705 resultados para 130207 LOTE, ESL and TESOL Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Maori)


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Decision In the Matter of Gray highlights complications that advancing medical technology causes to the law - case concerns the issue of removal of semen from a deceased man - how the courts deal with matters concerning medical technology in the absence of specific legislation or established case law - legal and moral questions raised by the case.


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The response of the abdominal muscles to voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor (PF) muscles was investigated in women with no history of symptoms of stress urinary incontinence to determine whether there is co-activation of the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity during exercises for the PF muscles. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of each of the abdominal muscles was recorded with fine-wire electrodes in seven parous females. Subjects contracted the PF muscles maximally in three lumbar spine positions while lying supine. In all subjects. the EMG activity of the abdominal muscles was increased above the baseline level during contractions of the PF muscles in at least one of the spinal positions. The amplitude of the increase in EMG activity of obliquus externus abdominis was greatest when the spine was positioned in flexion and the increase in activity of transversus abdominis was greater than that of rectus abdominis and obliquus externus abdominis when the spine was positioned in extension. In an additional pilot experiment. EMG recordings were made from the pubococcygeus and the abdominal muscles with fine-wire electrodes in two subjects during the performance of three different sub-maximal isometric abdominal muscle maneuvers. Both subjects showed an increase in EMG activity of the pubococcygeus with each abdominal muscle contraction. The results of these experiments indicate that abdominal muscle activity is a normal response to PF exercise in subjects with no symptoms of PF muscle dysfunction and provide preliminary evidence that specific abdominal exercises activate the PF muscles. Neurourol. Urodynam. 20:31-42, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A globalização aproxima os povos: o mundo chinês e o mundo português nunca tiveram uma relação tão estreita como a atual. Apesar de os portugueses terem ido os primeiros ocidentais a entrar na China com a chegada de Jorge Álvares a uma ilha chinesa, em 1513, e os últimos ocidentais a deixar o governo de um território chinês, com a transferência da administração portuguesa de Macau para a China a 20 de dezembro de 1999, nunca haviam sido registados, nos últimos séculos, grandes contatos ou intercâmbios comerciais e culturais entre a China e Portugal e entre o mundo chinês e o mundo lusófono, em comparação com os contatos entre o mundo chinês e outros mundos ocidentais: como o inglês, o francês, o alemão e o espanhol. Os objetivos gerais desta investigação são três: 1 - Reconhecer o papel do desenvolvimento da competência omunicativa intercultural no contexto do ensino-aprendizagem do português como LE na China. 2 - Promover o desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa intercultural dos alunos chineses no processo de aprendizagem da língua portuguesa na China. 3 - Analisar os métodos pedagógicos e de integração curricular para apoiar e desenvolver um ensino mais eficaz do português como LE na China. O desenvolvimento do nosso trabalho articula-se em duas áreas científicas: Ciências da Linguagem e Ciências da Educação. A abordagem metodológica utilizada é o estudo de caso, com recolha de dados primários realizada através de questionários, entrevistas e observação participante em profundidade, que permitiu a confirmação e/ou refutação das hipóteses levantadas, privilegiando a metodologia qualitativa. Os resultados permitem estabelecer uma relação significativa, do ponto de vista pedagógico, entre a comunicação intercultural na educação e as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no ensino do português como língua estrangeira na China. Contudo e de acordo com a nossa pesquisa, o maior problema que impede as práticas pedagógicas para desenvolver as competências comunicativas no ensino, é a falta de materiais didáticos com estrutura para elaborar um programa de atividades coerentes e complementares nas aulas.


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Différents organismes internationaux se sont penchés sur l’école rurale des pays en émergence. La plupart de ces travaux de recherche montrent que ces écoles n’offrent pas une éducation adaptée au milieu dans lesquelles elles sont situées, du fait essentiellement qu’on y a implanté la structure administrative et pédagogique des écoles urbaines sans tenir compte des caractéristiques de la population infantile des zones rurales. Afin de tenter de remédier aux difficultés identifiées, ces organismes ont proposé diverses solutions ou préconisé des politiques adaptées à ce contexte particulier. Le but de cette recherche est d’étudier comment ces recommandations convergent-elles avec les politiques éducatives et dans le quotidien des écoles en milieu rural de deux pays de l’Amérique centrale, le Costa Rica et le Nicaragua. À cette fin, comme cadre d'analyse, nous avons établi six catégories : condition socio-économique, plan d'études et pédagogie, relation école et communauté, enseignants, technologie et finalement, gestion et gouvernance. Pour ce faire, nous analysons les recommandations globales formulées par diverses organisations internationales et d’autres organismes des pays développés à propos de l'éducation rurale. Nous comparons ensuite ces informations avec les décisions politiques prises ces dernières vingt années, dans les deux pays sélectionnés afin de favoriser le développement éducatif des zones rurales. Pour finir, nous observons sur le terrain le quotidien de quelques écoles rurales des deux pays retenus. En partant de l’hypothèse qu’il existe suffisamment d’information et de recommandations permettant l’élaboration des politiques éducatives appropriées pour améliorer les conditions des écoles rurales, le travail présente une analyse multiniveaux (recommandations globales, politiques nationales et pratiques scolaires) en établissant la convergence ou la divergence dans chacune des catégories. Les principaux résultats de la recherche démontrent qu'il existe une convergence entre les pratiques scolaires et les politiques éducatives émises par les pays étudiés, avec quelques exceptions. Quant à la convergence entre les recommandations globales et les politiques émises par ces pays, on ne peut pas parler de convergence de façon générale. La recherche propose l'élaboration de profil de politiques nationales pour chaque pays, en fonction de la manière par laquelle ils abordent la problématique de l'éducation rurale : soit par l’assignation des ressources pour étendre les services éducatifs normalisés pour tous les enfants, ou en produisant des politiques focalisées, créant des programmes spécifiques, faisant remarquer la différence du monde rural.


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The purpose of this presentation is to offer a deeper understanding of adult learning and provide tips on how to effectively teach in the online environment. The presenter will compare and contrast two learning theories: andragogy and pedagogy. Furthermore, the roles of the online instructor and e-learner will be outlined. An open discussion at the end of the presentation will allow participants to make implications as to which learning theory is more effective for online learning.


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Esta pesquisa tem como foco de estudo, o Currículo e a Formação de Professores ribeirinhos da Amazônia Paraense, analisou a articulação entre o Currículo do Curso de Pedagogia das Águas e os Saberes Culturais das comunidades dos discentes ribeirinhos do Município de Abaetetuba no Estado do Pará. Partiu-se da identificação de aspectos significativos do universo cultural ribeirinho das ilhas de Abaetetuba e da análise da maneira como os saberes culturais desses sujeitos foram tratados no Projeto Político Pedagógico e no Currículo do Curso de Pedagogia das Águas. Destaca-se que esse curso é vinculado ao Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária e atendeu, exclusivamente, ribeirinhos assentados. A importância de se pesquisar tal temática, se justifica pela necessidade de se refletir acerca do currículo para a formação de professores do/no/e para o campo, do fortalecimento do protagonismo dos sujeitos e do reconhecimento da multiculturalidade amazônica e de suas especificidades geográficas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais, que pouco ou raramente são consideradas no espaço educativo. Para exploração do objeto de estudo optou-se por uma metodologia de abordagem qualitativa, buscando o apoio na exploração de bibliografias e documentos, na aplicação de instrumentos de pesquisa (como questionário e entrevista), e na sistematização, organização e análise dos dados e informações coletadas. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram: os saberes culturais das comunidades ribeirinhas se fizeram presentes no currículo, de forma efetiva, no núcleo eletivo do curso; por meio das práticas dos professores, eles possuem aproximação/afinação, reconhecimento e/ou sensibilidade para com a vida dos povos ribeirinhos; assim como por meio das atividades extracurriculares em que evidenciaram e discutiram sobre a vida das populações do campo, e em especial, das comunidades ribeirinhas.


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With reference to curricular changes proposed by the CNE Resolution 1 /2002 and CNE 2/2002 on Teacher Education in Basic Education teaching degree - this study aims to analyze the new professional profile proposed in curriculum pedagogy , Physical Education , Science Biology , Mathematics , Physics and Geography . Within the curriculum guidelines was observed in a more normative articulated curriculum, focused on action-reflection- action. A guided design in practical rationality and the skills set without breaking the commitment of the public university with emancipation and quality education . Although there is this understanding we must also attend to the care that must be given to the new guidelines , based on the same reveal great concern with vocational training , with its instrumentation , with the pragmatic and utilitarian dimension of the training process . It is noteworthy that throughout the twentieth century in Brazil , where he fought for educational policies that were to solidify the construction of teacher identity , but the gains have largely remained restricted to the issue of educational reforms and a roster of disciplines , called pedagogical varnish . Therefore, this work is to deepen this thematic perspective , studying the identity of the teacher in the new curriculum design presented by undergraduate courses . Therefore , the central objective seeks to understand how the identity of teacher ( professional profile ) was presented in the proposals for teacher training , as well as the different elements that make up this identity process . Specifically if you want to ( a) identify the proposals of courses for Teachers of Primary Education , UNESP / RC - Institute of Biosciences and Geosciences and Exact Sciences - Biological Sciences , Physical Education , Physics , Geography , Mathematics and Pedagogy - the proposed profile and ( b ) analyze the fundamental knowledge that this professional listing the elements...


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In this dissertation, I use qualitative research methods to study relationships between compositionists and faculty in other disciplines in the context of cross-curricular literacy (CCL) work. Drawing on a two-year CCL project in the biology department, for which I was a participant observer, I argue that compositionists need to attend more carefully to issues that influence day-to-day interactions with disciplinary faculty in order to develop more meaningful CCL relationships. Toward that end, I offer a revisionary approach to cross-curricular literacy work that cultivates complex relationships by delaying consensus and embracing disconnection and disorientation. More specifically, I employ revisionary stance as a discursive strategy to complicate three key concepts in CCL literature and scholarship—expertise, change, and outcomes. I re-vision three texts produced during my time in the biology department in order to illuminate the complexities of negotiating expertise, recognizing change, and pursuing outcomes in CCL contexts. Given the reciprocal relationship between discursive and material change (Lee), I maintain that revision of CCL discourse can inspire revision on a pedagogical level, shaping how compositionists and disciplinary faculty participate in CCL interactions. Thus, a revisionary approach leads me to conceptualize revisionary pedagogy for cross-curricular literacy work. I theorize revisionary pedagogy as a means of fostering pedagogical relationships in CCL contexts, complicating how relationships are framed in traditional Writing Across the Curriculum/Writing in the Disciplines scholarship. The literature advances three main conceptual models of CCL, each of which embraces expertise, change, and outcomes in ways that sponsor potentially problematic relationships between compositionists and disciplinary faculty. I draw on Composition scholars’ rich conceptualization of revision (Jung; Lee; Welch) and pedagogy (Kameen; Qualley; Stenberg) to challenge the litany of next-best models and imagine alternative possibilities for relationships in CCL contexts. Revisionary pedagogy is a means of approaching material circumstances that reconstitutes how compositionists and disciplinary faculty conceive of and participate in CCL relationships.


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Text in English and Maori, the Maori having seperate pagination and special title-pages: Ko nga tatai korero whakapapa a te Maori me nga karakia o nehe.