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Digital thermal imaging has been employed in medicine for over 50 years. However, its use has been focused on vascular, musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, while other potential applications,such as obstetrics, have been much less explored. This paper presents a study conducted during 2011 at the Hospital of Braga on a group of healthy pregnant women in the last third of gestation. The analysis focused on characterizing typical pregnant women steady temperature profiles in specific defined regions of interest (ROI), and determining if the thermal symmetry values for late pregnant healthy women are in line with the values for non-pregnant healthy women. A temperature distribution pattern was found in the defined ROI. The obtained thermal symmetry value had a maximum of 0.370.2 1C, and there was no evidence for the influence of age (p40.05) in the observed group. The influence of the BMI requires further investigation since one ROI (P2 right) presented a p¼0.059, close to the threshold of statistical evidence in the influence of BMI. The study group presented symmetry values in line with non-pregnant reference values, but the profiles in temperature distribution are different. Assumptions can therefore now be used with higher confidence when assessing abnormalities in specific pathologic states during pregnancy using the defined ROI. This work represents a first contribution towards establishing guidelines for future research in this specific field of study.
Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. MASCEM is a market simulator developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations. This paper presents a new proposal for the definition of MASCEM players’ strategies to negotiate in the market. The proposed methodology is multiagent based, using reinforcement learning algorithms to provide players with the capabilities to perceive the changes in the environment, while adapting their bids formulation according to their needs, using a set of different techniques that are at their disposal.
The concentrations of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in three commercially valuable fish species (sardine, Sardina pilchardus; chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus; and horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus) from the Atlantic Ocean. Specimens were collected seasonally during 2007–2009. Only low molecular weight PAHs were detected, namely, naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene and phenanthrene. Chub mackerel (1.80–19.90 microg/kg ww) revealed to be significantly more contaminated than horse mackerel (2.73–10.0 microg/kg ww) and sardine (2.29–14.18 microg/kg ww). Inter-specific and inter-season comparisons of PAHs bioaccumulation were statistically assessed. The more relevant statistical correlations were observed between PAH amounts and total fat content (significant positive relationships, p < 0.05), and season (sardine displayed higher amounts in autumn–winter while the mackerel species showed globally the inverse behavior). The health risks by consumption of these species were assessed and shown to present no threat to public health concerning PAH intakes.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os eventos adversos pós-vacina contra a difteria, coqueluche e tétano (EAPV-DPT) e os fatores associados à sua gravidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com componente descritivo e analítico, abrangendo os eventos adversos pós-vacina DPT notificados no Estado de São Paulo, de 1984 a 2001, entre crianças menores de sete anos de idade. A definição de caso foi a adotada pela vigilância de EAPV-DPT; os dados obtidos foram originados da vigilância passiva desses eventos. No cálculo das taxas, o numerador foram os EAPV e o denominador o número de doses aplicadas. A associação entre a gravidade dos EAPV-DPT e as exposições de interesse foi investigada pelas estimativas não ajustadas e ajustadas da odds ratio, com os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança, usando regressão logística não condicional. RESULTADOS: Identificaram-se 10.059 EAPV-DPT relativos a 6.266 crianças, apresentando um ou mais EAPV, 29,5% foram internadas e em 68,2% houve contra-indicação das doses subseqüentes de DPT. Cerca de 75% dos eventos ocorreram nas primeiras seis horas após a aplicação da vacina. Os eventos mais freqüentes foram: febre<39,5°C, reação local, evento hipotônico hiporresponsivo e convulsão. Mostraram-se independentemente associadas à gravidade: intervalo inferior a uma hora entre a aplicação da vacina e o evento (OR=2,1), primeira dose aplicada (OR=5,8), antecedentes neurológicos pessoais (OR=2,2) e familiares (OR=5,3). CONCLUSÕES: A vigilância passiva de EAPV mostrou-se útil no monitoramento da segurança da vacina DPT, descrevendo as características e a magnitude desses eventos, assim como permitiu identificar possíveis fatores associados às formas graves.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar efeitos respiratórios tardios da inalação ocupacional de talco contaminado por asbesto. MÉTODOS: Análise de série de casos de 29 ex-trabalhadores de mineração de talco contaminado com asbestos provenientes de Carandaí, MG, atendidos no Centro de Referência Estadual de Saúde do Trabalhador de Minas Gerais em 2004-2005. Os ex-trabalhadores foram submetidos a anamnese clínico-ocupacional, radiografia de tórax e espirometria. Foi criado um escore de exposição que, multiplicado pela duração, originou um índice de exposição cumulativa ao talco. Para verificar a associação do índice de exposição cumulativa com a presença de alterações radiológicas, sugestivas de pneumoconiose e/ou alterações pleurais, foi ajustado um modelo de regressão logística exata. RESULTADOS: Todos os ex-trabalhadores eram homens, com média de idade de 48,2 anos. Nas radiografias de tórax foram encontradas alterações pleurais em três deles, opacidades parenquimatosas compatíveis com pneumoconiose em um e suspeita em seis. Alterações espirométricas ocorreram em três. A regressão logística apontou odds ratio de 1,059 (IC 95%: 1,012;1,125) para o índice acumulado, ou seja, cada unidade no índice resulta em um aumento de 5,9% na chance de apresentar alteração radiológica compatível ou suspeita de pneumoconiose. Em relação à mediana do tempo estimado de latência entre o início da exposição até o diagnóstico das placas pleurais, ocorreu diferença significativa (p = 0,013) entre os casos (27,0 anos) e não casos (14,3 anos). CONCLUSÕES: Os achados apontam a necessidade de controle clínico nos trabalhadores que foram expostos a asbesto, particularmente devido aos efeitos tardios da exposição a esse mineral.
The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.
Spent coffee grounds (SCG) are usually disposed as common garbage, without specific reuse strategies implemented so far. Due to its recognised richness in bioactive compounds, the effect of SCG on lettuce’s macro- and micro-elements was assessed to define its effectiveness for agro industrial reuse. A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted with different amounts of fresh and composted spent coffee, and potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper were analysed. A progressive decrease on all lettuce mineral elements was verified with the increase of fresh spent coffee, except for potassium. In opposition, an increment of lettuce’s essential macro-elements was verified when low amounts of composted spent coffee were applied (5%, v/v), increasing potassium content by 40%, manganese by 30%, magnesium by 20%, and sodium by 10%, of nutritional relevance This practical approach offers an alternative reuse for this by-product, extendable to other crops, providing value-added vegetable products.
For an interval map, the poles of the Artin-Mazur zeta function provide topological invariants which are closely connected to topological entropy. It is known that for a time-periodic nonautonomous dynamical system F with period p, the p-th power [zeta(F) (z)](p) of its zeta function is meromorphic in the unit disk. Unlike in the autonomous case, where the zeta function zeta(f)(z) only has poles in the unit disk, in the p-periodic nonautonomous case [zeta(F)(z)](p) may have zeros. In this paper we introduce the concept of spectral invariants of p-periodic nonautonomous discrete dynamical systems and study the role played by the zeros of [zeta(F)(z)](p) in this context. As we will see, these zeros play an important role in the spectral classification of these systems.
We assessed the frequency of serological markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections in 365 alcoholics by determining, by ELISA, the presence of HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs and anti-HCV. Fifty patients were cirrhotics and 315 had no evidence of hepatic cirrhosis; of the latter HBsAg was assessed in all, anti-HBc and anti-HBs in 130, and anti-HCV in 210. Among the alcoholics the frequencies of HBsAg (1.9%), anti-HBc (28.3%) and anti-HCV (3.8%) were higher (p<0.001) than among the controls (N=17,059), 0.4%, 4.0% and 0.4% respectively. The frequency of positive HBsAg was higher (p<0.001) in the cirrhotic patients (8.0%) than in alcoholics without cirrhosis (0.95%) and in controls (0.4%), and similar between the latter; of anti-HBc in alcoholics without cirrhosis (28.5%) was similar in cirrhotics patients (28.0%) and higher (p<0.001) than in the controls (4.0%); of anti-HBs in alcoholics without cirrhosis (20.8%) was similar to that of the cirrhotic patients (10.0%), and the anti-HCV was similar between alcoholics with (6.0%) and without cirrhosis (3.3%) and higher (p<0.001) than in controls (0.4%). We concluded that: a) alcoholics with or without cirrhosis have similar frequencies of infection with HBV and HCV between them, and higher than in nonalcoholics; b) alcoholics without cirrhosis had a frequency of HBV active infection (HBsAg+) which was similar to the controls, whereas among those who progressed to cirrhosis this frequency was significantly higher, what suggests that HBV may be implicated in the pathogenesis of cirrhosis in a few alcoholic individuals.
Projeto apresentado ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientação Científica: Professor Doutor Eduardo de Sá e Silva | Doutora Fátima Monteiro Orientação Técnica: Dr. Paulo Costa
A terapêutica com nitratos pode induzir pré-condicionamento isquémico, com consequente aumento da tolerância a isquémia. No contexto de síndromes coronárias agudas (SCA), os nitratos podem condicionar uma diferente forma de apresentação, com maior protecção. Objectivos: Estudar numa população de doentes com SCA se a administração crónica prévia ao evento, de nitratos condiciona a forma de apresentação do SCA. Métodos: Estudo de 287 doentes (65 +- 13 anos, 66% sexo masculino) admitidos no nosso serviço por SCA (com e sem elevação do segmento ST) no primeiro semestre de 2005. Destes, 8% estavam sob terapêutica com nitratos prévia à admissão. Neste grupo 27% apresentaram-se como SCA com elevação do segmento ST e no grupo sem nitratos, este valor foi de 58% (p=0,005). Por análise univariada, a utilização de nitratos foi preditora da ocorrência preferencial de "SCA sem elevação do segmento ST" (OR 0,27, IC 95% 0,10-0,71, p=0,005). Após correcção para variáveis potencialmente influentes (idade, sexo, revascularização prévia, tabagismo) por análise multivariada de regressão logística, a terapêutica com nitratos foi preditora limiar da apresentação clínica "SCA sem elevação do segmento ST" (OR 0,37, IC 95% 0,13-1,04), p=0,059. Conclusão: A utilização prévia à ocorrência de SCA associou-se com um desvio da apresentação para a forma de SCA sem elevação do segmento ST. Este achado pode ser justificado pela hipótese de que os nitratos podem induzir um pré-condicionamento farmacológico, reduzindo a extensão transmural do enfarte.
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and to identify risk factors associated with Giardia lamblia infection in diarrheic children hospitalized for diarrhea in Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted and a comprehensive questionnaire was administered to the child's primary custodian. Fixed effects logistic regression was used to determine the association between infection status for G. lamblia and host, sociodemographic, environmental and zoonotic risk factors. A total of 445 fecal samples were collected and processed by the DFA methodology, and G. lamblia cysts were present in the feces of 44 diarrheic children (9.9%). A variety of factors were found to be associated with giardiasis in these population: age of children (OR, 1.18; 90% CI, 1.0 - 1.36; p = 0.052), number of children in the household (OR 1.45; 90% CI, 1.13 - 1.86; p = 0.015), number of cats in the household (OR, 1.26; 90% CI, 1.03 -1.53; p = 0.059), food hygiene (OR, 2.9; 90% CI, 1.34 - 6.43; p = 0.024), day-care centers attendance (OR, 2.3; 90% CI, 1.20 - 4.36; p = 0.034), living on a rural farm within the past six months prior hospitalization (OR, 5.4; CI 90%, 1.5 - 20.1; p = 0.03) and the number of household adults (OR, 0.59; 90% CI, 0.42 - 0.83; p = 0.012). Such factors appropriately managed may help to reduce the annual incidence of this protozoal infection in the studied population.
Although the protease inhibitors have revolutionized the therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC), the concomitant use of pegylated-interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) is associated to a high rate of adverse effects. In this study, we evaluated the consequences of PEG-IFN and RBV and their relationship with mortality in patients with cirrhosis. METHODS: Medical records of CHC who underwent treatment with PEG-IFN and RBV in a public hospital in Brazil were evaluated. All the patients with cirrhosis were selected, and their clinical and laboratory characteristics, response to treatment, side effects and mortality were evaluated. RESULTS: From the 1,059 patients with CHC, 257 cirrhotic patients were evaluated. Of these, 45 (17.5%) achieved sustained viral response (SVR). Early discontinuation of therapy occurred in 105 (40.8%) patients, of which 39 (15.2%) were due to serious adverse effects. The mortality rate among the 257 cirrhotic patients was 4.3%, occurring in 06/242 (2.4%) of the Child-A, and in 05/15 (33.3%) of the Child-B patients. In conclusion, the treatment of patients with cirrhosis due to HCV with PEG-IFN and RBV shows a low SVR rate and a high mortality, especially in patients with liver dysfunction.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
INTRODUCTION: Since 1970, lengthening of the rectosigmoid has been suspected to be a solitary manifestation of Chagas colopathy. METHODS: To test this hypothesis, opaque enema was administered on 210 seropositive and 63 seronegative patients, and radiographs in the anteroposterior and posteroanterior positions were examined blind to the serological and clinical findings. The distal colon was measured using a flexible ruler along the central axis of the image from the anus to the iliac crest. RESULTS: Dolichocolon was diagnosed in 31 (14.8%) seropositive and 3 (4.8%) seronegative patients. The mean length was 57.2 (±12.2)cm in seropositive patients and 52.1 (±8.8)cm in the seronegative patients (p = 0.000), that is, the distal colon in Chagas patients was, on average, 5.1cm longer. Seropositive female patients presented a mean length of 58.8 (±12.3)cm, and seronegative female patients presented 53.2 (±9.1)cm (p = 0.002). Seropositive male patients had a mean length of 55 (±11.6)cm, and seronegative male patients had 49.9 (±7.8)cm (p = 0.02). Among 191 patients without megacolon and suspected megacolon, the mean length was 56.3 (±11.6)cm in seropositive individuals and 52 (±8.8)cm in seronegative patients (p = 0.003). Among individuals with distal colon >70cm, there were 31 Chagas patients with mean length of 77.9 (±7.1)cm and three seronegative with 71.3 (±1.1)cm (p = 0.000). Among 179 with distal colon <70cm, seropositive individuals had a mean length of 53.6 (±8.8)cm, and seronegative patients had 51.2 (±7.8)cm (p = 0.059). Serological positive women had longer distal colon than men (p = 0.02), whereas the mean length were the same among seronegative individuals (p = 0.16). CONCLUSIONS: In endemic areas of Brazil Central, solitary dolichocolon is a radiological Chagas disease signal.