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1869/07/01 (Numéro 792).


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Julkaisun osa I on Maatalousalueiden yleissuunnitelma, joka tehtiin Karvianjoen koskien valuma-alueella kesällä ja syksyllä 2012. Työssä kartoitettiin peltojen suojavyöhyketarvetta ja päivitettiin aikaisemmat suojavyöhykesuositukset sekä etsittiin luonnon monimuotoisuuskohteita, perinnebiotooppeja ja sopivia paikkoja kosteikoille. Suojavyöhyketarvetta vesistöjen varsien pelloilla todettiin olevan yhteensä yli 18 kilometrin matkalla. Lisäksi suojavyöhykkeitä suositellaan yhteensä n. 250 ha:lle tulvapeltoja ja pohjavesialueiden peltoja Suunnitelmaan sisältyy yhteensä 14 kosteikkokohdetta, joista suuri osa on toteutettava kaivamalla. Kosteikoista 12 on sellaisia, jotka voidaan perustaa ei-tuotannollisten investointien tuella. Maatalousalueiden monimuotoisuuskohteita löytyi yhteensä 63 ja perinnebiotooppeja vain 18 kohdetta. Yhteensä niiden ala kattaa reilut 70 ha. Lumokohteisiin kuuluu runsaasti rantojen lehtoisia metsäkaistoja sekä peltoalueiden erilaisia saarekkeita. Yleissuunnitelman tavoitteena on innostaa viljelijöitä vesiensuojelutoimiin sekä vaalimaan maiseman ja luonnon monimuotoisuutta. Toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen on maanomistajille vapaaehtoista. Suunnitelman tietoja voidaan käyttää yksityiskohtaisen suunnittelun tukena haettaessa rahoitusta kohteiden toteuttamiseen. Suunnitelma perustuu kohteiden maastoinventointeihin, jotka kohdistettiin karttatarkastelun sekä eri tahoilta saatujen tietojen perusteella. Kartoituksen tuloksista luotiin myös paikkatietoaineisto. Raportissa kerrotaan asiaan liittyvää perustietoa alueesta sekä kohteiden perustamisesta ja hoidosta. Julkaisun osa II on Metsäalueiden vesiensuojelullinen valuma-aluetarkastelu, joka niinikään toteutettiin Karvianjoen koskien valuma-alueella. Selvityksessä käsitellään yleisesti metsätalouden vesistökuormitusta, vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden mahdollisuuksia valuma-alueella ja paikkatietomenetelmien hyödyntämistä vesiensuojelukohteiden paikantamisessa. Tarkastelussa esitellään kokeiltu ns. RLGIS-menetelmä ja sen käyttäminen tällä pilottialueella sekä arvioidaan menetelmän tuottamia tuloksia. Loppupäätelmä on, että menetelmää kyllä voidaan käyttää apuvälineenä suunnittelussa ja vesiensuojelutoimenpiteiden kohdentamisessa, mutta maastokartoitusta se ei korvaa. Toki, jos saatavissa on kattavasti tarkkaa korkeusmallia ja maaperäaineistoa, menetelmän käyttökelpoisuus paranee.


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Invokaatio: D.D.


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Variantti B.


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The context of this study is corporate e-learning, with an explicit focus on how digital learning design can facilitate self-regulated learning (SRL). The field of e-learning is growing rapidly. An increasing number of corporations use digital technology and elearning for training their work force and customers. E-learning may offer economic benefits, as well as opportunities for interaction and communication that traditional teaching cannot provide. However, the evolving variety of digital learning contexts makes new demands on learners, requiring them to develop strategies to adapt and cope with novel learning tools. This study derives from the need to learn more about learning experiences in digital contexts in order to be able to design these properly for learning. The research question targets how the design of an e-learning course influences participants’ self-regulated learning actions and intentions. SRL involves learners’ ability to exercise agency in their learning. Micro-level SRL processes were targeted by exploring behaviour, cognition, and affect/motivation in relation to the design of the digital context. Two iterations of an e-learning course were tested on two groups of participants (N=17). However, the exploration of SRL extends beyond the educational design research perspective of comparing the effects of the changes to the course designs. The study was conducted in a laboratory with each participant individually. Multiple types of data were collected. However, the results presented in this thesis are based on screen observations (including eye tracking) and video-stimulated recall interviews. These data were integrated in order to achieve a broad perspective on SRL. The most essential change evident in the second course iteration was the addition of feedback during practice and the final test. Without feedback on actions there was an observable difference between those who were instruction-directed and those who were self-directed in manipulating the context and, thus, persisted whenever faced with problems. In the second course iteration, including the feedback, this kind of difference was not found. Feedback provided the tipping point for participants to regulate their learning by identifying their knowledge gaps and to explore the learning context in a targeted manner. Furthermore, the course content was consistently seen from a pragmatic perspective, which influenced the participants’ choice of actions, showing that real life relevance is an important need of corporate learners. This also relates to assessment and the consideration of its purpose in relation to participants’ work situation. The rigidity of the multiple choice questions, focusing on the memorisation of details, influenced the participants to adapt to an approach for surface learning. It also caused frustration in cases where the participants’ epistemic beliefs were incompatible with this kind of assessment style. Triggers of positive and negative emotions could be categorized into four levels: personal factors, instructional design of content, interface design of context, and technical solution. In summary, the key design choices for creating a positive learning experience involve feedback, flexibility, functionality, fun, and freedom. The design of the context impacts regulation of behaviour, cognition, as well as affect and motivation. The learners’ awareness of these areas of regulation in relation to learning in a specific context is their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection. I describe this metareflection as knowing how to manipulate the context behaviourally for maximum learning, being metacognitively aware of one’s learning process, and being aware of how emotions can be regulated to maintain volitional control of the learning situation. Attention needs to be paid to how the design of a digital learning context supports learners’ metareflective development as digital learners. Every digital context has its own affordances and constraints, which influence the possibilities for micro-level SRL processes. Empowering learners in developing their ability for design-based epistemic metareflection is, therefore, essential for building their digital literacy in relation to these affordances and constraints. It was evident that the implementation of e-learning in the workplace is not unproblematic and needs new ways of thinking about learning and how we create learning spaces. Digital contexts bring a new culture of learning that demands attitude change in how we value knowledge, measure it, define who owns it, and who creates it. Based on the results, I argue that digital solutions for corporate learning ought to be built as an integrated system that facilitates socio-cultural connectivism within the corporation. The focus needs to shift from designing static e-learning material to managing networks of social meaning negotiation as part of a holistic corporate learning ecology.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60275


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60281