931 resultados para 860[82]-3.09


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Although full-term pregnancies reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, it has not been conclusively established whether incomplete pregnancies also influence risk. We investigated the relationship between a history of incomplete pregnancy and incident epithelial ovarian cancer among over 4,500 women who participated in two large Australian population-based case-control studies in 1990-1993 and 2002-2005. They provided responses to detailed questions about their reproductive histories and other personal factors. Summary odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) derived from each study using the same covariates were aggregated. We found no significant associations between the number of incomplete pregnancies and ovarian cancer, for parous (OR = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.89, 1.08) or nulliparous (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 0.75, 1.48) women, nor for the number of spontaneous or induced abortions and ovarian cancer for parous women (OR = 0.95, 95% CI 0.82, 1.09; OR = 1.08, 95% CI: 0.86, 1.36) or nulliparous women (OR = 1.2, 95% CI: 0.6, 2.4; OR = 0.8, 95% CI: 0.47, 1.38), respectively. A systematic review of 37 previous studies of the topic confirmed our findings that a history of incomplete pregnancy does not influence a woman’s risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.


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The temperature variation of the 3’Cl n.q.r. frequencies in 3,5- and 2,3- dichloroanisoles has been reported here. Both compounds show two lines each, and these have been assigned to the two chlorines in the same molecule with the help of the additive model for the substituent effect. The temperature dependence has been analysed in terms of Bayer-Kushida-Brown model.The torsional frequencies and their temperature dependence have been calculated numerically under a two-mode approximation. 0.n comparing the results in 3,5-dichloroanisole with those in 3,5-dichlorophenol it can be seen that they show similar behaviour owing to the absence of hydrogen bonding in both.


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Unsteady rotating and stratified flows in geometries with non-uniform cross-sections are investigated under Oseen approximation using Laplace transform technique. The solutions are obtained in closed form and they reveal that the flow remains oscillatory even after infinitely large time. The existence of inertial waves propagating in both positive and negative directions of the flow is observed. When the Rossby or Froude number is close to a certain infinite set of critical values the blocking and back flow occur and the flow pattern becomes more and more complicated with increasing number of stagnant zones when each critical value is crossed. The analogy that is observed in the solutions for rotating and stratified flows is also discussed.


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Random walks describe diffusion processes, where movement at every time step is restricted to only the neighboring locations. We construct a quantum random walk algorithm, based on discretization of the Dirac evolution operator inspired by staggered lattice fermions. We use it to investigate the spatial search problem, that is, to find a marked vertex on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice. The restriction on movement hardly matters for d > 2, and scaling behavior close to Grover's optimal algorithm (which has no restriction on movement) can be achieved. Using numerical simulations, we optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior, and demonstrate the approach to that for Grover's algorithm (equivalent to the mean-field theory or the d -> infinity limit). In particular, the scaling behavior for d = 3 is only about 25% higher than the optimal d -> infinity value.


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We investigate the spatial search problem on the two-dimensional square lattice, using the Dirac evolution operator discretized according to the staggered lattice fermion formalism. d = 2 is the critical dimension for the spatial search problem, where infrared divergence of the evolution operator leads to logarithmic factors in the scaling behavior. As a result, the construction used in our accompanying article A. Patel and M. A. Rahaman, Phys. Rev. A 82, 032330 (2010)] provides an O(root N ln N) algorithm, which is not optimal. The scaling behavior can be improved to O(root N ln N) by cleverly controlling the massless Dirac evolution operator by an ancilla qubit, as proposed by Tulsi Phys. Rev. A 78, 012310 (2008)]. We reinterpret the ancilla control as introduction of an effective mass at the marked vertex, and optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior of the algorithm by numerically tuning the parameters.


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En época de postrera, Agosto 2003 se estableció un ensayo en pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus Britton & Rose) en la finca El Plantel, con el propósito de determinar el efecto de tres leguminosas sobre la cantidad de materia orgánica y aporte de macronutrientes (N P K) en el suelo, incidencia de malezas y crecimiento del cultivo de pitahaya variedad orejona. El diseño utilizado fue un Diseño Completo al Azar (DCA) con veintisiete (27) observaciones. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek, Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC, Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp y el manejo tradicional como testigo. En este estudio se pudo constatar que el asocio de leguminosas es ventajoso ya que aumenta los contenidos de materia orgánica y aportando así macronutrientes (N P K), Para medir este aporte se realizaron dos muestreos de suelo uno antes de establecer el ensayo, presentando el testigo las mayores concentración de materia orgánica y nutrientes, no así en el segundo muestreo presentando los mayores aportes las leguminosas Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp, seguido de Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC con 74 480.00, 72 520.00 kg ha-1 respectivamente, Los mayores contenidos en el suelo de N P K se dieron en los tratamientos Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC y Cajanus cajan (L:) Millsp, aumentando la disponibilidad de nutrientes para el cultivo. Respecto a la influencia sobre la dinámica de las malezas el mejor resultado lo presentaron Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC y Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp ya que estas leguminosas produjeron gran cantidad de biomasa con 2,451.8 6 y 2,139.30 kg ha-1 ejerciendo cobertura. Las malas hierbas fueron controladas eficazmente por las leguminosas. Las especies mas predominantes fueron: Cyperus rotundus (L), Sorghum halepense (L.), Melampodium divaricatum (L. Rich. expers) y Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. La combinación de pitahaya con leguminosas favoreció en gran forma a este cultivo ya que aumento el número y la longitud los brotes, los tratamientos Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC y Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp reportan el mayor número de brotes (con 3.09 y 2.79) y longitud (con 8.04 y 7.82). Vigna radiata obtuvo resultados menores, dado que esta presenta un corto ciclo vegetativo. De acuerdo a los costos de establecimiento Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC resulta el más económico debido a que es una leguminosa con amplia cobertura del suelo a costo total de C$ 715.08 ha-1.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, em microtomografia computadorizada (CT), o preparo de canais de molares inferiores com diferentes sistemas acionados a motor. Foram selecionadas 58 raízes mesiais patentes, de diâmetro anatômico correspondente a #10. Para a avaliação em TC, um anel de aço inoxidável foi confeccionado nos moldes do suporte para amostra do microtomógrafo, para que servisse de fôrma para a inclusão das raízes em resina Duralay, a fim de padronizar a posição do espécime no escaneamento inicial e final. Os canais foram preparados com os sistemas Reciproc R25 (n=16); WaveOne Primary File (n=16); Twisted File (n=14), e HyFlex (n=12). Após serem escaneados, foram reconstruídos tridimensionalmente e avaliados quantitativamente quanto à variação de volume (mm3), área de superfície (mm2) e structure model index (SMI). Foi, ainda, realizada a avaliação qualitativa das seções transversais por terço e por quadrante (MV, ML, DV, DL), sendo avaliado o toque de paredes. Os dados paramétricos foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA e t para amostras pareadas (α=5%). Não foi observada diferença estatística nos parâmetros quantitativos avaliados para Reciproc (142,77 76,75; 42,22 19,22; e 14,68 17,69, respectivamente); WaveOne (105,09 64,82; 29,54 19,21; 14,81 9,10, respectivamente); Twisted File (111,83 43,09; 33,31 18,40; 9,16 6,57, respectivamente), e HyFlex (151,74 149,37; 43,08 41,44; 10,80 8,52, respectivamente) (p=0,423). Dentro de cada grupo, foi observada diferença significante entre os resultados pré e pós-operatórios. O teste não paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis foi aplicado para a avaliação relativa ao toque de paredes. Foi observado que o sistema HyFlex apresentou a maior porcentagem de toques (82,3 13,1), seguido por Reciproc (81,3 16,9), Twisted File (78,3 14,4) e, por fim, WaveOne (76,9 21,7) (p>0,05). Em relação aos terços não foi observada diferença significativa (p=0,424). Os resultados da avaliação dos quadrantes intergrupo não demonstraram diferenças, porém indicaram tendência do preparo em direção à parede distal no terço cervical. Ao final, pôde-se concluir que os sistemas testados se equivalem quanto ao preparo de canais mesiais de molares inferiores; porém, nenhuma das técnicas foi capaz de tocar completamente em todas as paredes do canal radicular.


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由于其独特的电子结构,笼内金属富勒烯(碳笼内包容金属原子)的研究一直吸引着人们极大的兴趣,目前已经合成并分离出的笼内金属富勒烯主要包括碳笼内包容铱、钪、镧系原子等。在本论文中我们利用质谱技术对笼内金属富勒烯Gd_2@C_(82)气相离子行为和C_(60)与丙烯酸甲酯气相离子反应进行研究,X光电子能谱对碳笼内轧原子的价态进行研究。笼内金属富勒烯Gd_2@C_(82)是利用电弧放电法合成的。将碳份与三氧化二钆 (C:Gd=1:100, 摩尔比)灌入碳棒,将为棒前处理后,在氦气份保护下进行放电。通过对空心富勒烯在不同沸点的溶解情况进行了研究,发现大碳数的空心富勒烯在高沸点容剂中有较大的溶解度。利用两步高温高压法,既先利用1,2,4-三甲2基苯对大碳数的空心富勒烯进行分离,然后利用吡啶对笼内金属富勒烯进行提取。利用三种不同的质谱电离方式:电喷雾 (ESI),激光解析飞行时间(LDI-TOF),共振电子捕获技术(REC)来研究笼内金属富勒烯的气相离子特征。实验结果表明LDI-TOF和REC电离技术得到的质谱谱图中,笼内金属富勒烯和空心富勒烯均出现分子离子峰,但在电喷雾质谱谱图中只有笼内金属富勒烯出现分子离子峰。结合这一实验结果和理论分析说明碳笼内钆离子偏离碳中心位置。通过对比笼内金属富勒烯Gd@C_(82)和三氧化二钆中钆离子的光电子能谱谱图,Gd@C_(82)的电子结构应表示为Gd~(3+)@C_(82)~(3-)。利用四极杆质谱仪对C_(60)分子[C_(60)H]~+和加成产物为[C_(60)C_4H_3O]~+,后者是丙烯酸甲酯分子经过α短裂后与质子化[C_(60)H]~+ 发生加成反应所得的产物,在限制性Hartree-Fock条件下,采用AM1半经验量子化学计算方法对加成产[C_(60)C_3H_3O]~+八种可能结构的产物进行计算,得出了三种可能的最稳定的环加成同分异构体。


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We present a generalized nonlinear susceptibility retrieval method for metamaterials based on transfer matrices and valid in the nondepleted pump approximation. We construct a general formalism to describe the transfer matrix method for nonlinear media and apply it to the processes of three- and four-wave mixing. The accuracy of this approach is verified via finite element simulations. The method is then reversed to give a set of equations for retrieving the nonlinear susceptibility. Finally, we apply the proposed retrieval operation to a three-wave mixing transmission experiment performed on a varactor loaded split ring resonator metamaterial sample and find quantitative agreement with an analytical effective medium theory model. © 2010 The American Physical Society.