913 resultados para 61-1


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The photochemically induced reductive elimination of cyclopropanes from bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)titanacyclobutanes has been examined. Stereochemical labelling studies indicate that the cyclopropane is initially formed in a 6±1:1, ratio favoring retention of stereochemistry. The starting titanacyclobutane is isomerized during the course of the reaction. The isomerization of the starting material results from metal-carbon bond homolysis to yield a 1,4-biradical, which can either close to give the starting material or generate cyclopropane. The 1,4-biradical can be observed through a cyclopropyl carbinyl rearrangement employing 2-bis(η5- cyclopentadienyl)titana-5,5-dimethylbicyclo[2.1.0]pentane, to give the titanium alkylidene, 1-bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)titana-3,3-dimethyl-1,4- pentadiene, which can be observed directly by NMR at low temperature.

The oxidation of titanacyclobutanes by chemical and electrochemical methods also yields cyclopropanes. Reduction of the metal center does not yield cyclopropanes. Depending on the oxidant, stereochemically labelled titanacyclobutanes yield cyclopropanes that are between 7:1 and 100:1 retention:isomerization. The fragmentation reaction resembles the photochemically induced reductive elimination. Both result from formal oxidation of a metal-carbon bond, which then results in very rapid formation of cyclopropane.

The titanocene generated photochemically reacts with a variety of substrates even at low temperature. Titanocene can be generated in a glass at 77 K. The titanocene can be trapped in noncoordinating solvents in high yield with bulky internal acetylenes to give monoacetylene adducts of titanocene. Less bulky acetylenes give the titanacyclopentadienes. The titanocene can be trapped with olefins to give less stable adducts, which appear by NMR analysis to be intermediate in structure between a titanacyclopropane and an η2 olefin adduct of titanocene. Reaction of titanocene with butadiene gives a stable product, which appears to be the s-trans butadiene adduct of titanocene. It does not isomerize on heating. Titanocene reacts with epoxides to give titanocene-µ-oxo polymer and olefin. Stereochemically labelled epoxides and episulfides yield isomerized olefin upon deoxygenation by titanocene. The observations are rationalized as a result of a 1,4-biradical formed by stepwise insertion of titanocene into a carbon-oxygen bond.


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Cylindrical vector beams were produced from laser diode end-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic microchip laser by use of two types of subwavelength multilayer gratings as the axisymmetric-polarization output couplers respectively. The grating mirrors are composed of high- and low-refractive-index (Nb2O5/SiO2) layers alternately while each layer is shaped into triangle and concentric corrugations. For radially polarized laser output, the beam power reached 610mW with a polarization extinction ratio ( PER) of 61: 1 and a slope efficiency of 68.2%; for azimuthally polarized laser output, the beam power reached 626mW with a PER of 58: 1 and a slope efficiency of 47.6%. In both cases, the laser beams had near-diffraction limited quality. Small differences of beam power, PER and slope efficiency between radially and azimuthally polarized laser outputs were not critical, and could be minimized by further optimized adjustment to laser cavity and the reflectances of respective grating mirrors. The results manifested, by use of the photonic crystal gratings mirrors and end-pumped microchip laser configuration, CVBs can be generated efficiently with high modal symmetry and polarization purity. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Well-aligned ZnO films have been successfully prepared by using low-temperature hydrothermal approach on (0001) sapphire substrates that were pre-coated with a ZnO nano-layer by dip-coating. The characterizations of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicate that the ZnO films consist of hexagonal rods that grow along the c axis based on the sapphire substrates. It is found that the size of ZnO rods can be adjusted by an aqueous solution with some methenamine. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a incidência, a estrutura dos apêndices testiculares (AT) em pacientes com criptorquia, comparando a sua incidência com as anomalias epididimárias e a patência do processo vaginal. Estudamos 55 pacientes (72 testículos) portadores de criptorquia e 8 testículos como controle (6 hidroceles e 2 torções). Analisamos as relações entre o testículo e o epidídimo, a patência do processo vaginal e a incidência e histologia dos ATs. Fibras musculares lisas (SMC), tecido conectivo (CT) e fibras do sistema elástico (ESF) foram estudados por métodos imuno-histoquímicos. Dos 72 testículos com criptorquia 20 (27.77%) apresentavam anomalias epididimárias, 41(56.9%) tinham processo vaginal patente e 44 (61.1%) tinham apêndices testiculares. Dos 44 testículos portadores de criptorquia com apêndices, 30 (68.18%) apresentavam o processo vaginal patente e 11 (25%) apresentavam anomalias epididimárias. O epitélio não apresentou alteração aparente nos apêndices de pacientes com criptorquia e no grupo controle. Análise estereológica documentou a prevalência de ESF (média de 1.48%); prevalência de vasos (média de 10,11%) e uma diminuição (p=0.14) da SMC nos AT de pacientes com criptorquia (média = 4.93%). O colágeno III prevaleceu nos AT de pacientes com criptorquia. Não houve alteração na incidência de anomalias anatômicas associadas aos testículos portadores de AT. Os apêndices testiculares apresentaram uma alteração estrutural significativa nos pacientes com criptorquia, o que indica que os AT apresentam uma remodelação estrutural significativa nos pacientes com criptorquia.


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As disnatremias são os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos mais comuns, sendo relatados em cerca de 30-40% dos pacientes hospitalizados. Quando presentes na admissão em Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) são fatores de risco independentes de pior prognóstico, estando associadas à maior letalidade hospitalar. Mesmo disnatremias limítrofes (130 135 mEq/l na hiponatremia e 145 a 150 mEq/L na hipernatremia) têm sido associadas a um maior tempo de internação na UTI e a um aumento de letalidade hospitalar, independente da gravidade da doença de base. A concentração sérica do sódio é mantida por um fino controle, por meio da regulação renal do sal e da água. Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em tratamento conservador ou em terapia renal substitutiva, apresentam maior prevalência de disnatremia. Embora a hiponatremia seja mais frequente nessa população, o diagnóstico de hipo- ou hipernatremia tem sido associado a uma maior mortalidade. Não há relato claro na literatura da prevalência de disnatremias na injúria renal aguda (IRA), em especial nos casos mais graves, em que há indicação de suporte dialítico. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a prevalência da disnatremia e o seu impacto no prognóstico de pacientes gravemente enfermos com IRA e necessidade de suporte renal (SR) na UTI.Em um período de 44 meses (de dezembro de 2004 a julho 2008) foram incluídos de forma prospectiva todos os pacientes que iniciaram SR em 14 UTIs de 3 hospitais terciários do Rio de Janeiro. Dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram coletados prospectivamente e lançados em uma planilha eletrônica para posterior análise com o software R. Os desfechos de interesse foram letalidade na UTI e no hospital. As variáveis que, além do sódio, apresentavam associação com os desfechos de interesse na análise bivariada, foram selecionadas e incluídas no modelo de regressão logística múltipla.Um total de 772 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. A mediana da idade foi de 75 [IIQ: 61-82 anos]; 81,5% (IC: 78,4%-84%) foram admitidos na UTI por complicações clínicas. A presença de pelo menos uma comorbidade (hipertensão, diabetes, doença coronariana, insuficiência cardíaca, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou cirrose) esteve presente em 84% dos pacientes. A maior parte dos pacientes (72,5%, IC: 69,2%-75,7%) apresentava o diagnóstico de sepse. Os principais fatores contribuinte para IRA foram sepse (72%) e isquemia/choque (66%). A mortalidade na UTI foi de 64,6% (IC: 61,1%-68%) e a hospitalar foi de 69,7% (IC: 66,3%-72,9%). O diagnóstico de disnatremia foi frequente, estando presente em 47,3% (IC: 43,7%-50,9%) dos pacientes. A hipernatremia foi significantemente mais frequente do que a hiponatremia (33,7% X 13,6%, p=0.001) na população estudada. Na análise multivariada, os pacientes mais idosos, a admissão clínica, o número de comorbidades e o número de disfunções orgânicas estiveram associados a uma maior letalidade hospitalar. Os paciente com hipernatremia grave (>155 mEq/l) apresentaram maior associação com o óbito na UTI e no hospital [odds ratio (OR) ajustado de 3.39 (1,48-7,8) e 2,87 (1,2-6,89), respectivamente], apesar de todos terem sido submetidos ao SR durante a internação na UTI. O estudo demonstrou que as disnatremias são altamente prevalentes em pacientes com IRA e necessidade de diálise na UTI. Diferente do que tem sido demonstrado na população de UTI e na com DRC, a hipernatremia é o distúrbio do sódio mais frequentemente observado na população estudada. A idade mais avançada, a admissão clínica, o número de comorbidades e o número de disfunções orgânicas e a hipernatremia grave estão associados a um pior desfecho na IRA com necessidade de SR na UTI.


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In the history of whaling from prehistoric to modern times, the large whales, sometimes called the “great whales,” were hunted most heavily owing in part to their corresponding value in oil, meat, and baleen. Regional populations of North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis glacialis, were already decimated by 1700, and the North Atlantic gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, was hunted to extinction by the early 1700’s (Mitchell and Mead1).


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浑善达克沙地位于锡林郭勒高原中部,是我国干草原地带最大的一片沙地。由于长期过度利用,导致了草场退化、固定沙丘活化、沙地大面积沙漠化等一系列环境问题,防治沙漠化的进一步扩大已经刻不容缓。本论文的目的是了解沙地植被与环境的生态关系、沙生植物适应沙地环境的特点以及沙地植物资源特征,为在沙漠化防治中选择合适的治沙物种、制定合理的植被恢复方案提供理论依据。论文包括三方面的内容:1 浑善达克沙地丘间低地草本植物群落的分类与排序;2 沙埋对中间锦鸡儿幼苗生长发育的影响;3 浑善达克沙地植物资源分析。 对丘间低地的草本植物群落进行TWINSPAN 分类和DCA 排序结果表明,浑善达克沙地中部研究区域丘间低地植物群落可分成四个主要类型,每个类型各具不同的特点,土壤盐分以及相关的土壤水分因素对群落分布有着显著的影响。在沙地环境中,沙埋是影响植物幼苗存活的一个重要因素。中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)是浑善达克沙地和毛乌素沙地固定和半固定沙丘上常见的一种沙生灌木。为了研究沙埋对其幼苗的存活以及生长的影响,对出土后生长了一个月的中间锦鸡儿实生苗进行沙埋实验,实验处理有对照、部分沙埋和全埋,结果表明,部分沙埋对中间锦鸡儿幼苗的生长发育没有显著的影响,说明中间锦鸡儿是一个比较耐沙埋的物种,尽管全部沙埋对其幼苗的生长发育产生了显著的抑制。 浑善达克沙地的物种资源丰富,有种子植物约952 种,分布在348 属、75 科中,菊科和禾本科是最大的两个科;草本植物是主要的生活型,有828 种,占物种总数的86.97%;植物的水分生态类型以中生植物最多,有577 种,占物种总数的61.1%,其次为旱生植物291 种,占总数的30.8%;沙地中有优良牧草植物149 种,可用于固沙的植物几十种,有药用价值的植物约301 种。


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 1.对四川省岷江上游地区(茂县)的锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)天然次生林进行研究,发现:(1) 坚果完好比例约在14% ~26%之间,完好坚果的发芽率和发芽势都比较高,但在天然状况下能够留存到翌年5月的坚果几乎没有。因此,实生幼苗的天然补充就受到了严重的限制。(2) 林缘的幼苗密度低于所有其它生境的 (P<0.05),林中的幼苗密度最高,和林窗的比较有显著差异(P<0.05), 而和灌丛的比较则差异不显著(P>0.05)。在灌丛幼苗密度和林中以及林窗的比较都没有差异。动物对坚果的取食速度则是林中的最慢 (10.0%),林窗和林缘的基本相同(分别为61.1%和66.5%),取食速度都明显快于林中(P<0.01)。(3) 林中的幼苗在小于100 cm的各高度内都有大量分布,说明在林中树冠下幼苗是可以长期存在的,暗示在幼苗阶段的锐齿槲栎可能是耐荫的。(4) 在林中缺失幼树,在林缘则有包括幼树在内的完整的更新大小系列,表明林缘是更新的关键地点。(5) 在栎林的每一个大小级别上,萌生个体和实生个体都按各种比例伴生,说明导致萌生的干扰一直在发生,并可能在森林的更新中扮演重要角色;也说明该地区的锐齿槲栎林由萌生和实生起源的个体混合组成。 2.栎林是北半球温带森林的重要组成部分,因此栎林更新是全球森林更新研究的热点之一,而啮齿动物对栎林更新的影响则是关注的焦点。在2002~2003年,通过坚果标记研究了未被取食和遗弃坚果(即咬开后只有少部分被捕食后丢弃在林中的坚果)的健康比例,并定量测定了坚果的捕食、搬运、遗弃、丢弃、贮藏和留存等各种命运的比例和特点;对坚果也进行了各种人为的处理,以观测其命运和动物取食速度,发现:(1) 遗弃坚果中不健康坚果的比例比动物未取食的天然坚果中的比例有极显著的增加 (P>0.05),暗示啮齿动物一般是通过咬开坚果来识别坚果健康与否并决定是否捕食。(2) 根据坚果命运和对照相比改变与否以及如何改变,各种人工处理坚果的命运可以分为 4 类:① 坚果命运没有任何显著改变;② 坚果被就地捕食的速度降低,搬运的速度不变,最终搬运坚果的比例增加而就地捕食坚果的比例降低,留存坚果的比例偶尔能增加至0.2%;③ 坚果就地捕食的速度几乎降至0,搬运的速度则在下降一段时间后又上升,并且搬运作用持续了相对长的时间,最终搬运坚果的比例大大增加,就地捕食坚果的比例很低,留存率为0;④ 坚果被搬运和就地捕食的速度和比例都降低,留存坚果的比例相应的大大增加,甚至可以达到50%。(3) 命运得到显著改变的②、③、④类坚果所承受的人工处理按照作用方式又可以分为主要作用于坚果化学状态(即气味浓度)的处理、主要作用于坚果物理状态(颜色、形态、有无附属物等)的处理以及使坚果处于不同颜色背景的处理;其中主要作用于坚果化学状态的处理对坚果命运具有最重大的改变,如胶带包裹处理和烧焦处理;其它各种主要作用于坚果的物理状态和所处背景的处理对其命运则也具有相对轻微的改变。这一试验结果可能证明:啮齿动物在对坚果进行识别和取食选择等活动时主要依赖于嗅觉来感知坚果的可食性,但是能感觉物理状态和所处背景的视觉也起一定程度的作用。(4) 啮齿动物对栎树坚果进行就地捕食、遗弃、搬运、异地捕食、丢弃、贮藏等作用,使各种命运的坚果都具有一定的数量比例和特点,也提供了动物影响栎林更新的多种可能途径。 3.人工干扰是任何退化生态系统中都始终存在的重大问题。除了明显的砍伐或者采摘外,人工践踏也是一种重要的干扰,特别是在茂县的山林普遍被牛马不断的放牧的情况下,这个干扰的后果就更加显著。为此研究了人脚踩踏的路上的白车轴草和未踩踏草坪上白车轴草在最大叶长、株高、芽高、构件数量、构件平均鲜重、死叶数量、根长等构型指标,根、茎、叶三者的生物量(干重)及比例等生物量指标,平均花序数量、花平均数量等繁殖指标方面的不同,发现踩踏使白车轴草植株:(1) 株高降低,芽高降低,最大叶长变小,平均每厘米的构件数量增加,构件平均鲜重降低,根长度减小,死叶数量增加。(2) 平均花序数量下降,每花序的花平均数量下降。(3) 但是在生物量的分配上,根和茎的生物量没有显著的下降,但是叶的生物量显著减低。因为白车轴草的茎可以不断克隆繁殖,所以踩踏对其存活可能没有太大的影响,只是造成了植株的矮化和密集化,根也变短;但是对种子繁殖有重大影响,反映在平均花序数量和每花序平均花数的显著下降上。在生物量的分配中,作为主要的同化器官,叶的生物量显著下降,而根茎比没有变化。这可能说明这样的克隆植物其物质流动是呈现网络化的特征,具有比较强的抗干扰能力。 4.连香树、油松、日本落叶松、华山松油松混合林是茂县地区的几种主要的已经营造的林型或者树种。为了了解其20年来的营林效果,运用样方调查的方法测量了这几种树种或者林型的胸径、持水量、凋落物现存量、密度等,评价了它们在生长、营业循环和水土保持等方面的差异。结果表明:日本落叶松具有生长缓慢,凋落物现存量大,涵养水分能力良好的树种,值得推广;油松生长迅速,凋落物现存量巨大,涵养水分能力一般的树种,也可以大力栽植;油松和华山松的混交林具有比较大的蓄积量和较好的涵养水分的能力,可以推广;而连香树则做为生长速度中等,成材率低,凋落物现存量小,涵养水分能力差的树种,不应该进一步推广。


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研究了江汉湖群西凉湖水生植物多样性的现状及其变化 ,讨论了西凉湖水生植物多样性丧失的原因和保护的途径。主要结果是 :( 1 )西凉湖现有水生植物 3 2科 5 6属 77种 ,优势种类为微齿眼子菜、密齿苦草、轮叶黑藻、菹草、野菱、双角菱、金鱼藻、凤眼莲和菰等。 ( 2 )西凉湖现有水生植物群落类型 1 3个 ,全湖水生植被覆盖率约为 61 %,平均生物量为 1 4 70 .5 g/m2 。 ( 3 )物种多样性指数最高的群落是“凤眼莲 +野菱 +双角菱群丛”(D =0 .8499,H =2 .975 8)


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A synopsis of 744 nominal species of Myxobolus Butschli, 1882 (Myxozoa, Myxosporea, Myxobolidae) is presented. For each species, the relevant morphometric and morphological data are indicated, as well as the host(s), site(s) of infection within the host and type-locality.


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The crystal structure, mechanical properties and electronic structure of ground state BeH2 are calculated employing the first-principles methods based on the density functional theory. Our calculated structural parameters at equilibrium volume are well consistent with experimental results. Elastic constants, which well obey the mechanical stability criteria, are firstly theoretically acquired. The bulk modulus B, Shear modulus G, Young's modulus E, and Poisson's ratio upsilon are deduced from the elastic constants. The bonding nature in BeH2 is fully interpreted by combining characteristics in band structure, density of states, and charge distribution. The ionicity in the Be-H bond is mainly featured by charge transfer from Be 2s to H 1s atomic orbitals while its covalency is dominated by the hybridization of H 1s and Be 2p states. The Bader analysis of BeH2 and MgH2 are performed to describe the ionic/covalent character quantitatively and we find that about 1.61 (1.6) electrons transfer from each Be (Mg) atom to H atoms.


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采用盆栽试验,研究了两种高分子化合物聚丙烯酸钠(sodium polyacrylate,SP)与聚丙烯酰胺(Polyacrylamide,PAM)对甘蓝生长的影响。结果表明:在土壤中施入2/1000的两种高分子材料均能抑制土壤蒸发,砂土、粘土蒸发强度分别较对照降低35.5%、22.8%;甘蓝叶绿素受两种材料的影响不显著,受肥料影响较大;两种高分子材料施入土壤中增加了甘蓝产量、降低了根冠比,地上、地下生物量砂土较对照分别增加了61.1%、16.1%,粘土分别增加了55.2%、28.7%,根冠比砂土较对照平均降低了26.9%,粘土降低16%;PAM与SP使砂土容重较对照降低了13.9%,而粘土仅降低了4.1%;单施高分子处理水分利用效率平均较对照增加59.1%,与肥料混合使用时增加77.1%。总体来看,PAM与SP作用效果相近。


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Zhang 等(2000)根据口唇部结构把鲤形目Cypriniformes 鲤科Cyprinidae 野鲮 亚科Labeoninae 鱼类分为三个类群。其中第二个类群鱼类的特征是吻皮发达向 腹面下包、上唇退化、下唇向复杂的形态演变,有的形成似吸盘状的雏形构造。 在整理广西鱼类标本时,发现来自广西桂林大埠的十余尾标本不能归到野鲮亚科 任何属中,在这里建立一个新属-狭吻鱼属(Stenorhinchus)。狭吻鱼属的口唇部结 构具有野鲮亚科第二类群鱼类的特征。本研究的目的是为了探讨狭吻鱼属的有效 性及其在野鲮亚科第二类群中的系统位置。传统的观点(张鹗,1998)认为异华 鲮属Parasinilabeo 与唇鱼属Semilabeo、泉水鱼属Pseudogyrinocheilus 的亲缘关 系较近,苏瑞凤(2001)认为异华鲮属与华缨鱼属、直口鲮属构成一个单系群, 本研究的另一目的是要探讨异华鲮属在野鲮亚科中的分类地位,同时描述了异华 鲮属一新种-长鳍异华鲮(Parasinilabeo longiventralis)。 基于外部形态和骨骼特征,利用分支系统学原理和方法对野鲮亚科第二类群 鱼类进行系统发育研究。选择野鲮亚科第二类群的直口鲮属(Rectoris)、穗唇鲃 属(Crossocheilus)、角鱼属(Akrokolioplax)、华缨鱼属(Sinocrossocheilus)、拟 缨鱼属(Pseudocrossocheilus)、异华鲮属(Parasinilabeo)、唇鱼属(Semilabeo)、 泉水鱼属( Pseudogyrinocheilus ) 和第一类群的鲮(Cirrhinus) 、舌唇鱼 (Lobocheilus)、脂孟加拉鲮(Bangana)作为内群,以鲃亚科的刺鲃(Spinibarbus caldwelli)、大鳞高须鱼(Hypsibarbus vernayi)作为外群。利用外群比较法选取 性状,进行编码后建立一个性状状态矩阵。然后应用软件MacClade4.0 和Paup4.0 进行分析。本研究选取61 个性状来构建系统发育树。系统发育树结果表明:(1) 野鲮亚科第二类群的鱼类构成一个单系群,在这里把它们命名为穗唇鲃组;(2) 狭吻鱼属是个有效属,应置于野鲮亚科第二类群并与唇鱼属、泉水鱼属的亲缘关 系最近;(3)异华鲮属与狭吻鱼属、唇鱼属、泉水鱼属的亲缘关系较密切,在4 属之中,它是较早分化出来的类群; (4)宽唇华缨鱼和三齿华缨鱼不聚成姐妹 群,华缨鱼属不构成单系群;(5)直口鲮和宽唇华缨鱼的分类地位不稳定,需要 今后进一步的分子生物学研究确认。