988 resultados para seismic reflection


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This dissertation examines the global technological and environmental history of copper smelting and the conflict that developed between historic preservation and environmental remediation at major copper smelting sites in the United States after their productive periods ended. Part I of the dissertation is a synthetic overview of the history of copper smelting and its environmental impact. After reviewing the basic metallurgy of copper ores, the dissertation contains successive chapters on the history of copper smelting to 1640, culminating in the so-called German, or Continental, processing system; on the emergence of the rival Welsh system during the British industrial revolution; and on the growth of American dominance in copper production the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The latter chapter focuses, in particular, on three of the most important early American copper districts: Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula, Tennessee’s Copper Basin, and Butte-Anaconda, Montana. As these three districts went into decline and ultimately out of production, they left a rich industrial heritage and significant waste and pollution problems generated by increasingly more sophisticated technologies capable of commercially processing steadily growing volumes of decreasingly rich ores. Part II of the dissertation looks at the conflict between historic preservation and environmental remediation that emerged locally and nationally in copper districts as they went into decline and eventually ceased production. Locally, former copper mining communities often split between those who wished to commemorate a region’s past importance and develop heritage tourism, and local developers who wished to clear up and clean out old industrial sites for other purposes. Nationally, Congress passed laws in the 1960s and 1970s mandating the preservation of historical resources (National Historic Preservation Act) and laws mandating the cleanup of contaminated landscapes (CERCLA, or Superfund), objectives sometimes in conflict – especially in the case of copper smelting sites. The dissertation devotes individual chapters to the conflicts that developed between environmental remediation, particularly involving the Environmental Protection Agency and the heritage movement in the Tennessee, Montana, and Michigan copper districts. A concluding chapter provides a broad model to illustrate the relationship between industrial decline, federal environmental remediation activities, and the growth of heritage consciousness in former copper mining and smelting areas, analyzes why the outcome varied in the three areas, and suggests methods for dealing with heritage-remediation issues to minimize conflict and maximize heritage preservation.


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The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) has been used to quantify SO2 emissions from passively degassing volcanoes. This dissertation explores ASTER’s capability to detect SO2 with satellite validation, enhancement techniques and extensive processing of images at a variety of volcanoes. ASTER is compared to the Mini UV Spectrometer (MUSe), a ground based instrument, to determine if reasonable SO2 fluxes can be quantified from a plume emitted from Lascar, Chile. The two sensors were in good agreement with ASTER proving to be a reliable detector of SO2. ASTER illustrated the advantages of imaging a plume in 2D, with better temporal resolution than the MUSe. SO2 plumes in ASTER imagery are not always discernible in the raw TIR data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Decorrelation Stretch (DCS) enhancement techniques were compared to determine how well they highlight a variety of volcanic plumes. DCS produced a consistent output and the composition of the plumes was easy to identify from explosive eruptions. As the plumes became smaller and lower in altitude they became harder to distinguish using DCS. PCA proved to be better at identifying smaller low altitude plumes. ASTER was used to investigate SO2 emissions at Lascar, Chile. Activity at Lascar has been characterized by cyclic behavior and persistent degassing (Matthews et al. 1997). Previous studies at Lascar have primarily focused on changes in thermal infrared anomalies, neglecting gas emissions. Using the SO2 data along with changes in thermal anomalies and visual observations it is evident that Lascar is at the end an eruptive cycle that began in 1993. Declining gas emissions and crater temperatures suggest that the conduit is sealing. ASTER and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) were used to determine the annual contribution of SO2 to the troposphere from the Central and South American volcanic arcs between 2000 and 2011. Fluxes of 3.4 Tg/a for Central America and 3.7 Tg/a for South America were calculated. The detection limits of ASTER were explored. The results a proved to be interesting, with plumes from many of the high emitting volcanoes, such as Villarrica, Chile, not being detected by ASTER.


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A re-examination of seismic time-lapse data from the Teal South field provides support for a previously proposed model of regional pressure decline and the associated liberation of gas from nearby reservoirs due to the production from the only reservoir among them that is under production. The use of a specific attribute, instantaneous amplitude, and a series of time slices, however, provides increased detail in understanding fluid migration into or out of the reservoirs, and the path taken by pressure changes across faults. The regional decrease of pressure due to production in one reservoir has dramatic effects in nearby untapped reservoirs, one of which appears to exhibit evidence for the escape, and possible re-trapping nearby, of hydrocarbons from a spill point. The influx of water into the producing reservoir is also evidenced by a decrease in amplitude at one end of the oil-water contact.


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This study develops an automated analysis tool by combining total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), an evanescent wave microscopic imaging technique to capture time-sequential images and the corresponding image processing Matlab code to identify movements of single individual particles. The developed code will enable us to examine two dimensional hindered tangential Brownian motion of nanoparticles with a sub-pixel resolution (nanoscale). The measured mean square displacements of nanoparticles are compared with theoretical predictions to estimate particle diameters and fluid viscosity using a nonlinear regression technique. These estimated values will be confirmed by the diameters and viscosities given by manufacturers to validate this analysis tool. Nano-particles used in these experiments are yellow-green polystyrene fluorescent nanospheres (200 nm, 500 nm and 1000 nm in diameter (nominal); 505 nm excitation and 515 nm emission wavelengths). Solutions used in this experiment are de-ionized (DI) water, 10% d-glucose and 10% glycerol. Mean square displacements obtained near the surface shows significant deviation from theoretical predictions which are attributed to DLVO forces in the region but it conforms to theoretical predictions after ~125 nm onwards. The proposed automation analysis tool will be powerfully employed in the bio-application fields needed for examination of single protein (DNA and/or vesicle) tracking, drug delivery, and cyto-toxicity unlike the traditional measurement techniques that require fixing the cells. Furthermore, this tool can be also usefully applied for the microfluidic areas of non-invasive thermometry, particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), and non-invasive viscometry.


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Measuring shallow seismic sources provides a way to reveal processes that cannot be directly observed, but the correct interpretation and value of these signals depend on the ability to distinguish source from propagation effects. Furthermore, seismic signals produced by a resonating source can look almost identical to those produced by impulsive sources, but modified along the path. Distinguishing these two phenomena can be accomplished by examining the wavefield with small aperture arrays or by recording seismicity near to the source when possible. We examine source and path effects in two different environments: Bering Glacier, Alaska and Villarrica Volcano, Chile. Using three 3-element seismic arrays near the terminus of the Bering Glacier, we have identified and located both terminus calving and iceberg breakup events. We show that automated array analysis provided a robust way to locate icequake events using P waves. This analysis also showed that arrivals within the long-period codas were incoherent within the small aperture arrays, demonstrating that these codas previously attributed to crack resonance were in fact a result of a complicated path rather than a source effect. At Villarrica Volcano, seismometers deployed from near the vent to ~10 km revealed that a several cycle long-period source signal recorded at the vent appeared elongated in the far-field. We used data collected from the stations nearest to the vent to invert for the repetitive seismic source, and found it corresponded to a shallow force within the lava lake oriented N75°E and dipping 7° from horizontal. We also used this repetitive signal to search the data for additional seismic and infrasonic properties which included calculating seismic-acoustic delay times, volcano acoustic-seismic ratios and energies, event frequency, and real-time seismic amplitude measurements. These calculations revealed lava lake level and activity fluctuations consistent with lava lake level changes inferred from the persistent infrasonic tremor.


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Water distribution systems are important for life saving facilities especially in the recovery after earthquakes. In this paper, a framework is discussed about seismic serviceability of water systems that includes the fragility evaluation of water sources of water distribution networks. Also, a case study is brought about the performance of a water system under different levels of seismic hazard. The seismic serviceability of a water supply system provided by EPANET is evaluated under various levels of seismic hazard. Basically, the assessment process is based on hydraulic analysis and Monte Carlo simulations, implemented with empirical fragility data provided by the American Lifeline Alliance (ALA, 2001) for both pipelines and water facilities. Represented by the Seismic Serviceability Index (Cornell University, 2008), the serviceability of the water distribution system is evaluated under each level of earthquakes with return periods of 72 years, 475 years, and 2475 years. The system serviceability under levels of earthquake hazard are compared with and without considering the seismic fragility of the water source. The results show that the seismic serviceability of the water system decreases with the growing of the return period of seismic hazard, and after considering the seismic fragility of the water source, the seismic serviceability decreases. The results reveal the importance of considering the seismic fragility of water sources, and the growing dependence of the system performance of water system on the seismic resilience of water source under severe earthquakes.


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One of the original ocean-bottom time-lapse seismic studies was performed at the Teal South oil field in the Gulf of Mexico during the late 1990’s. This work reexamines some aspects of previous work using modern analysis techniques to provide improved quantitative interpretations. Using three-dimensional volume visualization of legacy data and the two phases of post-production time-lapse data, I provide additional insight into the fluid migration pathways and the pressure communication between different reservoirs, separated by faults. This work supports a conclusion from previous studies that production from one reservoir caused regional pressure decline that in turn resulted in liberation of gas from multiple surrounding unproduced reservoirs. I also provide an explanation for unusual time-lapse changes in amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) data related to the compaction of the producing reservoir which, in turn, changed an isotropic medium to an anisotropic medium. In the first part of this work, I examine regional changes in seismic response due to the production of oil and gas from one reservoir. The previous studies primarily used two post-production ocean-bottom surveys (Phase I and Phase II), and not the legacy streamer data, due to the unavailability of legacy prestack data and very different acquisition parameters. In order to incorporate the legacy data in the present study, all three poststack data sets were cross-equalized and examined using instantaneous amplitude and energy volumes. This approach appears quite effective and helps to suppress changes unrelated to production while emphasizing those large-amplitude changes that are related to production in this noisy (by current standards) suite of data. I examine the multiple data sets first by using the instantaneous amplitude and energy attributes, and then also examine specific apparent time-lapse changes through direct comparisons of seismic traces. In so doing, I identify time-delays that, when corrected for, indicate water encroachment at the base of the producing reservoir. I also identify specific sites of leakage from various unproduced reservoirs, the result of regional pressure blowdown as explained in previous studies; those earlier studies, however, were unable to identify direct evidence of fluid movement. Of particular interest is the identification of one site where oil apparently leaked from one reservoir into a “new” reservoir that did not originally contain oil, but was ideally suited as a trap for fluids leaking from the neighboring spill-point. With continued pressure drop, oil in the new reservoir increased as more oil entered into the reservoir and expanded, liberating gas from solution. Because of the limited volume available for oil and gas in that temporary trap, oil and gas also escaped from it into the surrounding formation. I also note that some of the reservoirs demonstrate time-lapse changes only in the “gas cap” and not in the oil zone, even though gas must be coming out of solution everywhere in the reservoir. This is explained by interplay between pore-fluid modulus reduction by gas saturation decrease and dry-frame modulus increase by frame stiffening. In the second part of this work, I examine various rock-physics models in an attempt to quantitatively account for frame-stiffening that results from reduced pore-fluid pressure in the producing reservoir, searching for a model that would predict the unusual AVO features observed in the time-lapse prestack and stacked data at Teal South. While several rock-physics models are successful at predicting the time-lapse response for initial production, most fail to match the observations for continued production between Phase I and Phase II. Because the reservoir was initially overpressured and unconsolidated, reservoir compaction was likely significant, and is probably accomplished largely by uniaxial strain in the vertical direction; this implies that an anisotropic model may be required. Using Walton’s model for anisotropic unconsolidated sand, I successfully model the time-lapse changes for all phases of production. This observation may be of interest for application to other unconsolidated overpressured reservoirs under production.


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We used the Green's functions from auto-correlations and cross-correlations of seismic ambient noise to monitor temporal velocity changes in the subsurface at Villarrica volcano in the Southern Andes of Chile. Campaigns were conducted from March to October 2010 and February to April 2011 with 8 broadband and 6 short-period stations, respectively. We prepared the data by removing the instrument response, normalizing with a root-mean-square method, whitening the spectra, and filtering from 1 to 10 Hz. This frequency band was chosen based on the relatively high background noise level in that range. Hour-long auto- and cross-correlations were computed and the Green's functions stacked by day and total time. To track the temporal velocity changes we stretched a 24 hour moving window of correlation functions from 90% to 110% of the original and cross correlated them with the total stack. All of the stations' auto-correlations detected what is interpreted as an increase in velocity in 2010, with an average increase of 0.13%. Cross-correlations from station V01, near the summit, to the other stations show comparable changes that are also interpreted as increases in velocity. We attribute this change to the closing of cracks in the subsurface due either to seasonal snow loading or regional tectonics. In addition to the common increase in velocity across the stations, there are excursions in velocity on the same order lasting several days. Amplitude decreases as the station's distance from the vent increases suggesting these excursions may be attributed to changes within the volcanic edifice. In at least two occurrences the amplitudes at stations V06 and V07, the stations farthest from the vent, are smaller. Similar short temporal excursions were seen in the auto-correlations from 2011, however, there was little to no increase in the overall velocity.


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Dynamic, unanticipated adaptation of running systems is of interest in a variety of situations, ranging from functional upgrades to on-the-fly debugging or monitoring of critical applications. In this paper we study a particular form of computational reflection, called unanticipated partial behavioral reflection, which is particularly well-suited for unanticipated adaptation of real-world systems. Our proposal combines the dynamicity of unanticipated reflection, i.e. reflection that does not require preparation of the code of any sort, and the selectivity and efficiency of partial behavioral reflection. First, we propose unanticipated partial behavioral reflection which enables the developer to precisely select the required reifications, to flexibly engineer the metalevel and to introduce the meta behavior dynamically. Second, we present a system supporting unanticipated partial behavioral reflection in Squeak Smalltalk, called Geppetto, and illustrate its use with a concrete example of a web application. Benchmarks validate the applicability of our proposal as an extension to the standard reflective abilities of Smalltalk.