964 resultados para 3rd Bahia Biennale, Brazil


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The spatial and temporal distribution of organisms is a fundamental aspect of biological communities. The present study focused on three remnants of arboreal Caatinga in northeastern Brazil between May, 2009 and April, 2010. A total of 627 euglossine males were captured in traps baited with artificial aromatic compounds. The specimens belonged to 14 species and four genera: Euglossa Latreille, Eulaema Lepeletier, Eufriesea Cockerell, and Exaerete Hoffmannsegg. Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier (41.6), Euglossa carolina Nem,sio (15.3%), Eulaema marcii Nem,sio (13.6%), and Euglossa melanotricha Moure (12.8%) were the most common species sampled. The distribution of collected specimens per fragment was as follows: BraA(0)na (280 ha)-259 individuals belonging to 14 species; Cambui (179 ha)-161 individuals from eight species; and Pindoba (100 ha)-207 individuals represented by seven species. BraA(0)na had the highest diversity (H'aEuro parts per thousand= 1.91) and estimated species richness. The largest fragment was the main source of the observed variation in species richness and abundance, indicating a non-random pattern of spatial distribution. The analysis of environmental factors indicated that seasonal variation in these factors was the principal determinant of species occurrence and abundance.


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Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive behavior of the thin-spined porcupine Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae), a threatened arboreal folivore in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. We aimed to ascertain the behavioral strategies used by this species as well as its responses to seasonal and daily climatic changes. Four radio-collared individuals were followed continuously for 72-h in the summer and winter, as well as during 146 half-night sessions conducted from April 2005 to September 2006 in forest remnants in southern Bahia. The thin-spined porcupines were nocturnally active (17:30-05:40 h), with peaks in activity and movement from 19:00 to 20:00 h and 03:00 to 04:00 h. Animals followed a circadian rhythm of activity during both the summer and winter. During the diel cycle, porcupines spent 74% of their time resting, 14% feeding, 11% traveling and 2% performing other activities. Distance traveled during the diel cycle averaged 277.5 +/- 117.9 m sd. The mean movement rate during the night was 21.6 +/- 30.1 m/h sd. No significant changes in activity budget or daily distance traveled were observed between seasons, most likely in response to the low fluctuations in climatic conditions and food availability throughout the year in the study region. However, rainfall reduced the time that the animals spent on feeding activities and explained day-to-day differences in activity budgets. We also provide details about intraspecific interactions and defecation behavior. Our observations confirmed that thin-spined porcupines, similar to other folivorous species, present low activity levels and short daily movements, and have adopted various cryptic habits, such as nocturnality, a solitary lifestyle, the tendency to leave offspring alone most of the time and defecation in concealed latrines.


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A sample of Pulmonata collected in Santa Maria da Vitória, interior of Bahia, Brazil, in Caatinga semi-arid environment, is studied taxonomically. From the five species, four are revealed as new, including a new genus. The new taxa are the Bulimulidae (1) Kora corallina gen. et sp. n. characterized by the elongated shell with aperture somewhat dislocated from the shell axis, and an oblique tooth in middle level of inner lip; (2) Spixia coltrorum, mainly characterized by an uneven spire, delicate sculpture and peristome with 4 equidistant teeth; (3) Anostoma tessa, mainly characterized by a broad spire and well-developed anal canal; and the Megalobulimidae (4) Megalobulimus amandus, mainly characterized by pointed protoconch sculptured by dense quantity of axial cords. Rhinus suturalis is the only previously known species, but its geographic distribution is expanded southwards to Bahia state. A discussion with respect to necessity for improving the study on the malacofauna from the interior region of the Brazilian Northeast and the importance for preservation of the Caatinga biome is also provided.


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Spiripockia punctatais a new genus and species of Pomatiopsidae found in a cave from Serra Ramalho, SW Bahia, Brazil. The taxon is troglobiont (restricted to subterranean realm), and is characterized by the shell weakly elongated, fragile, translucent, normally sculptured by pustules with periostracum hair on tip of pustules; peristome highly expanded; umbilicus opened; radular rachidian with 6 apical and 3 pairs of lateral cusps; osphradium short, arched; gill filaments with rounded tip; prostate flattened, with vas deferens inserting subterminally; penis duct narrow and weakly sinuous; pallial oviduct simple anteriorly, possessing convoluted bypass connecting base of bulged portion of transition between visceral and pallial oviducts with base of seminal receptacle; spermathecal duct complete, originated from albumen gland. The description of this endemic species may raise protective environmental actions to that cave and to the Serra Ramalho Karst area.


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The impact of cancer on the population of Salvador-Bahia, Brazil was studied using mortality data available from the Brazilian National Bureau of Vital Statistics. Average annual site, age, and gender specific and adjusted cancer mortality rates were determined for the years 1977-83 and contrasted with United States cancer mortality rates for the year of 1977. The accuracy of the cancer mortality rates generated by this research was determined by comparing the underlying causes of death as coded on death certificates to pathology reports and to hospital diagnosis of a sample of 966 deaths occurring in Salvador during the year of 1983. To further explore the information available on the death certificate, a population based decedent case control study was used to determine the relationship between type of occupation (proxy for exposure) and mortality by cancer sites known to be occupationally related.^ The rates in Salvador for cancer of the stomach, oral cavity, and biliary passages are, on average, two fold higher than the U.S. rates.^ The death certificate was found to be accurate for 65 percent of the 485 cancer deaths studied. Thirty five histologically confirmed cancer deaths were found in a random sample of 481 deaths from other causes. This means that, approximately 700 more deaths may be lost among the remainder 10,073 death certificates stating a cause other than cancer.^ In addition, despite the known limitations of decedent case-control studies, cancers of the oral cavity OR = 2.44, CI = 1.17-5.09, stomach OR = 2.31, CI = 1.18-4.52, liver OR = 4.06, CI = 1.27-12.99, bladder OR = 6.77, CI = 1.5-30.67, and lymphoma OR = 2.55, CI = 1.04-6.25 had elevated point estimates, for different age strata indicating an association between these cancers and occupations that led to exposure to petroleum and its derivates. ^


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A nearly complete skeleton of a robust-bodied New World monkey that resembles living spider monkeys was recovered from undisturbed Pleistocene deposits in the Brazilian state of Bahia. The skeleton displays the highly specialized postcranial pattern typical of spider and woolly spider monkeys and shares cranial similarities to the spider monkey exclusively. It is generically distinct on the basis of its robustness (>20 kg) and on the shape of its braincase. This new genus indicates that New World monkeys nearly twice the size of those living today were part of the mammalian biomass of southern Amazonia in the late Pleistocene. The discovery of this specimen expands the known adaptive diversity of New World monkeys and demonstrates that they underwent body size expansion in the terminal Pleistocene, as did many other types of mammals.


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"From the Smithsonian report for 1906, pages 215-221 (with plates I, II)."


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In recent years the concept of "Land Stewardship" has gained a great importance. In short, it means that local entities and individuals can protect enclave of high ecological and cultural value. This vision has been effective in some places in the world with success. For example, the “Projeto Sempre Viva”, created in the town of Mucugê, a place located in one of Brazil´s most renowned Natural Protected Areas: the Chapada Diamantina (State of Bahia). We had looked over the available information about this project on the Internet, as well as a personal visit that was made to the site to know it and to have the possibility to talk to their managers. On this basis, it has been reached to the conclusion that this project, born to protect a Sempre Viva´s endemic species in danger of extinction, has turned into an important site for tourism and environmental education, completed with the preservation of the cultural identity of this region which is linked to diamond mining.


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We are pleased to present these selected papers from the proceedings of the 3rd Crime, Justice and Social Democracy International Conference, held in July 2015 in Brisbane, Australia. Over 350 delegates attended the conference from 19 countries. The papers collected here reflect the diversity of topics and themes that were explored over three days. The Crime, Justice and Social Democracy International Conference aims to strengthen the intellectual and policy debates concerning links between justice, social democracy, and the reduction of harm and crime, through building more just and inclusive societies and proposing innovative justice responses. In 2015, attendees discussed these issues as they related to ideas of green criminology; indigenous justice; gender, sex and justice; punishment and society; and the emerging notion of ‘Southern criminology’. The need to build global connections to address these challenges is more evident than ever and the conference and these proceedings reflect a growing attention to interdisciplinary, novel, and interconnected responses to contemporary global challenges. Authors in these conference proceedings engaged with issues of online fraud, queer criminology and law, Indigenous incarceration, youth justice, incarceration in Brazil, and policing in Victoria, Australia, among others. The topics explored speak to the themes of the conference and demonstrate the range of challenges facing researchers of crime, harm, social democracy and social justice and the spaces of possibility that such research opens. Our thanks to the conference convenor, Dr Kelly Richards, for organising such a successful conference, and to all those presenters who subsequently submitted such excellent papers for review here. We would also particularly like to thank Jess Rodgers for their tireless editorial assistance, as well as the panel of international scholars who participated in the review process, often within tight timelines.


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Marine protected areas (MPAs) are being promoted around the world as an effective means of protecting marine and coastal resources and biodiversity. However, concerns have been raised about their impact on the livelihoods, culture and survival of small-scale and traditional fishing and coastal communities. Yet, as this study from Brazil shows, it is possible to use MPAs as a tool for livelihood-sensitive conservation. Based on detailed studies of three sites–the Peixe Lagoon National Park in Rio Grande do Sul, and the marine extractive reserves (MERs) of Mandira, São Paulo, and Corumbau, Bahia – the study shows how communities in Brazil have been able to use protected areas to safeguard their livelihoods against development and industrialization projects, like shrimp farms and tourist resorts. (68 pp.)


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Maria Graham, escritora inglesa, nasceu perto de Papscastle em 19 d e junho de 1785 e morreu em Londres, em 28 de novembro de 1842. Casada com o capitão Thomas Graham comandante da fragata Doris fez em sua companhia a sua primeira viagem ao Brasil, em 1821, quando se dirigia ao Chile. Em 1824, já viúva, retornou ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de D. Maria da Glória, filha do Imperador D. Pedro I e de Dona Leopoldina. Permaneceu no país até setembro de 1825, quando retornou para Londres por motivos políticos. Mais tarde, casou-se com Augustus Earle Calcott e passou a assinar suas obras literárias como Lady Calcott. ‘Journal of a voyage to Brazil’ relata as viagens da autora ao Brasil. Descreve o país, seus habitantes e os costumes das diferentes classes sociais, principalmente em Pernambuco, na Bahia e no Rio de Janeiro. Constitui importante fonte de informações sobre a época da independência e uma das melhores publicações do século XIX. As ilustrações, com desenhos da autora, são excelentes. De acordo com Borba de Moraes ‘a Catholic University Library em Washington (Oliveira Lima Collection) possui um exemplar que pertenceu à própria autora, onde ela fez correções e anotações para uma segunda edição, mas que nunca chegou a ser publicada. Essas anotações são muito importantes, sobretudo para a história da revolução de Pernambuco e a atuação de Cochrane. Quanto aos acontecimentos de sua vinda ao Rio de Janeiro como preceptora de Dona Maria da Glória, existe um diário que foi publicado por Rodolfo Garcia com preciosas notas e prefácio no volume 60 dos Anais da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, assim como uma biografia de D. Pedro I e correspondência entre Maria Graham e a Imperatriz’


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Blake, Sacramento. Diccionario bibliographico brazileiro. Rio de Janeiro: Typ. Nacional, 1883-1902.v. 2, p. 377


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O sistema estuarino das Ilhas de Tinharé-Boipeba está inserido na região do Baixo Sul baiano (Bahia Brasil), costa nordeste brasileira, e conectam-se com o oceano através de três saídas principais, Morro de São Paulo, Boipeba e Barra dos Carvalhos. Informações relacionadas à presença de metais no sedimento são quase inexistentes para a região. Nestes estuários foram coletadas 40 amostras de sedimento, onde analisou-se a concentração de metais (Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn) através da extração com água-régia, segundo o protocolo do material de referência BCR-701 (RAURET et al., 2001). Baixas concentrações de metais foram registradas nas proximidades das saídas para o mar e no Canal de Garapuá e Rio Grande. Altas concentrações, porém praticamente dentro dos valores de referência na CONAMA 344/04, foram registradas no Rio Una, na maior parte do Rio Cairu, Rio das Almas, em quase todas as estações, no braço leste do Rio Cairu e na porção intermediária do Rio dos Patos. As concentrações dos metais (mg.kg1) apresentaram valores entre os seguintes intervalos, Al (3,57 x 104 a 3,19 x 102), Cu (1,02 x 102 a 0,35), Fe (4,33 x 104 a 2,05 x 102), Mn (1,44 x 103 a 2,73), Pb (6,67 x 101 a 2,66) e Zn (5,08 x 102 a 3,18). Através da análise estatística ACP (Análise dos Componentes Principais) e dos gráficos de correlação entre a granulometria do sedimento (areia, silte e argila) e os metais, observou-se maiores concentrações de metais com o aumento do percentual de silte e diminuição do percentual de areia. Também se identificou uma forte correlação entre a ocorrência do fósforo e a presença de metais. Acredita-se que a principal espécie química em questão seja o fosfato (PO43 ou P2O5) que é uma base dura, onde a ligação com os metais se dá pelo oxigênio, sendo o caráter iônico relevante. Não foi identificada uma correlação entre a presença de metais e a argila, fato atribuído ao baixo teor dessa granulometria para todas as amostras do estudo e a composição da argila desses estuários