984 resultados para ADALET VE KALKINMA PARTISI (AKP)


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This study develops the methodological framework advanced in Rock, Baynes, and Casey's (2005) experimental study of ostensibly shamanic journeying imagery in naïve participants. Specifically, the present study experimentally investigates the impact of the word landscape, featured in Harner's (1990) shamanic journeying to the Lower World instructions, on the number of landscape-related images reported; examines the origins of ostensibly shamanic journeying images; and maps the phenomenological state effects of shamanic journeying to the Lower World. Sixtyeight naïve participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: either the original or a revised version of Harner's (1990) instructions coupled with monotonous percussion drumming at 8 beats-per-second for 15 minutes, or sitting quietly with eyes open for 15 minutes. Each participant's subjective experience was retrospectively assessed using the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) (Pekala 1991) and a mental imagery checklist. Subsequently, participants were administered the Modified Affect Bridge for the purpose of exploring the origins of mental imagery experienced during the experimental conditions. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between conditions with regard to the number of ostensibly shamanic journeying images reported, but not between treatment conditions with regard to the number of landscaperelated images reported. There were no significant relationships between condition and mental imagery derived from autobiographical memories. There were statistically significant differences between conditions with regard to the PCI dimensions of fear, altered state of awareness, and arousal.


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This feminist qualitative research addresses the lack of women's voices in the ethical debates surrounding prenatal diagnosis (PD). The conclusions reached challenge current ethical debates around PD programmes which, through the exclusion of groups intimately affected by PD, remain partial and inadequate.


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International visitor arrivals to Bali are examined using univariate and panel Lagrange multiplier (LM) unit root tests with one and two structural breaks to ascertain if shocks to the time path of tourist arrivals are permanent or transitory. The univariate LM unit root tests with one and two structural breaks fail to reject the null hypothesis of a unit root in international visitor arrivals to Bali. However, the panel LM unit root tests with one and two structural breaks applied to a panel of Bali's 11 major source markets reject the null and support the alternative hypothesis of a joint trend-stationary series with transitory shocks. This result suggests that, the effects of the recent terrorist acts on Bali on the growth path of tourist arrivals from major markets are only transitory and that as a consequence Bali's tourism sector is sustainable in the long run.


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Mechanical and tribological properties of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steels submitted to glow discharge ion nitriding are reported. The atmosphere was 20:80 - N2:H2 with substrate temperatures ranging from 300 to 500 °C. Treatment at 300 °C produced expanded austenite (γN) in both steels. Increasing the temperature, the phases γ′-Fe4N and ε- Fe2+xN were present and the latter is the major phase for AISI 304. At 500 °C, the CrN phase was also identified in both steels. Hardnesses of about 13-14 GPa at near surface regions were obtained in both steels. Moreover, AISI 316 nitrided at 500 °C has the deepest hard layer. Tribological tests showed that wear can be reduced by up to a factor of six after the nitriding processes, even for a working temperature of 300 °C. The profiles during and after nanoscratch tests did not reveal significant differences after nitriding processes in both steels.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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I terreni di Treporti, nella laguna di Venezia, sono caratterizzati da una fitta alternanza di strati con caratteristiche di compressibilità fortemente variabili, pertanto risulta alquanto complessa la determinazione e la scelta di parametri appropriati per la progettazione. La costruzione del terrapieno sperimentale, ed il contemporaneo impiego dell'assestimetro a basi multiple, ha permesso di misurare il comportamento deformativo del terreno in sito e le analisi retrospettive hanno simulato, in base a parametri di tentativo, il comportamento nel tempo dei terreni di fondazione. L'analisi a posteriori delle deformazioni è stata confrontata con le misure effettuate nel corso degli anni precedenti la fase di scarico, mentre oltre questa fase è stata eseguita una previsione confrontata con le tre misure eseguite dopo la fase di scarico, ottenendo in entrambi i casi un buon accordo tra simulazioni e misure. L’aderenza quasi perfetta ottenuta tra le curve ε-t calcolate e le corrispondenti curve ε-t sperimentali, fa ritenere che tutti i parametri geotecnici ottenuti dal modello, rispecchino con buona approssimazione quelli realmente mobilitati dai 40 m di sottosuolo interessati dal carico. Pertanto anche i risultati ottenuti in ordine all'influenza della consolidazione secondaria sugli abbassamenti totali, debbono ritenersi con buona approssimazione vicini al comportamento reale. Il modello è anche in grado di descrivere molto bene i cedimenti dei diversi strati di terreno e quello del piano di posa.


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Beim Beobachten von nächtlichen Insektenschwärmen an Straßenbeleuchtungen kommt es zur Frage, inwieweit von einer Bedrohung eines geordneten Naturkreislaufes durch dieses Phänomen gesprochen werden kann. Am Beispiel der bedrohten Artenvielfalt aquatischer Insekten im Bereich anthropogen bedingt verschmutzter Fließgewässer wurde die Problematik umfassend untersucht. Die Freilandtests erstreckten sich von Sommer 1998 bis Sommer 2000. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht mehreren Fragestellungen nach:1. - Wie hoch ist der Anteil aquatischer Insekten, der von dem Ort seiner Emergenz aus von einer naheliegenden Straßenlaterne angezogen wird ?2. - Welcher Lampentyp lockt weniger Insekten an: OSRAM HQL (Weiß-Mischlicht) oder PHILIPPS SON (gelbes Licht) ?3. - Welche Wellenlängenbereiche des Lichts sind beim Anflug an die Lampe von besonderer Präferenz ? zu 1. - Aquatische Insekten wiesen kein einheitliches Verhalten im Anflug an künstliches Licht auf. In den Sommermonaten kam es bei einigen Insektengruppen, wie z.B. den Trichopteren, zu einem massenhaften Anflug an die eine, im Untersuchungsgebiet aufgestellte Straßenlaterne. In dieser Zeit ergaben sich im Mittelwert Fangzahlen in einer Nacht am Licht, die der Emergenz von 25 Metern Bachufer/72 Stunden entsprachen. Bei den Dipteren ergab der mittlere Wert eine Emergenz von knapp 10 Metern Uferlänge/72 Stunden. Aufgrund hoher Fangzahlen konnten folgende Ergebnisse auf Artniveau bei den Chironomiden erzielt werden. Bei den zehn häufigsten Arten aus Emergenz und Lichtfang zeigten sich starke Schwankungen: Der Fang am Licht entsprach im Maximum einer Schlupfrate von 61 Metern Ufer/ 72 Stunden bei einer Art, bei einer anderen Art wurde z.B. ein Lichtfang erzielt, der lediglich die Emergenz von 0,3 Metern/72 Stunden umfaßte.zu 2. - In dem ohne Lichtkonkurrenz stattfindenden Vergleich zwischen PHILIPPS SON 70W und OSRAM HQL 125W ergab sich eine Fangrelation von 1:1,6 (SON:HQL). Bei einem Parallelfang (30 Metern Abstand der Leuchten) mit SON/HQL flogen wesentlich mehr Tiere an die HQL: Hier betrug die Relation 1:3,97 (SON:HQL). Es fand somit bei Lichtkonkurrenz eine Abwanderung der Insekten zur 'attraktiveren' Lampe statt.zu 3. - Zuletzt wurde die Anlockwirkung dreier Farbspektren mit den Intensitätsmaxima einer Wellenlänge von 437nm, 579nm und 599nm getestet. 437nm war die in der HQL gemessene Intensitätsspitze im niedrigwelligen Bereich und nach verbreiteter Auffassung von besonderer Anlockwirkung. Der Wellenlängenbereich um 579nm stellte das Intensitätsmaximum der SON-Lampe dar (gelbes Licht); 599nm war als Alternative für anlockschwache Beleuchtungen ausgewählt worden. Hier ergab sich bei abwechselndem Fang (ohne Lichtkonkurrenz) eine Fangrelation von 1,8 : 3,4 : 1 (437nm : 579nm : 599nm).


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Obiettivo di questo progetto è stato la traduzione dello humour nei prodotti audiovisivi, attraverso il sottotitolaggio in italiano di una puntata del talk-show russo “Večernij Urgant”. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla descrizione dei generi televisivi, in particolare del macrogenere dell’intrattenimento, alle teorie sulla traduzione dello humour nei testi audiovisivi e alle tecniche di analisi e classifica degli elementi umoristici. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentato il format e la struttura del talk-show, la puntata scelta, la numero 403 trasmessa il 12.12.2014, e la proposta di sottotitolaggio. Il terzo e ultimo capitolo riguarda l’analisi e il commento della proposta di sottotitolaggio, le principali difficoltà di traduzione dello humour e le strategie utilizzate per risolverle.