965 resultados para 040601 Geomorphology and Regolith and Landscape Evolution


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We present new data on the strength of oceanic lithosphere along the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) from two independent methods: spectral analysis (Bouguer coherence) using the fan wavelet transform technique, and spatial analysis (flexure inversion) with the convolution method. The two methods provide effective elastic thickness (T-e) patterns that broadly complement each other, and correlate well with known surface structures and regional-scale features. Furthermore, our study presents a new high resolution database on the Moho configuration, which obeys flexural isostasy, and exhibit regional correlations with the T-e variations. A continuous ridge structure with a much lower T-e value than that of normal oceanic lithosphere provides strong support for the hotspot theory. The derived T-e values vary over the northern (higher T-e similar to 10-20 km), central (anomalously low T-e similar to 0-5 km), and southern (low T-e similar to 5 km) segments of the NER. The lack of correlation of the T-e value with the progressive aging of the lithosphere implies differences in thermo-mechanical setting of the crust and underlying mantle in different parts of the NER, again indicating diversity in their evolution. The anomalously low T-e and deeper Moho (similar to 22 km) estimates of the central NER (between 0.5 degrees N and 17 degrees S) are attributed to the interaction of a hotspot with the Wharton spreading ridge that caused significant thermal rejuvenation and hence weakening of the lithosphere. The higher mechanical strength values in the northern NER (north of 0.5 degrees N) may support the idea of off-ridge emplacement and a relatively large plate motion at the time of volcanism. The low T-e and deeper Moho (similar to 22 km) estimates in the southern part (south of 17 degrees S) suggest that the lithosphere was weak and therefore younger at the time of volcanism, and this supports the idea that the southern NER was emplaced on the edge of the Indian plate. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microstructure and texture are known to undergo drastic modifications due to trace hypoeutectic boron addition (similar to 0.1wt.%) for various titanium alloys e.g. Ti-6Al-4V. The deformation behaviour of such an alloy Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B is investigated in the (+) phase field and compared against that of the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V studied under selfsame conditions. The deformation microstructures for the two alloys display bending and kinking of lamellae in near and softening via globularization of lamella in near phase regimes, respectively. The transition temperature at which pure slip based deformation changes to softening is lower for the boron added alloy. The presence of TiB particles is largely held attributable for the early softening of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy. The compression texture of both the alloys carry signature of pure phase defamation at lower temperature and phase transformation near the transus temperature. Texture is influenced by a complex interplay of the deformation and transformation processes in the intermediate temperature range. The contribution from phase transformation is prominent for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy at comparatively lower temperature.


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The mechanism of grain refinement in a AZ31 Mg alloy subjected to hot groove rolling is investigated up to large strain (epsilon(t) similar to 2.5). The alloy shows enhanced yield strength without compromising ductility. The change in strain path during rolling has resulted in significant weakening of basal texture. The microstructure analyses show that dynamic recrystallization (DRX) contributed significantly to grain refinement and hence to the observed mechanical properties. The combined effects of DRX and texture evolution on mechanical properties have been addressed.


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Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 alloy was directionally solidified by using a modified Bridgman technique at a wide range of growth rates of 5 to 100 cm/h. The directionally grown samples exhibited plane front solidification morphology up to a growth rate of 90 cm/h. Typical island banding feature was observed closer to the chilled end, which eventually gave rise to irregular peritectic coupled growth (PCG). The PCG gained prominence with an increase in the growth rate. The texture study revealed formation of strong aOE (c) 311 > texture in a lower growth rate regime, aOE (c) 110 > and ``rotated aOE (c) 110 > aEuroe in an intermediate growth regime, and aOE (c) 112 > in a higher growth rate regime. In-depth analysis of the atomic configuration of a solid-liquid interface revealed that the growth texture is influenced by the kinetics of atomic attachment to the solid-liquid interface, which is intimately related to a planar packing fraction and an atomic stacking sequence of the interfacial plane. The mechanism proposed in this article is novel and will be useful in addressing the orientation selection mechanism of topologically closed packed intermetallic systems. The samples grown at a higher growth rate exhibit larger magnetostriction (lambda) and d lambda/dH owing to the absence of pro-peritectic (Tb,Dy)Fe-3 and formation of aOE (c) 112 > texture, which lies closer to the easy magnetization direction (EMD).


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The Southern Granulite Terrain in India is a collage of crustal blocks ranging in age from Archean to Neoproterozoic. This study investigate the tectonic evolution of one of the northernmost block- the Biligiri Block (BRB) through a multidisciplinary approach involving field investigation, petrographic studies, LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopic analyses, metamorphic P-T phase diagram computations, and crustal thickness modeling. The garnet bearing quartzofeldspathic gneiss from the central BRB preserve Mesoarchean magmatic zircons with ages between 3207 and 2806 Ma and positive epsilon Hf value (+2.7) which possibly indicates vestiges of a Mesoarchean primitive continental crust. The occurrence of quartzite-iron formation intercalation as well as ultramafic lenses along the western boundary of the BRB is interpreted to indicate that the Kollegal structural lineament is a possible paleo-suture. Phase diagram computation of a metagabbro from the southwestern periphery of the Kollegal suture zone reveals high-pressure (similar to 18.5 kbar) and medium-temperature (similar to 840 degrees C) metamorphism, likely during eastward subduction of the Western Dharwar oceanic crust beneath the Mesoarchean BRB. In the model presented here, slab subduction, melting and underplating processes generated arc magmatism and subsequent charnockitization within the BRB between ca. 2650 Ma and ca. 2498 Ma. These results thus reveal Meso- to Neoarchean tectonic evolution of the BRB. The spatial variation of crustal thickness, derived from flexure inversion technique, provides additional constraints on the tectonic linkage of the BRB with its surrounding terrains. In conjunction with published data, the Moyar and the Kollegal suture zones are considered to mark the trace of ocean closure along which the Nilgiri and Biligiri Rangan Blocks accreted on to the Western Dharwar Craton. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The laser-solidified microstructural and compositional characterization and phase evolution during tempering at 963 K were investigated using an analytical transmission electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The cladded alloy, a powder mixture of Fe, Cr, W, Ni, and C with a weight ratio of 10:5:1:1:1, was processed with a 3 kW continuous wave CO2 laser. The processing parameters were 16 mm/s beam scanning speed, 3 mm beam diameter. 2 kW laser power, and 0.3 g/s feed rate. The coating was metallurgically bonded to the substrate, with a maximum thickness of 730 mu m, a microhardness of about 860 Hv and a volumetric dilution ratio of about 6%. Microanalyses revealed that the cladded coating possessed the hypoeutectic microstructure comprising the primary dendritic gamma-austenite and interdendritic eutectic consisted of gamma-austenite and M7C3 carbide. The gamma-austenite was a non-equilibrium phase with extended solid solution of alloying elements and a great deal of defect structures, i.e. a high density of dislocations, twins, and stacking faults existed in gamma phase. During high temperature aging, in situ carbide transformation occurred of M7C3 to M23C6 and M6C. The precipitation of M23C6, MC and M2C carbides from austenite was also observed.


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A simple derivation based on continuum mechanics is given, which shows the surface stress is critical for yield strength at ultra-small scales. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with modified embedded atom method (MEAM) are employed to investigate the mechanical behaviors of single-crystalline metal nanowires under tensile loading. The calculated yield strengths increasing with the decrease of the cross-sectional area of the nanowires are in accordance with the theoretical prediction. Reorientation induced by stacking faults is observed at the nanowire edge. In addition. the mechanism of yielding is discussed in details based on the snapshots of defects evolution. The nanowires in different crystallographic orientations behave differently in stretching deformation. This study on the plastic properties of metal nanowires will be helpful to further understanding of the mechanical properties of nanomaterials. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The East African Great Lakes are now well known for (1) their fisheries, of vital importance for their rapidly rising riparian human populations, and (2) as biodiversity hotspots with spectacular endemic faunas, of which the flocks of cichlid fishes unique to each of the three largest lakes, Tanganyika, Malawi and Victoria, offer unique opportunities to investigate how new species evolve and coexist. Since the early 1990s research involving over a hundred scientists, financed by many international bodies, has produced numerous reports and publications in widely scattered journals. This article summarizes their main discoveries and examines the status of, and prospects for, the fisheries, as well as current ideas on how their rich endemic fish faunas have evolved. It first considers fisheries projects in each of the three lakes: the deep rift valley lakes Tanganyika and Malawi and the huge Victoria, all of which share their waters between several East African countries. Secondly it considers the biodiversity surveys of each lake, based on underwater (SCUBA) observations of fish ecology and behaviour which have revealed threats to their fish faunas, and considers what conservation measures are needed. Thirdly, using the lakes as laboratories, what have the international investigations (including DNA techniques and follow-up aquarium experiments) now revealed about the origins and relationships of their cichlid species flocks and mechanisms of evolution?


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Oxygenic photosynthesis fundamentally transformed our planet by releasing molecular oxygen and altering major biogeochemical cycles, and this exceptional metabolism relies on a redox-active cubane cluster of four manganese atoms. Not only is manganese essential for producing oxygen, but manganese is also only oxidized by oxygen and oxygen-derived species. Thus the history of manganese oxidation provides a valuable perspective on our planet’s environmental past, the ancient availability of oxygen, and the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. Broadly, the general trends of the geologic record of manganese deposition is a chronicle of ancient manganese oxidation: manganese is introduced into the fluid Earth as Mn(II) and it will remain only a trace component in sedimentary rocks until it is oxidized, forming Mn(III,IV) insoluble precipitates that are concentrated in the rock record. Because these manganese oxides are highly favorable electron acceptors, they often undergo reduction in sediments through anaerobic respiration and abiotic reaction pathways.

The following dissertation presents five chapters investigating manganese cycling both by examining ancient examples of manganese enrichments in the geologic record and exploring the mineralogical products of various pathways of manganese oxide reduction that may occur in sediments. The first chapter explores the mineralogical record of manganese and reports abundant manganese reduction recorded in six representative manganese-enriched sedimentary sequences. This is followed by a second chapter that further analyzes the earliest significant manganese deposit 2.4 billon years ago, and determines that it predated the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis and thus is supporting evidence for manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis as an evolutionary precursor prior to oxygenic photosynthesis. The lack of oxygen during this early manganese deposition was partially established using oxygen-sensitive detrital grains, and so a third chapter delves into what these grains mean for oxygen constraints using a mathematical model. The fourth chapter returns to processes affecting manganese post-deposition, and explores the relationships between manganese mineral products and (bio)geochemical reduction processes to understand how various manganese minerals can reveal ancient environmental conditions and biological metabolisms. Finally, a fifth chapter considers whether manganese can be mobilized and enriched in sedimentary rocks and determines that manganese was concentrated secondarily in a 2.5 billion-year-old example from South Africa. Overall, this thesis demonstrates how microbial processes, namely photosynthesis and metal oxide-reducing metabolisms, are linked to and recorded in the rich complexity of the manganese mineralogical record.