuu viidestä vaiheesta, joita voidaan käyttää kokonaisuutena tai toisistaan erillään. Ensin selvitään tutkittavan alueen kulkuväylät ja liikenne sekä mallinnetaan se. Tämän jälkeen kartoitetaan ongelmakohdat ja etsitään sopivia vaihtoehtoja niiden turvallisuuden parantamiseksi. Vaihtoehtoja analysoidaan SWOT-menetelmän avulla. Turvallisuutta parantavien investointien arvioimiseen esitetään muutamia mittareita, joita voidaan käyttää hankintojen arvioimiseen. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tutustutaan päätÃksenteon tukisysteemeihin ja esitetään tietokoneavusteinen päätÃksentekomenetelmä AHP. KäytännÃn soveltaminen on esitetty esimerkein mallin eri vaiheiden yhteydessä.Malli on tarkoitettu suunnittelijoiden, johdon ja tyÃsuojelun tyÃkaluksi, jonka avulla voidaan parantaa tehdasympäristÃn liikenteen tehokkuutta ja turvallisuutta sekä tutustuttaa käyttäjä päätÃksentekomenetelmiin.


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This paper presents a procedure that allows us to determine the preference structures(PS) associated to each of the different groups of actors that can be identified in a groupdecision making problem with a large number of individuals. To that end, it makesuse of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1980) as the technique to solvediscrete multicriteria decision making problems. This technique permits the resolutionof multicriteria, multienvironment and multiactor problems in which subjective aspectsand uncertainty have been incorporated into the model, constructing ratio scales correspondingto the priorities relative to the elements being compared, normalised in adistributive manner (wi = 1). On the basis of the individualsâ priorities we identifydifferent clusters for the decision makers and, for each of these, the associated preferencestructure using, to that end, tools analogous to those of Multidimensional Scaling.The resulting PS will be employed to extract knowledge for the subsequent negotiationprocesses and, should it be necessary, to determine the relative importance of thealternatives being compared using anyone of the existing procedures


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DiplomityÃn tavoitteena oli tutkia kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjaukseen sovellettujen tietojärjestelmien nykytilaa ja pyrkiä tunnistamaan siinä vaikuttavia, kehittämistä vaativia kohteita. Nykytilan kartoituksen perusteella tyÃssä oli määrä laatia vertailu liiketoiminnan ohjaamiseen soveltuvien vaihtoehtoisten järjestelmäratkaisuiden välillä. Perusteellisen selvitystyÃn ja vaihtoehtojen vertailun avulla pyrittiin tuottamaan päätÃksentekoa helpottavaa materiaalia kohdeyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmäratkaisun valinnan tueksi. Keskeisimpinä menetelminä tutkimuksessa hyÃdynnettiin asiakaskeskeistä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttÃÃnottomenetelmää C-CEI:tä sekä analyyttistä hierarkiaprosessia AHP:tä. Tutkimuksen perusteella havaittiin, että onnistunut tietojärjestelmäratkaisun valinta edellyttää perusteellista liiketoiminnan nykytilan selvitystä. Yritysten on myÃs tärkeää tiedostaa, että tällaisiin monikriteerisiin ja hankaliin päätÃksentekotilanteisiin on olemassa useita erilaisia päätÃksenteon tukimenetelmiä, joiden avulla päätÃksenteon ongelmaa kyetään selkeyttämään ja siten helpottamaan ratkaisun lÃytämistä.


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O Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça (PECF) está localizado entre os municípios de Alegre e Ibitirama, no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, possuindo área aproximada de 162,50 hectares. Levando-se em consideração a importância ambiental do PECF para o Estado do Espírito Santo, a necessidade de proteção dos ecossistemas da Mata Atlântica e suas formações associadas, bem como o aprimoramento das técnicas de gestão, este trabalho teve por objetivo propor subsídios aos gestores, através da geração de um mapa de adequabilidade com áreas prioritárias ao uso público, utilizando análise multicritério e lógica fuzzy. Os materiais utilizados foram: Ortofoto do ES, mapa de curvas de nível obtido do Geobases e para coleta de dados em campo utilizou-se GPS diferencial. Os fatores relevantes para avaliação dos aspectos relacionados ao ecoturismo que foram utilizados para produzir os mapas de adequabilidade, seguindo uma ordem de prioridade estabelecida pelo método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) foram: fator cachoeira, uso dos solos, massa de água (contendo os rios), trilhas, locais de acessos, estruturas e declividade. Após a combinação dos fatores, foi gerado o mapa de adequabilidade para uso público, com superfície de adequabilidade mostrando a aptidão e representando o zoneamento da área do PECF para o objetivo proposto. A partir do zoneamento da Unidade de Conservação foi possível mostrar as áreas com diferentes graus de aptidão ao ecoturismo de acordo com suas distâncias da cachoeira, trilhas, e da área de Mata Atlântica.


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This research aimed to compare two female broiler breeder ages during the incubation period regarding management using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP). This method is characterized by the possibility of analyzing a multicriteria problem and assists a decision making. This study was carried out on a commercial hatchery located in São Paulo, Brazil. Two ages of broiler breeder (42 and 56 weeks) were compared relative to production rate. Production index data were the same in both ages and were submitted to multicriteria decision analysis using the AHP method. The results indicate that broiler breeders of 42 weeks presented better performance than those of 56 week-old. The setter phase (incubation) is more critical than the hatcher. The AHP method was efficient for this analysis and can serve as a methodological basis for future studies to improve the hatchability of broilers eggs.


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The adoption of a proper traceability system is being incorporated into meat production practices as a method of gaining consumer confidence. The various partners operating in the chain of meat production can be considered a social network, and they have the common goal of generating a communication process that can ensure each characteristic of the product, including safety. This study aimed to select the most appropriate meat traceability system “from farm to fork” that could be applied to Brazilian beef and pork production for international trade. The research was done in three steps. The first used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the best on-farm livestock traceability. In the second step, the actors in the meat production chain were identified to build a framework and defined each role in the network. In the third step, the selection of the traceability system was done. Results indicated that with an electronic traceability system, it is possible to acquire better connections between the links in the chain and to provide the means for managing uncertainties by creating structures that facilitate information flow more efficiently.


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With information technology (IT) playing an increasing important role in driving the business, the value of IT investment is often challenged because not all of those investment decisions are made in a reasonable way or aligned with business strategies. IT investment portfolio management (PfM) is an effective way to prioritize and select the right IT projects to invest in, by taking all the project proposals into consideration as a whole, based on their business value, risks, costs, and interrelationships. There are different decision models to prioritise projects, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most commonly-used methods and is discussed in this master thesis. At the same time, there are IT projects on different levels for a multinational company, from global to local. For instance, many of them are probably proposed by joint ventures on local level. In the oil & gas industry, joint ventures are often formed especially in the area of the upstream (exploration & production). How to involve those projects into the IT investment PfM approach of the parent company is a challenge, because the parent company cannot make the decisions on its own. It needs to prioritize all projects in an adequate way, communicate with JVs and influence them. Also, different control levels on JVs need to be considered. This paper hence attempts to introduce a tailored approach of IT investment PfM for a multinational oil & gas company to address the issues around JVs.


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This thesis examines customer value creation in a service ecosystem context. The objective of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive view of value creation processes in a service ecosystem context and an understanding on the roles of the stakeholders involved in these processes, focusing on the information technology industry. The novelty of the two central concepts of this thesis, systemic customer value and service ecosystem, as well as the gap in the literature of empirical research on value creation in an ecosystem-level, opened an interesting research topic. The empirical study is conducted as a single case analysis, utilizing Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and also Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The findings suggest that customer value is created by a complex combination of interactions among different actors of the ecosystem. Thus, value is not created by a single offering directed to the customer, but by an integration of services from different parts of the ecosystem as well as the active participation of customer in this process.