996 resultados para rebound effect


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Lemon myrtle, anise myrtle, and Tasmanian pepper leaf are commercial Australian native herbs with a high volatile or essential oil content. Packaging of the herbs in high- or low-density polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) has proven to be ineffective in preventing a significant loss of volatile components on storage. This study investigates and compares the effectiveness of alternate high-barrier property packaging materials, namely, polyvinylidene chloride coated polyethylene terephthalate/casted polypropylene (PVDC coated PET/CPP) and polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate/aluminum foil/linear low-density polyethylene (PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE), in prevention of volatile compound loss from the three native herbs stored at ambient temperature for 6 months. Concentrations of major volatiles were monitored using gas chromatography?mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. After 6 months of storage, the greatest loss of volatiles from lemon myrtle was observed in traditional LDPE packaging (87% loss) followed by storage in PVDC coated PET/CPP (58% loss) and PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE (loss of 23%). The volatile loss from anise myrtle and Tasmanian pepper leaf stored in PVDC coated PET/CPP and PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE packaging was <30%. This study clearly indicates the importance of selecting the correct packaging material to retain the quality of herbs with high volatile content.


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Parasitoid survival and fecundity is generally enhanced with access to carbohydrate food sources. In many agricultural ecosystems, there is often a scarcity of suitable carbohydrates for parasitoids. This study compared the suitability of aphid honeydew and buckwheat nectar as diet for the aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes. Wasp lifespan and egg load were both increased with access to carbohydrates, but no differences were detected between the various carbohydrates diets tested. As aphid honeydew is a sufficient source of nutrition and L.testaceipes is a short-lived species, adding additional sources of carbohydrates like floral nectar strips to the agricultural landscape is unlikely to significantly increase the biological control exerted by L.testaceipes. © 2012 Australian Entomological Society.


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The antioxidant activity of natural plant materials rich in phenolic compounds is being widely investigated for protection of food products sensitive to oxidative reactions. In this thesis plant materials rich in phenolic compounds were studied as possible antioxidants to prevent protein and lipid oxidation reactions in different food matrixes such as pork meat patties and corn oil-in water emulsions. Loss of anthocyanins was also measured during oxidation in corn oil-in-water emulsions. In addition, the impact of plant phenolics on amino acid level was studied using tryptophan as a model compound to elucidate their role in preventing the formation of tryptophan oxidation products. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with ultraviolet and fluorescence detection (UV-FL) was developed that enabled fast investigation of formation of tryptophan derived oxidation products. Byproducts of oilseed processes such as rapeseed (Brassica rapa L.), camelina (Camelina sativa) and soy meal (Glycine max L.) as well as Scots pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) and several reference compounds were shown to act as antioxidants toward both protein and lipid oxidation in cooked pork meat patties. In meat, the antioxidant activity of camelina, rapeseed and soy meal were more pronounced when used in combination with a commercial rosemary extract (Rosmarinus officinalis). Berry phenolics such as black currant (Ribes nigrum) anthocyanins and raspberry (Rubus idaeus) ellagitannins showed potent antioxidant activity in corn oil-in-water emulsions toward lipid oxidation with and without β-lactoglobulin. The antioxidant effect was more pronounced in the presence of β-lactoglobulin. The berry phenolics also inhibited the oxidation of tryptophan and cysteine side chains of β-lactoglobulin. The results show that the amino acid side chains were oxidized prior the propagation of lipid oxidation, thereby inhibiting fatty acid scission. In addition, the concentration and color of black currant anthocyanins decreased during the oxidation. Oxidation of tryptophan was investigated in two different oxidation models with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hexanal/FeCl2. Oxidation of tryptophan in both models resulted in oxidation products such as 3a-hydroxypyrroloindole-2-carboxylic acid, dioxindolylalanine, 5-hydroxy-tryptophan, kynurenine, N-formylkynurenine and β-oxindolylalanine. However, formation of tryptamine was only observed in tryptophan oxidized in the presence of H2O2. Pine bark phenolics, black currant anthocyanins, camelina meal phenolics as well as cranberry proanthocyanidins (Vaccinium oxycoccus) provided the best antioxidant effect toward tryptophan and its oxidation products when oxidized with H2O2. The tryptophan modifications formed upon hexanal/FeCl2 treatment were efficiently inhibited by camelina meal followed by rapeseed and soy meal. In contrast, phenolics from raspberry, black currant, and rowanberry (Sorbus aucuparia) acted as weak prooxidants. This thesis contributes to elucidating the effects of natural phenolic compounds as potential antioxidants in order to control and prevent protein and lipid oxidation reactions. Understanding the relationship between phenolic compounds and proteins as well as lipids could lead to the development of new, effective, and multifunctional antioxidant strategies that could be used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.


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We used a long-term fire experiment in south-east Queensland, Australia, to determine the effects of frequent prescribed burning and fire exclusion on understorey vegetation (<7.5 m) richness and density in Eucalyptus pilularis forest. Our study provided a point in time assessment of the standing vegetation and soil-stored vegetation at two experimental sites with treatments of biennial burning, quadrennial burning since 19711972 and no burning since 1969. Vegetation composition, density and richness of certain plant groups in the standing and soil-stored vegetation were influenced by fire treatments. The density of resprouting plants <3 m in height was higher in the biennially burnt treatment than in the unburnt treatment, but resprouters 37.5 m in height were absent from the biennial burning treatment. Obligate seeder richness and density in the standing vegetation was not significantly influenced by the fire treatments, but richness of this plant group in the seed bank was higher in the quadrennial treatment at one site and in the long unburnt treatment at the other site. Long unburnt treatments had an understorey of rainforest species, while biennial burning at one site and quadrennial burning at the other site were associated with greater standing grass density relative to the unburnt treatment. This difference in vegetation composition due to fire regime potentially influences the flammability of the standing understorey vegetation. Significant interactions between fire regime and site, apparent in the standing and soil-stored vegetation, demonstrate the high degree of natural variability in vegetation community responses to fire regimes.


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Fire is an important driver of nutrient cycling in savannas. Here, we determined the impact of fire frequency on total and soluble soil nitrogen (N) pools in tropical savanna. The study sites consisted of 1-ha experimental plots near Darwin, Australia, which remained unburnt for at least 14 years or were burnt at 1-, 2- or 5-year intervals over the past 6 years. Soil was analysed from patches underneath tree canopies and in inter-canopy patches at 1, 12, 28, 55 and 152 days after fire. Patch type had a significant effect on all soil N pools, with greater concentrations of total and soluble (nitrate, ammonium, amino acids) N under tree canopies than inter-canopy patches. The time since the last fire had no significant effect on N pools. Fire frequency similarly did not affect total soil N but it did influence soluble soil N. Soil amino acids were most prominent in burnt savanna, ammonium was highest in infrequently burnt (5-year interval) savanna and nitrate was highest in unburnt savanna. We suggest that the main effect of fire on soil N relations occurs indirectly through altered tree-grass dynamics. Previous studies have shown that high fire frequencies reduce tree cover by lowering recruitment and increasing mortality. Our findings suggest that these changes in tree cover could result in a 30% reduction in total soil N and 1060% reductions in soluble N pools. This finding is consistent with studies from savannas globally, providing further evidence for a general theory of patchiness as a key driver of nutrient cycling in the savanna biome.


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The red flour beetle is a cosmopolitan pest of stored grain and stored grain products. The pest has developed resistance to phosphine, the primary chemical used for its control. The reproductive output of survivors from a phosphine treatment is an important element of resistance development but experimental data are lacking. We exposed mated resistant female beetles to 0.135 mg/L of phosphine for 48 h at 25°C. Following one week of recovery we provided two non-exposed males to half of the phosphine exposed females and to half of the non-exposed control females. Females that had been exposed produced significantly fewer offspring than non-exposed females. Females that remained isolated produced significantly fewer offspring than both exposed females with access to males and non-exposed controls (P<0.05). Some females were permanently damaged from exposure to phosphine and did not reproduce even when given access to males. We also examined the additional effects of starvation prior to phosphine exposure on offspring production. Non-exposed starved females experienced a small reduction in mean offspring production in the week following starvation, followed by a recovery in the second week. Females that were starved and exposed to phosphine demonstrated a very significant reduction in offspring production in the first week following exposure which remained significantly lower than that of starved non-exposed females (P<0.05). These results demonstrate a clear sublethal effect of phosphine acting on the female reproductive system and in some individuals this can lead to permanent reproductive damage. Pest population rebound after a fumigation may be slower than expected which may reduce the rate of phosphine resistance development. The results presented strongly suggest that phosphine resistance models should include sublethal effects. © 2012 Ridley et al.


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An irreversible pressure induced semiconductor-to-metal transition in bulk Ge20Te80 glass is observed at about 5 GPa pressure. The high pressure phase has a face centered cubic structure with a lattice constant 6.42 A° as deduced by X-ray diffraction studies on the pressure quenched samples. The temperature and pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity confirms the observed transition to be a semiconductor-to-metal transition. The temperature dependence of thermo electric power is also reported.


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Abstract In weed biocontrol, similarity of abiotic factors between the native and introduced range of a biocontrol agent is critical to its establishment and effectiveness. This is particularly the case for weeds that have a wide geographical distribution in the native range. For such weeds, the choice of a specialist insect that has narrow tolerance limits to important abiotic factors can diminish its ability to be an effective biocontrol agent. The membracid Aconophora compressa was introduced in Australia from Mexico for biocontrol of Lantana camara, a plant with a wide climatic tolerance. In this study we investigated the effect of constant and alternating temperatures on A. compressa survival. Longevity of adults and nymphs declined with increasing temperatures, and at 39°C individuals survived for less than a day. At lower temperatures, nymphs survived longer than adults. Survival at alternating temperatures was longer than at constant temperatures, but the general trend of lower survival at higher temperatures remained. Spatially and temporally, the climatic tolerance of A. compressa appears to be a subset of that of lantana, thereby limiting its potential impact.


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The crush bands that form during plastic deformation of closed-cell metal foams are often inclined at 11-20 degrees to the loading axis, allowing for shear displacement of one part of the foam with respect to the other. Such displacement is prevented by the presence of a lateral constraint. This was analysed in this study, which shows that resistance against shear by the constraint leads to the strain-hardening effect in the foam that has been reported in a recent experimental study. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hornbills are important dispersers of a wide range of tree species. Many of these species bear fruits with large, lipid-rich seeds that could attract terrestrial rodents. Rodents have multiple effects on seed fates, many of which remain poorly understood in the Palaeotropics. The role of terrestrial rodents was investigated by tracking seed fate of five horn bill-dispersed tree species in a tropical forest in north-cast India. Seeds were marked inside and outside of exclosures below 6-12 parent fruiting trees (undispersed seed rain) and six hornbill nest trees (a post-dispersal site). Rodent visitors and seed removal ere monitored using camera traps. Our findings suggest that several rodent species. especially two species of porcupine were major on-site seed predators. Scatter-hoarding was rare (1.4%). Seeds at hornbill nest trees had lower survival compared with parent fruiting trees, indicating that clumped dispersal by hornbills may not necessarily improve seed survival. Seed survival in the presence and absence of rodents varied with tree species. Some species (e.g. Polyalthia simiarum) showed no difference, others (e.g. Dysoxylum binectariferum) experienced up to a 64%. decrease in survival in the presence of rodents. The differing magnitude of seed predation by rodents can have significant consequences at the seed establishment stage.