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目的探讨大蹼铃蟾蛋白提取物对膀胱癌细胞株的 抑制作用及对端粒酶的影响。方法采用肿瘤细胞培养方 法,检测大蹼铃蟾蛋白提取物对膀胱癌细胞株."%、/01’)+、 234/56的抑制作用;以.&-7’78&’9:02-方法检测大蹼铃 蟾蛋白提取物对膀胱癌细胞株端粒酶表达的影响。结果 大蹼铃蟾蛋白提取物表现出对膀胱癌细胞株有较强的抑制 作用;对膀胱癌细胞株端粒酶表达则无影响。结论大蹼铃 蟾蛋白提取物对多个膀胱癌细胞株具有直接细胞杀伤作用, 其作用机制不通过抑制端粒酶活性。
In this study the process of female gray mullet brooders was carried out by using histological study and masurment of sex steroids. Results of histological studies showed that oocyte of gray mullet brooders in Gomishan Rearing Center conditions of develop to the end of yolk globule stage. The results were observed with oocyte in chromatin nucleolar stage (first stage) with means of diameter of 20 p m, in August, perinucleolar stage (second stage) in September with mean diameter of 87 p m, yolk vesicle stage (third stage) in October with mean diameter 200 p m and yolk granules stage (forth stage) from October to November with average diameter of 180 — 650 p m. For the reason of stopping oocyte develop at the end of fourth stage, hormonal induction to final oocyte maturation and ovulation was used. For this purpose, carp pituitary , HCG and LRH-A2 with different combinations were used in two stages, second injection was used 24 hours after first injection. 15 females brooders were divided in 5 groups, different hormonal combinations were injected to four groups and to fifth group as control, only saline, was injected. The process of female brooder rippening in hormonal induction was studied via masurment of sex steroids including 17 a - hydroxy progestrone, estradio1-17)6 and testosterone. Blood samples were collected from caudal vein during first injection, 24, 30 and 48 hours after the first injection. At the same time, for distinguishing histological changes the sample has been attained from the gonads Sex stroid fluctuation patterns in different brooder groups that injected hormon were similar, however hormonal composition had similar effects. All brooder that their oocyte in the beginning of hormonal injection were At the end of fourth stage with oocyte diameter average of 600 p m received to final maturation and ovulation. The brooder that its oocytes were At the begining or mid-fourth stage did not show ovulation but hormonal induction caused oocyte develop at the beginning of fifth stage. Study of 17-hydroxy progestrone fluctuation showed that the maximum level of this steroid (0.347 ng/ml) measured 30 hours after the first injection and was significantly higher (p< 0.05) than those of control group. So, 17-hydroxy progestrone is probably precursor of maturation inducing steroid (MIS). However the maximum level of that observed was coincident with germinal vesicle breakdown, oil droplets coalescence and dissolution of yolk granuls The maximum levels of esteradiol— 17/0 and testosterone (3.778 and 16.801ng/ml,respectively) in spawned brooders,were observed 24 hours after the first injection. levels of those steroids were significantly higher (p<0.05) than control group. Maximum level of sex steroids in the brooders that did not spawn to the end of treatment was observed with more delay than those in spawned brooders. Therefor maximum level of 17a-hydroxy progestrone (0.264 ng/ml) in those brooders observed in fourth sampling time and the maximum levels of estradio1-17a and testosterone (2.944 and 18.993 ng/ml, respectivly)observed in third sampling time that was significantly higher (p<0.05) than those of control group. For the study of stress effect on brooders during the hormonal induction, level of cortisol was measured in every sampling time. level of cortisol had high fluctuation that showed handling level and stress effect on brooders. However maximum level of cortisol in majority of brooders was dominant in third sampling time that was coincident with final maturation.
滇金丝猴雄性比雌性具有相对更长的下颌, 这就导致了整个下颌结构在两性 间的差异。在分析的8个变量中, 4个被选为性别鉴别的重要特征, 判别式为: D=-27.65-0.729 CONM1+0.596MANDL+1.024 MANDSYM-1.778 MANCORPW。与猕猴和 长鼻猴相比, 滇金丝猴具有相对短的下颌骨, 较宽的下颌髁和较高的下颌体。 图4表4参17
长江中游湿地区域的池塘经过连续多年的化肥养鱼导致了大量的氮、磷沉积在鱼塘底泥中。分析了鱼塘植莲对养殖后沉积的氮、磷的重新利用及植莲的经济效益。实验于2004年在位于长江中游的武汉市涨渡湖渔场进行。根据收支平衡计算了实验池氮、磷的转移量,根据投入产出计算了实验池的经济收入。逐月分析了池塘中水质理化指标和底泥中总凯氏氮(TKN)和总磷(TP)的含量。方差分析表明:总凯氏氮、总磷在池塘底泥表层(0~5 cm)、中层(5~10 cm)和底层(10~50 cm)当中的含量都出现显著性降低(P<0.05)。养鱼池塘通
GaAs, InAs, and InGaAs nanowires each exhibit significant potential to drive new applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices. Nevertheless, the development of these devices depends on our ability to fabricate these nanowires with tight control over critical properties, such as nanowire morphology, orientation, crystal structure, and chemical composition. Although GaAs and InAs are related material systems, GaAs and InAs nanowires exhibit very different growth behaviors. An understanding of these growth behaviors is imperative if high-quality ternary InGaAs nanowires are to be realized. This report examines GaAs, InAs, and InGaAs nanowires, and how their growth may be tailored to achieve desirable material properties. GaAs and InAs nanowire growth are compared, with a view toward the growth of high-quality InGaAs nanowires with device-accessible properties. © 2011 IEEE.
<正> 江豚(Neophocaena ariaeorientalis)俗称江猪.隶属于鲸目,齿鲸亚目,鼠海豚科.全身铅黑色,无喙无背鳍.在印度、巴基斯坦、日本和中国沿海及内河、通江湖泊均有分布.最大体长达1.9米,重220公斤,而在长江中常见个体一般为1~1.5米,30~80公斤.我国江豚的背部中线还有一条皮肤隆起,上有3~4排颗粒状突起. 江豚一般为3~5头一群,亦常见一头单独活动的.我们还见过20多头一群扶老携幼,成群结队地游弋于江边.江豚个性活拨,属近岸型豚类,经常在江边浅水区戏水和追捕鱼类,有时跃
We present the fabrication process and experimental results of 850-nm oxide-confined vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) fabricated by using dielectric-free approach. The threshold current of 0.4 mA, which corresponds to the threshold current density of 0.5 kA/cm(2), differential resistance of 76 Omega, and maximum output power of more than 5 mW are achieved for the dielectric-free VCSEL with a square oxide aperture size of 9 mu m at room temperature (RT). L-I-V characteristics of the dielectric-free VCSEL are compared with those of conventional VCSEL with the similar aperture size, which indicates the way to realize low-cost, low-power consumption VCSELs with extremely simple process. Preliminary study of the temperature-dependent L-I characteristics and modulation response of the dielectric-free VCSEL are also presented.