877 resultados para tablas de mortalidad
La comarca de Morata de Tajuña (Madrid, España), situada sobre materiales sedimentados ricos en bases (calizas miocénicas), presenta un termoclima mesomediterráneo superior y un ombroclima seco. En su paisaje se reconocen dos series de vegetación climatófilas: serie mesomediterránea castellano-aragonesa basófila de la encina (Bupleuro rigidi-Querceto rotundifoliae sigmetum) y serie mesosupramediterránea alcarreña-manchega basófsla del rebollo (Cephalanthero rubrae-Querceto fagineae sigmetum); y una edafohigrófila: serie riparia mesomediterránea del olmo (Aro italici-Ulmeto minoris sigmetum). Se aportan tablas fitosociológicas de las comunidades que representan las etapas maduras y de las subseriales de mayor presencia.
Se hace una descripción de las cinco series de vegetación que constituyen el paisaje vegetal de la cuenca del rio Bidasoa en Navarra (norte de España) y se aportan tablas fitosocíologicas de las comunidades que representan la etapa madura de cada serie asi como una tabla de los brezale sdel territorio. Se describen en ellas dos nuevas subasociaciones Polytricho setiferi-Fraxinetum excelsioris carpinetosum betuli y Tamo communis-Quercetum roboris fagetosum sylvticae.
Se caracterizan por medio de los correspondientes índices térmicos y ómbricos los pisos bioclimáticos reconocidos en las tres regiones corológicas existentes en España. Se proponen nuevos índices de mediterraneidad que permiten separar climáticamenre la región Mediterránea de la Eurosiberiana y Saharo-Arábiga. Por último, se aportan tablas climáticas con ejemplos de algunas localidades españolas enclavadas en los diferentes pisos y regiones corológicas.
Se han estudiado las comunidades de la alianza Homalothecio-Polypodion serrati en las montañas de la región valenciana y alrededores, encontrándose que las mismas pueden atribuirse a cuatro asociaciones: Anomodonto-Polypodietum serrati, Saxifragetum cossonianae, Saxifragetum latepetiolatae y Homalothecio-Asplenietum fontianae.Se presentan sendas tablas fitosociológicas de cada una de las tres últimas, de las cuales se comentan, asimismo, sus principales notas características.
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of supplementation with silage (Festuca dolichophylla, Avena sativa and Vicia sativa) on weight gain and mortality in adult alpacas, during the months of dry season (June to August) in Huancavelica region. 300 female alpacas 3 and 4 years of age (physiological state: pregnant) were used, which were assigned to the following treatments: SP, grazing only PSE15, grazing plus supplementation of 1.5 kg of silage. Alpacas were supplemented once daily. In each alpaca they were recorded live weight at the beginning and end of the experiment. The weight gain was -0.02 y 2.05 kg for SP and PSE15 respectively (p <0.001) treatments. Mortality was 5.3% and 2.7% for SP and PSE15 respectively (p=0.073) treatments. It can be concluded under the conditions of this trial silage supplementation has effect on weight gain and maybe also on mortality in alpacas.
Reality shows are TV programs which represent a format used in television nowadays; however, the observation practices of individual and/or group intimacy dates from thousands years ago. Sometimes this was driven by voyeurism or morbid fascination, some others, by the purpose of guarding, supervising and maintaining status quo. This work offers an alternative answer to the explanation of this type of TV program emergence and relates this appearance to a government procedure bound up with modern State terrorism which began at the end of the eighteenth century and has been recalled by different regimes until present days.
The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.