999 resultados para 675


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The activity of strontium in liquid Al-Sr alloys (X(Sr) less-than-or-equal-to 0.17) at 1323 K has been determined using the Knudsen effusion-mass loss technique. At higher concentrations (X(Sr) greater-than-or-equal-to 0.28), the activity of strontium has been determined by the pseudoisopiestic technique. Activity of aluminium has been derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The concentration - concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thornton at zero wave vector has been computed from the thermodynamic data. The behaviour of the mean square thermal fluctuation in composition and the thermodynamic mixing functions suggest association tendencies in the liquid state. The associated solution model with Al2Sr as the predominant complex can account for the properties of the liquid alloy. Thermodynamic data for the intermetallic compunds in the Al-Sr system have been derived using the phase diagram and the Gibbs' energy and enthalpy of mixing of liquid alloys. The data indicate the need for redetermination of the phase diagram near the strontium-rich corner.


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A two-dimensional numerical model which employs the depth-averaged forms of continuity and momentum equations along with k-e turbulence closure scheme is used to simulate the flow at the open channel divisions. The model is generalised to flows of arbitrary geometries and MacCormack finite volume method is used for solving governing equations. Application of cartesian version of the model to analyse the flow at right-angled junction is presented. The numerical predictions are compared with experimental data of earlier investigators and measurements made as part of the present study. Performance of the model in predicting discharge distribution, surface profiles, separation zone parameters and energy losses is evaluated and discussed in detail. To illustrate the application of the numerical model to analyse the flow in acute angled offtakes and streamlined branch entries, a few computational results are presented.


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7-Methoxy-4-methylcoumarin undergoes a solid-state photo [2 + 2] cycloaddition upon UV irradiation to yield two photodimers. The formation of the minor product appears to be a direct consequence of the formation of the topochemically controlled dimer.


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The technique of space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVM) is reviewed. The basic principle of SVM is derived and is compared with sine-triangle PWM. Operation in the overmodulation range is explained. Extension of SVM to other inverter-motor combinations such as three level inverters and split phase motors are discussed.


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The oxygen concentration of liquid manganese in equilibrium with MnAl2+2xO4+3x and α−Al2O3 has been determined in the temperature range 1520 to 1875 K. The oxygen content of quenched samples, wrapped in oxygen-free nickel foil, was determined by an inert gas fusion technique. The results are combined with accurate data now available on the Gibbs energies of formation of MnO and Al2O3−saturated MnAl2+2xO4+3x to derive the oxygen content of liquid manganese in equilibrium with MnO and the Gibbs energy of solution of diatomic oxygen gas in liquid manganese. The enthalpy and entropy of solution of oxygen in manganese are compared with similar data on other metal-oxygen systems.


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The activity of strontium in liquid Al-Sr alloys (X(Sr) less-than-or-equal-to 0.17) at 1323 K has been determined using the Knudsen effusion-mass loss technique. At higher concentrations (X(Sr) greater-than-or-equal-to 0.28), the activity of strontium has been determined by the pseudoisopiestic technique. Activity of aluminium has been derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The concentration - concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thornton at zero wave vector has been computed from the thermodynamic data. The behaviour of the mean square thermal fluctuation in composition and the thermodynamic mixing functions suggest association tendencies in the liquid state. The associated solution model with Al2Sr as the predominant complex can account for the properties of the liquid alloy. Thermodynamic data for the intermetallic compunds in the Al-Sr system have been derived using the phase diagram and the Gibbs' energy and enthalpy of mixing of liquid alloys. The data indicate the need for redetermination of the phase diagram near the strontium-rich corner.


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Cyclic AMP (cAMP) has emerged as a pivotal molecule for signalling in all life forms. Mycobacterial genomes have been found to encode for numerous proteins that are involved in cAMP generation, degradation and utilization. Many of these proteins have domain organizations unique to mycobacteria. This review summarizes recent advances in mechanisms of cAMP synthesis and degradation, focusing on the processes by which cAMP modulates mycobacterial signalling. We explore its impact on the physiology of the organism and on the discourse between M. tuberculosis and its host.


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We study risk-sensitive control of continuous time Markov chains taking values in discrete state space. We study both finite and infinite horizon problems. In the finite horizon problem we characterize the value function via Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation and obtain an optimal Markov control. We do the same for infinite horizon discounted cost case. In the infinite horizon average cost case we establish the existence of an optimal stationary control under certain Lyapunov condition. We also develop a policy iteration algorithm for finding an optimal control.


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Translation of mRNAs is the primary function of the ribosomal machinery. Although cells allow for a certain level of translational errors/mistranslation (which may well be a strategic need), maintenance of the fidelity of translation is vital for the cellular function and fitness. The P-site bound initiator tRNA selects the start codon in an mRNA and specifies the reading frame. A direct P-site binding of the initiator tRNA is a function of its special structural features, ribosomal elements, and the initiation factors. A highly conserved feature of the 3 consecutive G:C base pairs (3GC pairs) in the anticodon stem of the initiator tRNAs is vital in directing it to the P-site. Mutations in the 3GC pairs diminish/abolish initiation under normal physiological conditions. Using molecular genetics approaches, we have identified conditions that allow initiation with the mutant tRNAs in Escherichia coli. During our studies, we have uncovered a novel phenomenon of in vivo initiation by elongator tRNAs. Here, we recapitulate how the cellular abundance of the initiator tRNA, and nucleoside modifications in rRNA are connected with the tRNA selection in the P-site. We then discuss our recent finding of how a conserved feature in the mRNA, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, influences tRNA selection in the P-site.


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Despite the important role of supraglacial debris in ablation, knowledge of debris thickness on Himalayan glaciers is sparse. A recently developed method based on reanalysis data and thermal band satellite imagery has proved to be potentially suitable for debris thickness estimation without the need for detailed field data. In this study, we further develop the method and discuss possibilities and limitations arising from its application to a glacier in the Himalaya with scarce in situ data. Surface temperature patterns are consistent for 13 scenes of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat 7 imagery and correlate well with incoming shortwave radiation and air temperature. We use an energy-balance approach to subtract these radiation or air temperature effects, in order to estimate debris thickness patterns as a function of surface temperature. Both incoming shortwave and longwave radiation are estimated with reasonable accuracy when applying parameterizations and reanalysis data. However, the model likely underestimates debris thickness, probably due to incorrect representation of vertical debris temperature profiles, the rate of heat storage and turbulent sensible heat flux. Moreover, the uncertainty of the result was found to increase significantly with thicker debris, a promising result since ablation is enhanced by thin debris of 1-2 cm.


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Ion beam etching technique was used to reveal the metallograhpic microstructure and interface morphology of electroplating chromium coating, in particular, whose substrate surface layer was treated in advance by laser quenching. Chemical etchings were, also conducted for comparison. The reveal microstructures were observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that ion beam etching can reveal well the whole microstructures of composite coating-substrate materials.


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Con el objetivo de conocer la casuística de la cisticercosis bovina, se utilizó la inspección sanitaria convencional de la carne, procedencia, tratamiento y pérdidas económicas en los bóvidos faenados en el matadero industrial MACESA ubicado en el km. 130 Juigalpa,Chontales en el periodo comprendido de enero a julio del 2008; se llevó a cabo el presente estudio, los datos recopilados se obtuvieron de los registros de matanza del MAGFOR, Control operativo de sacrificio, Reporte de peso en pie resumido y Control de animales infectados por cisticercosis, quienes utilizan el reglamento de inspección Veterinaria de la carne para la República de Nicaragua. El presente estudio fue observacional de tipo transversal, por estar determinado en un momento de la actividad del matadero. La determinación de la Pre valencia consistió en determinar el número de animales afectados, los cuales se relacionaron con el número de animales faenados por lotes y total. Al iniciarse el estudio, sólo se conocía el número total de individuos que se incluyeron. La medición de la cantidad de enfermedad y de los factores de exposición se realizó simultáneamente una vez seleccionada la muestra. Las variables evaluadas fueron, pre valencia por tamaño del lote, total de animales faenados y pérdidas económicas del matadero por tratamiento, sanciones a los ganaderos y pérdidas totales por condena asumida por los ganaderos. Se encontró una Pre valencia de 0.25% con respecto al total de animales faenados, y un 0.009% para animales condenados. La categoría que presentó mayor Pre valencia y pérdidas económicas por Cysticercus bovis fue Novillos, seguida de la categoría vacas. Los municipios con mayor prevalencia con respect o a la afectación total fueron La Libertad con el 1%, Matiguás 0.99%, Río Blanco 0.84% y Camoapa con el 0.74%. El municipio de Cuapa obtuvo una prevalencia del 16.675 con respecto al lote sacrificado seguido de Juigalpa con el 14.76% y San Pedro de Lovago con el 13.33%. Con respecto a la categorías y en relación a las cantidades sacrificadas, las vacas tienen mayor pre valencia a ésta parasitosis con un 0.53% y los novillos 0.21%. Los meses de mayor incidencia de Cysticercus bovis fueron junio 32 casos, enero y julio con 27. Las pérdidas económicas totales son de $ 11246.84. Se pierde $ 80.9 por bovino infectado con cisticercosis.


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Con la finalidad de estudiar el comportamiento del crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de los cultivos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor. L. Moench) híbrido D-55 y maíz (Zea mays L) variedad NB-30, bajo los efectos de diferentes cultivos leguminosos: Maní (Arachis hypogaea L. ), caupí (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), soya (Glycine max L. Merril) y frijol común ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) como cultivos antecesores, se realizó un experimento de campo, utilizando un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con doce tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones realizados durante la siembra de primera y postrera de 1991, en el Centro Experimental La Compañía; Carazo, cuyo suelos son de topografía plana, textura media, franco limoso ( Typic Durandept ). De los resultados obtenidos se llegó a la conclusión que los diferentes cultivos leguminosos influyeron sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de los cultivos de sorgo y maíz, ya que estos fueron afectados de manera significativa por los cultivos antecesores. Por otro lado se comprobó que el sorgo y el maíz, cuando tienen como cultivo antecesor a las leguminosas, sus rendimientos fueron superiores que cuando se tiene al sorgo y al maíz como cultivo antecesor. De las leguminosas, el cultivo de maní tuvo un mayor efecto sobre el rendimiento del sorgo y maíz. (4,391 y 1,675 kg/ha respectivamente). Se comprobó cuantitativamente el efecto negativo de utilizar a los cultivos de sorgo y maíz como cultivos antecesores a su mismo cultivo, ya que los rendimientos disminuyen considerablemente, siendo estos los siguientes: sorgo-sorgo obtuvo 2,170 kg/ha., maíz-sorgo dio un rendimiento de 2,373 kg/ha, maíz-maíz presentó 762 kg/ha, y finalmente el tratamiento sorgo-maíz rindió 674 kg/ha.


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