971 resultados para Équations de Navier-Stokes


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The motion of a viscous incompressible fluid flow in bounded domains with a smooth boundary can be described by the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations. This description corresponds to the so-called Eulerian approach. We develop a new approximation method for the Navier-Stokes equations in both the stationary and the non-stationary case by a suitable coupling of the Eulerian and the Lagrangian representation of the flow, where the latter is defined by the trajectories of the particles of the fluid. The method leads to a sequence of uniquely determined approximate solutions with a high degree of regularity containing a convergent subsequence with limit function v such that v is a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations.


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The non-stationary nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations describe the motion of a viscous incompressible fluid flow for 0ded three-dimensional domain. Up to now it is not known wether these equations are well-posed or not. Therefore we use a particle method to develop a system of approximate equations. We show that this system can be solved uniquely and globally in time and that its solution has a high degree of spatial regularity. Moreover we prove that the system of approximate solutions has an accumulation point satisfying the Navier-Stokes equations in a weak sense.


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In the present paper we use a time delay epsilon > 0 for an energy conserving approximation of the nonlinear term of the non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations. We prove that the corresponding initial value problem (N_epsilon)in smoothly bounded domains G \subseteq R^3 is well-posed. Passing to the limit epsilon \rightarrow 0 we show that the sequence of stabilized solutions has an accumulation point such that it solves the Navier-Stokes problem (N_0) in a weak sense (Hopf).


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachten wir die Strömung einer zähen, inkompressiblen, instationären Flüssigkeit in einem dreidimensionalen beschränkten Gebiet, deren Verhalten wird mit den instationären Gleichungen von Navier-Stokes beschrieben. Diese Gleichungen gelten für viele wichtige Strömungsprobleme, beispielsweise für Luftströmungen weit unterhalb der Schallgeschwindigkeit, für Wasserströmungen, sowie für flüssige Metalle. Im zweidimensionalen Fall konnten für die Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen bereits weitreichende Existenz-, Eindeutigkeits- und Regularitätsaussagen bewiesen werden. Im allgemeinen dreidimensionalen Fall, falls also die Daten keinen Kleinheitsannahmen unterliegen, hat man bisher lediglich Existenz und Eindeutigkeit zeitlich lokaler starker Lösungen nachgewiesen. Außerdem existieren zeitlich global so genannte schwache Lösungen, deren Regularität für den Nachweis der Eindeutigkeit im dreidimensionalen Fall allerdings nicht ausreicht. Somit bleibt die Lücke zwischen der zeitlich lokalen, eindeutigen starken Lösung und den zeitlich globalen, nicht eindeutigen schwachen Lösungen der Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen im dreidimensionalen Fall weiterhin offen. Das renommierte Clay Mathematics Institute hat dieses Problem zu einem von sieben Millenniumsproblemen erklärt und für seine Lösung eine Million US-Dollar ausgelobt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neues Approximationsverfahren für die Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen entwickelt, das auf einer Kopplung der Eulerschen und Lagrangeschen Beschreibung zäher Strömungen beruht.


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We consider numerical methods for the compressible time dependent Navier-Stokes equations, discussing the spatial discretization by Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin methods, the time integration by time adaptive implicit Runge-Kutta and Rosenbrock methods and the solution of the appearing nonlinear and linear equations systems by preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov, as well as Multigrid methods. As applications, thermal Fluid structure interaction and other unsteady flow problems are considered. The text is aimed at both mathematicians and engineers.


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In the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations, the proofs of some basic known results, like for example the uniqueness of solutions to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations under smallness assumptions on the data or the stability of certain time discretization schemes, actually only use a small range of properties and are therefore valid in a more general context. This observation leads us to introduce the concept of SST spaces, a generalization of the functional setting for the Navier-Stokes equations. It allows us to prove (by means of counterexamples) that several uniqueness and stability conjectures that are still open in the case of the Navier-Stokes equations have a negative answer in the larger class of SST spaces, thereby showing that proof strategies used for a number of classical results are not sufficient to affirmatively answer these open questions. More precisely, in the larger class of SST spaces, non-uniqueness phenomena can be observed for the implicit Euler scheme, for two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, for the fractional step theta scheme, and for the SST-generalized stationary Navier-Stokes equations. As far as stability is concerned, a linear version of the Euler scheme, a nonlinear version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme turn out to be non-stable in the class of SST spaces. The positive results established in this thesis include the generalization of classical uniqueness and stability results to SST spaces, the uniqueness of solutions (under smallness assumptions) to two nonlinear versions of the Euler scheme, two nonlinear versions of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and the fractional step theta scheme for general SST spaces, the second order convergence of a version of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, and a new proof of the first order convergence of the implicit Euler scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. For each convergence result, we provide conditions on the data that guarantee the existence of nonstationary solutions satisfying the regularity assumptions needed for the corresponding convergence theorem. In the case of the Crank-Nicolson scheme, this involves a compatibility condition at the corner of the space-time cylinder, which can be satisfied via a suitable prescription of the initial acceleration.


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We present an immersed interface method for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations capable of handling rigid immersed boundaries. The immersed boundary is represented by a set of Lagrangian control points. In order to guarantee that the no-slip condition on the boundary is satisfied, singular forces are applied on the fluid at the immersed boundary. The forces are related to the jumps in pressure and the jumps in the derivatives of both pressure and velocity, and are interpolated using cubic splines. The strength of singular forces is determined by solving a small system of equations at each time step. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized on a staggered Cartesian grid by a second order accurate projection method for pressure and velocity.


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We study the linear and nonlinear stability of stationary solutions of the forced two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations on the domain [0,2π]x[0,2π/α], where α ϵ(0,1], with doubly periodic boundary conditions. For the linear problem we employ the classical energy{enstrophy argument to derive some fundamental properties of unstable eigenmodes. From this it is shown that forces of pure χ2-modes having wavelengths greater than 2π do not give rise to linear instability of the corresponding primary stationary solutions. For the nonlinear problem, we prove the equivalence of nonlinear stability with respect to the energy and enstrophy norms. This equivalence is then applied to derive optimal conditions for nonlinear stability, including both the high-and low-Reynolds-number limits.


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Neste trabalho são provadas algumas estimativas de erro em espaços para as aproximações de Galerkin para a solução do sistema de equações de Navier-Stokes. Mostra-se que o erro decresce em proporção inversa aos autovalores do operador de Stokes.


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Neste trabalho desenvolvemos uma metodologia numérica para a solução do escoamento em torno de um vórtice. Como a análise completa deste tipo de fluxo não é uma tarefa fácil, simplificações quanto ao escoamento e ao método numérico são necessárias. Também investigamos o comportamento das soluções das equações governantes (Navier-Stokes) quando o tempo tende ao infinito. Nesse sentido, dividimos este trabalho em duas partes: uma numérica e outra analítica. Com o intuito de resolver numericamente o problema, adotamos o método de diferenças finitas baseado na formulação incompressível das equações governantes. O método numérico para integrar essas equações é baseado no esquema de Runge- Kutta com três estágios. Os resultados numéricos são obtidos para cinco planos bidimensionais de um vórtice com números de Reynolds variando entre 1000 e 10000. Na parte analítica estudamos taxas de decaimento das soluções das equações de Navier-Stokes quando os dados iniciais são conhecidos. Também estimamos as taxas de decaimento para algumas derivadas das soluções na norma L2 e comparamos com as taxas correspondentes da solução da equação do calor.


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We present a numerical solution for the steady 2D Navier-Stokes equations using a fourth order compact-type method. The geometry of the problem is a constricted symmetric channel, where the boundary can be varied, via a parameter, from a smooth constriction to one possessing a very sharp but smooth corner allowing us to analyse the behaviour of the errors when the solution is smooth or near singular. The set of non-linear equations is solved by the Newton method. Results have been obtained for Reynolds number up to 500. Estimates of the errors incurred have shown that the results are accurate and better than those of the corresponding second order method. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Suppose that u(t) is a solution of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, either on the whole space or with periodic boundary conditions, that has a singularity at time T. In this paper we show that the norm of u(T - t) in the homogeneous Sobolev space (H)over dot(s) must be bounded below by c(s)t(-(2s-1)/4) for 1/2 < s < 5/2 (s not equal 3/2), where c(s) is an absolute constant depending only on s; and by c(s)parallel to u(0)parallel to((5-2s)/5)(L2)t(-2s/5) for s > 5/2. (The result for 1/2 < s < 3/2 follows from well-known lower bounds on blowup in Lp spaces.) We show in particular that the local existence time in (H)over dot(s)(R-3) depends only on the (H)over dot(s)-norm for 1/2 < s < 5/2, s not equal 3/2. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4762841]


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A fourth-order numerical method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations in streamfunction/vorticity formulation on a two-dimensional non-uniform orthogonal grid has been tested on the fluid flow in a constricted symmetric channel. The family of grids is generated algebraically using a conformal transformation followed by a non-uniform stretching of the mesh cells in which the shape of the channel boundary can vary from a smooth constriction to one which one possesses a very sharp but smooth corner. The generality of the grids allows the use of long channels upstream and downstream as well as having a refined grid near the sharp corner. Derivatives in the governing equations are replaced by fourth-order central differences and the vorticity is eliminated, either before or after the discretization, to form a wide difference molecule for the streamfunction. Extra boundary conditions, necessary for wide-molecule methods, are supplied by a procedure proposed by Henshaw et al. The ensuing set of non-linear equations is solved using Newton iteration. Results have been obtained for Reynolds numbers up to 250 for three constrictions, the first being smooth, the second having a moderately sharp corner and the third with a very sharp corner. Estimates of the error incurred show that the results are very accurate and substantially better than those of the corresponding second-order method. The observed order of the method has been shown to be close to four, demonstrating that the method is genuinely fourth-order. © 1977 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE