990 resultados para second image reversed


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been widely used in cancer treatment planning, which takes the advantage of high-resolution and high-contrast provided by it. The raw data collected in the MRI can also be used to obtain the temperature maps and has been explored for performing MR thermometry. This review article describes the methods that are used in performing MR thermometry, with an emphasis on reconstruction methods that are useful to obtain these temperature maps in real-time for large region of interest. This article also proposes a prior-image constrained reconstruction method for temperature reconstruction in MR thermometry, and a systematic comparison using ex-vivo tissue experiments with state of the art reconstruction method is presented.


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This work investigates the potential of graphene oxide-cobalt ferrite nanoparticle (GO-CoFe2O4) composite as image contrast enhancing material in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In the preset work, GO-CoFe2O4 composites were produced by a two-step synthesis process. In the first step, graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized, and in the second step CoFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized in a reaction mixture containing GO to yield graphene GO-CoFe2O4 composite. Proton relaxivity value obtained from the composite was 361 mM(-1)s(-1). This value of proton relaxivity is higher than a majority of reported relaxivity values obtained using several ferrite based contrast agents.


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Waveguides have been fabricated on melt-quenched, bulk chalcogenide glasses using the femto-second laser inscription technique at low repetition rates in the single scan regime. The inscribed waveguides have been characterized by butt-coupling method and the diameter of the waveguide calculated using the mode-field image of the waveguide. The waveguide cross-section symmetry is analyzed using the heat diffusion model by relating the energy and translation speed of the laser. The net-fluence and symmetry of the waveguides are correlated based on the theoretical values and experimental results of guiding cross-section.


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Results from interface shear tests on sand-geosynthetic interfaces are examined in light of surface roughness of the interacting geosynthetic material. Three different types of interface shear tests carried out in the frame of direct shear-test setup are compared to understand the effect of parameters like box fixity and symmetry on the interface shear characteristics. Formation of shear bands close to the interface is visualized in the tests and the bands are analyzed using image-segmentation techniques in MATLAB. A woven geotextile with moderate roughness and a geomembrane with minimal roughness are used in the tests. The effect of surface roughness of the geosynthetic material on the formation of shear bands, movement of sand particles, and interface shear parameters are studied and compared through visual observations, image analyses, and image-segmentation techniques.


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Bacteria have evolved to survive the ever-changing environment using intriguing mechanisms of quorum sensing (QS). Very often, QS facilitates formation of biofilm to help bacteria to persist longer and the formation of such biofilms is regulated by c-di-GMP. It is a well-known second messenger also found in mycobacteria. Several methods have been developed to study c-di-GMP signaling pathways in a variety of bacteria. In this review, we have attempted to highlight a connection between c-di-GMP and biofilm formation and QS in mycobacteria and several methods that have helped in better understanding of c-di-GMP signaling. (c) 2014 IUBMB Life, 66(12):823-834, 2014


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This paper investigates the instantaneous spatial higher pair to lower pair substitute-connection which is kinematically equivalent up to acceleration analysis for two smooth surfaces in point contact. The existing first-order equivalent substitute-connection consisting of a Hooke's joint (U-joint) and a spherical joint (S-joint) connected by an additional link is extended up to second-order. A two step procedure is chalked out for achieving this equivalence. First, the existing method is employed for velocity equivalence. In the second step, the two centers of substitution are obtained as a conjugate relationship involving the principal normal curvatures of the surfaces at the contact point and the screw coordinates of the instantaneous screw axis (ISA) of the first-order relative motion. Unlike the classical planar replacement, this particular substitution cannot be done by merely examining the profiles of the contacting surfaces. An illustrative example of a three-link direct-contact mechanism is presented. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To perform super resolution of low resolution images, state-of-the-art methods are based on learning a pair of lowresolution and high-resolution dictionaries from multiple images. These trained dictionaries are used to replace patches in lowresolution image with appropriate matching patches from the high-resolution dictionary. In this paper we propose using a single common image as dictionary, in conjunction with approximate nearest neighbour fields (ANNF) to perform super resolution (SR). By using a common source image, we are able to bypass the learning phase and also able to reduce the dictionary from a collection of hundreds of images to a single image. By adapting recent developments in ANNF computation, to suit super-resolution, we are able to perform much faster and accurate SR than existing techniques. To establish this claim, we compare the proposed algorithm against various state-of-the-art algorithms, and show that we are able to achieve b etter and faster reconstruction without any training.


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Representing images and videos in the form of compact codes has emerged as an important research interest in the vision community, in the context of web scale image/video search. Recently proposed Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD), has been shown to outperform the existing retrieval techniques, while giving a desired compact representation. VLAD aggregates the local features of an image in the feature space. In this paper, we propose to represent the local features extracted from an image, as sparse codes over an over-complete dictionary, which is obtained by K-SVD based dictionary training algorithm. The proposed VLAD aggregates the residuals in the space of these sparse codes, to obtain a compact representation for the image. Experiments are performed over the `Holidays' database using SIFT features. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the original VLAD. The 4% increment in the mean average precision (mAP) indicates the better retrieval performance of the proposed sparse coding based VLAD.


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Dendritic growth of trigonal and square bipyramidal structures of LiTaO3 nanocrystallites, of 19-30 nm size, was observed when 1.5Li(2)O-2B(2)O(3)-0.5Ta(2)O(5) glasses were subjected to controlled heat treatment between 530 degrees C and 560 degrees C/3 h. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectral studies carried out on the heat-treated samples confirmed the formation of a LiTaO3 phase along with a minor phase of ferroelectric Li2B4O7. The sample that was heat-treated at 550 degrees C/3 h was found to possess similar to 26 nm sized crystallites which exhibited a pyroelectric coefficient as high as 15 nC cm(-2) K-1 which is in the same range (23 nC cm(-2) K-1) as that of single crystalline LiTaO3 at room temperature. The corresponding figures of merit that were calculated for the fast pulse detector (F-i), the large area pyroelectric detector (F-v) and the pyroelectric point detector (F-D) were 0.517 x 10(-10) m V-1, 0.244 m(2) C-1 and 1.437 x 10(-5) Pa-1/2, respectively. Glass nanocrystal composites comprising similar to 30 nm sized crystallites exhibited broad Maker fringes and the second harmonic intensity emanated from these was 0.5 times that of KDP single crystals.


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An iterative image reconstruction technique employing B-Spline potential function in a Bayesian framework is proposed for fluorescence microscopy images. B-splines are piecewise polynomials with smooth transition, compact support and are the shortest polynomial splines. Incorporation of the B-spline potential function in the maximum-a-posteriori reconstruction technique resulted in improved contrast, enhanced resolution and substantial background reduction. The proposed technique is validated on simulated data as well as on the images acquired from fluorescence microscopes (widefield, confocal laser scanning fluorescence and super-resolution 4Pi microscopy). A comparative study of the proposed technique with the state-of-art maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) with quadratic potential function shows its superiority over the others. B-Spline MAP technique can find applications in several imaging modalities of fluorescence microscopy like selective plane illumination microscopy, localization microscopy and STED. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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This paper presents two methods of star camera calibration to determine camera calibrating parameters (like principal point, focal length etc) along with lens distortions (radial and decentering). First method works autonomously utilizing star coordinates in three consecutive image frames thus independent of star identification or biased attitude information. The parameters obtained in autonomous self-calibration technique helps to identify the imaged stars with the cataloged stars. Least Square based second method utilizes inertial star coordinates to determine satellite attitude and star camera parameters with lens radial distortion, both independent of each other. Camera parameters determined by the second method are more accurate than the first method of camera self calibration. Moreover, unlike most of the attitude determination algorithms where attitude of the satellite depend on the camera calibrating parameters, the second method has the advantage of computing spacecraft attitude independent of camera calibrating parameters except lens distortions (radial). Finally Kalman filter based sequential estimation scheme is employed to filter out the noise of the LS based estimation.


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Clinical microscopy is a versatile and robust tool used for the diagnosis of a plethora of diseases. However, due to various reasons, it remains inaccessible in resource limited settings. In this paper, we present an automated and cost-effective alternative to microscopy for use in clinical diagnostics. With the use of custom optics and microfluidics, we demonstrate a field-portable imaging flow cytometry system. Using the presented system, we have been able to image 586 cells per second. We demonstrate the clinical relevance of the proposed system by differentiating between suspensions of healthy and sphered RBCs based on high-throughput morphometric analysis. The instrument presented here is a major advancement in the domain of field portable diagnostics as it enables fast and robust quantitative diagnostic testing at the point-of-care.


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In this paper, we propose a super resolution (SR) method for synthetic images using FeatureMatch. Existing state-of-the-art super resolution methods are learning based methods, where a pair of low-resolution and high-resolution dictionary pair are trained, and this trained pair is used to replace patches in low-resolution image with appropriate matching patches from the high-resolution dictionary. In this paper, we show that by using Approximate Nearest Neighbour Fields (ANNF), and a common source image, we can by-pass the learning phase, and use a single image for dictionary. Thus, reducing the dictionary from a collection obtained from hundreds of training images, to a single image. We show that by modifying the latest developments in ANNF computation, to suit super resolution, we can perform much faster and more accurate SR than existing techniques. To establish this claim we will compare our algorithm against various state-of-the-art algorithms, and show that we are able to achieve better and faster reconstruction without any training phase.


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Rapid reconstruction of multidimensional image is crucial for enabling real-time 3D fluorescence imaging. This becomes a key factor for imaging rapidly occurring events in the cellular environment. To facilitate real-time imaging, we have developed a graphics processing unit (GPU) based real-time maximum a-posteriori (MAP) image reconstruction system. The parallel processing capability of GPU device that consists of a large number of tiny processing cores and the adaptability of image reconstruction algorithm to parallel processing (that employ multiple independent computing modules called threads) results in high temporal resolution. Moreover, the proposed quadratic potential based MAP algorithm effectively deconvolves the images as well as suppresses the noise. The multi-node multi-threaded GPU and the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) efficiently execute the iterative image reconstruction algorithm that is similar to 200-fold faster (for large dataset) when compared to existing CPU based systems. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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In big data image/video analytics, we encounter the problem of learning an over-complete dictionary for sparse representation from a large training dataset, which cannot be processed at once because of storage and computational constraints. To tackle the problem of dictionary learning in such scenarios, we propose an algorithm that exploits the inherent clustered structure of the training data and make use of a divide-and-conquer approach. The fundamental idea behind the algorithm is to partition the training dataset into smaller clusters, and learn local dictionaries for each cluster. Subsequently, the local dictionaries are merged to form a global dictionary. Merging is done by solving another dictionary learning problem on the atoms of the locally trained dictionaries. This algorithm is referred to as the split-and-merge algorithm. We show that the proposed algorithm is efficient in its usage of memory and computational complexity, and performs on par with the standard learning strategy, which operates on the entire data at a time. As an application, we consider the problem of image denoising. We present a comparative analysis of our algorithm with the standard learning techniques that use the entire database at a time, in terms of training and denoising performance. We observe that the split-and-merge algorithm results in a remarkable reduction of training time, without significantly affecting the denoising performance.